Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 122 Lord Level Warcraft

Werewolves are hunters in the dark. This kind of sub-human race has a super talent of [Dark Perception].

This makes them feel ridiculously strong at night.

After hearing Bazel's words, Ren didn't dare to be careless at all, and woke up Carl and Toust.

Then, just to be on the safe side, he sprinkled the feces of high-level magical beasts purchased at a high price around the tent, and arranged some insect repellents.

This is a necessary means to prevent the "beast tide".

Seeing that Ren was so careful, Bazel was somewhat disapproving.

"You don't have to worry too much, boy. The mechanical city is the best way to resist monsters. With these three 'ghoul' mechanical cities, even if you come to a few fifth-level monsters, you may not be able to get benefits. What's more , and me."

He is confident that even in an accident, he can keep Ren safe.

"Well, be prepared."

Ren is not worried about himself, because Bazel will definitely protect him with all his strength.

But this legend is a bodyguard, not a nanny, and Ren has no right to ask him to protect others.

He was afraid that something would happen to Carl Jr. and Toust's grandfather and grandson.

If the beast horde invades, be more prepared, and be prepared.

Toust and his father didn't notice Bazel's existence.

They watched Ryan's careful arrangement and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Toust asked: "Will the beast tide be serious tonight?"

Ren nodded: "Yes. There must be high-level monsters coming. At that time, the mechanical city may not be a big problem, but the ground camp will be hard to say."

After all, the ground camp was only blocked by a steel wall, and no one could guarantee that it would be able to stop the beast tide.

He thought about it, and then said: "Grandpa Toust, there will be a real fight in a while. I am a doctor, and I will probably be recruited to the city wall to participate in first aid on the battlefield. At that time, you should be careful yourself, beware of flying monsters attacking the camp, and poisonous insect"

Hearing these words, Toust said with a smile: "Boy Ren, you can rest assured. Although my old bones are about to die, they are not so weak that even a few monsters can kill me degree."

When the old man said this, people could hear an inexplicable confidence, and Ren was taken aback.

The monsters in the "Plague Swamp" are no joke. The third- and fourth-order transcendents can't guarantee that they will survive. Where does the old man come from for his confidence?

If Bazel said this from the air, he wouldn't be surprised, but this patient who walks with a mechanical arm.

Is the old man serious?

Seeming to see Ryan's doubts, Toust's wise eyes were shining brightly, and he smiled slightly: "A real mechanic is not a craftsman who only hides in the factory and knocks. The power of machinery is not will be inferior to any extraordinary ability”


Ren was still a little skeptical.

Mechanics are originally a group of guys who are obsessed with "foreign object research", and they are as weak as a mage. Its positioning is similar to that of a doctor, and it is an auxiliary logistics occupation.

They did create some powerful mechanical equipment, but weren't they all for serving other extraordinary professions?

For example, the mechanical skeleton of the melee sequence, various firearms and ammunition of the musketeer sequence, the mechanical city

Toust smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, Carl on the side also said seriously with a small face: "Brother Ren, don't worry, I will take good care of Grandpa!"

After a pause, he said with an expression of "I'll tell you a little secret" again, "I have a heavy-duty 'Little Raccoon Mechanical Battle Suit', which is super powerful!"


Ren has no hope for Karl's aesthetics.

Listening to the name, it's not something too cool.

Moreover, Little Carl has not yet awakened to transcendence, so he probably doesn't have a clear concept of the word "powerful".

But only then did he realize that Little Carl was wearing a strange mechanical armor. There are many incomprehensible mechanical devices on it, such as springs, bearings, gears, hydraulic transmissions, and some weird vacant sockets.

Uh. Looks like it's a mechanical liner suit for hanging some external armor?

Ryan wanted to ask a few more questions,

But without waiting for them to communicate, at this moment, the attack alarm from the "Plague Base" sounded.

Woo. Woo. Woo.

Flares shot into the sky, illuminating the night sky as if it were daytime.

On the radio, the war announcement also resounded throughout the base.

"Attention hunters, a large-scale 'horde of beasts' has been found around the base, and all staff have entered the first level of combat readiness!"

"Repeat again."


In just three to five breaths, countless wild hunters with excited expressions emerged from the tents on the open space of the base.

