Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 132 Bizarre (please subscribe!)

The fierce battle at the "Plague Base" is still going on, and the beast horde is hitting the three mechanical cities like an endless stream.

The torrential rain on the clouds was like a pouring rain, which became more and more violent as it fell, which greatly suppressed the power of the fire spells, and also provided the two "lord level" monsters with an endless supply of rainwater.

Everyone has guessed the outcome of this fierce battle and is struggling to support it.

But when that moment of despair came, everyone was still shocked.

Boom! Boom! Boom.

Suddenly, a violent explosion rose into the sky.

It was like a spring thunder exploding, breaking the eardrums.

The entire base trembled violently like an earthquake.

The "Glory No. 35" machine city burst into flames, and mushroom clouds soared into the sky.

Judging by the intensity of the explosion, it was definitely not the movement of artillery or magic, but seemed to detonate the internal combustion boiler and the ammunition compartment.

This is a sign of the fall of Mech City. At the last moment, the commander will order to detonate the steam boilers of Mech City, and die together with the enemy. In order to kill the enemy, but also to prevent the enemy from capturing a complete mechanical city on the battlefield.

"The city is broken!"

Someone shouted.

This burst of explosion seemed to ignite a certain signal.

This is the expected result.

The "Glory No. 35" mechanical city was attacked by two "lord-level" monsters with concentrated firepower. The walls of the mechanical city were the same as the walls of the previous camp, and they couldn't stop the mighty army of monsters.

Judging from the scale of the beast horde, the barbarians who came to seek revenge this time must be extremely strong.

The depletion of the resistance force in the base by the monsters is the "appetizer", and the unknown ultimate move is still waiting for them.

The longer we wait until the decisive battle, the worse it will be for these people in Glory City.

Now that one is broken, it means that the pressure on the other two will be very high.

The Warcraft that divided its forces into three groups has now become divided into two groups, and the pressure has skyrocketed. It will be a matter of time before the other two mechanical cities are breached.

On the other hand, because Mr. Toust's eight-armed mechanical power descended from heaven and killed several high-level monsters that broke in, the situation in the ground base was much better.

Although the wild hunters also suffered heavy casualties, one out of ten survived, but fortunately, those who survived were basically stronger wild hunters.

"The city is broken!"

"Those noble gentlemen are going to start desperately"

"Haha. I finally made it to this point!"


Seeing this scene, not only did the surviving hunters not despair, but their eyes lit up with a growing hope.

Breaking the city means that the opportunity they have been waiting for has come!

They knew very well that those noble gentlemen who hid in the city would only be defeated one by one in the end, and they would definitely die.

Therefore, if they want to survive, they can only choose to break through!

The barbarian behind the scene who manipulated the beast horde, could formulate such a thorough siege plan, must also know that there are some "big shots" in the mechanical city, and he must focus on it.

Those guys breaking through into the beast tide will definitely receive the attention of the barbarians.

And the other direction is the weak point of the beast tide.

As the wild hunters expected, the moment the violent explosion sounded, a more violent attack suddenly broke out from the other two mechanical cities!

The group of mages cast a powerful group covering spell, and in a blink of an eye, they swept out a clearing in the dark beast tide.

After repelling the beast horde for a short time, a large group of people rushed out of the two mechanical cities, mage group, guard group, and surrounded by a group of dignitaries whose faces were pale with fright.

They wear the most luxurious top-level equipment and tore the most expensive high-level magic scrolls.

The high-priced life-saving props that are rare in major commercial firms on weekdays are thrown into the beast tide as if they don't cost money at this moment.

The firepower is extremely strong, and there are avenues of escape in an instant;

But the movement was also huge, and it also attracted more and more monsters to rush over one after another.

"These aristocratic gentlemen are running away now, do they really look like a group of girls!"

"Hahaha a bunch of sons of bitches, bah!"

"Hey. I thought those guys who usually look at people with their nostrils would not be afraid of death. Isn't this fucking like an old dog with its tail between its legs?"


The hunters made no secret of their mockery of the powerful.

Burgos, the deputy head of "Iron Boots", Martin, the head of "Scarlet Tomahawk", and several members of the large hunting group also met together.

"Everyone, get ready to break through. In this situation, those nobles in the Mechanical City are starting to work hard. After a while, when they attract the large army of monsters, we should leave."

"Hey, we were asked to block the guns before, but now these dignitaries are somewhat useful. At least they can attract the main force of the beast tide."

"Although today is unlucky, it is considered a blessing among misfortunes. I did not expect that there would be such an amazing mechanic in the Wild Hunter team."

"That's right! If the mechanical giant hadn't killed the high-level monsters that rushed into the camp one after another, it would be hard to say how many of us low-level hunters without the protection of the mechanical city would have survived."

"The time is almost here. If you don't say anything else, let's not live here. Everyone, whether you can survive now depends on who is lucky."

"Hey, if you are not dead, I invite you to drink!"

"Stop fucking nonsense, if I'm not dead, I invite everyone to have fun at the best custom tavern!"



As soon as the words fell, the several wild hunting groups each intuitively chose a direction and began to break through.

It's meaningless to gather together to break through, then the group of monsters will gather together, and in the end they can't escape the group and end.

Now spread out and rush, but also fight for character.

If there are few high-level monsters encountered in a certain direction, it may be possible to rush out.

In the end, whoever can survive depends on the means, and whoever is lucky will be lucky.

on the other hand,

"Boy Ryan, Karl, ready to break through!"

Mr. Toust replaced the mech with a new ammunition box, and with a few shuttles, he cleared an open space near the tent and swept out a breakout route.


