Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 222 SSS-level big devil

The starvation caused by malnutrition made the little girl tremble even when she raised the iron sword.

She's not even supernatural.

Ren finally saw the girl's appearance clearly, dirty, with a pair of clear big eyes. Looking at her smile full of tears and anticipation, I don't know why I feel a bit of sadness in my heart.

Your daughter took the money to bet for you, so you have to give me a good face, right?

But what everyone didn't expect was that her gambler father didn't have the slightest amiable expression, and said coldly: "Okay, put the money here, you go out. Don't stay here!"

Looking at that disgusted look, it seemed that she was afraid that her bad luck would make him lose money.

From the beginning to the end, he only had eyes for the money bag, and he didn't even look at the sword.


The little girl saw that Guy hadn't accepted the iron sword, and the anticipation in her eyes instantly turned into disappointment. The only ray of light in her eyes immediately dimmed, and she turned into a hollow, spiritless walking corpse again.

After handing over the purse, as if she had completed some important task, the little girl was relieved.

Then she turned around silently, and walked towards the stairs of the gambling stall, staggering.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't say a word.

Ren looked at his brows and frowned slightly, and murmured in his heart: "It's really a strange father and daughter. Is it because of the blood of the 'Curse Clan'?"

He guessed something, but no matter what... this gambler father looks like a jerk!

Guy picked up the money bag, turned around and went to the gambling table.

With a loud "crash", he slammed the money bag on the table and continued to gamble, "Hey, Captain Jim, this is the money owed to you. I will pay you fifty gold coins first, and the rest I'll give it to you after I play a few rounds and turn over the book."

Talking is an old term for bad gamblers.


Seeing the little girl finally stepped up the stairs, Qiqi's breath of relief was heard in the room.

The croupiers started shouting again, "Come, come, come bet, bet!"

Then, just as the atmosphere in the gambling stall was about to become lively again, there was a "ding ding dong dong" sound of falling, like a watermelon rolling down an iron staircase.

This weird sound made the whole casino become silent in an instant.

The Best Actor Award winner turned his face to look, the barefoot little girl you walked up the steps actually fell down in a coma, and then fell all the way down again.

Probably because of the knock somewhere, a pool of scarlet blood flowed out from the back of her head.

Seeing the bleeding, hundreds of thousands of gamblers in the room all showed panic and backed away repeatedly. In an instant, the little girl was lying nearby, revealing a large "isolation zone".

No one dared to go up to help her, and no one dared to offer any medical help.

The gambler was very remorseful, he had already said hello, don't let this plague god come to gamble, but no one dared to stop him.

It's all right now, something happened, if someone really wants to die here, this tavern will definitely be closed!

With a sad face, he said, "Hey Guy, the money you lose today is mine! You can't let her fall here, get her away quickly, or the boss will kill me!"

Guy looked at the little girl lying in a pool of blood, the enthusiasm for gambling on his face finally dissipated, he frowned slightly, and sighed, "Hey"

He didn't expect anyone to help, he stood up tremblingly. Then, seeing that the little girl was bleeding a lot, she asked the huge casino, "Can someone sell me a healing potion?"

It was silent.

No one responded, and no one was willing to take out this kind of potion that hunters almost always have.

Guy's expression was normal, and there was no disappointment, only the usual numbness.

As long as Naleta is around, no one will dare to sell food, provide shelter, medical care, clothes, anything.

At this stop, Ren saw his bamboo pole-like legs, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Sure enough, it is poisoned! Mandolin flesh paralyzing toxin!"

Old Guy has been poisoned for a long time. Although he can barely stand up now, it is still difficult for him to walk. Probably, it won't be long before he can only lie on the bed and wait to die.

The half-dead father walked over tremblingly, trying to help his daughter who was lying in a pool of blood.

He struggled to lift the arm of the little girl who had fallen to the ground, turning over and trying to carry it on his back, but his atrophied muscles couldn't support him to do such strenuous movements. As soon as they pulled up half of their bodies, the father and daughter immediately fell to the floor with a "boom", looking extremely embarrassed

With this fall, the little girl's head hit the floor again, and the blood splashed all over the floor again. All the gamblers around retreated, and no one dared to step forward to help.

Guy got up, gasped, and gritted his teeth to try again

Everyone watched indifferently, and no one dared to step forward to help.

It was as if the father and daughter were mimes performing tragedy on the stage.

Fell once and again.

Ren in the distance saw this scene, pursed his lips, and didn't continue watching.

After a slight sigh.

He said to the gamblers standing in front of him, and said calmly: "Please step aside, I am a doctor."

"You don't."

The red-haired girl named Dasha just wanted to stop something, but Ren ignored her pull and walked out.

There was a look of shock on her face, and she felt incredible, and regretted in her heart: Oh, I forgot that this guy doesn't know that "ghost girl"!

Under the gaze of hundreds of dumbfounded eyes, Ren walked over.

There was no notification from the system until they reached the father and daughter.

If it is a negative status such as the curse of the plague, the system will prompt, but there is no such thing now.

