Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 760: Wind and rain design (booking for a ticket)

After two days, Feng Yufei went to the magic capital, Kirilenko gave the photo to Feng Yu, and Feng Yu gave Liu Mike them. Now Feng Yu is going to Liu Mike to see them over there, how about the custom-designed long-distance car design.

Speaking of it, Feng Yu has been to the company twice. This time, there is one more thing, that is, the site is chosen to build an office building. The magic capital is the economic center of West China, and it is definitely worth investing.

Buy a piece of land now, even if it is not developed, you can make a lot of money for a few years, and it is very stable, don't worry.

Liu Mike's original design company has changed its name to wind and rain design. It is currently the largest design company in Modu, and ranks among the top three in the country.

The business is not just graphic design, but also includes brand design, logo design, space environment design, advertising design, fashion design, design, structural design and other services. Currently, a new business, called web design, has been launched.

In front of a towering office building, Liu Mike is welcoming Feng Yu at the door.

Feng Yu’s car just stopped, Liu Mike ran over and pulled the door open.

Not far from many people are curious to look at this side, it is not the storm design boss Mike? Liu, his company is also one of the best in this office building, the entire design industry, is also top, which is to see who Now, give the other party a door?

The car is not bad, Songjiang brand, the style looks very domineering, it should be the latest model, not seen in the street before. But looking at the license plate, it seems that it is not a leader.

When they saw a young man in the car, they were even more surprised. This young man is younger than Mike Liu. What is it?

"...5, 667, and 3 floors are rented by our company. There are more businesses, and designers need space and quiet, so..."

"Nothing, the company operates, you have the final say, earning more and earning less does not matter." Feng Yu waved, so that Liu Mike did not need to explain this.

Anyway, the finances here are from the rotation. As long as they guarantee that Liu Mike has no financial problems, other Feng Yu does not care.

In the past few years, the design of Songjiang cars, motorcycles, including tractors has become more and more beautiful, and the design of some electronic products is also very popular. Feng Yu is very satisfied with Liu Mike.

A successful design can even increase the sales of products by more than 20%.

Besides, perhaps it is Liu Mike who knows that all of them are Feng Yu's company, so the design fee is very low, almost the cost price. Of course, he also used these products to design and promote the wind and rain design, and brought many new customers.

Songjiang car looks beautiful, not designed by our company!

"Boss, this is the appearance of the custom extended car. According to the height of Mr. Kirilenko, we have also increased the height to ensure that he will be very comfortable. The chassis we have adopted... Our existing technical level is fully capable. To meet the requirements, the front cover is designed in such a way that the cartoon image of the two people is used as the logo. Here, here, there is a need to manually engrave..."

Liu Mike introduced in great detail, Feng Yu also listened carefully.

I have to admit that the renderings of this car really look very beautiful. Feng Yu is very satisfied, but I don't know if Kirilenko is satisfied.

Especially in the inside of this car, there is a very long wine cabinet, this is Kiri Lianke deliberately entrusted, no matter how the other design inside, the wine cabinet must not be less!

By pressing a button, the driver and the passenger can be completely isolated. There is a LCD screen in the car, a dvd player, a surround sound, and a cinema feel inside.

The whole vehicle is bulletproof one-way glass, and the outer shell of the car is also made of bullet-proof steel plate. This is also because they have the order of the troops before they can buy these materials, but this makes the weight of the whole vehicle very large.

This car uses a twelve-cylinder engine that is still under test, and the theoretical displacement can reach more than 4.8l! It can be said that this car has concentrated all the latest research results of Bingcheng Machinery Co., Ltd., and the cost of this car will reach more than 20 million US dollars.

After the introduction, Liu Mike asked Feng Yu a little embarrassed: "Boss, we designed according to the requirements, will it be too expensive?"

The cost is more than 20 million US dollars, this is not artificial, what is the price? Such a expensive car, can sell it!

When designing, Liu Mike was also uneasy, and now he sees the boss’s face with no expression, and his heart is even more embarrassing.

“The design is good, I can see it. I will prepare a copy of the electronic drawings and paper drawings. I have to give it to the customer.”

Twenty million dollars, even if it is 30 million US dollars, with the character of Kirilenko's Saobao, it must be. That Aston Martin, isn't it the top luxury car of the custom model, the highest price is more than 30 million US dollars!

Liu Mike couldn't believe watching Feng Yu, what did he hear, the boss said that the design is good, to show it to customers? Didn't the boss hear the quote he just said? He roughly calculated that the cost must exceed 20 million US dollars. That ice city machinery company can produce it, the cost can not be higher, such a high price, no problem?

Seeing Liu Mike's appearance, Feng Yu explained: "The one is the richest man in Russia, so it doesn't matter if the cost is high. He wants to be unique. When designing a long car later, you can't be like this. Do you understand? ?"

The richest man in Russia? No wonder the car has to be customized. Since the boss said that there is no problem, he is relieved.

"Right, how do you use the graphics software that you want to design in Yinshan?"

"Some things that are too complicated are still drawn by hand, but many lines and curves are much easier to draw. It is that some old designers are not easy to learn. Now they are all young college designers."

Feng Yuyi understands that the software is not particularly easy to use!

Then there is still room for improvement. Anyway, it has not yet been officially introduced to the market. Liu Mike, they are using the experimental version. Try it for free and then suggest some improvements.

"Well, don't worry, it will be more and more useful. I said that the wind and rain design should open a branch office, and each branch in Beijing and Yangcheng. Do you think it is feasible after research?"

"Absolutely feasible, we actually want to do this. For the time being, we can hand over some of our big customer orders to the two branches to ensure that the turnover and profits will increase this year. It is the problem of office buildings, but we have not found a suitable one. of."

"The capital is in the wind and rain building, there is just one tenant expiring, one floor, it should be enough for the time being. The Yangcheng side is building the Bao Building, just renovated, it is also a floor. Many companies in the building are Our potential customers.” Since Feng Yu let them open branches, they naturally think of these problems.

"Thank you boss, then we can just sit in a company, and guarantee that within three years, we will design and become the most famous, largest and most effective design company in China!" Liu Mike was overjoyed.

"Well, it is a good thing to have determination. I am looking forward to your success. Someone will contact you in the office. I will not care about the recruitment and recruitment of the staff, but I will rather make less money and not damage the company." Brand and image!"

... (to be continued.)

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