Ren nodded, he had already packed it up, and there was nothing to take.

Just to be on the safe side, I put on an extra set of light leather armor.

Originally, he was worried about the safety of Toust's grandson and grandson, but now he has completely lost this concern.

On the contrary, because the old man's battle mech is as brutal and powerful as a bulldozer, as long as he doesn't encounter special monsters like mud monsters, the probability of rushing out is very high.

Everyone in the entire "plague base" is preparing to break out, and no one thinks that they can survive until the end of the beast tide.

But before everyone rushed out of the base wall,

Suddenly, a strange scene happened.

The torrential rain stopped abruptly, and the "demon wind" blowing like howling ghosts and wolves in the base also stopped suddenly.

I don't know what happened, the [Swamp Lord] who was besieging another mechanical city suddenly turned into a puddle of mud and merged into the swamp.

[Gunflower Vine Demon] also gathers the fresh and tender buds, and disappears in a blink of an eye.

The two "lord level" monsters actually retreated?

At this time, the group of monsters besieging the plague base suddenly regained their senses, and the madness in their eyes was swept away, and they became dazed.

As if someone had pressed the pause button on the frantic music of the disco, all the monsters in Gene were stunned for a moment.

It was like after drinking a short video, they suddenly realized something.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around them again, those monsters also showed panic in their eyes, and they scattered in an instant, faster than when they came.

But in the blink of an eye, apart from the corpses of monsters, no living monsters could be seen in the huge base.

The monsters run faster than humans, heading towards the depths of the swamp

The wild hunters who were breaking out looked at the beast horde that was running faster than them, and they were extremely astonished, so they didn't run away.

In a blink of an eye, the beast horde disappeared without a trace in the swamp, leaving them looking at each other in blank dismay.

"What's the situation?"

"The beast tide has receded?"

"Seems to be"


Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what happened at all.

There is a dreamlike feeling in each of the eyes.

A piece of the base that was still dark just now, now there are only stumps and pieces of flesh left on the ground. Looking at the empty camp in front of them, the wild hunters were at a loss for a while.

If it weren't for this messy battlefield, everyone might have thought it was just a dream.

Is this the end of the beast tide?

Rennes and the others also stopped breaking through.

Bazel jumped onto the wall of the camp, felt it for a moment, frowned and said: "The beast tide is indeed far away."

He was sure that those magical beasts really retreated into the swamp, and they ran farther and farther.

When Ren heard this, he was puzzled: "Huh?"

The beast tide is really over.

The abruptness is unbelievable.

Obviously, the beast horde has the upper hand, so there is no need to play "playing hard to get" tactics. After breaking through one mechanical city, and taking advantage of the victory to pursue, the other two mechanical cities can be captured very quickly.

But this is a bit anticlimactic.

Obviously they all came here with the aim of killing them all, why did those barbarians suddenly retreat?

Obviously not a discovery of conscience.

Instead of feeling relaxed, Bazel's face became more solemn: "Boy Ren, things may be weird, you'd better be careful."

Ren also felt that it was a little strange that the tide of beasts receded, so he nodded: "Yes."

But after all, the beast tide has receded.

Without the continuous heavy attacks of monsters, the mechanical giant is useless.

The golden antler helmet clicked open, revealing the slightly ruddy face of Mr. Toust, and he also asked with doubts: "Boy Ren, the beast tide has receded?"

"Yes, Grandpa Toust."

Seeing that the old man's expression was not bad, Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s fine if there’s nothing wrong with it, I’m afraid that God won’t be able to bear the operation just now.

He thought about it, and then said: "It may be that the high-ranking barbarian priest who drove the beast tide suddenly died suddenly, or it may be other reasons. Anyway, the living monsters around the base have disappeared without a trace."

He also encountered such a situation in the forest of Glory City before. At that time, it seemed that it was because of Udo's magical power that the chick backfired and interrupted the beast tide.

Thinking about it is probably the only guess that is the most reasonable.

When Toust heard this, his expression suddenly relaxed, "It's fine to retreat."

In a blink of an eye, Ren realized that the old man's "vigorous" state was a little abnormal, and asked weakly, "Grandpa Toust, did you drink any medicine before?"

This is not the state that a patient should have, obviously drugged.


Toust smiled, and said disapprovingly, "The 'Awakening Potion' prepared by your teacher can keep me awake for a certain period of time without going into a coma."


Ren also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't a banned drug. Although this "sober potion" had some side effects, it was mild and wouldn't kill anyone.

The medicine prepared by the teacher is still reliable.

But Toust's next words frightened Ren again. The old man put away the test tube in the hand of the mechanical arm, and seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied: "It feels good to be full of energy. But this is also good, saving the third potion."

"The third branch?"

Ren's eyelids twitched when he heard it.

This "sober potion" is an emergency medicine. Normal people can only take one dose, but the old man has already taken two?

Is he planning to risk his life and send himself and Karl out?

Sure enough, without the support of the medicine, the after-effects soon came to the fore.

Toust looked at Ren's expression, pretending to be relaxed, "Don't worry, I"

The voice stopped abruptly!

The old man was talking, without any warning, suddenly passed out!

Seeing this, Carl exclaimed, "Grandpa!"

Ren's complexion also changed, and he immediately jumped onto the mecha. After a simple inspection, he immediately judged: "The side effects of the medicine have backfired!"

He didn't dare to delay at all, and immediately used a scalpel to cut a line of blood on the old man's wrist, releasing the unbearable pressure on a part of the body in the blood vessel. Then he quickly used the "gang line" to help clear the blood circulation in the brain and heart, calming his heart rate that was already on the highway

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