The BUFF in her bloodline of "unhealthy intentions and bad luck" did not seem to be triggered by herself.

Ren felt the same should be true.

He doesn't think he can be considered a good person, but he can't be considered a villain either.

Before going out to experience, Mafa Dawuji once said to him: Do it according to your heart, that is your extraordinary way. Intent is something that cannot be shaken in my heart.

Ryan felt that, as a doctor, this was what he should do.

What's more, he is also very interested in the "curse family".

Suddenly a helper came out of the crowd, and everyone in the gambling stall was shocked.

"Where did the stupid doctor come from, I also feel involved in the ghost girl's affairs"

"Hehe. Just wait. Before long, he will definitely regret for meddling in his own business."

"Dare to approach after bleeding so much, this guy is dead."


Others pointed and pointed, some were regretful, some were vitriolic.

Guy was also obviously shocked. He looked at Ren, "Mr. Doctor, you... If you want to help, just give me a healing potion."

Ren shook his head: "Healing potions can't solve her problem. I'm a doctor, let me see."

Now that he knows that the little girl's blood is not harmful to him, he still feels like helping others to the end. This little girl's health is very bad, definitely not a medicine can solve it.

As he spoke, he took out a pair of surgical gloves and put them on his hands, ignoring the eyes of others, and then began to check the little girl's injuries.

The back of the head has a bump trauma, but the injury is not serious. The cause of the syncope was chronic malnutrition and the infection of those suppurating wounds, and presumably some factor of blood loss.

Ren made a brief inspection and said, "To be cured, some simple surgical operations are necessary, otherwise she will get through today, and she won't live long."

Guy looked at Ren carefully, and said in surprise, "Are you willing to save her? You don't know Naleta?"

"Naretta? It's a nice name."

Ryan responded lightly, and said: "I've heard about her. But I'm a doctor, and I do what I should do."

Hearing this, Guy felt more and more unbelievable. He took another careful look at Ren, his expression flashed a strange color, and he didn't insist anymore, "Thank you, kind Mr. Doctor."

At this time, the gambling stall manager was relieved to see someone helping.

He handed out a money bag from a long distance, handed it to Ren, and said, "Dear Mr. Doctor, the treatment fee is considered as our tavern's but, can you please take her away?"

Ren looked at the money bag and took it expressionlessly.

Then he simply wrapped the wound on the girl's head with gauze, cleaned up the blood on the ground, did not dislike her dirty clothes, carried her on his back, and walked up the iron stairs.

Then, I heard the heavy and heavy breathing sound coming from behind me.

Finally, the plague god left.

"Where do you live?"

"At the foot of the city wall in the West End."


"No hotel will provide us with accommodation, so."


The three walked out of the gambling stall and out of the tavern.

Ren put a cloak on the little girl on his back, for fear of causing trouble.

Guy was also afraid of being recognized, so he followed from a long distance.

They left the Machinery City, walked to the shanty town on the ground, and then found the shanty built by the father and daughter along the corner.

Nothing but clean, dirty like a doghouse. This filthy residence reminded me of the guy who spent money like water on the gambling table, which made people feel even more puzzled.

Ryan spread a dry mat on the ground and put the little girl down.

He started to treat the wound, without looking back, he said lightly: "I will save her, but I think you need to give me some explanation."

Guy looked at Ren with complicated eyes.

He knew what the other party wanted to explain himself.

After pondering for a moment, he said directly: "There is something wrong with Naleta's blood. There is an uncontrollable 'curse power' in her body. As long as you treat her better, the curse power will become stronger, and then It will bring bad luck to those around her. Only in the suffering and pain, she will live more tenaciously. Even if you don't save her, she will not die, it's just that it will be very painful."

Helplessness can be heard in the words, it seems that he doesn't want to, but he has to.

Ren frowned when he heard this, no wonder this man treated her like this, so it was because of this?

The bloodline ability of the "Curse Clan" is very strange. The better they live, the stronger their ability to curse. It's really evil.

Seeing Ren's strange expression, the guy said again: "However, Mr. Doctor, you don't have to worry. You have righteousness in you, and the power of the curse is useless to you."

Hearing this, Ren was a little surprised: "Oh? You can see 'righteousness'? What is that?"

Of course he knew that the power of the curse had no effect on him, but he was also curious about how this guy could see it.

This guy actually knows how to "look out"?

Guy explained: "I found her in a pile of bones two years ago. After my long-term observation, people with 'wrong intentions' will have trouble approaching her. Especially when they come into close contact with her blood, The poorer and more vicious the generation, the more bad luck they will have."

This guy's description is very accurate, exactly the same as the introduction in the goblin's alchemy ancient book.

Ren's expression didn't fluctuate when he heard this, and he just said lightly: "In my eyes, Your Excellency doesn't seem like a 'righteous' person."

But what he didn't expect was that when Guy heard the obviously sneering words, there was no embarrassment on his face, just silence.

After a while, he also laughed at himself, "Yes. I am indeed a heinous person."

As soon as this remark came out, neither of them spoke.

