Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 205 Legendary Rattan Rune Armor

"click", "click", "click".

Before the figure arrived, there were bursts of ear-piercing sounds in the black mist that made people get goosebumps.

It sounded like the bone-cracking sound made by the shaking of the upper and lower jaws when the skeleton monster was running.


Ymir looked serious and gave an order.

But in the next moment, her ears moved slightly, her pupils shrank slightly, and she warned urgently: "Those skeletons are fast, everyone be careful!"

Skeletons are fast?

Those high-level transcendents with weak perception were a little puzzled, but before they had time to think about it, they took a closer look and saw that two assassins had already rushed out of the black mist. What was incredible was that the skeleton monsters, who were as agile as cheetahs, had already chased them four or five meters away, and they were about to catch them.

How can it be?

What kind of skeleton is this?

This is quite surprising!

Ymir's guard thief was originally a fifth-order extraordinary with a full agility talent. With all his strength, he could crush almost any extraordinary of the same level.

Now that he was being chased by those skeleton monsters, he didn't have much distance, but how fast is that skeleton?

Looking at it, those mysterious fifth-order skeletons also appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

"Sure enough, they are all Tier 5 skeletons!"

Seeing the fist-skeleton monster that was attracted at this moment in the mist, everyone gasped in unison.

The exuberant black fire in the eye sockets of those skeletons has never been seen before. The black fire in the eye sockets of ordinary skeletons is like the phosphorous fire floating in the cemetery, which will be extinguished at any time. They are like burning black fire suns!

They are as tall as Coleman soldiers, generally three or four meters tall. The stride length is extremely large, and the stride frequency is so fast that it leaves behind a series of ghost images. As for those bones, the color of the bones is different from the usual ones, and they have a crystal color like jade bones.

Seeing this scene, Bazel, who was guarding Ren, showed a look of surprise in his eyes, and muttered: "This skeleton is interesting."

Ren was also very surprised and wondered: "These skeletons have no muscles, how do they run so fast?"

This speed is completely different from the stiff skeleton monsters they encountered before when their muscles turned into decay.

Moreover, not only are they running fast, but these tall skeleton monsters are also neatly dressed without any decayed full-body armor!

It was a kind of full-body rattan armor that looked like gold but not gold, and looked like rattan.

The Monkel civilization has been tens of thousands of years ago. Except for a small amount of special equipment such as sacred weapons and sacred weapons, everything else has turned to dust over the years.

What's more, it's still wearing rattan armor?

Moreover, not only did the vine armor not rot, it was worn on the skeletons, and it was still burning with raging black flames like "fighting armor". If you look closely, you can see a string of mysterious and ancient dark gold magic runes looming on the vines.

"This rattan armor looks a bit evil."

Those skeleton monsters ran so fast that Ren didn't see them clearly.

And in the blink of an eye, those more than forty skeletons had already entered the ambush circle.

"Do it!"

With a soft drink.

All the people in the ambush came out together, and several legends also started at the same time, with swords, guns and sticks.

But in the next second, the expressions of the first batch of people who hit the rattan armor changed.

Because they were surprised to find that no matter whether it was a weapon or magic, if it hit the black fire vine armor, its strength would be instantly removed. The attack can't penetrate the vine armor at all, let alone hurt the bone itself.

As the sword passed, the piercing sound of clanging metal touches drew a string of sparks touched by gold and stone on the rattan armor.

The ambush battle, which was expected to be one-sided and crushed in an instant, turned out to be fierce!

"His grandma's, this rattan armor is weird!"

Bazel also let out a strange cry.

Bazel didn't pay much attention to this skeleton frame, even the werewolf body didn't change. But when they fought against each other, they discovered that the skeleton monster, which should have been hammered into powder, was so strong that it couldn't be broken.

In this face-to-face encounter, he slapped a skeleton in front of him into the air with a slap, and landed heavily dozens of meters away.

