Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 181 If you don't take revenge, you're not a gentleman (addition for 'Yi Min&#

The group of red-robed mages could spot Ren and the others, so Bazel and the legends would naturally be able to spot them too.

At this moment, Mafa suddenly sensed the killing intent, and warned: "Be careful, those guys below have murderous intent. They seem to be planning to attack us"

As soon as Ren translated, Bazel immediately became angry: "Damn it, these damned fellows in Glory City! If we hadn't risked our lives to disable this monster, everyone would have been trapped here to death. They still want to To stab us in the back at this time?"

Kanosha also had a frosty face, and said coldly: "Those guys should be waiting for the opportunity. Once Renn swallows the monster weak enough to rush out, they will definitely attack us. Don't take chances , get ready to fight."

Ren has also seen the hypocrisy and cruelty of those guys in Glory City long ago, so he didn't take any chances, and suggested: "I don't know how long it will take to absorb it. Otherwise, I will rush out with confidence soon, you guys Just cut off my arm"

He also knew that the grudges of the three of Mafa were now in a dry state, and if they really fought, they might be very reluctant to protect themselves.

But if he still fights around a small shrimp, it will put everyone in a dead end.

At this juncture, he naturally knows which is more important.

Still the same sentence, breaking an arm is better than losing your life!

Hearing this, the three of Mafa fell silent at the same time, and they naturally knew that this was the best choice.

The "blood nematode" on Ren's arm was still devouring, and the giant flower continued to wither visible to the naked eye.

But at this time, Bazel became more and more angry.

"Fucking bastards, these insidious villains in Glory City!"

He cursed angrily, and then muttered again and again: "Those guys know I'm here, and they're ready to do it. They must have the intention of killing me too. Hehe. I hope they can keep me here. Here, otherwise after today, I, Bazel, and their Glory City will never end!"

It was the first time Renn saw Bazel lose his temper so much.

Although the leader of the strange thief has accepted the kindness of the Coleman clan, he actually didn't have any hostility towards Glory City before. After all, there is no direct conflict of interest between the two parties. Glory City is also the preferred "running place" for these strange thieves.

But now, the other party knew that he was here, but still planned to kill him. Obviously, he didn't take this "Ten Legends" seriously.

Maybe he had the idea of ​​killing him and stripping him of his "divine power crystallization".

After all, it is not easy to meet such a weak legend.

What's more, there are still three at once.

I'm afraid that in the eyes of those guys, the three of Bazel are already three moving "divine power crystals".

Ren can think of this, and the three legends can naturally think of this, so their faces become even more ugly.

There are more than twenty people on the other side.

Except for the two veteran "Top Ten Legends" [Black Witch] Dia Banella and [Frost Moon Swordsman] Carlo Gracie, the rest of the red-robed mages are almost all the best in the fifth rank.

But in terms of top combat power, my side has no advantage.

What's more, in the past three days, in order to create a stable transplant operation environment for Rennes, the three legends have exhausted their fighting spirit. And those covetous guys below will crush them no matter in terms of numbers or status.

The situation is not optimistic.

Not long after, the giant flower was crazily devoured by the blood nematodes, and large areas shriveled up.

Visible to the naked eye, the monster's flesh wall was at least hundreds of meters thinner. The walls of wriggling flesh that were originally scarlet and plump had dried up to the point of disrepute.

The overwhelming tentacles "mouthparts" in the nearby area also disappeared, and even the yellow-green corrosive liquid secreted became less and less.

At this moment, most of the body fluids of the "Moro Corpse King Flower" have been swallowed up by the blood nematodes, and the defense, toughness, and healing ability have probably all dropped to a very low level.

Everyone understands that the opportunity to break through the wall is coming soon!

"Get ready to fight"

Bazel's expression was fierce, and he gradually turned into a white wolf.

Kanosha looked at Ren, but didn't say much, her skin was glowing with golden lacquer.

The Great Witch Ji Mafa also had an indifferent face, his whole body was full of bronze luster, and silently took out the [Mologos' Hunting God Spear] and held it in his hand.

He said calmly: "I will drag them for a while, you guys take Little Friend Ren and find a chance to leave first."

The hatred of extermination is irreconcilable.

The old man had already had the will to die in the first battle of the tribe, and now that he said this, everyone could hear the determination to die.

Bazel and Kanosha listened and nodded slightly.

Fights could break out at any time.

