Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1003: is it him? (Please ask for a ticket)

After three days of inspection by Wang Zhixi's company, the inspection team informed Wang Zhixi that the company's boss would come and talk to Wang Zhixi personally, which made Wang Zhixi happy.

This means that Taihua Consulting has a great chance to invest in his company, his portal dream, and there is great hope for it.

At first sight, Wang Zhixi, Feng Yu was a little surprised, young Wang Zhixi, and some young handsome, after all, just passed the year, and Feng Yu's common old guys are really more spirited, at least not the IT men's dark circles.

"General Wang, hello, I am Feng Yu, the boss of Taihua Consulting." Feng Yu smiled and reached out.

After Wang Zhixi shook hands, there was still some embarrassment. The boss is too young. Does the Taihua Consulting really have more than one billion dollars?

However, the name of Feng Yu, how does he listen to some familiar?

"Feng, is your company interested in investing in our company?" Wang Zhixi said.

"I am more optimistic about the project you proposed. But the price you want, I think no one can accept it. You said that after the company goes public, the stock price will rise, but everything has not happened yet? And you are sure that the company Must be listed?"

"Our acquisition or merger of Garden Information will become the world's number one Chinese website, which is definitely of high commercial value. And the company's financial position is good, it is sure to be listed on the NASDAQ." Wang Zhixi is full of confidence .

"Nasdaq is not so good to go public. I have more experience than you. And not every listed company, the stock price can rise. I have not seen the stock price falling on the day of listing. Some stocks are fundamental. Can't sell it." Feng Yu poured a cold water on Wang Zhixi.

Many companies in China nowadays, many people, are obsessed with listings. They think that when they go public, they can make a lot of money, and with money, they can develop faster and better.

I don't know, let alone financing is not necessarily successful, and the financing has a lot of money, and it may not be able to develop very well.

"But we are doing network technology. Now network technology is very popular in the country. After the company goes public, the stock price will inevitably rise!" Wang Zhixi retorted.

"How much do you think the computer penetration rate is now? How much network usage is there? And how many people who use the Internet and browse the website will browse your website and form a habit? The profit model of your website is through advertising. How many companies have advertised on your website?"

Feng Yu’s question is very sharp, and Wang Zhixi can’t avoid it. Feng Yu believes that the website can be established quickly, but how long will it be profitable?

The profit model of the previous salary wave is the wireless value-added of advertising. Among them, the most popular people are the original blog and Weibo, which brings stable users to the salary wave and even better than their news. .

In Feng Yu's view, a mature portal, the profit model should be the advertising network game video wireless value-added, etc., and must include instant messaging software, this is much more than any blog traffic, the best in this past life, It is a penguin company.

It’s just that all the members charge, so other websites are far behind! So Penguin can only come to the future.

“But we are the earliest and largest. In the initial stage, there will definitely be a certain loss period, but as long as we have passed this period, we can earn a steady stream of profits.”

"What if there is a competitor at this time? How do you guarantee the IP pageview of your website? When the pageview declines, the advertising revenue will inevitably fall. And online advertising, this time is still a new thing in the Mainland, you Determine how many companies are willing to advertise on your website?"

Seeing that Wang Zhixi did not say anything, Feng Yu smiled slightly and attacked enough. At this time, Wang Zhixi should be encouraged. A little Feng Yu strongly agrees that once Wang Zhixi's plan is successful, the salary wave will become the world's largest Chinese portal, and this gimmick will bring a lot of page views and profits to the salary.

No matter where the country is, there is a curiosity about the greatest, just as many people are curious about Bill Gates, the world's richest man. The website with the biggest name will definitely be opened by countless people.

Moreover, after the acquisition of the garden information of the country, there is an international news section. This one alone can bring a very high pageview to the salary, which is the biggest advantage that other network companies can't match. Of course, Feng Yu will not say it.

"However, I am still very interested in your portal idea. You say a real price, if you can, I will still invest."

"Twenty million dollars, 40% of the shares, I promise to bring you several times the return on investment." Wang Zhixi finally reported his psychological price, less money is not enough, it seems that this Investment company, not the kind of foolish money.

Twenty million dollars, in exchange for 40% of the shares, Feng Yu believes that it is still very cost-effective, especially to reduce Wang Zhixi's income, but Feng Yu is not satisfied.

"General Wang, have you ever thought about leaving the Bada Group?" Feng Yu suddenly asked.

“Without the Octopus Group? What does Feng mean?”

"It's what you understand. You go to the Bada Group and let them sell the shares of the Big Three Cubes to me. Then I continue to inject capital into the company."

Wang Zhixi frowned: "Feng total, I remember that I said very clearly, this company, I will not let others control!"

Feng Yu smiled and looked at Wang Zhixi: "Wang always don't worry, although I will hold it, but I will fully support your idea. Or there is another way, I will buy the Garden Information Company in Mi, and talk to your company." Merger. The company's president or CEO, or you, even the chairman can be you!"

The chairman can also be me? Wang Zhixi stunned, this Feng did not make a joke? After he becomes a major shareholder, will he give me the position of the chairman?

"Why, you don't believe it? I have never repented when Feng Yu said it. Ask the army to know you. You can ask him what kind of person I am."

He certainly knew the army, but he was the first person in China software at this time. However, Wang Zhixi did not accept this. He believed that the level of seeking the army was only between him and him. However, he is now specializing in network technology, and the direction of development is different.

Wait, how does this Feng always know the army?

Wang Zhixi suddenly thought of a person. That person is in the Huaxia business circle. Many people know it, but there are not many people who have seen it, and they are also very young, also called Feng Yu.

This is not the current Feng, is that the person he knows?


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