Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 210 Goblin Documents

Mechanical science does not require a certain person to create a technology tree that builds the entire world. Instead, the mechanics should stand on the crystallization of the wisdom of their ancestors and see higher. Then use your own wisdom, inspiration and knowledge to collide with that era and create amazing sparks, making the technology tree more prosperous.

That's why Mr. Toust was so excited when he saw the blueprints left by the ancient goblin civilization.

Because, he looked over the shoulders of giants.

Because of Ryan's intrusion, a certain balance was broken. This goblin ruin, which had been dusty underground for countless years, began to decay at an accelerated rate, and it was getting faster and faster.

Ren, Tust, and Ymir did not dare to delay for a moment. After coming out of the "workshop", they got into another large building, a cylindrical "alchemy laboratory"!

After entering the door, I saw a large number of bottles and cans.

Ren once thought that it was a glass vessel unique to this era, but he did not expect that the ancient goblin civilization had been created long ago. It's just that the liquid stored in the glass container has evaporated completely, and there are still some dark solid residues in a few bottles.

Oh no!

That doesn't seem to be glass, but various transparent crystal vessels!

There are also dense brass pipes in this room, like a ventilation and cooling device. There are also many large reaction boilers that do not understand the purpose. This is completely different from the style of modern laboratories. The equipment looks rough, but its complexity is beyond imagination, and it also has a strong magical color.

The biggest difference is that there are high-level alchemy runes engraved everywhere in the laboratory, as well as a large number of mystical symbols, such as hexagrams, octagons, etc.

But because of the passage of time, these items have completely lost any luster.

On the walls around this circular alchemy laboratory, there are a large number of books and ancient scrolls, estimated to exceed a thousand volumes.

Toust was overjoyed at first, and then became more and more heartbroken.

The old man had a feeling of self-confident pain: "Oh, my God! Since I have been shown the existence of such a great civilization, why should it be cruelly destroyed in front of my eyes?"

Because he knew that these goblin secret tomes would decay in a short period of time. The more classics, it means that they will watch more "precious knowledge" being destroyed in front of their eyes.

It's okay if you don't see them, but when you see them, they slip through your fingers. This feeling makes Mr. Toust go crazy.

Ymir's expression is also very complicated, including shock, surprise, and regret. This is the only ancient civilization that has been preserved so well that she has heard of and personally experienced. It's like opening a treasure trove of prehistoric civilizations. These classics represent the "crystallization of wisdom" of a certain era.

But it seems to be closed again.

How could she not know the value of "knowledge"?

Their Omar Empire rose because of "steam knowledge". The knowledge of ancient goblin civilization here in front of them may allow them to change the future of Black Dragon City, or perhaps change this era.

Therefore, when she entered the door and saw the dazzling array of bookshelves, both she and Toust felt the same regret.

But now, everything in front of me is decaying. Although the scrolls on the table and the books on the bookshelf seem to be well preserved, as long as they are pulled out, the words on them will disappear completely within a few seconds of turning the pages.

Unconsciously, Ymir's breathing became heavy, and he put all his remaining expectations on Ren beside him, and asked, "Ren, how many books can you write down at a time?"

Ren looked as usual: "As long as I see it, I can basically remember it."

Having seen his miraculous reading and memory ability just now, Ymir asked again: "Can I read a few more books at the same time?"

Ren: "Yes."

Hearing this, Ymir's frowning brows suddenly eased, and she whistled without any delay.

And in an instant, those high-ranking guards who cleared up the skeletons in the city had already appeared at the door of the alchemy laboratory.

After a brief explanation, the guards also joined in.

The next moment, there were four more people flipping through the book.

They began to take out books from the bookshelf, and then quickly flipped through them in front of Ren's eyes.

This is a race against time, and they have to try their best to show a book to Ryan before it completely decays.

Toust originally thought that it would be very difficult for Ren to memorize so many classics at the same time, but he didn't expect that his expression was still calm, and his reading speed was the same as before, and he always looked calm.

At this moment, although everyone was shocked, they even felt a little ridiculous.

They were also faintly worried about whether Ren could remember, but no one asked.

Because in addition to this method, there is no other choice.

"Quick, quick, quick, don't worry about those sealed tomes, open the dropped scrolls first."

"Yes, any ancient scrolls and books with text and patterns can't be let go"

"Be gentle and don't touch anything else when taking a book from the shelf"


Fortunately, all of them were high-level transcendents present, and their control over their muscles was extremely precise.

