Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 102 Tell me your conditions

When the young master of August Winster was yelling at the "Public Security Department" with whip pain, Ren didn't know that he had been missed for no reason.

The young man was curious and wanted to ask about Ren's details, but he didn't expect that he didn't get any useful information, and instead caused trouble.

Naturally, he hated someone like Lei.

Ren followed Ymir to a high-end inn - "Sylph's Freeman Hotel".

This was originally the property of the Omar royal family in the City of Glory. Although the name does not sound very grand, the decoration inside is of palace specifications, and it is low-key and luxurious everywhere.

On the way out from the security office, neither of them said a word, as if they had a tacit understanding when they were mourning in the wasteland.

One goes ahead and the other follows.

Of course, the difference from before was that there was a group of guards between the two of them.

Hmm. Feeling very safe.

In addition to those imposing heavy armored knights, Ren also found that the personal guards of the eldest princess were all long-legged female court swordsmen, and they were not bad in appearance. It's just a cold face, with the words "No strangers allowed to enter."

After entering the post house and going upstairs, Ymir was surrounded by everyone and walked into a room that was obviously forbidden by magic.

The old nanny skillfully took off the plain white cloak that Ymir wore on her body, and hung it on the coat rack beside her; the three maids respectively unbuttoned part of her combat armor, and untied the waist armor. , took off the rapier at her waist, and put a layer of gauze on her.

The whole process was orderly. From the moment Ymir entered the house, these servants had already done everything within ten steps.

Ren saw it very strangely, the life of the royal family is really extravagant, and you don't have to do anything to change clothes yourself.

"Okay, you all go out."

Ymir waved and said without waiting for these maids to do anything else.

As soon as the words were finished, the seven or eight people in the room rushed out in a blink of an eye.

Ren knew that the words were not meant for him, so he stood quietly in the corner.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two people left in the room.

But he clearly felt that when the female guards and the old mother left, their eyes fell on him and wandered away for a moment.

It seemed that they were puzzled as to why Her Royal Highness would leave such a man alone in the house.

This room is a bit like a study room, decorated very luxuriously, but also makes people feel very comfortable.

A yellowed map hung on the most conspicuous place on the wall. With a glance, Ren recognized that it was the "world map" of this world.

There are many place names marked on it, the two empires of Omar and Sid, the Alcoron Mountains and some place names in small print.

Of course, but more of a foggy area with blank markings.

There is a magic crystal lamp in the room, which is very bright.

On the surrounding bookshelves, there are densely packed books related to military affairs, geography, and politics.

This is the Royal Collection, and Rennes has no memory of the title.

At this time, Ymir walked to the large mahogany table in front of the map. There is an ornament of a Warcraft skull, which looks like a third-order "Golden Horned Demon Deer".

She took off the golden mask she had been wearing on her face, and gently placed it on the mahogany table.

This peerless pretty face reappeared in front of his eyes, and Ren still felt extremely amazing.

She is wearing a low-cut gold light armor with a V-shaped opening, dotted with dazzling gemstones, and silver fish-scale mail armor with intricate carvings on her thighs and shoulders. This is a high-level enchanted armor that takes into account both beauty and defense.

The court sword belongs to the first-class light sword. In order to facilitate the battle, except for the metal armor on the vital parts, other parts of this armor are exposed to the air.

Now that most of the external metal armor has been removed, only the close-fitting leather armor is left, which also allows her tall and graceful figure to be seen at a glance.

Hmm. After a glance, there was a slight wave, but the eyes didn't stay too long.

After all, what should be seen and what should not be seen. I have seen it all before.

Ren looked as usual, without squinting.

"How's the wound on your neck?"

Ymir took off his mask, asked a question, and broke the silence.

It was agreed that we would not see each other again, but I didn't expect to meet again under such circumstances.

"It's all right."

As Ren spoke, he instinctively stroked the centipede-shaped stitched wound on his neck, and said, "Thank you for saving me again. Miss Ymir, no!"

After a pause, he immediately changed his words: "It's Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

Ymir was cold-tempered as usual, and didn't care which address he used, and said calmly: "Even if I don't release you on bail, you can still come out of the security department."

However, although she said it coldly, she was really surprised by the change in the little doctor she once knew.

The scene of Renn saving himself during the on-site surgery on the street before also left a deep impression on the eldest princess.

Stitching up the cut throat wound on the neck by oneself is definitely not the limit operation that ordinary surgeons can do.

And before going to the security department, she already knew the whole story.

