Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 937: Cut amaranth (please ask for a ticket)

A week later, Feng Yu estimated that the Singapore dollar fell almost. The new yuan is not a Thai baht, it will not fall so badly, then Feng Yu decisively delivered, earning more than two billion.

This time, Soros did not respond, and the proportion of earning was lower than Feng Yu. Of course, this profit does not affect much.

When Feng Yu delivered Linjit, he found that Soros also delivered this time. Soros actually knew the specific time of Feng Yu's delivery. Feng Yu was sure that his agent team must have Soros.

Feng Yu also privately told He Zhaoji, staring at the agents from New York, there must be a letter with Soros.

After He Zhaoji knew it, he was filled with indignation!

The boss is so good to everyone, the boss is mainly making decisions, the funds are the bosses, the commissions for them are not low, and the bonuses are very rich.

There are still people betrayed, it is a wolf!

If he knows who is betraying the boss and venting his letter to Soros, he must not be light.

The decline of the Philippine peso also reached the expected value of Feng Yu, and this time, Soros first delivered.

Feng Yuyi raised his eyebrows, and the profit has not yet reached its peak. Soros will deliver it. Which market is he preparing to re-enter? Is it the Indonesian rupiah, or is it another country?

Soon, Feng Yu knew the answer, and Soros began to attack the island.

Huh? Soros did not contact Feng Yu, he went to attack the island, this is not normal?

It is said that the more funds, the easier it is to suppress. Besides, Feng Yu can follow the trend.

Feng Yu held his chin and thought carefully, what was wrong with it inside.

Wait, Baodao’s foreign exchange management system does not seem to be so easy to suppress. After all, Baodao’s foreign exchange reserves and gold reserves are very much. Prices may fall, but they should be similar to Nanyang, and the decline will not be too large. Even if the island is worried, then it will definitely guarantee that the Taiwan dollar will not fall.

If Feng Yu’s heavy position goes with the wind, then it will be dragged into the Baodao market, and Soros can quickly harvest the profits of markets such as Indonesia.

Hemp eggs, this is a pit!

Soros, the old fox, can be a trap every step of the way. In fact, in the Baodao market, Feng Yu did not intend to take the shot. Although he wants to suppress the economy of Baodao, he earns too little and has a great risk of failing. When you can make more money, why should you take less risk and make money?

Feng Yu’s original plan was to let Soros go to suppress the island, and then he ignored it, or faked it, and induced Soros to attack Xiangjiang. He was in the Xiangjiang market and gave Soros a headache!

Since Soros throws the bait, then Feng Yu will go on.

"Old, short selling a $5 billion Taiwanese currency list, with five times leverage." Feng Yu made the decision.

"The boss, the Taiwan dollar is as strong as the Singapore dollar. And the island's foreign exchange reserves can be extremely large, although this time it has also been affected, but it is not so easy to suppress. Once the island adjustment strategy, then we have a good possibility Will lose money." He Zhaoji said with concern.

And five times the leverage, that is, the $5 billion list, requires them to invest $100 million. If this money is invested in the Indonesian rupiah market, it will certainly earn more.

Five times leverage is also the lowest rate of investment for the boss in this period of time. How did the boss suddenly become so conservative?

"I know, in fact, I am very much looking forward to Baodao's adjustment strategy." Feng Yu said with a smile. "Don't forget, Quantum Fund first started, even if it is a loss, they will definitely lose more than us."

He Zhaoji realized that this time it was another set!

Last time, on the Singapore dollar, the boss gave Soros a set, dragging a lot of Soros funds, so that the boss's profit margin exceeded Soros. This time, it seems that I intend to reinvent it.

He Zhaoji immediately arranged for people to operate, but this time, Feng Yuzhong counted. Soros simply did not continue to sell Taiwanese dollars, but instead invested all of the funds in the Indonesian rupiah.

He Zhaoji was in the office, looking at Feng Yu, who was gloomy, not knowing what to say.

Not only has the Taiwan dollar not fallen, but it has risen a bit against the trend. Fortunately, it is five times leverage. If it is fifteen times leverage, I am afraid it will be closed!

Feng Yu did not expect that Soros was so treacherous, this time, but he was pitted by Soros.

"Old, the Taiwanese currency is delivered."

"Boss, now delivery, we will lose some money. In fact, the rise of the Taiwan dollar is definitely not normal, and it will not rise too much, we will not break the position."

He Zhaoji’s meaning, continue to wait, is now the Baodao authorities deliberately doing so, so that they do not dare to sell Taiwan dollars. And they are five times leveraged, and it is impossible for Taiwanese dollars to rise more than 20%, so there is absolutely no fear of a short position.

"It's okay, it's a little bit deficient, and we will make it back in other markets. Now we will withdraw the funds and continue to invest in the Indonesian rupiah, and we will soon be able to recover the losses."

Since you can make money in the short term, why do you have to fry a long line? Although Feng Yu also believes that He Zhaoji is right, the exchange rate of the Taiwan dollar will definitely return to normal, and there is a good chance that it will fall. He is definitely not worried about the position.

But when you invest in the Indonesian rupiah, you can obviously make money faster. Besides, Feng Yu does not believe that Soros will give up attacking Taiwanese currency. When the Taiwan dollar rises, he can resell it, and the loss can be earned back. Even he can use more leverage and earn more.

This time, let Feng Yu understand that you can't underestimate Soros. Although he thinks he understands Soros's manipulation, he does not fully understand Soros.

And people, the biggest variable in investment, can not be analyzed by simple data analysis.


"Feng Laodi, peso and ringgit are also delivered, we have earned a lot?" Fu Guangzheng asked happily.

"Of course, the guarantee will satisfy you. After two days, the Indonesian rupiah will also be delivered and continue."

"Well? Is it not finished this time?" Fu Guangzheng thought that after Feng Yu delivered the peso and Ringgit, he would then hand over the Indonesian rupiah. Their investment is over. "Which country is it attacking, South Korea?"

"South Korea must attack, but may have to wait for a month, I am ready to continue to invest in the Thai market."

"I have also invested in the Thai market, the Thai baht has fallen so much, and it is slowly picking up recently!"

"Yes, because we have not continued to suppress the Thai baht, so we have risen. If we continue to suppress the Thai baht, then the baht will continue to fall. If you don't dare to say it, 10% is still very easy."

Feng Yu’s plan is to re-enter the foreign exchange market in these countries and re-harvest a profit. Now that the currencies of Southeast Asia are falling across the board, he only needs to take the name of Soros, so the followers will definitely have a large piece, and then suppress the Thai baht, which is easy.

It's like cutting a leek, harvesting it, and when you grow it out, cut it again!


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