Ren just cast a glance, and the tall figure was engraved in his mind, lingering.

He was sure that that chimpanzee-like guy could definitely smash him into a meatloaf with one blow!

"Could it be the first warrior of the Coleman tribe, Habu?"

Ren remembered that Udo once said that the taller the fighters of their Coleman tribe, the stronger their combat effectiveness. The first warrior "Hab" is a full five meters tall, just in line with the barbarian riding a mammoth in front of him!

According to Wu Duo's description, this guy should be a "legendary level" combat power among human beings.

It's no wonder that just as Bazel sensed that guy's aura, he looked like he was facing an enemy.

But Ren was also very surprised. Thousands of people came to deal with them, so where and how many people went to the Mechanic City? What's more, there is a legendary warrior here?

Don't think about it, the situation in Mechanic City must be bad.

At the same time, he cursed secretly, those plague gods of the Winster family, how much trouble did this cause, so that all the barbarians from the old lair of the "Forest of Ashes" came out?

But with such a big encirclement, there must be several million people?

Apparently there aren't that many savages.

"Is there a problem with the rain?"

Ren suddenly remembered what Bazel said before, and felt the cold raindrops hitting his face.

They were blocked, certainly not because of the large encirclement, but because they had been pinpointed long ago. Moreover, a first barbarian soldier specially came to intercept him, obviously he had sensed the existence of Bazel early on.

"Rainwater positioning perception, how can this thing be avoided? The barbarian priest's method is really amazing!"

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Ren's mind.

But the real crisis pulled him back from his thoughts.

woo woo woo woo

When the barbaric knights saw Ren and his three motorcycles, they screamed excitedly, then slapped the belly of the monster mount with their feet, and rushed over like a wave.

Know what kind of fucked up feeling that is?

The mighty hooves galloped, and the earth trembled violently.

Ren three riders alone, feeling helpless.


Encountering pursuers on the way, Ren's eyes were dazed, but his body reacted slightly dissatisfied.

Without any hesitation at all, he directly used the motorcycle to make a U-turn. The same is true for Karl on the side, and he started to change directions after following Rennes!

"Boy Ren, find a way to escape by yourself, that guy is coming for me, I can't leave!"

There was a burst of drinking.

Only Bazel didn't change direction, and rushed towards the army of barbarian knights.

The legendary awareness is also very high, knowing that he can't get out of trouble if he is stared at by others, so he chooses to cut off the rear for Ren. And even though he was in such a desperate situation and was still injured, there was no trace of timidity on his face.

The mace-toothed giant on the opposite side was also riding a mammoth, and the two collided head-on.

The rest of the barbarians seemed to be too suppressed by the pressure of the two superpowers to move closer, and they automatically separated into a battlefield.

In this critical moment, although Ren was worried about the danger of Bazel rushing into the barbarian crowd, he didn't care about it. Because right now, he himself is also frantically probing on the verge of death.

Moreover, what's worse is that although motorcycles are fast, they don't have any speed advantage at all for those feline monsters who are good at short-distance explosive attacks.

There was still a distance of one or two kilometers before, and it didn't take long before he was behind his butt.

javelin rain


Not a javelin!

It was an arrow with a thick arm and nearly two meters long!

The barbarian is not only tall and big, but also good at salvo.

The bows and arrows they use are much thicker than those used by normal humans. The arrows are enchanted, and their power is not weaker than muskets!


The sound of breaking wind seems to be connected together.

Hearing that Ren's neck shrank, he tried his best to hide his body in the metal parts of the locomotive.

After all, he himself is still a hand-to-hand fighter, with flexible body reactions, and he can barely deal with dodging arrows. Little Carl, who was carrying Toust on the side, was a little dangerous. Although his locomotive was much more advanced, the two weak mechanics had no ability to avoid the rain of arrows at all. The arrows had poked several large holes.

It is estimated that there will be two more rounds of arrow rain, and the grandfather and grandson will get GG directly.

What should I do, do I want to die here?

Ren believes that his strength is not bad, and one or two barbarians can still fight.

But what the hell, there are hundreds of them behind this ass!

If you really want to poke it alone, you can immediately poke him into a hornet's nest.

Aww~ Aww~ Aww~

Those few strong little barbarian chieftains chased after them first, and kept pace with Ren's locomotive.

Suddenly they were not in a hurry to kill, but played like a cat and a mouse.


Listening to a chattering exchange, the moment Ren was startled, a simultaneous translation came from his brain.

"Quickly kill that nasty invader!"

"No, let them die in despair!"

"These damn invaders, don't let them die too cheaply"


Huh. I can speak Coleman

I don't know what came to mind, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Ren's mind.

At this time, although Carl, the little mechanic, was young, he also showed a look of death. He didn't give up resistance, because surrender is also mortal!

He also heard from wild hunters that barbarians never keep alive!

At this time, Carl took out a homemade high-explosive bomb and shouted: "Brother Ren, be careful, I'm going to drop a bomb!"


Ren suddenly shouted loudly.

Apparently the bomb would kill a few savages, but they'd end up being poked to a pulp. Now Mr. Toust is still in a weak stage and can't drive the battle armor at all. Once there are casualties, the two sides have no room for maneuver at all, and there is really no end to death.

