Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 163 Signs Thunder Soldier Tentacle Monster

Ren and several magic alchemy puppets are walking ahead to explore the way like "thunder soldiers".

The underground palace here has ancient tombs like those in previous tomb robbery novels, cold and terrifying.

In the depths of the dark corridor, there is always an unknown existence hidden. Occasionally, the chilly wind poured into the clothes, as if some cold mollusk passed through the back, making people's skin pimples fall all over the ground.

However, the "devil energy of the abyss" here is already very strong, taking a big breath makes Ren feel the comfort of opening thousands of pores.

But in order to cover up his [Divine Healing Technique], he still pretended to take out a gas mask and put it on his face.

His storage ring contained some commonly used medical equipment, nothing special. Those master mages probably have already checked it and are not interested in taking it away.

A mage is one of the wealthiest professions among extraordinary people, especially a high-level mage. No one in this group of big red robes would value this little treasure.

The underground palace is very quiet, so quiet that you can clearly hear your own breathing and heartbeat.

The magic light source in their hands is like a star in this endless darkness.

After walking for a while, Renn had a general understanding of the layout of these buildings. In the era of "Munkel Civilization", this is probably a huge city with hundreds of thousands of people living here.

Along the rock wall of this deep pit, they built and carved out a large number of buildings.

Houses, palaces, altars, baths, blacksmiths have everything you need for life here.

Even though countless years have passed and all the objects have become decayed, traces of human life in ancient civilizations can still be seen.

Ren didn't dare to be careless.

Because before that, the Mafa Grand Witch Festival had already told him that this temple would never come back.

Although the Colemans couldn't tell what danger was in the temple, he also heard a message from the red-robed mages behind him just now. There seemed to be some "monster" in the depths of the darkness.

Although Ren was curious about why these guys didn't go up, but went down, he didn't dare to ask.

Even if asked, those mage masters probably wouldn't answer a "mortal person".

The more you go down, the more forks in the corridor.

However, from the beginning to the end, Ren did not perceive any trace of the existence of the "monster".

He wasn't in a hurry to get away either.

For the time being, it seems that it is safer to have such a group of red-robed mages following him than to go alone.

Since it is a city that has been inhabited by a large number of humans, there must be writing.

No, walking near a corridor, there was a fork in the road, and "signposts" were engraved on the rock wall.

On the left [Cave for Feeding Büchner], on the right [Corridor of Lamentation].

Although Ren didn't understand what that "Buchner" was, the warning "Do Not Enter" was clearly written on the left wall. The depths of that corridor seem to be some kind of monster fed by humans in ancient civilizations

Ren didn't dare to show that he understood. He didn't wait for the mages behind him to say anything, and walked into the passage on the right with his head buried.

Although those red-robed mages were dissatisfied with Ren's self-assertion, they didn't say anything.

After all, you have to choose one in the end anyway, and no one knows which one is correct, and it will save effort if someone chooses it.

[Prayer Square], [Mitkan Exit], [Night Shadow Corridor], [Matica Cave], [Red Wine Cellar], [Great Poison Cave].

Almost all the bifurcations of the corridor are marked with Monkel's "signpost" in ancient script.

Then, relying on his ability to know the "signpost", the group of people went deep underground smoothly without encountering any danger.

But in this dark environment, everyone's expressions are tense, and their energy is exhausted.

Not long after they walked, they started trimming again.

The eight red-robed mage masters began to discuss the route again.

"From the present point of view, this must be a relic of the Monkel civilization. Since the way up is blocked, there may be other ways out below. We have enough food and water, and we don't have to worry about it for a long time Survival crisis. What's more, the temple should be at the bottom, and there may be other gains if you look for it."

"Master Kidd, I found that the further down we go, the safer it seems. We haven't come across any secret tunnels after walking for so long, and the tentacle monster can't feel it at all."

"We should have escaped from that monster's predation range. It's a pity that Becker and Rojas were attacked by that monster and left us forever."

"Be careful, everyone, I always think this deep pit is weird."


Ren didn't speak, listening to the conversation of the red-robed mages, he probably figured out the current situation.

The top has been sealed by the "giant flower", and it seems that it can only go down.

