Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 908: Stimulate (request for a ticket)

The way that Fu Guang is using is a bit like the previous private fundraising, but the wind and rain consultation is completely unnecessary, and the brand is there. Someone had consulted this way before, but was rejected by Feng Yu, when the company took the high-end route.

When He Zhaoji was busy, Feng Yu found something for himself. That is... stimulate Soros.

The counterattack of the Thai government is not too big, but it is still within the scope of Soros, but since adjustments can be made, the adjustment can continue to adjust!

This point has not yet been carried out, but Feng Yu believes that it will definitely appear. Because if the government of Thailand has been adjusted, but it still has no effect, then the leaders who make policy adjustments will have the greatest responsibility.

Originally, when this adjustment policy came out, there were many complaints in China, and even many foreign investors had complaints. The easiest way is to pursue the results regardless of complaints.

As long as the Thai baht exchange rate returns to normal, the complaint can be suppressed. Once the exchange rate of the Thai baht continues to fall, it proves that his policy has failed. The complaints will no longer be suppressed, and even will erupt. If you want to take care of it, you have to stand up and swear.

In fact, the decision and release of a policy is not determined by the general manager, but the people do not think so, who makes the general manager the first person in charge! Being in a high position, sometimes it is very helpless.

"Hello, George, how are you doing?" Feng Yu's tone was a bit contemptuous and seemed to be fortunate to be out for himself.

"How, Feng, is your capital turnover?" Soros has had some headaches in recent days. The cost of speculation is getting higher and higher, and the exchange rate of the Thai baht has actually returned to 26.7:1, that is, Feng Yu When it was delivered, it happened to be the lowest point of the Thai baht exchange rate.

Feng Yu is running, and certainly earns money. Earn more and earn less, Soros can not estimate, but listening to Feng Yu's tone, perhaps Feng Yu is very satisfied.

And because of the reverse fluctuations in the exchange rate, some of their spot foreign exchange futures contracts, so they lost some money, and let them sell the Thai baht more and more expensive.

He now hopes that Feng Yu can rejoin the army. With Feng Yu, the new force, with at least several billion dollars in funds, the $5 billion foreign exchange reserve used by the Thai government is not enough.

"Oh, where is it so fast? You know, which country's government is not efficient, building a factory, all kinds of approval procedures have time, but also to purchase equipment, installation and debugging, not so fast. ""

Soros would like to ask Feng Yu, what factory did you build, and you need dozens of billions of dollars to turn around? Do you make a nuclear bomb?

Besides, even if it is a nuclear bomb, the investment should be staging. The first phase of the investment, the first phase is nothing more than the land and other inputs, how much can be used? Is the land in China very expensive? You build a factory, but you still have to be in the downtown area?

This is clearly an excuse, absolutely an excuse!

Soros believes that Feng Yu is looking at jokes or retaliation for their test of the Xiangjiang market.

"Feng, if you are still angry about Xiangjiang, I apologize to you. When they did not listen to the command and entered the Xiangjiang market privately, I have let them quit. You should be able to see this." Soros Said half-truth.

At the beginning of the Xiangjiang market, it was indeed a test, and the opening of the warehouse was relatively scattered, and the withdrawal was quick. Although it did not make money, it did not lose.

They at least tested the results, that is, Xiangjiang has been prepared, and the preparation is more adequate, and the response is very fast.

If they are not responding quickly, I am afraid that the margins that were originally opened will be thrown in.

He didn't know if Xiangjiang was also operating Feng Yu, or there were bulls in the financial industry who were staring at it. It is better to be the former, if it is the latter, then it is even more troublesome.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I believe that you are really a little difficult. I am waiting for me for a month, at the latest, one month, to ensure that all funds will come back. A painful lesson!"

apologize? Also they are not obedient, privately enter the Xiangjiang market, you let them quit, deceive ghosts! An apology has a hairy use, it doesn't hurt. For such a person, let him lose money, lose reputation and credibility, this is the most embarrassing punishment!

When Soros heard Feng Yu’s words, he felt helpless.

Waiting for you for a month? This is a financial market. Every hour or even every minute, it is possible that things will change. Do you let me wait for you for a month?

Wait, Feng’s meaning, we have to stay with the Thai government for a month?

Impossible, the Thai government can afford a month? Not only are we selling Thai baht, but also those companies and banks.

If the Thai government is really able to hold on for a month, then the Thai government has not been dragged down, and their Quantum Fund will lose a lot. How much does it cost to sell the Thai baht every day?

If you can't see the hope of winning in a week, they can only temporarily stop, and then raise more funds to give the Thai government a thunder, and strive to win!

Otherwise, if you can win, even if they can win, they will definitely win, and finally they will not be able to make any money.

"George, why don't you talk? I know, one month's time, it must be a little long. Otherwise, you should quit first, wait for me to withdraw the funds, let's join together again, and promise not to give the Thai government the time to fight back. Feng Yu deliberately said.

Exit first? The good time for TM to quit has passed, and now it is not going to lose a sum of money?

What you said is easy. If you lose money, what do those customers think? If they withdraw from the Quantum Fund, then I will lose it!

Hey, this plan was made from last year. At that time, I didn’t count you Feng Yu. Now it’s the same. Without you, we can win!

"Feng, thank you for your kindness. But I don't think it's necessary to be so troublesome. The Thai government's series of measures really have some effect, but I think that this method can defeat my Soros, and it is too small to look at me! Soros said proudly.

"Is it? Then I wish you a great victory." Feng Yu said with congratulations, but his heart was very disdainful.

He estimated that the amount of funds used by Soros, although a lot, is not a crushing advantage. As long as the Thai government continues to fight, the policy is even more extreme, and Soros will lose!

Unless, Soros can still make a lot of money.

Feng Yu also believes that such a person as Soros must have a backhand. But it takes time to prepare. Soros’s money is definitely on some financial products that are value-protected. Unlike Feng Yu, he keeps cash, so it takes time to transfer funds.

The financial market can change a lot in one minute. The funds are not prepared enough. Soros seems to have a small loss like the previous life!


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