Hunting in the wilderness all the year round made them develop super vigilance. As soon as they heard the sound, they quickly entered the battle state one by one.

"Hahaha those barbarians were really fooled, it looks like we are going to hunt a wave of contributions tonight!"

"I have heard from other bases that this kind of positional warfare is all about sending money. I didn't expect us to be lucky."

"Let's go, brothers, copy the guys to the wall!"


The "horde of beasts" attacked the camp, and instead of thinking it was a bad thing, the hunters rushed up the city wall in excitement.

At this time, the "supervisor team" wearing white mage robes also appeared in the camp one after another.

These mages will check the "deserters" in the camp. If they are found to be non-logistics professionals and fail to go up the city wall within the specified time, they will be executed directly!

Ren didn't dare to stay longer in the tent, "Grandpa Toust, Karl, be careful, I'll go first."

Toust: "Boy Ryan, take care of yourself. Don't worry, this old bone of mine will take care of myself."

Carl: "I'll take care of grandpa too!"

Ren is the kind of person who makes soy sauce, and he is not in a hurry to earn contributions, so he climbed the steel fence slowly.

When they went up to the city wall, the first wave of beasts hadn't approached yet, and the visibility outside the camp was only one or two kilometers. No one could see how many monsters there were in the depths of the swamp.

"Open the door, open the door!"

"Let us in quickly."

But at this time, those scouts who were probably sent out to investigate before ran back from a distance with pale faces in fright.

"Hahaha, look at these guys, I don't know how many monsters and barbarians there are in the fog."

"I hope there will be more, otherwise the firepower of the three mechanical cities will be completely covered, and we will not get any benefits."


Looking at the colleagues who were being chased by Sa Yazi and ran wildly underground, the hunters on the city wall all laughed.

Holding a musket, smoking a cigarette, chatting and farting, it is very leisurely.

And at this time,

The scouts outside the city wall also ran closer and called out loudly.

"Beast tide! It's a lord-level monster!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Not long after, everyone saw a huge monster over 200 meters high slowly approaching from the mist.

At this time, Bazel also quietly appeared beside Ren,

"Hey, a lord-level monster is here!"

The legend sighed lightly, and smacked his lips: "It's still a very rare elemental monster! Tsk tsk, a lot of people are going to die in the camp tonight."

Having said that, except for a trace of schadenfreude on Bazel's face, he didn't show much seriousness.

Ren saw that the bosses were so calm, and he had nothing to panic about, but he was also a little curious: "Lord level?"

This is only introduced in the "Encyclopedia of Warcraft".

The "lord level" monster is still above the beast king level.

Wilderness hunters walking in the wilderness may not see a live "lord level" monster in their lifetime. Most of the ones I have seen are GG.

The appearance of monsters of this level meant that all monsters within a radius of tens of kilometers would probably be driven away.

The scale of this animal swarm seems to be quite large.

"The fog is dispelled!"


Two more orders were issued, and the field of vision suddenly opened up.

This allowed everyone on the wall to see the huge monster clearly.

This is a monster like a mud fountain and a mountain.

Ren recognized this thing, his eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "The Lord of the Swamp?"

"[Swamp Lord]: The ultimate evolution of 'Mud Monster', a fifth-order lord-level creature, with a lifespan of 300-2000 years. It is more accurate to say that it is a monster, rather than an elemental monster, with almost 100% condensed magic core. Lives in swamp areas rich in water and earth elements.

—— "Encyclopedia of Warcraft"

This thing is very troublesome for a transcendent.

This monster is covered in wet and flowing mud. It is said to be a substance, but it is almost 100% physically immune; even if it is magical damage, as long as the 100-meter-thick mud layer outside its body is not blasted, it will not cause much substantial damage at all. .

As long as the body touches the earth, it can absorb the power of the earth element continuously.

Almost "immortality"!

It was also the first time for Ren to see a lord-level monster, and he asked curiously: "Senior Bazel, I read that there are a kind of lord-level monsters introduced in the "Encyclopedia of Warcraft", and it is said that their strength is roughly equivalent to The 'Top Ten Legendary Demon Hunters' among human beings, can you kill it when you are in your prime?"