Moreover, according to those people, it seems that they still don't give up on the "temple", and they always want to find some "divine power crystallization".

Not long after, the repairs were completed, and everyone began to descend again.

Finally, after walking for several kilometers in the corridor, and about a thousand meters down in total, there was another fork in the corridor, and the icon read:

On the left [the cave feeding Büchner], on the right [the east of the Great Cloister];

Ren didn't know what the hell "Bichner" was, and the caves where it was fed were marked everywhere.

Is it a large number of monsters fed by the ancient humans of the "Munkel civilization", or is it a very big monster?

If he hadn't seen the "giant flower" that ate them before, Ren thought it should be the former; otherwise, it's been thousands of meters, how big is the creature?

But obviously, now he felt that the latter was also possible.

However, he secretly prayed that after countless years, all monsters should turn into decay.

Thoughts flashed through my mind,

Ryan chose to take the right passage without hesitation.

But this time, an accident happened!

Those noble mage masters probably felt that following Ren, the "mine sweeper" all the way, had no sense of participation, and they did not show their superiority over the control of Xiami by high-level extraordinary.

Then, on this multiple-choice question, these mages made a choice for Rennes.

"Stop! Go left!"


Listening to Ren's eyelids twitching violently, for the sake of his own life, he still felt that he should remind: "That mage, I think"

"You have no right to think that!"

Before he could finish speaking, the red-robed sorcerer interrupted him, and said blankly: "My divination tells me that the left side is safer."


Ren twitched his face, and muttered in his heart: I hope your divination will come true.

He didn't insist. After all, if these mage masters knew that he knew "Munkel's ancient language", then he probably couldn't keep all his secrets. The end is no better than being a "minesweeper", and it is possible to die on the spot.

What's more, he was not sure whether he avoided the danger because he led the way, or the bottom of the pit was already safe.

Ren prayed that the "Buchner" had died in the years.

But apparently, it doesn't.

Divination depends on the situation, and things that exceed the divination ability of the transcendent have always been inaccurate.

The human beings of those ancient civilizations specially fed that guy because it seems to have a long lifespan and can protect the city for countless years!

Ren and the alchemy dolls opened the way ahead.

It was also the first time he walked into the corridor marked "dangerous".

There are no stone roads here, but large and small potholes are roughly cut out, like spiders' caves.

But fortunately, when he passed by just now, Ren saw another line of writing on the wall: "Stupid and reckless clansman! If you don't enter this place, please stand on the stone slab with the logo of 'Star Grass', 'Bishna ' tentacles don't treat you like food."

This seems to be the logo left over from the past to warn the tribe.

Among the red-robed mages, there was an ancient text lover. He saw this large piece of text, and excitedly rubbed it down.

Then he pointed to the three ancient characters of "Buchner", as if he had discovered a new continent, and said to his teammates: "My lord, if I remember correctly, we have seen this word seven or eight times on the passageway we came from." This may be an important clue."


Ren's face twitched when he heard it.

But after he glanced at the content on the wall, he kept looking for the "Star Grass" sign on the wall.

Then, as expected, he saw a relief mark with "grass" on the wall in a certain corner.

Coincidentally, the group of people didn't speak much along the way, but just as the ancient text lover opened his mouth, he suddenly heard a rustling movement in the air, as if a snake or some other creature was rubbing against the ground. sound.

The voice was very hurried, obviously coming very fast.

And because the cave is full of coals, it seems that monsters are coming from all directions, making it impossible to tell where they came from!

The perception mage in the team was the first to notice the abnormality, and shouted anxiously: "No! That monster is coming again!"

Hearing the word "again", Renn almost didn't greet all these stupid ancestors.

Nima, if you don't risk your life, can you be in this situation?

Ren also guessed at this moment, that "Buchner" may be the tentacle monster that this group of people encountered before!

How strong is this "Bishna" monster that can kill two red-robed archmages and make a group of people helpless?

Then, in the blink of an eye, the eight red-robed mages were instantly covered with magic shields of various colors, looking as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Of course, this group of mages would not care about the life and death of a "tool man".

Ren doesn't know much about magic shields, and he is absolutely not sure that he can escape from the monster tentacle monster that killed the red robe mage. He pretended to be panicked, and then hid in the corner marked with the relief of "Star Grass".

