Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 140 Magic Solution

Just when Bazel led the three of Renn to force the gate of the city.

In the magic tower in the mechanical city, more than a dozen great magicians in red robes are concentrating on instilling magic power into the complex nine-pointed star magic circle arranged on the ground. On the nine corners of the formation, nine fifth-order magic cores are shining, showing pale and exhausted old faces.

"There is still a quarter of an hour before the construction of the teleportation array can be completed, everyone work harder, don't be stingy with the magic core!"

The large army of barbarians will soon come after them, and now they must race against time, the sooner the teleportation array is built, the higher the chance of escaping.

But at this time, someone suddenly came to report.

"Lord Kipling, [White Wolf] Bazel suddenly appeared in the city. He wanted to force his way out of the city. There was a lot of commotion and the guards were stopping him. But if there is no high-level transcendence in the past, the guards may not be able to stop him. "

"Bazel? Why is that guy here?"

Hearing this, Kipling, who was instilling magic power, was stunned for a moment, and was also very surprised. He didn't expect that there was actually a "Ten Legends" hidden in the city?

The subordinates reported again: "Just now the intelligence side verified the identities of the people who broke through the checkpoint. It was found that Bazel registered a 'Soy Sauce Hunting Group' and has been staying in the plague base for several months."

Kipling rolled his eyes and guessed in his heart: Could it be that he was going to the temple?

Think about it, this is the only possibility.

Under normal circumstances, the "Ten Legends" were in the city, and he, the city lord, should take a picture of him no matter what, let alone causing trouble. But the construction of the magic circle is at a critical moment right now, and it is impossible for him to withdraw.

"Then leave him alone and let him out."

"However, that mysterious mechanic was also with Bazel."

"The mechanic is going out of town too?"


Hearing this, Kipling hesitated.

He heard his subordinates describe last night's beast tide and some details before, and he was also very interested in that set of mechanical armor that could easily kill the fifth-order [Golden Bull].

And of course, there's that mechanic.

But the person who sent someone out to negotiate was turned back. He originally thought that after the teleportation array was completed, he would forcibly take the mechanic away no matter whether it was coercion or bribery.

But now that Bazel was by his side, it was obviously impossible.

The top extraordinary of the Winster family is concentrated here, and it's not that they are afraid of Bazel.

It's just that if there is a big war now, it will definitely affect the construction progress of the teleportation array. If something happens and they fail to teleport away before the barbarians break the city, they will be in a very dangerous situation.

"Forget it, getting the [Fire Totem] this time is already the biggest gain."

Kipling weighed in his mind for a moment and made a decision.

A magician is an ancient extraordinary profession that has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and it is the most noble profession no matter what era it is. They all carry a sense of pride in their bones, no matter how powerful the machine is, they always have a bit of contempt in their hearts.

What's more, now it's obvious that you can't ask for it.

"Don't worry about him, anyway, going out of the city is a dead end, so it's better to let that guy attract some barbarian firepower first."


In the mechanical city, Bazel led Ren and others to break through the level, and there was a lot of commotion.

But what is surprising is that no red-robed mage came to stop him.

In the end, the city guard got an order from above, and even said that the city lord of Kipling had given Bazel the privilege of the "Ten Legends", allowing the four of them to leave the mechanical city easily.

Outside the "Plague Base".

After leaving the city, instead of feeling relaxed, the four of Renn's expressions became more and more dignified.

"Damn it, we really guessed it! Those red-robed mages are probably setting up teleportation arrays in the magic tower, so they don't have time to talk to us."

With a gloomy face, Bazel scolded angrily: "Kipling Winster, this old bastard is really ruthless. I have been a strange thief for so many years. Although I have killed a lot, I have never done such a heartless thing." .Hehe, let someone from the base block the gun for them, and they slipped away first, how the hell can you figure it out.”

Toust also rarely spoke: "Power will make people degenerate. The more people are at the peak of power, the easier it is to lose their humanity. Those in the Winster family are no different from the corrupt nobles of the two empires."

If the "Plague Base" hadn't encountered a wave of beasts before, the actions of those guys would have killed tens of thousands of people.