The feeling in Ren's right arm became more and more obvious, like the kind that after being extremely thirsty, he suddenly encountered a water source and drank frantically.

Then, he also gradually felt the feeling of fullness from the "blood nematode".

He prayed anxiously in his heart: "Damn it, wait a little longer and it will be over. Don't fight now!"

But the more things backfired.

Because at this time, the great witch priest Mafa in front of him sensed something, and warned: "They are coming!"

Before the words fell, the thin figure had disappeared in place.

Looking at it again, the group of red-robed archmages who have been squatting for a long time below have released range magic.

Those guys in Glory City really chose to do it!

In the battle, as soon as they met face to face, they fought fiercely to the death.

"Damn it, there are at most five minutes before the blood nematodes will mature!"

Ren cursed in his heart, and worked hard, but he didn't expect to meet such a group of villains who stabbed him in the back, and his success fell short.

He originally hoped that this "devil worm" would give him some benefits when it matured, but now, keeping his arm has become a luxury.

And at this juncture, there is obviously no hesitation!

If you hesitate, you will die!

He was also extremely decisive, and directly raised the long knife, intending to cut off his arm directly.

After breaking the wall, at least Bazel and Kanosha still have a chance to lead him to escape!

"Fucking City of Glory, this old man has written it down!"

Ren roared in his heart, but he was not slow in his hands. With a flash of coldness, he swung the knife directly and slashed, blood splattered all over his face in an instant.

However, something unexpected happened!

"Huh, it didn't cut it off?"

When the knife went down, Ren was also stunned.

In order to cut off the arm neatly with this knife, he had to use a lot of force.

It stands to reason that even a stone arm has to be cut off, let alone a flesh and blood body?

However, it happened to be this knife, as if a blunt knife had hit a piece of wood and encountered great resistance. The skin was broken, and it penetrated two fingers deep, but the blade got stuck there.

The blood shot all over the ground like a spring, but the arm didn't break!

There is no problem with the knife, and there is no problem with the strength

Then there must be something wrong with the arm.

"Hey, my muscle meridian has become so strong? By the way, it's because of the 'blood nematode'!"

After a moment of confusion, Ren immediately understood why this happened: the blood nematode matured and fed back to the body!

Seeing this, Bazel was also slightly surprised, but now was obviously not the time to study carefully, and urged: "Boy, hurry up!"

At this time, the danger is approaching, and no one can hesitate.

Even if Mafa, the great witch priest, has the will to die, but even if he is weak and can drag a bunch of red-robed mages, the two legends, [Frost Moon Swordsman] Carlo and [Black Witch] Dia, can't He came directly to the three of Rennes.

Bazel looked at his two old opponents who were as famous as him, his face turned cold, and he said lightly, "I'll help you block for a while. Miss Canossa, you take Boy Ren to find a chance and go first!"

As soon as the words fell, the white wolf rushed towards the two menacing legends.

"My unicorn arm!"

There was a burst of blood in Ren's heart, and that kind of heart-wrenching pain was ten thousand times worse than the pain of the arm wound!

Although his eyes were filled with reluctance, he still didn't hesitate in his hand. He suddenly used his "weird force" to draw out the long knife, and was about to strike at the wound again, cutting off his right arm completely!

The big knife swung down, and the blade was as cold as the moon.

But just when the blade had already hit the arm, and the sharpness was about to cut off the humerus, it was blocked by Kanossa!

Ren stared blankly, turned his head to stare at Canossa with a puzzled face, and cast a questioning look: "???"

Kanosha seemed to have sensed something, her brows stretched, and she responded lightly: "Reinforcements are here."

The next moment, Ren felt something, and his face was overjoyed.

Because at this time, a burst of battle songs that made people's blood boil suddenly came from below the deep pit.

Oh woo~ oh woo~ oh woo! ! !

That's the attack horn of the Colemans!

Ren's face was overjoyed, and he fixed his eyes again, and the dense rain of arrows shot towards the red-robed mage, and the crisis of being besieged by the Mafa witch festival was instantly resolved.

And the nearly two hundred Coleman soldiers climbed up the rock wall, shooting arrows all the way while climbing.

Ren was overjoyed: "Haha, the Coleman soldiers are still alive!"

He didn't hold any hope before, because after three days, he thought that the ruins of the temple were crushed by those tentacles, or corroded into thick soup.

But now it seems that there is no.

