Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 897: Playing the cow on the cow (request for a ticket)

Zhu Ken Miller, one of the managers of the Quantum Fund, is also one of Soros' four main deputies. He hurried into the office of Soros without knocking. At Quantum Fund, he is also one of four people who can enter the Soros office without knocking on the door.

"Miller, what happened?"

"Mr. Soros, Thailand's XX Commercial Bank, has borrowed a large number of Thai baht forward contracts, not ours."

Soros smiled. Did they finally shoot? In fact, this Feng is a person he really appreciates. He believes that Feng’s financial ability is not inferior to his four deputies.

It is a pity that this Feng is a Xiangjiang person, and he is not a big man. He will never be his deputy. But to say that Feng can be equal to him, he is also disdainful.

The kid didn't know what to do, but he bought so many Microsoft stocks, otherwise how would he compare with him?

"Pin up and see if they will behave like ours." Soros also wants to see, this von only promised to cooperate, but did not listen to his assignment, then what can be done.

In the afternoon, he got feedback, and a large amount of money entered the market and bought shares in some banks in Thailand.

Soros has understood that the other party's operating methods are the same as hiss. The next step is to use various methods to continuously expand the debt ratio.


Feng Yu used the borrowed money to buy stocks, buy long-term bonds, etc. Basically, how much can be borrowed, how much can be bought, and then these stocks and bonds can be mortgaged, borrowed again, and buy stocks and bonds in a loop.

In this way, 10,000 US dollars can buy hundreds of thousands of dollars of long-term bonds, where the other money comes from, all of which are borrowed from banks and financial institutions in Thailand.

"Feng, what's going on here, how do we have so much debt?" Kirilenko was a little panicked, and the debt was too high, right?

"It is a good thing to have more debt. You said that if we throw away all these bonds now, what will happen?" Feng Yu said with a smile.

"Ah? Are you throwing away? Isn't that sure to lose money?" Kirilenko was shocked, isn't it silly? We are here to make money, you are not going to lose money!

Kirilenko’s chief financial analyst, Lennon, couldn’t stand it anymore. He reminded: “Mr. Kirilenko, you forgot that we bought a lot of stock index futures, all of which are short-selling.”

"Hecking? We have a lot of hollows?" Kirilenko said excitedly, then turned to ask Feng Yu: "What does hollowing mean?"

Feng Yu and Lennon looked up at the ceiling at the same time. You don’t know anything about it. I was so excited when I heard the hollow!

"Short-selling, that is, we first sold some stock index futures contracts, and then, according to the agreement, bought them back for a certain period of time, and delivered them. And we only need to pay a 10% margin, which can also be understood as ten. Double leverage. We made a ten dollar for one dollar."

Kirilenko is still amazed: "And then?"

"Then what you just said, once we sell a lot of bonds, stocks, etc., then the stock will inevitably fall. If the stock falls, even if the stock index falls, right?"

"Of course I know it!" Kirilenko revealed a look at Feng Yu, a "so simple question, you still come to ask me".

“The stock index has fallen, and it can in turn stimulate stocks to continue to fall, and then form a vicious circle. There will be a large number of investors who will panic sell off. Some foreign investors will also lose confidence in the Thai stock market and sell Thai stocks. Look, we sold these futures for ten yuan. At that time, we didn’t have any goods in our hands, which was equivalent to borrowing. When we fell to eight dollars, we bought them back and gave them back. In this way, we earned two. The difference between the money and the ten-fold leverage, we earned twenty. This is our stock index futures short-selling contract, how to make money."

"But we lost money before, can this part subsidize the loss?" Kirilenko can still remember Feng Yu said that in the first two months, I am afraid I can't make any money.

"I can't make it back, but it won't be too much. The main reason is that our debt ratio is too high, so we will lose a lot of money on ordinary bonds and stocks. But don't forget, we still have a weapon, that is, foreign exchange. contract."

Kirilenko blinked his eyes. This time he saw Feng Yu’s angry eyes. He was very clever and did not ask questions, waiting for Feng Yu to say.

"Stocks fall, stock indexes fall, it will make many investors look down on the Thai economy, and look down on the Thai baht. When we think about the devaluation of the ruble, how do we do it?" Feng Yu reminded.

"I know that this will quickly change the ruble into dollars!" Kirilenko said excitedly.

Feng Yu nodded and gave a thumbs up to Kirilenko: "Yes, it is replaced by a more valuable dollar. Although it is very unwilling to admit it, it must be said that the US dollar is the world's most widely circulated national currency. One of the most important foreign exchanges in the world."

Kirilenko didn't talk with his face black. He heard that the dollar was a cow, he was not happy, but there was no way, who made the ruble not strong enough.

"Forex exchange is the same as stocks. When a certain type of foreign exchange is sold off a lot, what do you think will happen? For example, the exchange ratio?" Feng Yu said.

Kirilenko’s temptation said: “Is the exchange rate falling?”

Feng Yu’s appreciative eyes cast: “Yes, the conversion ratio will inevitably fall. From 24:1, it will continue to fall, it will exceed 30:1, then the value of the dollar will remain unchanged, and the Thai baht will not depreciate.”

"In that case, our Thai baht contract will make money, right?"

"Of course, in this way, our foreign exchange futures contract can make a fortune. And the Thai baht will cause inflation in Thailand, which will make the Thai economy further decline, and then the stock price will fall further. We can make money. Is short-selling stock index futures and foreign exchange futures."

"That's not right, so we should be able to make a lot of money. How can you say that you can't make money?" Kirilenko still didn't understand. Ten times leverage, how can you still make money?

Lennon explained next: "When we sell Thai baht, isn't it also losing money?"

Kirilenko was completely stunned, and he lost money first, and then he could make money, so he couldn’t understand it. Forget it, financial is too difficult, not everyone is the same as Feng, all versatile, buddies as long as they have money, plus Feng is such a good friend, just to make money just fine.

Feng Yu looked at Kiri Lenko's aggressive eyes, and he was too lazy to explain. He has tried to explain in vernacular with people who don’t understand this point, but it is still very difficult. Of course, this is also related to his previous work. As a financial broker, how can you tell the customer all the details?

Some conditions should be hidden and not mentioned. Some conditions should be said to be ambiguous. Customers will ask you to operate. If they are as simple as buying food and selling vegetables, who will use their financial brokers?

"Chi-Chi, in short, you have to know that in the past few days, our account will continue to lose money, and you have to calm your mind."

Kirilenko said in an unspeakable way: "When did I have a bad attitude? I said it was handed over to you, and I will hand it over to you. Feng, I don't believe it, it doesn't matter if you lose money, I am happy!"

Feng Yu rolled his eyes, do you still have a good attitude? If you have a good attitude, you will not give up your wine, beauty, and color hobbies, but sit in the office and look at the financial data that you can't understand at all. If you forget, he is willing to stay here. .


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