Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1007: No longer hidden (request for a ticket)

The establishment of the Taihua Holding Group, Feng Yuben thought it was very low-key. All companies are not listed companies, and asset restructuring is quietly carried out, but today's sudden news has made Feng Yu somewhat unprepared.

The newspaper reprinted Forbes this year's rich list, especially focusing on the domestic, Xiangjiang, Lisboa and other rich list, including Feng Yu's name, ranked first!

Originally, Feng Yu thought that "Forbes" had not been known to many people in the Mainland at this time. Even there was no issuing company in the Mainland. However, after this report, his invisible rich man would have surfaced!

Feng Yu’s assets, first and foremost, let the people know that they suddenly discovered that there were still such rich people in the Mainland, with $28 billion in assets, or dollars! Most of them have never seen 2.8 million RMB!

Ranked second in the world, and the youngest 20 billion US dollars rich, will also become the youngest 30 billion US dollars rich, and even hope to become the world's richest man!


Liu Yong looked at the newspaper, Feng Yu was so rich? !

He and Feng Yu are both investors of Minsheng Bank. They have also talked before, and Feng Yu is also very supportive of the glorious cause he co-founded.

He thought that Feng Yu was very rich, and even regarded Feng Yu as the richest man in China. But he never thought about it. Feng Yu is the richest man in Asia, the second richest man in the world, and his assets are close to 30 billion US dollars!

His family is the largest feed producer and seller in China, and its products are exported to many countries in Southeast Asia. However, the second domestic feed producer and seller is Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd., which is said to be Feng Yu’s father’s industry, and this person is also very mysterious.

From Feng Yu's lack of attention to Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd., this industry is not the biggest industry in Feng Yu's hands.

Liu Yonghao, several of their brothers have discussed, thinking that wind and rain electronics, wind and rain appliances is Feng Yu's largest industry, but did not expect that Feng Yu's two largest industries, one in the country, one in the Xiangjiang.

Rice is holding a stock of Microsoft, and Xiangjiang has a wind and rain consultation. The newspaper also said that many foreign media ranked the wind and rain consultation in the first place of this year's investment company, they all believe that the wind and rain consultation is already the world's first investment company!

It is also said that the Microsoft stock held by Feng Yu was once purchased through the wind and rain consultation, but it only fell under Feng Yu’s personal name.

That wind and rain consultation, the establishment time is not long, but it has very proud performance, not only the asset has been soaring year after year, it is also very important, that is, the investment of wind and rain consulting has not lost! Anyone who entrusts the wind and rain consulting investment has no loss!

This kind of achievement can no longer be said to be great, but it should be said to be a miracle!

Liu Yong had thought about a few of his brothers last year, and bought some stocks. He bought the best long red at the time, but suddenly he started to fall, and they all lost some money.

Last year, the Xiangjiang stock market was not good. I really don't know how Feng Yu earned so much money!

Liu Yonghao decided that one day he would find Feng Yu to chat and learn from Feng Yu. Perhaps the two of them can cooperate to a certain extent. In the future, they may rush out of Asia and go to the world!

Going out of Asia and going to the world!

This is one of the loudest slogans in China at this time. Many companies are shouting this slogan, but there are not many that can be mixed up in the domestic market. It seems that it has only become a slogan.

But this goal, Feng Yu has already reached, not to mention that the wind and rain brand has a very good reputation in the world, even the brand of Bingcheng Pharmaceutical, is not starting to fire in the world now?


Shi Dazhu is also looking at the newspaper. As early as in 1995, he went to Forbes. At that time, he ranked eighth among the richest in the mainland. It was a breeze.

But very quickly, because of his political achievements, his giant building led to the break of his health care empire capital chain, he almost became impoverished, but he insisted, and has not filed for bankruptcy.

Many people persuade him to apply for bankruptcy, so that some debts don't have to be repaid, and you don't have to carry so much pressure. But at this time, only his girlfriend has been silently supporting him.

And by relying on the borrowed money, he researched and succeeded a new health care product. He firmly believes that this health care product will definitely make him come back.

It’s just that he lacks start-up funds now, not just the funds for advertising, but not even the funds for producing health products.

However, he saw an advertisement for a company, an advertisement of an investment company called Taihua Consulting, which claims to have a billion dollars to invest in various industries.

But he has not been in contact, he does not want his own results, and he has earned a big head. At this time, the Taihua consulting advertisement has changed, and an entrepreneurial support plan has emerged.

He was hesitant and didn't know if he should trust the company. But now, he feels that he should try it. That Taihua Consulting seems to be Feng Yu’s business as well? Speaking of it, the two have had a side in the Yangtai. I really couldn’t think of it. The young man who was the youngest man is now the richest man in China, the richest man in Asia, and the second richest man in the world!

Shi Dazhu made a decision. If this Taihua consultation is related to Feng Yu, then he will try this entrepreneurial support plan. He will return to the Forbes list. His history is not so easy to be knocked down!


Zhang Ruiqiang also holds a newspaper in his hand, and Feng Yu’s net worth is so horrible!

He was one of the first people to know that Feng Yu was a good man. Even early, he regarded Feng Yu as the richest man in China. Perhaps other companies in the country have good profits and the scale is not small, but he has never seen them. The company like Feng Yu has soared so fast and has a strong stamina.

Even Zhang Ruiqiang believes that even if Feng Yu has only one company left, he can stand in the peak of China in just a few years.

But he never thought that Feng Yu had already stood at the peak of the world!

He can be said that Feng Yu has grown up step by step. Feng Yu has almost all kinds of investments in China. Whether it is electronics, medicine, machinery or food, these companies, he knows.

Some newly emerged companies, as long as the title is Taihua or wind and rain, that is ninety-nine is Feng Yu's, and the speed of development is extremely fast.

Even Feng Yu’s investment in Bingcheng is enough to ensure that Feng Yu is standing at the top of China.

It is no wonder that this kid has never given up money to make money. I am afraid that this kid’s money will not be spent.

Zhang Ruiqiang suddenly remembered Feng Yu’s proposal to let the North Dacang Group cooperate with Taihua Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. to cross-share. At the beginning of this proposal, there will be many people who oppose it, and think that Feng Yu is a cheaper state-owned enterprise.

But now, no one should object to it? The North Dacang Group is very big in the eyes of others, but it is in front of Feng Yu, but it is just that!

This matter, I will mention it at the meeting tomorrow.


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