The little girl is not an extraordinary person, and the injuries infected by Hualong would probably be dead for an ordinary person.

But she happened to be living well (outside is not good, but her vitality is very tenacious).

Ren is also more and more curious about the origin of this "curse family" blood.

Obviously, there must be a story behind the father and daughter.

The operation wasn't too troublesome, and Ren is handling it with ease now, so he asked casually, "Are you poisoned?"

Guy responded lightly: "I know."

Ren didn't look back, cut off some necrotic tissue on the little girl's body, started suturing, and asked casually, "How did you get poisoned?"

Guy: "You want to hear it?"

Ren also pretended to be idle and idle: "Let's listen."

Not to mention anything else, this guy's level of storytelling was as good as that of a troubadour, and it was very interesting to listen to.

"Forget it."

Guy smiled bitterly, and changed to a serious expression: "My name is 'Guy Villas' and I come from Sid 'Ajax Province'."

The probability of the world having the same name is very high, but with the addition of place names, the probability is not so high.

As soon as Ren heard this, the "intelligent brain" automatically compared and searched for several people with this name that were recorded in various materials.

Then, he casually read out the first one: "[Sword of Justice] Guy Villas?"

Guy was calm: "You know me?"

It really is?

Ren's eyelids twitched, can he pretend not to know him now?

He said indifferently: "Sid's SSS-level wanted criminal has a reward of two billion for the murderer. Your reward says that fifteen years ago, you slaughtered a city and killed tens of thousands of civilians."

Ren said lightly, but he was shocked in his heart.

This is really a big man.

Before Carlo Gracie, the "Top Ten Legends" [Frost Moon Swordsman] was born, that guy was already Sid's number one swordsman.

He used to be an SSS-level bounty hunter from the Bounty Hunters Guild. Ironically, he is now also an SSS-ranked wanted man, one of Sid's highest bounty guys!

And this guy also has a name that is almost a household name - "the most beautiful man in the world"!

Thinking of this, Ren looked at the old face that looked like a skeleton: Ah, that's it?

Guy seemed to guess what Ren was looking at again, he laughed dryly, and said, "I said, when I was young, I was really handsome."

After a pause, he looked at Ren, and asked calmly: "Are you going to take my head for a bounty? If that's the case, I won't resist. Die at the hands of a just doctor like you, I have no regrets either.”

"Not interested in."

Ren responded lightly. The two billion bounty is indeed very attractive to ordinary hunters, but for him, it is better to listen to an interesting story.

And whether it was the system's judgment or his intuition telling Ren, this guy from Gay had no malice towards him.

What's more, he and this little girl have been together for a long time, and he didn't trigger the "unhealthy" buff, so obviously he shouldn't be a villain.

Simply, they continued to chat.

He directly skipped this topic, and asked calmly: "Mind if I take some samples of Naleta's blood and hair for research? Maybe I can find the problem of her blood curse."

When he encountered a legendary bloodline of the ancient "Curse Clan", he was naturally very interested. He took some samples and planned to bring them to his teacher Irubek for research.


Do research? That seems to be a field that only senior doctors come into contact with.

Guy was slightly surprised and nodded.

With permission, Ren took some blood scabs and hair with a test tube, and asked, "I think you want to lose money on purpose?"

Guy asked back with a little surprise: "Oh? Why did you say that?"

The surgery in Ren's hand didn't stop, and he said casually: "I played cards with a guy who is very good at gambling, and he asked a few questions about gambling skills. I can see that you are very good at gambling, you shouldn't He is a bad gambler"

Guy was noncommittal, smiled wryly, and said, "I also learned my gambling skills when I played cards with a guy with high gambling skills. Maybe you have heard of him, his name is 'Olatu K. Kant'."


Ren's eyes twitched.

Of course he had.

One of the previous "Ten Legends", Olatu K. Kant of the Gambler series, the teacher of the squinting Metternich!

Damn it, the circle of top-level transcendents is really small.

Renn didn't expect that anyone he met at random would be the SSS-level bounty boss.

This guy said his name, or he was going to kill him. Or, as he said, he wanted to die.

But things are obviously not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Ren thought that there was something hidden about the reward, and asked, "You didn't kill the people mentioned in the reward order? Or, are they not civilians?"

But Guy admitted straight away: "No. I killed them. They are also civilians. That's why I said, I deserve death."

Ren fell silent when he heard it. The story inside seemed to be very deep.

"Mr. Guy, what are you doing here?"

"Find [Frost Moon Swordsman] Carlo Gracie and get back a sword."

Hearing a familiar name again, who was still an enemy, Ren couldn't help feeling a little vigilant.

"You know him well?"

"I don't know. But that sword, I have to take it back."

"is yours?"

"No. I used that sword. It was the one that made me lose my mind and caused the carnage."

"A black, houndstooth sword?"

"how do you know?"

"I've seen him use it."

"Has he already started using it?"


"This is bad."


Ren suddenly felt that something seemed a little unexpected.

Make up for yesterday. Thanks to 'leo627' for the 20,000 reward, becoming the second leader of this book, thank you very much. Reward owed more X2.

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