Everyone survived!

Although the rank of this group of Coleman fighters is not as high as that of this group of red-robed mages, they are ten times stronger in number, and their combat power is high!

What's more, they were imprisoned in the temple for three days, and they were in good condition. At this moment, seeing the extermination enemies, they rushed forward one by one regardless of life and death!

These long-armed and long-legged Coleman fighters are like nimble gibbons, climbing up the rock wall at an extremely fast speed!

The situation turned abruptly, and the hunted party suddenly became the hunter.

The party with fewer people suddenly became the party with more people!

The red-robed mage was beaten and retreated steadily.


Those guys are also extremely decisive. They know that if they continue to waste, even if they can win, it will be a miserable victory. In the end, they may all be dragged to death in the stomach of this monster.

They didn't intend to fight desperately with a group of red-eyed "barbarians".

And at this moment, [Frost Moon Swordsman] Carlo, who was entangled with Bazel, also saw clearly that there was nothing he could do.

He withdrew decisively, then took out the black sword that was not out of its sheath at his waist, and slashed at a weak part of the flesh wall that had been sucked dry, slashing a black crescent sword aura.

The power does not seem to be great, but even though it is far away, Ren can feel that this sword energy contains a very strange energy. It seems to be like a black hole, distorting the light.

Kanosha on the side obviously saw more things, her eyes were serious, "That black knife is weird!"

Without waiting for them to think too much, an amazing scene happened!

Now, because most of the body fluids are absorbed by the "blood nematodes", the thickness of the flesh wall is only half of what it was before, and the toughness is also greatly reduced.

This seemingly light black light sword slashed through, but unexpectedly cut a gap tens of meters long in the monster's flesh wall, allowing people to see the scenery outside!

"It's broken, let's go!"

A group of red-robed mages filed out.

The situation turned sharply several times, and Ren was stunned.

Just now, he was afraid to break his arms and run for his life, but now he is safe again?

Kanosha looked at the escaped red-robed mages, and heaved a sigh of relief.

In a blink of an eye, she glanced at Ren again, and said with relief, "We seem to have survived."

Naturally, Ren didn't cut his arm at this time, and quickly sewed it up with thread.

The wounds were just skin wounds that were not too difficult to deal with, so they healed into a blood line in no time.

After finishing everything, Ren breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his arm rather complicatedly, and said with emotion: "Finally, I saved my arm."

Kanosha didn't go after those red-robed mages, but stayed by Ren's side for fear of any accidents.

A few minutes later, Ren suddenly felt a strong sense of fullness in his heart, and the blood nematodes that had taken root in his body seemed to be full, and retracted into his body one after another, as fast as lightning.

What surprised him was that there seemed to be a hidden space in the stomachs of those blood nematodes. They had absorbed tens of thousands of square meters of giant flower body fluid before, and now they retracted, but there was no abnormality at all, and the capillaries were completely restored. The thickness of blood vessels.

"The blood nematode has matured!"

Ren understood what happened, but he couldn't describe how his body felt right now. It was a strange feeling of fullness of energy and blood.

Before he had time to think about it, the blood nematode returned to his body, and he quickly pulled out his arm from the withered flesh wall that looked like dry wood.

Then, without daring to delay, he took out the arm skin soaked in the medicine in the storage space, and wanted to sew it up.

But after all, it is a one-handed operation, and the skin covering operation is also somewhat difficult.

Kanosha saw that he was uncomfortable and walked over. Facing the horrific wound, she didn't show any change in her expression, she stretched out her slender hand and said, "I'll help you."

Mafa led the Coleman tribe and chased the group of red-robed mages out.

Bazel ran over, just in time to see the two of them "Qing Qing me me".

The legend couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and shouted again: "Boy Ren, come out quickly when you're done, I'll go after those bastards first!"


Ren was about to respond when he heard that, but saw that the white wolf had already got out.

The sutures healed very quickly, and the arm that was still bloody just now was basically fine except for some cut bloodstains.

The happy look of the rest of life after the catastrophe appeared on the faces of the two of them, and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

But seeing that the broken flesh wall of the giant flower showed signs of recovery, the two did not dare to delay.

"let's go."

Canossa grabbed Ren and jumped out.

Thanks to ‘leo627’ for the great rewards, I owe more +1=3. Happy New Year everyone~ Please ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets at the beginning of the month! ! ! !

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