Moreover, no matter where they lead this misfortune, from the time they plan to find a magic tower to teleport away, it is doomed that someone from the base will die for them.

Now Renn has completely lost any affection for the five major families of Glory City.

Liberty City? hehe.

It's no wonder that Metternich, who likes to play poker, always likes to talk about the slogan of "slaughtering the aristocracy".

Although the thinking is a bit extreme, the rich and powerful in this world often do not regard the common people as "human beings". Some guys really think there is nothing wrong with erasing.

Thinking of that mysterious hooded man,

Ren couldn't help but think of the result of the divination given to him by that guy last time - "turn evil into good fortune".

He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the "fierce" did not refer to the beast tide last night, but this time in front of him.

Although they talked about it, the four of them didn't dare to delay after leaving the city.

Knowing that this mechanical city will be the core of a storm that is about to occur, how could they dare to stay for a long time.

Their current situation is also very bad. If they stay in the city, they will almost die. If they run outside, there is a high probability that they will run into barbarians.

The only expectation is that I hope that I will be lucky and not meet the top barbarian masters of the "legendary level".

The Dachshund was steady, but slow.

At this juncture, even if Mr. Toust might be knocked unconscious, he has no choice.

Ryan took out his long-preserved "Circle Motorcycle", and Bazel took out his domineering and stylish modified steam Harley motorcycle.

And Carl, a mechanic, naturally has no shortage of motorcycles, so he took out his improved shock-absorbing "Jumping Mouse" motorcycle.

In the blink of an eye, the steam boiler of the three-two locomotive was roaring, and it was galloping away from the plague swamp.

Obviously, Rennes and the others made the right choice!

And just as the four of them left on their motorcycles, the suddenly clear sky suddenly changed.

The dark clouds rose suddenly, as if the double speed was pressed, the clouds quickly condensed. After a few breaths, a large black cloud gathered over the plague base, and the light dimmed instantly.

Dark clouds pressed down on the city, and everyone in the mechanical city felt a crushing feeling of breathlessness.

And in the private room, a drizzle suddenly fell from the sky.

On the steam Harley locomotive, Bazel squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky, letting the raindrops hit his face.

In a moment of perception, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted anxiously: "There is something wrong with this rain, go away!"

Ren didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the rain, but when he heard what the boss said, he didn't dare to be careless, and the accelerator directly hit the end.

The three locomotives flew away, and the tires left three deep marks on the wasteland.

The speed of the motorcycle was very fast, and when we turned around, we could already see the plague base in the mist.

And just a minute or two after the dark clouds appeared in the sky, there was suddenly intense artillery and gunshots behind him.

Boom, boom, boom

"A war really started?!"

Listening to the density of the artillery in his heart, Ren could also imagine how fierce the battle was.

Last night, there was a wave of beasts, which means that the main force of the siege is not monsters, but a large force of barbarians.

Come so fast!

From the moment they left the Mechanical City to the start of the battle, it took no more than five minutes.

Fortunately, he left decisively, otherwise he would be trapped in the city, and he probably would have died this time.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, just when Renn was a little relieved, thinking that they had escaped the siege of the barbarians, Bazel suddenly poured cold water on him.

"Boy Ren, those savages are catching up, there are super strong! Let me block it for you, be careful yourself!"

"What! Are you chasing me?"

Ren's face changed suddenly when he heard that, how powerful would it be to make Bazel call him a "super strong man"?

But before he finished speaking, Bazel, who was riding in front of him, suddenly saw his hair all over his body swell up in the wind, and in just an instant, it grew more than an inch long. There was a deep roar in his throat, and the muscles all over his body were swollen and knotted visibly, and his whole body became bigger like a balloon. The cheeks also protrude outward, revealing a ferocious wolf face with bared teeth.

It has entered a state of animalization.

Moreover, this anomaly is not over yet!

At this moment, Ren suddenly saw the scarlet fighting spirit behind Bazel soar like a sparkling flame, and behind him, a huge monster phantom actually appeared!

