Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 889: I am patriotic

"These fifteen have not been there yet, are you going to leave?" The mother said with some dissatisfaction, "What are you busy every day, what is the use of so much money, and the daughter-in-law is still not guilty."

"Mom~~I don't contribute to socialism, your son is fascinated. What is the urgency of getting married, morning and evening."

"You can pull it down, what do you want, Mom doesn't know. Go out and pay attention to safety, take care of yourself outside..."

"Okay, he still pays attention to safety? Going out with several bodyguards is not good," Feng Xingtai said. Then grabbed the briefcase on the table and went to the provincial government to work. Just elected, his enthusiasm for work is rising. Well, he also has drivers and bodyguards.

The mother counted her father over there, and Feng Yu took the opportunity to leave home.

When I arrived at the capital, I called the director and agreed to see the time of Zhu Iron.

At noon the next day, Feng Yu once again came to Zhongnan ~ Hai, a businessman, can come here often, do not know how many others!

When Feng Yu entered the room, he stunned and Zhu Tie's wrist was already waiting inside. Feng Yu looked at his watch, but fortunately he did not come late, the leader came early. The leader has come here to wait for him in advance, what will not be a big deal?

Is it a problem with the medicine recommended for the elderly? I rub, that thing can be big!

"First ~ long, good New Year."

"Good New Year, sit." Zhu Tiezhe said very kindly, "How do you feel nervous?"

"Ah? Seeing the first ~ long, I am a little excited."

Zhu Tiezhe smiled and shook his head: "You are not as sincere in the past. OK, today, there is nothing else to call you, it is a bit curious, why do you go to so many foreign bank mortgages? You don't worry, don't monitor you. It is the normal process of the state's supervision of foreign investment. Your amount is too high, and people will not pay attention."

"It's very simple, there is no way for me to lend me dollars in China." Feng Yuli said of course.

"Dollars? What do you want to do for so much dollars and invest abroad?"

"Well, foreign investment is part of it, and some are prepared for emergency." Feng Yu nodded.

"You have almost taken mortgages in these industries in China. So much money, isn't it just an emergency? Is there any problem with your investment abroad? If there is a need, the country may be able to give you some help."

What? Will the country help me?

Feng Yu was shocked and thought about it. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. How to say Feng Yu is also a Chinese, most of the tax is handed over to China, and so much money is donated every year, the state support is normal. The country wants to support others, but who can compare with Feng Yu's achievements?

"Leader, then I will say it straight, maybe I really need the help of the state."

Zhu Tie's wrist is slightly sitting upright, Feng Yuzhen turned to the country for help, which shows that Feng Yu's encounter is definitely big ~ trouble!

"The financial industry in our country has developed relatively late. But one thing, finance will affect the overall economy of a country. Do you agree with this?" Feng Yu asked.

"Although our national financial industry is not a pillar industry, the country pays more attention to it, and it must be vigorously developed in the future. In foreign countries, there have been similar examples. The financial industry collapsed and the national economy collapsed, such as the island nation." It is also economical, or currently the best among the national leaders.

"The shortest answer, currency exchange. Our country adopts a floating exchange rate, that is, freely up and down according to market supply and demand. The official exchange rate can only serve as a reference. But the exchange rate will be a country regardless of the rise and fall. The economy has a certain impact, especially for countries with an export-oriented economy.

"Our country is not a country with an export-oriented economy. Exchange rate fluctuations are also subject to political and government intervention, fluctuating within a fixed range. And our foreign exchange reserves are sufficient, especially the US dollar." Zhu Tie wrist frowned.

"I know that this country's import and export trade is relatively weak. It seems to be a shortcoming, but it can avoid inflation caused by currency depreciation. For example, in 1994, our exchange rate against the US dollar suddenly changed greatly, but for our country. The economic impact is very small, and even imports are still cheap, but what about Xiangjiang?"

Zhu iron wrist shocked: "Xiangjiang, what happened to Xiangjiang? Someone wants to do things for Hong Kong dollars?"

Feng Yu nodded and shook his head again.

"Not only the Hong Kong dollar, but the entire East Asian currency, will be attacked. And those people are a group of greedy Jewish businessmen, and they are best at this kind of financial speculation."

Zhu Tie's wrist eyes slammed fiercely: "How do you know?"

Feng Yu smiled and pointed at his nose: "Because they also invited me, and I promised."

"You also want to attack Xiangjiang, attacking Hong Kong dollars?" Zhu Tie's wrist is a bit angry! You are a Chinese, and Xiangjiang is returning immediately. It is our country. How do you help outsiders?

"No, I want to stabilize the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate. But my strength is not enough. I contacted Li Chaoren, Fu Rongqi and other rich people in Xiangjiang. They will also take shots for the stability of Xiangjiang. But our funds are also Not necessarily enough, when necessary, national support is needed."

Hearing Feng Yu said, the face of Zhu Tie's wrist was eased: "How do you want the country to support you?"

"Money, we need the US dollar. I hope the country can use foreign exchange reserves to help counter the international financial speculators and give them a heavy lesson!"

"This is definitely possible. You have to study it. Can you be sure that this will happen?"

"I can. Next month, we will start to layout. The first stop is Thailand." Feng Yu said.

"Since you are together, so do you have to do this kind of financial speculation?"

Feng Yu was a little embarrassed, but he nodded. "Yes, I need to make this money to get more money and attack those international financial speculators. And in this way, I can learn more about their methods. Another thing, the economic downturn in those countries is not to let us become the Asian leader faster."

"Listen to what you mean, are you going to make this kind of money, is it patriotic?"

"Of course. Fighting the economies of the island countries, Nanyang, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Baodao and other countries and regions can indeed enhance the influence of our country in Asia to a certain extent."

"Wait a minute, how do you still include Baodao? Baodao is also your own, you are not going to help?"

"Of course I don't plan to help, even I plan to add fire, so that the economy of Baodao will become worse. So that they will not have the money to go to the country to buy military equipment, in order to be honest, do not make anything.幺 幺 ”.” Feng Yuyi’s stance “The bear child has to be so managed”.

Zhu iron wrist "..." What is this!

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