[Swamp Lord] The best ability is to condense the earth element to swallow the target. It is a monster with dual elements of water and earth, and it also has a little corrosion ability. The best way to restrain it is the magic attack of the fire element.

And [Gun Flower Vine Demon] belongs to the plant-type monster, and is also afraid of flames.

Originally, although the two lord-level monsters were difficult, they were not impossible to deal with, especially for the mage group of Glory City, it was only a matter of a few rounds of fire magic.

However, they joined together to create a "siege tactic" that made everyone unimaginable.

The current situation is that it is not true to fight, nor is it not to fight.

Once the fire spell is cast, it burns like a wall.

If there were a few more high walls, the field of view of the artillery on the Iron City would be completely blocked. At that time, don't talk about shelling the beast tide, it's hard to say whether the shells can penetrate those mud walls

Water-type, earth-type, and wood-type spells should not be used indiscriminately, not to mention hurting the enemy, but sending them over is still "rewarding the enemy", and sending elemental nourishment to the two lord monsters for nothing.

wind, thunder, light, dark

Although these niche elemental magics are very effective, the number of such non-mainstream elemental mages is rare, and it is impossible to form a group combat force.

But if they didn't fight, they slowly moved towards the base again.

Although the ground near the base is solidified by spells, [Swamp Lord] at least cannot turn this place into a swamp.


These two lord monsters didn't come to attack the city at all, they were "tool monsters" who came to pave the way!

Just this first round of attacks made those wild hunters who had some expectations for the "Mage Corps" just now despair.

Seeing that the vines had spread all over the city wall, and they couldn't finish cutting, everyone understood that hand-to-hand combat was about to begin.

"Ready to fight, muskets loaded!"

"Extraordinary level four and above, give priority to killing the two boss monsters!"

"Everyone, don't retreat without authorization, those who disobey the order, beheaded!"


The voice of the commander shouted loudly resounded inside and outside the city wall.

This is also one of the reasons why "City of Glory" can gain a firm foothold west of the dangerous Alcoron Mountains.

Its almost ruthless wilderness hunting system can make the wilderness hunters who are scattered in the sand have to unite when they are about to fight.

If it were any place in the other two empires, the vast majority of hunters would immediately choose to flee when they saw this overwhelming beast tide.

Once it becomes a rout, don't fight this battle, just wait for death.

There is a beast tide in the front, and a "supervising team" in the back, and they can't advance or retreat.

The wild hunters held their guns and weapons one by one, showing determination on their faces.

"Damn it, I'm afraid I have to explain it here tonight!"

"Going out to hunt wilderness, I've fucking thought that this day will come. Hehe, if I can survive tonight, I'll be rich tomorrow!"

"That's right! If my mother survives, she'll go to the best custom tavern and hire a few white-faced men for ten days and half a month!"

"Go for it, brothers!"


Most of the wild hunters who came to the City of Glory were Transcendents with their heads pinned to their waistbands, who would trade their lives for wealth. They are also mentally prepared to meet the day of death in battle.

Therefore, even in such a desperate situation, most people are still full of fighting spirit.

But he Lei someone is not ah.

"I'm not safe even if I come to make a soy sauce"

Ren on the city wall was powerless to complain.

I thought that staying at the base for a period of time would be safe, but I didn't want such a catastrophe.

Sure enough, if you don't die, you won't die.

It's okay to kill other people's tribes, but what kind of heads are there?

Well, it's time for revenge.

"How many monsters are here?"

Looking around, Ren looked at the tide-like monsters behind the two lord monsters, and sighed.

Tonight is considered a long experience.

Finally, I saw many monsters recorded in the Encyclopedia, and they were still alive.

in front of you

More than 40 meters in length, the fourth-ranked Beastmaster [Swamp Giant Crocodile] crawled out of the swamp in mighty form, leading at least a hundred younger brothers;

Running like an earthquake, the "iron-headed rhinoceros", which weighs 30 to 50 tons at an adult, is also trampled by hundreds of heads from a group;

A [Decapitated Crab] as big as a calf, with a slam of its pincers, can cut a person in half by the waist, and it is coming here aggressively;

[Thunderhorn Hippopotamus], [Rainbow Monster].

And so on, and many, many more.

These monsters, if you encounter one on weekdays, it is enough for some small and medium hunting groups to drink a pot.

Now the whole family, and even the entire ethnic group, went crazy and rushed towards the city wall along the road paved by the two lords just now.

And, that's not all!

Behind this group of big guys who can resist the artillery, there is a mighty army of small animals.

Ren glanced over, and the "intelligent brain" quickly distinguished the quantity.