But the shattered skeleton that was expected to be photographed stood up intact, and rushed towards him aggressively, entangled endlessly.

Moreover, not only are their defenses strong, but their fighting skills are also extremely strong!

A few fifth-level skeleton monsters seemed to have decided that Bazel was tricky, and surrounded them. With a fierce hammer, they were able to compete with the untransformed Bazel.

Between that punch and kick, people could see the same way of mysterious boxing.

Moreover, what's even more weird is that this group of skeleton monsters are not fighting randomly. Like a well-trained professional sergeant, they actually know how to cooperate with tactics!

When they encountered an ambush, they quickly changed into formations, and joined forces in groups of three or two to fight against the enemy, with a tacit understanding.

Ren, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was also stunned, and shouted in his heart: "Skull and Bones know martial arts? Fuck, this is so good!"

He has gained a lot of knowledge, so it doesn't matter if he runs fast. If he doesn't have muscles, where does he get muscle memory? How did they play these fighting fists and tactics?

Faintly, he guessed that these vine-armored skeletons might have been some kind of extraordinary existence before they were alive.

But although the skeleton is powerful, it is a skeleton with only fighting instinct after all.

At first, everyone underestimated the strength of the skeleton, and was caught off guard by the weird vine armor, and suffered a little loss.

But there were three legends, and there were twice as many people crushing them. After a bit of effort, they were all smashed into a pile of bones in the end.

But... this seems to be just the first wave of mobs?

The forty-three skull monsters were cleaned up, and the almost complete forty-three sets of armor were stripped off.

Helmets, breastplates, arm guards, leg guards, and wrist guards, covering almost all vital parts of the body.

Everyone was not in a hurry to attract the second wave of monsters, but instead studied the rattan armor that made them suffer a little.

After the black energy from the skeleton was gone, the rattan armor really became a set of ordinary rattan armor, and it didn't have the evil feeling of the magic flame.

Ren also took a rattan wristband and squeezed it.

Soft, like some kind of plant braid, full of toughness.

Everyone did some research, but they didn't see why.

These armors are very wide, just right for the tall Coleman fighters, so I simply asked a soldier to try them on.

Everyone was shocked by this outfit.

As soon as the Coleman soldier let out his grudge, the rattan armor burst out with raging black magic flames like those skeletons put on just now, and the luster of the runes became more and more obvious. The soft rattan armor immediately became invulnerable to swords.

"Oh my god, this is a 'legendary level' protective gear!"

"It's unbelievable, these are actually legendary armor!"


The Colemans had no idea about equipment, but people from Omar like Ymir knew it too well, and they all became excited.

Ordinary armor is a set of foreign objects, and has little to do with the strength of a transcendent.

However, there is a kind of protective gear that looks ordinary, and when the grudge is added, the defense power immediately increases several times. Dou Qi is immortal, armor is unbreakable!

It is an ancient alchemy equipment whose forging method has been lost, and it is also called "legendary level" equipment.

Ymir looked at the demonic armor on Coleman's warrior, his face was also very shocked, and he confirmed: "Yes, this is the legendary armor!"

In the treasure house of the imperial capital of Oma, there are some "legendary level" protective gear parts. There are complete sets, but you can count them on one hand.

And that is the accumulation of the Omar royal family for a thousand years, only a few sets!

For these fifth-level transcendents, having a single piece is enough to brag in front of their peers, but in front of them

This cleared up a wave of small skeletons around the temple, and directly harvested forty-three complete sets of "Legendary Armor"? !

A group of high-level transcendents, at this moment, are like turkeys who have never seen the world, and they can't hide the shock in their eyes.

At this time, Toust carefully studied the ancient runes shining on the rattan armor, and told the origin of the rattan armor, "This rune is a bit like the [Indestructible Rune] described in the legend. Such a Look, this armor is a bit like the vine armor mentioned in ancient alchemy."