The book is picked up accurately, and the flipping of the book is also very fast. The ink writing on those pages, after being exposed to the air, faded visible to the naked eye, and disappeared completely after a few breaths. Then, the pages also decayed.

Still, that's enough time to turn the page.

Ren's eyes flickered, and he followed the frequency of everyone's flipping through the books. His pupils shifted left and right in the eye sockets, and they almost became a horizontal phantom.

He felt that he would definitely be regarded as a monster after today.

However, it doesn't seem to matter.

This is a world with all kinds of strange and extraordinary abilities, and my own "memory" is also extraordinary in a certain way.

【Ding! An unknown alchemy formula has been found, and the system is recording it.]

【Ding! An unknown type of symbol was found, and the system is recording.]

【Ding! The interpretation rate of the name ‘Goblin Language’ is 5152%]

【Ding! The interpretation rate is 100%, and the automatic translation is completed.]

While everyone was flipping through the book in front of his eyes, the system prompted one after another.

There are enough books in the text that translation of the text is not difficult.

The more types of language reserves in the "intelligent brain", the more accurate the translation will be by analogy.

Therefore, even if some technical terms recorded in the ancient goblin ancient books are different from those now, many things can be interpreted with similar meanings.

And after the "Goblin Language" was systematically interpreted, these classics in Ren's eyes were no longer some bibles filled with incomprehensible symbols.

Instead, it became something that could be understood instinctively.

【Ding! The system automatically included the 'Level III Demon-Breaking Gunpowder Formula', the required materials: carbon crystal bone meal, heather grass, iron snake blood extract.]

【Ding! The system automatically included "Intermediate Alchemy".]

【Ding! The system automatically included "Mystery: Exorcism, Psychics, Transformation".]

【Ding! The system automatically included "Encyclopedia of Alchemy and Enchanting".]


Because it was the "intelligent brain" that cheated, Ren's eyes only looked at the contents of those classics mechanically, and he didn't have to focus on writing down anything at all.

As for understanding?

Think too much.

Both "engineering" and "alchemy" are huge and profound subjects that require a lifetime of study.

Although Ren understands these "ancient Goblin language" now, more than 99% of the text in front of him can't understand what it means.

For a person like him who has no foundation in both subjects, those esoteric technical terms, after understanding the names, are even more troublesome than when they were completely regarded as "special symbols" before.

In Bazel's words, my head refuses to accept the information that hurts my brain.

Moreover, Ryan did not intend to learn another science that required a lot of time to study besides medicine.

He will be his own "human body USB flash drive", and write all these things out later, and then give it to Mr. Toust to study.

After reading "Alchemy Laboratory", I changed to another place.

As time passed, the rescue work of goblin ancient books became more and more urgent.

They searched for large buildings one by one and found a lot of written materials.

But as more and more documents were found, they in Tuster were not only displeased, but their faces became more and more sad.

At the beginning, Ren said that he could memorize 80 to 90%, and both Ymir and Toust chose to believe that he had this ability.

But later on, the amount of knowledge that needs to be memorized increases, and even they lose any confidence at all.

When manpower is exhausted, no matter how good a person's memory is, how much can he remember?

And they looked at Renn reading more than ten books at a time, and they just glanced at them briefly.

If you can remember about 10%, that's good.

But now there is no other better way.

Toust also tried to read the classics full of "special symbols" to share some for Ren. But the brain instinctively resists receiving "special symbols" that it doesn't know at all. Don't just read it and write it down, it's hard even to see it.

In the end, all hopes were pinned on Ren alone.

However, I didn't expect that Ren's showmanship was still behind!

"I've read this one before, next one!"

"This blueprint is also repeated, change it."


In the astonishment of everyone, Ren passed the system and the classics with overlapping content after helping him to filter.

The rooms in the goblin city ruins are not the same for all the classics. It is estimated that it is similar to the current laboratory. Every goblin engineer has his own collection, but after all, it is the same two disciplines, and almost all the basic classics will overlap.

After looking through a few more rooms, Ren also discovered this, and in order not to waste the precious time he won with decay, he directly clicked it out.

But this shocked everyone.

Originally, Tuster and the others had lost much hope. But looking at it now, this guy seems to have memorized everything?

But at this moment, no one doubted it.

Because they are very familiar with Ren's character, he has always been reliable in doing things.

Everyone cooperated fully with Ren and wiped out almost all large-scale construction laboratories in almost all goblin cities.

Thanks to 'Du Congee' 500, 'Secondary Yuan Yifeng Yeyu', 'Gan Liliang'. Thanks to the three for their great rewards and support.

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