[Striped Spider] Quantity*10000+, [Swamp Anaconda] 2000+, [Silver Head Leopard] 100+, [Water Centipede]*N+

The numbers popping up on the retina are still rising rapidly.

The monsters in the field of vision are densely packed, overlapping, making one's scalp tingle. Almost every moment, new monster species are continuously pouring out of the fog.

After tonight's battle, the content of "Encyclopedia of Warcraft" should be updated again.

But at this time, the worse is yet to come.

"Heaven! Look, something is falling from the sky!"

"Huh, it looks like a honeycomb?"

"No, it's [Overlord Poisonous Bee]! Be careful not to get stabbed, the tail sting of this poisonous bee can pierce the battle veil, and it has a strong nerve paralyzing toxin!"

"With fire, burn their wings"


Experienced wild hunters recognized what those blue-tailed hawks dropped at a glance.

Those few truck-sized honeycombs fell directly into the base, and then broke into pieces.

The queen bee in the hive was dead on the spot, and then, countless yellow poisonous bees with thick arms rushed out of the mist, with red eyes, looking for revenge

hum, hum, hum

The anti-buzz sounded all over the base, and everyone's hairs stood on end.

This poisonous bee is very fragile, ordinary people can kill it with a knife, but it is also very deadly, as long as it is stabbed once, it is guaranteed to be hemiplegic

Now, everything is done.

Water, land, and air amphibious landing, all-round attack without dead ends.

Ren finally saw the methods of the high priests of the Karman tribe,

This beast horde, from the moment it started, was aimed at killing all of them.

This battle was destined to be extremely tragic from the moment the two "lord level" monsters appeared.

Tens of thousands of wild hunters went mad with muskets.

However, there are too many monsters.

Those monsters that had fallen into a frenzy were not afraid of death at all, and rushed forward one after another.

"The city wall can no longer be defended! Quickly open the door of the mechanical city and let us in!"

"Open the door! Save us!"


Everyone understood that the breach of the base tonight was a certainty.

In desperation, the wild hunters can only put their hope of survival on the three castles made of steel.

Once the city wall is broken, the ground camp will soon become a paradise for the monsters to trample on. Only the three iron and steel machinery cities can persist until the end.

There are magic towers, cannons, and enchanted armor in the castle. Even if it is a lord monster, it is difficult to break through.

And at this moment, "Glory Thirteen" is on the mechanical city.

This kind of mechanical city, which is specially designed for war, has both offensive and defensive functions, and has already changed its "war form" long before the war started.

The steel plate armor on the ground in the castle rose up, tightly wrapping each cabin, forming "refuge rooms" of various sizes.

There are also anti-climbing sharp-edged hooks, kerosene, and piercing mechanisms on the walls

Monsters can't climb up, those poisonous bees can't get in, and the threat to them is minimal.

In the main refuge room, the top dignitaries in the mechanical city gathered here.

Many of these gorgeously dressed lords and ladies are nobles from Omar and Sid. This time they were inexplicably involved in the hunting operation, and they were all at a loss when they encountered such a change.

The screams on the city wall came one after another, making people panic when they heard them.

Someone asked the castle commander: "Shall we... want to open the door?"

Before the commander could speak, there were screams of strong disapproval.

"Can't open! The vines of the [Gunflower Vine Demon] have already covered the base of the mechanical city. Once the door is opened, it may not be able to close."

"That's right. Those wild hunters can consume some monsters anyway. Once they are put in, all the pressure will be on us! If the monsters rush into the mechanical city, we will be in danger."

"Those wild hunters die as soon as they die, why should they implicate us. If they want to earn this money, don't they have to be prepared to die at the mouth of monsters?"

"That's right, it's their duty to guard the camp. Those guys took the money, and they were supposed to kill monsters outside. Now when they encounter some danger, they want to go to the city to hide, it's ridiculous!"

"Hmph, it's easy to get money when there's nothing to do, but it's ridiculous to want to hide for refuge when something goes wrong! We paid taxes, so we should be protected; they should also perform their duties of protecting the base after taking the money!"


The proposal to open the door was instantly rejected.

After all, the Machinery City is the private property of the five major families. Although it was recruited, it is still private property.

Not opening the door is not illegal, at most it is indifference to humanity.

The castle commander couldn't say anything either.

At this time, another combat staff suggested: "Then shall we organize the guard group and mage group to support them? Once the hunters' defense line is broken, the pressure on our mechanical city will be great."

In fact, rationally speaking, this is the most reasonable tactical choice.

There is also an invincible group of mages on the city wall, almost all of them are not damaged;

The nobles more or less have personal guards, they also have the most elite equipment, and their ranks are generally high. Gathered together, it is definitely a very strong fighting force.

