Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 112 Grassroots Mysteries Two Designated Universes

The roles were suddenly reversed.

In the previous competitions, Feya played around with those fighters.

Now, she has become the side of the "rabbit" who is waiting for the rabbit.

Ren was not in a hurry from the beginning to the end, just stood up and output steadily.

Anyway, it wasn't him who was bouncing around, and his physical energy consumption was minimal.

On the contrary, Fei Ya, who was on the opposite side, became more and more anxious because she couldn't find an opportunity for a long time.

This made her feel like being trained by her elders in the gymnasium, being targeted everywhere, and her moves being seen through everywhere

The fight was very aggrieved.

She is in a hurry, she is in a hurry!

Ren sneered in his heart: "Hehe. I won't give you a chance if you want to find a flaw with your body skills."

He couldn't see that the masked girl's steps were a little messy.

Side kicks, back kicks, downward chops, hook kicks, backspin kicks, push kicks, punches, jabs. Every move became more and more chaotic, and they were all easily caught by myself.

This is a common manifestation of vegetable chickens raised in greenhouses.

As early as the "Weasel Phantom Thieves" before, Ren knew how to deal with this kind of aristocratic enemy who had no actual combat experience and possessed luxurious martial arts skills.

An aristocratic chick who has never been beaten by society, probably no one would dare to be serious with her in daily confrontation training. Cultivated to the first level of Dzogchen, I really thought that I was invincible at the same level.

If it weren't for the exchange of ideas, Ren would not have given her the chance to use the profound martial arts if he wanted to kill her!

Kong has a good gun, but his marksmanship is not good, and he can't hit people.

She didn't even have the chance to draw a gun when she encountered an experienced killer.

What Renn has to do now is to wait for the enemy to run out of bullets, or to show his flaws in a panic.

The masked girl saw that Ryan was not like those reckless men before, unable to stay for a long time, and there was some anger in her eyes besides anxiety.

Can't just spend it like this?

So, she decided to take the initiative.

Rennes, on the other hand, was waiting for this opportunity.

At this moment, Fei Ya suddenly changed her previous roaming style, kicking the ground and dashing forward, her figure was as fast as the wind, and she looked as if she was about to hit Rennes directly.

But suddenly, when she was about three meters away from Ren, there was a "bang" in the air!


Ren's ears moved slightly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He was waiting for this opportunity!

Why didn't he know that the explosion was the sound of footsteps stepping on the ground quickly? This is the basic footwork in [Fengxing] Mysteries, stop and change direction suddenly!

This move will make people unable to react at all.

"Suddenly stop and turn, jab at the lower back!"

Standard textbook template.

There is nothing wrong with this move, it is like a combination punch in boxing, the classic routine can inflict heavy damage on the opponent in a row.

It's a pity that I met Ren who is also familiar with the "textbook look".


Ren had expected it a long time ago, and then predicted where she would appear.

He didn't pay attention to the "Feya" in front of him at all, but got up from the ground, suddenly twisted his body, and kicked with his right leg.

This blow was not directed forward, but backward!

The legs arc like blades, breaking through the wind.

In the next moment, the sole of the foot obviously kicked against some obstacle, and there was another "pop" in the air, as if someone's face had been hit hard by a big ear!

The crisp sound resounded throughout the training hall.

Looking again, a beautiful figure in embarrassment crashed to the ground.

From Fei Ya's sudden attack, to Ren's turning and kicking, and then to the embarrassing shadow spurting blood and flying backwards, the whole process was over in the blink of an eye.

It wasn't until the crisp "pop" sounded that everyone woke up.

In their eyes, the figure of the masked girl who was clearly still in front of Ren just now collapsed like a fleeting shadow.

Finally someone understood, and exclaimed: "That's... afterimage! The air explosion and afterimage that can only be stepped on by [Profound Truth·Fengxing]."

In the fighting arena, a needle could be heard, and everyone gasped.


They were shocked, unexpectedly when a young girl fighter performed the [Feng Xing] secret art.

But what is even more shocking is that Ren actually predicted in advance that this is a phantom!

That leg just now was smooth and flowing. It seemed a bit like [Profound Truth·Lanqie]? No, it didn't look too real.

For a moment, it was as if time stood still.

"Oh, my God! If she used this move just now, I'm afraid she would lose in a face-to-face encounter. The speed is too fast. Mystery-level agility is really extraordinary."

"Dr. Ren is really shocking. I didn't expect that he was not deceived by the 'afterimage', but captured the real motive of that chick."