At first glance, it was a hazy phantom of a self-supporting werewolf.

Bazel was originally one of the "Top Ten Legends", with a domineering aura. It can be said that anyone in front of him will not realize that his momentum will be three points weaker. What's more, after turning into a silver wolf, Bazel's beast body carried the ferocity of a monster again, which was a bloodthirsty aura that would frighten the weak at a glance.

But even so, compared with the phantom of the monster behind him, the visual shock of the two is not at the same level at all.

One at least belongs to mortals, while the other... is a demon god!

"That's the [Magic solution] secret method?!"

Seeing this, Ren's pupils shrank sharply, and he screamed in his heart: "Magic Solution, Wolf God Barbatoa!"

At that time, [Dark Emperor] Moises had seventy-two knights, and ranked thirty-second among the dark and murderous generals—"Barbatoa"!

Ren remembers asking Bazel, what is the difference between the "Ten Legends" and ordinary fifth-order transcendents.

Bazel answered him, not to mention the "meaning" of cultivation and comprehension, the biggest difference lies in the secret method of [Magic Solution]!

"Legend" can borrow the power of the ancient demon gods to comprehend superpowers beyond the knowledge of mortals, and take their strength to a higher level.

As we all know, the genetic potions advanced by the extraordinary are all inherited from the sequence of seventy-two generals of the Monkel civilization.

There are seventy-two extraordinary sequences, and each sequence corresponds to an exclusive general.

After the extraordinary person breaks through the fifth gene lock, the combination of gene chains has been fixed, and both his cultivation level and his understanding of the laws have reached a certain height.

At this time, they can start to try to visualize higher-level power, pray for the blessing of the demon god, and obtain more powerful extraordinary power.

It also seems to involve the mysterious field of "faith"

The principle is very complicated, and Ren's realm is not enough, so he hasn't been able to understand it thoroughly for the time being.

But in layman's terms, it is that the phantom of the demon god gave the extraordinary "God and Demon Experience Card", allowing them to temporarily increase their combat power by a large amount, and they can also comprehend the power of some ancient gods from it!

And if you want to comprehend [Magic Solution], the most direct way is to absorb the "divine power crystallization"!

Because the legendary "divine power crystallization" is actually the blood crystallization of the seventy-two generals containing divine power, and the crystal contains the complete gene chain combination of gods and demons.

But this kind of thing is a consumable, and you may not be able to find one after ten or eight years of land reclamation.

This is also the reason why "City of Glory" released the SSS mission, "Looking for the Temple", which will attract top powerhouses to follow!

Bazel's current injury has not healed yet, and once he uses the [Magic Solution] state, it means that he will do his best.

This also shocked Rennes.

What kind of terrifying existence was chased by the barbarians, so that the legend was already planning to desperately just sense the breath?

Without his thinking, those people appeared in front of his eyes.

Just after their motorcycle passed through a particularly thick fog to go to the area, their vision suddenly became clear, and then they saw a row of barbarian knights waiting outside.

These guys are tall and big, riding all kinds of monsters on their feet, and they are staring at the "fish that slipped through the net" that Ren and the others sent to their door.

Many of these strange-looking Warcraft mounts Ren can't name them, but from the main physical characteristics, traces of some common animals can still be distinguished.

Wild boar, zebra, rhino, leopard, tiger, lion, rabbit, antelope, wolf, and crocodile

But these monsters have one thing in common, that is, they are "huge" in size!

Adult Coleman males are generally three meters tall, and even females are more than two meters tall. But compared with their mounts, they are small and pleasant.

With just one glance, Ren immediately confirmed who the "super master" Bazel was talking about was.

Because that guy is so conspicuous.

It was a five-meter-tall barbarian who rode a woolly mammoth and held a huge mace, as strong as a chimpanzee. Even among the generally tall savages, his height stood out from the crowd, making him recognizable at a glance.

The giant's gaze was like a torch, and it was obvious that he had locked on to Bazel long ago.

It was just that this "super master" released a little pressure, and it also made Renn feel the pressure like a mountain falling.

It's still worse than leo627, heartbroken, 958273 million rewards

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