"Your statement is too one-sided"

Hearing this, Bazel looked a little weird, shook his head and said, "Even with extraordinary abilities, there are mutual restraints. There is no absolute saying that you can beat the fifth level at the fifth level. When encountering ability restraint, even if it is There is a big difference between one or two ranks, and it is also possible to leapfrog and kill."

Ren didn't quite understand.

Bazel pointed to the [Swamp Lord] in the distance again, and said, "Like this kind of elemental creature, the most restrained is our physics department attacking supernatural being."

After a pause, he continued: "Similarly, it is basically impossible for me to kill this [Swamp Lord] alone, but it does not pose any threat to me at all. This thing usually hides in the swamp, moves slowly, and attacks The means are not strong. Although it is a 'lord-level' monster, it can only pose a limited threat to high-level extraordinary. If you change to some fourth-level and fifth-level magic system extraordinary, the attack method is more effective."

"Oh, so that's the case."

When Ren heard it, he finally understood something.

Bazel smacked his lips, and said: "Those barbarians are also very smart. With this monster in front of them, the artillery of the Machinery City has been useless by 70% to 80%."

When Ren heard it, "Huh? Isn't the base very dangerous?"

The triangular layout of this "plague base" is very clever, no matter which direction the beast tide comes from, it will be covered by firepower from at least two mechanical cities.

But that mud monster can probably block the firepower of a mechanical city with one end.

It will cause a large artillery coverage blind spot

Moreover, the city wall they are standing on is only 50 meters high, while the [Swamp Lord] is more than 200 meters high.

"It's not that bad."

Bazel shook his head and said: "You haven't seen the true background of the 'City of Glory'. Apart from these mechanical cities, those mage groups are the truly terrifying war harvesters! It is not impossible to kill it. But , the casualties will not be small.”

But the scale of the beast tide this time was beyond imagination.

However, even so, there was not much chaos in the "Plague Base".

The horn of war is ringing, and everyone is in their place and performing their duties.

The first round of artillery had already blasted into the darkness, crackling and exploding into a brilliant flame.

The cannon hit the [Swamp Lord], and a few painless mud bubbles appeared, and it returned to its original state in an instant. Physical attacks have almost no effect on this kind of elemental monster.

It just slowly approached the base with hundreds of cannons on it, and behind it was a group of monsters that could not be seen clearly.

"Fire spells, prepare to sing!"

"Fire oil spray gun, get ready!"

"The first-order magician and other monsters enter 1000 meters and start singing, the second-level mage 700 meters, and the third-level 400"

"The artillery is delayed by 10 seconds!"


The hunters of "City of Glory" already have a set of proficient ways to deal with monsters. On the Mechanical City, a mage group of hundreds of people is already preparing to chant magic spells.

They are also waiting, and when the monster gets closer, they will collectively cast fire spells.

Once the mud monster is burned dry, the monster can be smashed to pieces in a few shots.

This is the power of a large team, even if it is a "lord level" monster, it will definitely not benefit from it!

But suddenly,


Just as [Swamp Lord] was approaching the base, Bazel seemed to sense something.

His expression suddenly became serious. Looking at the thick mist behind the mud monster, his pupils shrank suddenly: "There is also a 'lord-level' monster!"

Ren: "???"

After perceiving it carefully for a while, Bazel confirmed his judgment.

At this moment, the relaxed expression on his face finally disappeared, and he frowned slightly: "Someone cast a spell to blind his perception, it seems that the high-ranking priest among the barbarians took action."

After a pause, the legend murmured: "The two 'lord-level' monsters may bring more than 100,000 monsters to attack the city. The scale of this 'horde of beasts' is probably far beyond imagination. "

Ren was surprised when he heard this: "Ah? Can the base stop it?"

"A high-ranking priest took action, obviously coming prepared. If only the monsters attack the city, the defense of the three mechanical cities is not a big problem, but the camp below will probably suffer."

Bazel suddenly returned to his expression of caring about me, and said, "However, what does it have to do with us? It's a big deal, I'll take you away."

Ren was shocked when he heard this.

There are tens of thousands of wild hunters in this ground camp, and now, there will probably be corpses all over the field.

It will be on the shelves next Friday, 4000 words, please recommend tickets! !

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