"Don't you think that, not to mention the reaction, Dr. Ren's kick just now was a bit exaggerated? He actually kicked the chick in [Feng Xing]'s displacement?"


Under the ring, Mike and a group of big men who eat melons were shocked.

At this moment, they didn't know what to say.

After the shock, he was dumbfounded again.

They looked at the girl's red and swollen right cheek, only to realize that Dr. Ren, the whip just now covered the noble girl's face firmly?

Good whip!

Seeing his prospective "fiancée" being beaten, Young Master August's face became ugly, he looked at Wumu beside him, and quickly suggested: "Brother Wumu, let's stop this competition! This reckless Husband, how dare you slap Junior Sister Fei Ya in the face, it's just too vulgar!"

Wumu stared at the ring with cold eyes, and snorted coldly: "Hmph! No need. That girl is used to being arrogant, so it's good to let her suffer today! Besides, it's a fighting competition, why can't you slap her in the face?"

Having said that, the face of this talented fighter also turned cold.

He thought that his sister would suffer a little loss, but he didn't expect to be hit so hard.

He was the only one who could see clearly what happened just now, and his expression became more serious.

He was very sure that even if it wasn't [Lanqie] that kick just now, it was definitely some kind of well-practiced regressive kick!

After living for more than ten years, who dares to slap her Fiya Lopez in the face?

The masked girl got blinded by this kick

"I killed you!"

The moment she flew upside down, this idea just popped up in her mind.

But before the anger showed on his face, suddenly!

She just looked at that nasty guy and came straight to her again.

That guy still needs to make up for the knife? !

This. But with a little bit of martial arts, can you do such an ungentlemanlike thing?

Fei Ya instantly understood the purpose of the other party's visit, running so fast, it must not be kind to help her up.

She wanted to struggle, but her body was still falling after flying, and she had no time to react.

At this moment, there was no sympathy for the fragrance and jade, and it kicked heavily on her lower abdomen again.


Like a sandbag being kicked away, her painful teeth were about to crack, and she couldn't hold back, and spit out another mouthful of blood foam, and her body flew upside down for several meters.

Not only the masked chick was blinded by this kick, but also the group of onlookers under the ring were dumbfounded.

Ren on the stage seemed to have no scruples about the opponent being a woman, he greeted his face with one leg, and rushed up to make up for it with a kick on the lower abdomen without a gentleman's demeanor.

Everyone heard the muffled sound of "pa" and "boom" just now, as if they had kicked themselves, and trembled for a while.

Well, Dr. Lane didn't hold back at all just because the other party was a woman.

With such strong legs, even rough guys like them would probably kneel down, not to mention a girl with thin arms and a thin waist?

Everyone looked at Ren in a different way: "Fuck, ruthless"

Man of Steel!

Unfortunately, the masked girl did not fall into the ring as everyone expected.

After being kicked in the lower abdomen with her second kick, she cleverly used her strength to turn around and let go of that force.

"Hey, the reaction is not slow!"

Ren wanted to make up the third leg, but at this moment, he found that the woman's body was spinning a few times in the air, and then stopped.

[Feng Xing · Yu Kong Rampant], a method of unloading force specially for this situation.

Fei Ya didn't expect that she hadn't mastered this skill yet, but she used it out of desperation just now.

Under the arena, Wumu's eyes lit up: "Hey, it seems that it is really good to let her suffer a bit."

A battle that was meant to be a bit of a joke suddenly became gunpowder-like.

When Fei Ya was kicked twice by Rennes and was about to be kicked three times, she also reacted.

While her body was still falling, she suddenly blocked Ren's leg, and then entangled it like an octopus!

Caught off guard, Ren was thrown by her and lost his center of gravity.

And this is just the beginning of the ultimate move!

The girl was as slippery as a cartilaginous octopus. While her legs clamped Ren's thighs, her hands clasped his right wrist. She has already used this pincer

"【Ten Hands · Palace】! Oops!"

Ren secretly thought something was wrong.

From the numb feeling in his right arm, he was very aware of his situation.

Her pincers were not just for control, but her nimble fingers had opened up the muscles and pinched a deep meridian. A paralysis like an electric shock made his entire arm unconscious in an instant.

This is the advanced skill "dividing tendons" in the Profound Technique [Ten Hands] Grasping, which can make people lose their strength in an instant!

Moreover, the worst is yet to come, [Ten Hands] is good at continuous control skills, once it sticks, control to death!