Being able to survive being wiped by a Tier 3 assassin is enough to prove that his methods are not simple.

What's more, there is also Bazel whose motive is unknown.

Once in the wasteland, Ymir thought that Ren was an ordinary doctor with some little secrets.

But now it seems that this secret is not small.

Without any reminiscence, Ymir said straight to the point.

"Tell me, what deal."

The tone was as cold as ever, and Ren was used to it.

Although the two of them haven't been together for a long time, he is well aware of this big boss's temperament that never inks.

He also said straight to the point: "I was assassinated and offered a reward because I mastered a 'secret'. Therefore, I plan to use this secret to make a deal with you."

Ymir seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said lightly: "You continue."

"I have an address in my hand that may be the wreckage of a mechanical city of a higher civilization. It should be a mechanical city that can fly in the sky. If you get the technology of the mechanical wreck, it is very likely that it will bring steam technology to the modern era. An innovation. There may also be higher-level extraordinary items in the wreckage.”

Ren was succinct and told the general situation of Baron Morin's treasure directly.

Ymir was still indifferent just now, but when he heard this, his blue pupils suddenly shrank.

Although she had a hunch that things were not simple, the amount of information in this sentence was still too astonishing.

"You mean"

She was obviously pondering the veracity of these words, and asked, "The wreckage of a mechanical city suspected of being a high-level civilization?"

If it was a secret like any other treasure, the Omar royal family, who were used to seeing treasures in the world, would definitely not be so moved.

But this news made her have to take it seriously.


Ren nodded with a serious expression on his face.


At this moment, Ymir's eyes suddenly flickered.

The weight of this "secret" is too heavy.

People in her high position can better understand what this secret means to a country or human civilization.

Finally, she also understood why a blood marquis of Sid, who is dignified, would come to hunt down a little doctor with a first-order extraordinary in person; and finally understood why someone in the Omar black market would put a high reward of 100 million to reward him !


If there is really a mechanical city of other high-level civilization somewhere in the fog, then this means a threat, but also a great opportunity!

Just like a thousand years ago, the ancestors of her Spgreen family discovered the remains of steam mechanical civilization.

Rennes chose to tell this secret not because of anything else, but because he had to.

The matter is now clear, the behind-the-scenes instigators who hired Quinn to assassinate Maureen were the royal family of the Sid Empire, the vampire Dracula family!

With such a powerful enemy, trying to crush an [Awakened] is as easy as crushing an ant.

It was a fluke that I was able to save my life this time.

Ryan is very self-aware.

"Molin Treasure" has been exposed, and it is impossible for him to keep it alone.

If he keeps the secret and faces the pursuit of the Sid royal family, he is lucky this time; then next time, even Bazel in his heyday may not be able to keep him.

Before fleeing to the City of Glory with "Baron Morin's Treasure" in his arms, one was because he had no better choice to deal with this "secret"; Pursue; Sanye bet that the other party can't find him.

Now, the illusion is completely shattered.

Children hold gold to go through the busy market, if they have a life to take it, they will have a life to spend it.

He has to make a choice.

Since you can't keep secrets alone, you can only choose to maximize your benefits.

What's more, in fact, the only thing that Ren himself really needs for the treasures of that mechanical airship is the follow-up advanced potions and exclusive knowledge of the "Battle Doctor Sequence".

As for steam mechanical technology, he is not very interested as a doctor. It would be better if you can hold it in your hands; if you can't, it's not a hard choice.

There is a lot of room for negotiation.

Therefore, he decided to trade this secret.

He needs a transaction partner who can transfer risks, and who has the strength to bear this "secret".

And there are not many forces in this world that can resist the pursuit of Sid's royal family.

The City of Glory counts as one, the Royal Family of Omar counts as one, and the other is Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess who has a feud with vampires.

The teacher was arrested, and Ren didn't have much affection for Glory City. If you choose them to trade, the chance of being "killed and stolen" is not low.

What's more, he can't trust strangers at all.

As for the eldest princess Ymir, at least she is a friend rather than an enemy.

This woman who was able to return him a "law ice crystal" because she borrowed a hundred gold kroner had higher credibility than the other two parties.

She is strong, and she will have a place to stay in the future.

Of course, another reason is that if Ren wanted to save his teacher Irubek, he had to ask the eldest princess for help.

Although there are still unpredictable risks, this is the best choice at present.

Ymir pondered for a moment, and said simply and neatly: "Tell me your conditions."

Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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