Although the corner without any protection did not give him the slightest sense of security, but he felt that he still believed the words on the stone wall!



It's like the scarlet tongue of a frog when it preys on insects, and it disappears like lightning.

"Ah! Help me."

Renzhi felt a gust of wind blowing in front of his eyes, as if something had appeared, but it was gone. By the time the scream was heard, it was at least a few hundred meters deep in the cave.

Counting again, there are only seven of the eight great magicians left!

"What the hell is that?!"

Ren also showed panic. He used the "intelligent brain" to play back the picture he saw with his eyes at a slow speed, but because it was too fast, his eyes only captured a series of hazy pictures.

It looked like a scarlet tongue the thickness of a bucket with warts!

Moreover, since it is called a "tentacle monster", there is more than one red tongue!

What the hell, this is what you said "divination results are safer"!

Sure enough, if you don't do it, you won't die.

"Quick, sing [Fire Wall Art]!"

The remaining red-robed archmages chanted spells without hesitation and released fire spells. Although the heat would attract the monster, it was also the most effective method.

This is an experience they have tried before!

At this moment, the screams were still echoing in the tunnel, and the scarlet tentacles struck like lightning again.

But this time, the mage group is already prepared. Just when it wrapped around a red-robed mage, the fire spell had already set the passage on fire.

The tentacle burned and suffered pain, and then retracted like lightning.

But whether it is the breath of a living person or the energy of the fire spell, it has successfully attracted it, isn't it?

While Ren stood in the corner and didn't dare to move, he could smell a burning smell in his nose: "Huh, it's not the smell of meat, but the smell of burning plants?"

The burnt taste of protein oil and vegetable fiber is very different, and as a pharmacist, he can easily tell the difference.

However, before he could think about it, at this moment, the tentacle monster came again!

This time it seemed to be irritated, and instead of entangled to eat, it rushed over like a hammer.


There was no room for everyone to dodge in the cramped corridor, and the tentacle hit one of the mages who couldn't dodge, and there was a muffled sound. Although he was covered with a magic shield, Juli instantly knocked him into the air, and fell heavily on the stone wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Go! Go back!"

The seven red-robed mages threw out fire oil cans one by one, and then released fire spells, sealing almost all the tunnels in front of them!

As a "minesweeper", it is naturally impossible for Renn to be taken away by a group of archmages.

Then, those seven people ran a few steps, and blocked the passage they came from with kerosene!

Ren was left on the other side of the flames.

"This group of idiots!"

Lei cursed angrily in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Those Gaoran kerosene was prepared for high-level monsters at first glance, so it would be strange if they forced their way through it, and it would be scorched on the inside and tender on the outside!

He had no choice but to stay here and be burned sooner or later.

Then he could only choose a passage without flames and rushed in.


It seems that it is specially for the safety of the people who stray into the tunnel. The tunnel is like a train tunnel, and "safety points" are set up at intervals.

Every few tens of meters Ren ran, he could see a stone slab marked with a relief of "Star Grass".

Ren didn't know whether he was too weak and not "appetizing" enough, or because the group of archmages had attracted all the attention of the tentacle monsters, and he always felt that those tentacles seemed to turn a blind eye to him.

The lightning-fast tentacles almost passed by several times, but they just didn't catch him.

Without waiting for him to think too much, Ren fled all the way.

He couldn't go back to the original path, so he could only try his best to choose a path that made him feel safe.

If one path is chosen wrong, all of them are wrong.

There are hardly any slabs behind here, just rough potholes. That "swishling" sound was always coming from all directions, and that "tentacle monster" seemed to be everywhere.

But suddenly, Ren ran, and something happened!

"not good!"

It was as if some tentacles grabbed his shoulders, and a huge force hit him. Ren's face changed suddenly, and he instinctively wanted to resist getting out, and kicked the ground with great force. But!

Still like a mantis holding a car, the "strange force" on his shoulders instantly pulled him into a pothole on the side!

He couldn't help being terrified, he was dragged in without any room to resist under that "huge force" due to his extraordinary awakening of almost all strength attributes?

What the hell is this!

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