Going to support will not only boost morale, at least in a short period of time, the beast tide will never break through the city wall.

But this proposal was immediately rejected.

"Why? If the guards go down, who will protect the mechanical city? Who will protect us?"

"No! My guards and I are only tasked with guarding the Mechanic City, not supporting anyone!"

"So do we, we won't allow it"


The commander frowned.

The voices of opposition are getting louder and louder. If they are recruited by force, they may immediately cause a mutiny.

What's more, this commander was originally a member of the five major families. Even if reason makes him agree with the staff's proposal, family pressure will make this order aborted.

After pondering for a moment, he could only let out a long sigh, and said: "The message for help has been sent out, let's concentrate on defending. Tonight is a fierce battle, and whether we can survive is a matter of two opinions. Mechanical City may not be able to." hold on."

"Yes, my lord."

Almost the same scene was played out in the three mechanical cities.

These upper-class people rarely maintained a tacit understanding, and none of them opened the city gates to let the hunters in for refuge.

No one to support.

The scale of the beast horde this time was a "destructive level" that had never been encountered before, and it exceeded everyone's expectations.

After fighting for more than half an hour, Machinery City didn't open the door to let them in at all.

Desperation and panic spread among the crowd.

The "beast tide" shows no sign of weakening. More and more monsters are rushing up the city wall, but the casualties of the wild hunters are getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone understood that those upper-level figures in the Mechanical City had no intention of letting them in, or even coming down to support them.

Some people climbed up to the mechanical city, but they were regarded as monsters by the mages, and they killed them together.

The people in the Mechanical City also know that this precedent cannot be set. Once someone successfully climbs the city wall, countless people will follow suit.

This move made the hunters even more desperate.

They feel isolated.

The beast horde is the enemy, and those on the mechanical city have also become "enemies".

Only they try their best like fools.

"Damn it! Those guys in Mechanic City won't save us at all!"

"Don't expect them to be kind enough to let us in, go for it."

"Don't let us enter the city, and don't let us go down the city wall?! Without our life to block, those bastards of the war supervisor are still alive to point their guns at our backs?"


Now everyone can understand that the people in Mechanic City just want to consume them and these beast hordes, and reduce the pressure on Mechanic City!

Because of the road paved by [Gun Flower Vine Demon], the city wall is completely meaningless.

The city wall has become a flesh mill, and the corpses of monsters are piled up thicker and thicker.

It has been able to resist until now, all because the wild hunters took their lives to block it

They put their lives in the way and tried their best to prevent the camp from being breached; but they didn't want to, those guys in the mechanical city didn't have the slightest intention of supporting them.

But in order to survive, they had to continue to fight.

But is this the best choice?

Obviously, no.

Suddenly, someone suggested: "Brothers, we are dead anyway, let's rush down the city wall and fight in the camp! Those who supervise the battle team dare to shoot, fuck it!"

With that said, the crowd on the city wall suddenly started to retreat.

Street fighting with Warcraft is actually not a good choice tactically, and it is easy to be scattered and eaten away.

However, this choice can make the "beast tide" shift the main attack target!

The three mechanical cities are located at the three corners of the base. Once there are no hunters' flesh and blood walls blocking the line, they will instantly become three eye-catching "nails", and they will immediately become the priority targets of monsters!

In that way, the pressure on the hunters will be greatly reduced.

If you can live, it really depends on your own ability.

This said, everyone understood instantly.

"Come on, get down the city wall!"

When the first person calls, the second person and the third person immediately follow

In the blink of an eye, the embankment burst like an ant's nest, and the crowd retreated down the city wall like a tide.

Those who supervise the battle team can kill a few "deserters" at first to make an example to others. But in the next second, thousands of wild hunters and monsters instantly overwhelmed them.

The flesh and blood city wall dispersed in a rush, and the monsters lost their attack targets.

The steel castle, whose artillery was still roaring, immediately became the best target, and the "beast tide" turned its spearhead to the three mechanical cities in an instant!

A small number of monsters rushed into the camp, chasing and killing the wild hunters; but most of them, like the "lord level" and "beast king level" kind of big guys, shifted their attack targets to the mechanical city.

Seeing this scene, the high-ranking figures in the Machinery City turned pale with fright, and were furious.

"Damn it! Those bastards actually gave up the city wall!"

"Sure enough, he is a despicable inferior, with no spirit of contract at all!"

"Damn it! They violated the wilderness hunting laws of the 'Glorious City', they should be executed! All of them should be executed!"

"These stupid guys, how can they give up the walls. It's over, the camp is over"

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