After a pause, the master continued: "It is said that in the time of Monkel, [Black Emperor] Moises had an invincible and invincible army. They were wearing 'rattan rune armor', immortal and invincible. "


At this time, "Elder Insect Master" Yi Muyu also nodded in approval, and said: "We also have a similar saying in the Coleman tribe. But it is said that after the defeat of Lord Moises, the group of invincible vine-armored army Disappeared in the world, and no one saw their trace again."

Obviously, these armors may be the legendary [Rune Vine Armor], and those skeletons are probably the invincible army under the Black Emperor back then.

The matter of the "Black Emperor's Mausoleum" is currently only known to a few high-level officials in Ren and Ymir. When they heard this, a question immediately came to their minds.

Could it be the Black Emperor in this temple?

The small skeletons on the outside are so powerful and well equipped, could there be something more terrifying inside?

Obviously, everyone thought of this question.

After all, the risk of things is getting out of control, and Ymir has to consider everyone's safety.

Turning around, she looked at Ren and asked, "My lord, do you think we should continue to explore next, or take a long-term plan?"

It stands to reason that Ren, a second-order transcendent, has no sense of existence in this kind of battle situation.

But both Ymir and everyone else turned their gazes over.

In their hearts, the opinion of Ren, the "city lord", is of great significance.

Ren naturally wanted to find out, but after all, he didn't fight with his life. He said, "Let's see everyone's opinions."

There will definitely be a continuous battle in the future, and the three legends who are the main force must express their opinions first.

There are not many treasures in the world that a legend like Bazel can fancy, but these legendary armors aroused his interest.

As soon as Ren said, Bazel eagerly said, "Tsk tsk. Now it has been confirmed that no matter how powerful those skeleton monsters are, they will not exceed the fifth level. Although they are tricky, they are not impossible to kill. If there is something particularly strong Existence, even if those of us can't beat it, it's okay to leave if we want to."

This statement was endorsed by everyone.

All of them were high-level transcendents who had experienced many battles, and they were self-confident. Of course, they would not be intimidated by a few skeletons.

Toust was still thinking about the mine, so he naturally agreed to continue to clear it up.

What's more, his mechs can deal with these skeleton monsters with ease, and there is no pressure if there are more.

He also interjected: "The more dangerous it is, the more it means that there are heavy treasures in this temple. Now just by killing some skeleton monsters, we have obtained dozens of sets of legendary armor. I think it is worth trying even if it is risky." What's more, if we don't deal with the hidden dangers of this temple, we have to go to the mine, and we have to worry about what kind of moths these skeleton monsters make. My opinion is that this temple must be cleaned up."

Elder Yimu touched the clay pot beside him, with a calm expression the whole time, and said, "I agree."

The three legends expressed their views, and the rest of the high-level extraordinary naturally had no objections.

At first everyone was full of fighting spirit.

The eighty people present gathered more than half of the top combat power of Black Dragon City, so it would be strange if they were really scared away.

Everyone was a little hesitant before, but they were not afraid, but cautious.

Now that the decision has been made, he is faintly excited.

This trip to wilderness hunting will probably bring them huge gains.

Not to mention other things, more than 2,000 skeleton monsters, isn't that more than 2,000 sets of "legendary" armor?

Ymir didn't hesitate, and said decisively: "Okay! Since everyone agrees to fight, let's continue with the previous plan to clean up the temple. Now that we have figured out the strength and weakness of these rattan skeletons, the next wave of ambushes, everyone As quickly as possible."

"Retreat one kilometer from the ambush circle and prepare to fight!"

She perfected the tactical arrangement, and everyone found a new location to set up an ambush circle, and first cleared out the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers.

Then, the two fifth-level professional thieves sneaked to the temple again to "invite monsters".

Thanks to 'le0627' and '95278' for their great rewards. The reward is owed more +2. The recent article is a bit blunt, I will adjust it, sorry for giving you a bad reading experience.

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