Ren quickly said: "Carl, don't do it yet!"

Carl was taken aback for a moment, and cast a puzzled look.

This is the juncture, what else can we do if we don't do anything?

But what happened next left the little mechanic, as well as the old man Tust behind him, in a daze.

He was even more confused than when he was blocked by a barbarian army before.

At this moment, they heard Renn yelling at the savages a "bird language" that was not a common language at all!


This voice not only froze Karl's hand throwing the bomb, but also froze the expressions of those barbarians.

what's the situation? !

Carl: Brother Ryan can actually communicate with barbarians?

Savages: How could an "aggressor" speak their Coleman language so fluently?

"Stop! I'm Udo's friend! I'm Udo's friend, not an enemy!"

This is surprisingly fluent in Coleman.

That's right, Mr. Lei's solution is to surrender and negotiate.

In the eyes of others, these Colemans in front of them are savages who cannot be rationalized at all.

They represent all negative words such as barbaric, killing, violent, cruel...etc.

But Ren knew that they were not barbaric, but their technological level was backward, but their level of civilization was not low. At least, it's not the cannibals who are no different from Warcraft as the wild hunters say.

If it is an enemy of life and death, Rennes will definitely fight to the death, as many as he can kill.

Instead of choosing to surrender and negotiate.

But in fact, none of them had even a drop of barbarian blood on their hands. Even from the bottom of their hearts, they didn't have any emotion that could be called "hatred" towards these barbarians.

Since there is no grievance or enmity, this kind of deadly battle seems meaningless.

Ren watched the raised bows and arrows of those barbarians froze there, and knew that what he just said had worked.

Being able to say the name of the priest of "Udo", this is naturally a true acquaintance.

Those Warcraft knights looked at each other, they were surprised to hear such fluent Coleman from the mouth of an "invader". And, even more surprising, this guy also knew the high priest of their tribe.

On the other hand, since the speed of the motorcycle couldn't get rid of the monster mount, Ren simply stopped running.

He stopped the locomotive directly, spread out his hands, and signaled that he would not run or resist.

Such a move also made those barbarians who still wanted to shoot arrows completely put away their arrows.

Then, he was surrounded.

Riding on the monster mounts, those savages were five or six meters tall, covered in darkness, and their eyes were as cold as wolves.

Ryan had to look up at these barbarians with javelins and spears pointed at him.

At this moment, he was like a sheep caught in a trap, surrounded by spikes full of sharp stone pieces.

He said in Coleman again: "I am Udo's friend, not my enemy. If you don't believe me, let me meet her"

Now the only hope is pinned on the little barbarian girl who is somewhat friendly.

After all, he saved her life in the first place.

Uh... Although there was an "exchange of benefits", it was really saved anyway.

Ren's words obviously have some effect, but not much.

The wild hunters have slaughtered countless tribes outside the "Forest of Ashes" in the past few months, killing not 100,000 barbarians, but also 80,000.

For the Coleman clan, which had a small population, it was already a genocide.

This kind of blood feud cannot be smoothed over with a few words.

Seeing Ren, those barbarian warriors were filled with righteous indignation, wishing to dig his flesh here.

"The words of the 'aggressor' are simply unbelievable, kill him!"

"Yes, they killed so many of our people, the invaders must die"

"We Colemans don't kill friends of the clan"


The more they talked, the more excited they were, and the probing stone spear almost poked Ren in the face.

At this moment, Ren was not nervous anymore.

Hold a long gun to your head and you can dodge it with all your strength; if you point a hundred guns, you will be in debt

However, he really didn't want to die so meaninglessly, and explained again: "My companions and I have not harmed any Colemans, and we have no hostility towards you. The great 'Morogos God' is here God, He can prove that my words are not false."

I learned this from the little girl Udo.

For the Colemen who believe in gods, mentioning the names of gods is especially useful, because in their knowledge, no one dares to lie to the great god.

This time, as expected, the barbarians who were clamoring to kill to vent their anger suddenly calmed down, and all of them shut up.

At this time, a skinny old man with a more complex totem on his face than others looked at Ren and said, "I don't feel the blood of our Colemans in his soul. He didn't lie."

Hearing this, Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

He remembered that Udo said that Priest Coleman knew something about the "language of nature" and could perceive many strange things.

Anyway, it's an extraordinary ability similar to that of a lie detector.

Only when the other party believes, can there be room for negotiation.

His life seemed to be saved for the time being.

'Fire Crow Hunter', 'Z_D Wu' 1500, '150504003406819' 900 coins, 'Snow Tears Are Cold' 600 coins, 'Xiwu 1985', 'Water Mist and Moonlight', 'keyeyes', 'Spring Ends Autumn and Winter Comes Rin', 'Rose Falling', '[汣零]', 'Bookworm 〓 Dumpling' 500 Coins, 'Dust Jade G', '1161245775250001920', 'Shangyan Emperor', 'Ling Fury', 'Twilight Moon Dawn',' 20201219050021420''Gan Liliang','Gu D','20171018204413106'. Thank you for your support.

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