If there is no way to escape, there are still "wrong bones", "broken veins", and "sealed acupuncture points" behind!

Just when Ren couldn't react at all, he saw that the girl had already wrapped one leg around his shoulder again. At the moment when the two of them were weightless and fell together, she moved her body flexibly and pressed her legs directly on Ren's neck, making him unable to move!


The two fell to the ground.

Women go up and men go down.

At the same time, her pair of powerful legs clamped Ren's shoulder joints, leaned back and stretched her abdomen, while pulling her arms down with both hands

"Cross solid!"

The moment his arms were clamped, Ren immediately realized what this woman was going to do.

When the neck was pressed, the feeling of suffocation came instantly.

He knew very well that as long as the woman exerted a little force at this time, his elbow joint would be easily broken!

Cross lock, ankle lock, triangle twist, guillotine, shoulder lock... These are all common ground skills in fighting, and they are all powerful killing moves of "using skill pressure"!

Rao is a big man, and if he gets stuck, he is in danger of losing his arm in an instant.

How could Fei Ya not be proficient in these skills?

If it's just a simple sparring, usually at such a time, the party who is in trouble will not break the opponent's arm immediately, but will continue to use force to force the opponent to suffer and admit defeat.

But now, Fei Ya, who was furious, wanted to tear Ren into pieces, how could she let him go!

"Hmph! Got you, bastard!"

The girl sneered in her heart.

Just when she locked Ren with the ground technique of "Cross Solid", and was about to break his arm with force.

Suddenly, she suddenly found that the stiff arm she was holding was suddenly loosened!

It wasn't that she had loosened her strength, but that the man's arm had softened by itself.

"what happened."

Fei Ya was dumbfounded at the first reaction.

She had already clamped the opponent's arm with her legs and pressed it against her chest. The elbow joint is reversed, and it is impossible for the enemy to loosen at this angle. This situation is like a straight wooden stick, only to be broken!

Because she was pressing on Ren, she couldn't see what happened, but the arm in her hand really went limp.

No sound of fracture was heard, and she suddenly didn't know what to do next.

In the textbook, this routine is not written.

But under the arena, those who watched the battle saw it clearly!

"Break free?!"

"Oh my god, how did Dr. Wren do it? He actually broke free from the 'cross'!"

"Look, Dr. Wren's arm. He dislocated himself!"

"The reaction speed is too fast. He actually forcibly dislocated the moment he was restrained!"

"If he doesn't, he'll have a shattered joint. So decisive!"


Everyone was stunned by Ren's extreme reaction.

Then, something even more shocking happened

The arm in Fei Ya's hand went limp, and she also lost the "momentum" to control her opponent.

No, what's the situation? The teacher has never taught me this way in teaching!

Why did that man's arm suddenly go limp?

And just when she didn't react at all, suddenly, she saw that hateful masked man turn over and put her under him.

Sure enough, how could this hateful guy give up such a good opportunity.

However, Feya's instinctive response to the crisis made Fei Ya stick to it instead of retreating.

There is also a saying in fighting called "wrapping", that is, when you cannot avoid the opponent's attack, try to get as close as possible, so that the opponent does not have enough distance to punch and kick, which will reduce the damage.

But she never thought that Ren didn't intend to punch anyone at all.

At this moment, the most shocking scene of this match appeared!

Ren's fist turned into fingers, stabbing out like fangs.

"Poke the eye? Shameless guy! How can you use such a despicable move in the competition!"

The masked girl was furious in her heart, but the crisis was in front of her eyes, and she was helpless.

Seeing two fingers poking towards his face, zooming in infinitely in the field of vision, it is already unavoidable. Instinctively, she tilted her head back, trying to avoid trauma to the vitals of her eyes.


She miscalculated.

Poke the eye?

No, he still has this martial virtue.

Ren's move did not fail, because it was not aimed at the eyes in the first place!

Enter the hole with two fingers and hit Huanglong directly.

The next moment, Fei Ya suddenly felt as if some foreign object had been inserted into her nostrils, and she was still trying to drill in. At the same time, a burning pain like pepper water pouring into the nasal cavity rushed into the brain like a tide!


She was completely dumbfounded.


I was

I got poked in the nostril?

How could the dignified ladies of the imperial capital be poked in the nostrils?

Then, her worldview collapsed!

At this moment, everyone looked at Lei on the ring, and their eyes changed.

Mike was even more taken aback, his eyes glowed brightly: "Damn it, Dr. Renn actually stole my trick [Absolute Meaning: Poking the Nose]."

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