Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 995: The crisis of the quantum fund

When Feng Yu laughed, some people frowned.

Soros would have thought that he still had the opportunity to turn over the books. He still has the funds. Although there are not many, but the operation is good, the cost is still no problem.

The leaked house is in full swing, and there is a problem inside the Quantum Fund!

I don't know when it started, there was a discordant voice inside the Quantum Fund, saying that Soros lost the investor's money and was about to go bankrupt.

And the money that Soros promised to the financial brokers couldn't be given. This year they didn't even pay a penny. They all got the annual salary. They don't want to buy bonuses anymore, and they will pay their salaries and commissions according to the contract.

So in the past few days, many brokers of Quantum Fund have started to apply for advance salary with financial applications, and many people have to pay a one-year salary directly.

In the past, it was not a problem at all. Even if all the brokers’ salary was issued in advance, it wouldn’t matter. The Quantum Fund has money.

But now it is different. All the money of the Quantum Fund has been invested in the futures market, and it is trying to turn it over. Not to mention that the brokers are paid a year's salary, even if they have been paid for a month!

Including the office expenses this month, it has been seriously reduced. Even Soros has also mortgaged several of his personal properties and several luxury cars into the Quantum Fund.

Only relying on the funds reserved by the Quantum Fund, even if it can be turned over, there is no profit, but he promised those investors, the lowest 10% of the profits.

If the money is not earned, he will use his own money to fill it. The assets of the Quantum Fund will be seriously shrunk. He will fall out of the Forbes list, and the Quantum Fund will once again fall into crisis.

Once Quantum Fund was in a serious crisis, when several investors divested, and Quantum Fund was bought by Soros himself. He was very satisfied at the time, and finally managed to control the fund in his own hands.

But this time it is different. This crisis, his assets have shrunk severely, and may even go bankrupt. Then he wants to turn over again, it is too difficult and too difficult!

He didn't know why this happened. The company's agent has always been very trusting and admiring him, and even listened to him. But this time, those brokers below seem to be rebellious!

"Boss, what should I do? If those people's salary is not given, our operation will be in trouble." Zhu Ken Miller is anxious, relying on a few of them, how to operate so many contracts? What's more, these contracts are through multiple accounts.

The futures market is changing rapidly. Once they are not operating in time, they will not only lose profits, but may even make them lose money.

The sudden depreciation of the ruble is a good example. They reacted quickly enough, and it was not a heavy loss.

"Stabilize, we must stabilize them. Tell them that half a month, and then for half a month, our financial difficulties will be alleviated, not only can they be paid in full, but they can even give them a bonus! Soros had already ordered a second cigar, and he forced himself to calm down.

"Boss, I think it's better to come out at this time. Only you can stabilize the emotions of those agents. My persuasion with Miller has no effect."

"Yes, boss, we believe in you, those people believe in you, but they don't necessarily believe us."

"Boss, do you want to fire two people to shock others?"

The four King Kongs spoke in succession and gave Soros an idea. Their interests are completely tied to Soros, and even their money is invested in the Quantum Fund.

“Hey, when we made so much last year, did we give them less bonuses and commissions? Is it much higher than their salary? Now they are doing this and they should give them some lessons!” Zhu Kenmier Ramp.

Soros also regretted it. I knew that after Christmas last year, I shouldn’t give the brokers such a high dividend. Otherwise, the company’s account would have more money. Or the income of those investors is temporarily pressed, they can have more money.

But maybe that's it, he will lose more this time, and he won't even have the chance to turn over.

Now is not the time when they regret, they must think of a way to get through the crisis. If you can have another investment at this time, he can not only turn the book, but also earn some, reinvigorating the Quantum Fund!

"Boss, it's not good, you are watching TV shows!" Soros's secretary rushed in and shouted.

Soros, they quickly turned on the TV and transferred to that station. It was a financial program. Seeing the financial broker above, Soros’s eyes leaped!

He looked at Miller, and Miller was shocked. This is not the person they sent to Feng Yu. How can this person go to the show, we don’t even know?

"I said, I know more about Quantum Fund than you. I used to work in a small fund company controlled by Quantum Fund. I am familiar with the operation mode of Quantum Fund. This time, I am sure that Quantum Fund has already been a customer. The funds are losing money."

"Yes, Quantum Fund does reserve some funds, but you can go and see that the funds accounts reserved are all accounts of Quantum Fund, not the accounts of customers, that is, customers are losing money, Their capital is still there. Once the clients resort to the law, they can find a lawyer to go to court with the other party. Before the verdict is officially issued, the boss of the Quantum Fund can still live comfortably, but those investors I have to suffer huge losses. Even if he will return the funds in the future, I am saying that it is possible that those investors will not lose money? What is the interest rate? So much money, investment should not be expensive. Income?"

"Miller, what's the matter?" Soros angered.

"Boss, I am not sure, but what is certain is that he has betrayed us!"

Miller was also very angry. He gave the man a lot of money in private, but he didn't expect to be betrayed! He suddenly thought that since the people sent out can betray them, then people inside the company can not betray them?

"Boss, inside the company, there must be people who have been rebelled!" Miller said loudly. He even wants to say that the person who might launch the rebellion is Feng Yu.

The other three King Kong looks are a glimpse, Soros forced the cigar to annihilate in the ashtray.

"Check, find out immediately! I am going to appease the brokers. You have to think of ways to lead everyone to continue to follow our well-considered strategy. If you can turn over, look at these two weeks!"

Soros hurried out of the office, and Miller, the four of them looked at each other and hurried out.

To be continued.


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