Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 225 [Totem of Power] (addition for 'leo627')

Then the second, the third, the fourth

The further you go to the back, the stronger the strength of the gladiators on the field, and the more intense the battle.

However, in the end, almost all of them were disastrous victories after losing both sides. The fighters selected by the organizers were of similar strength. The protracted and fierce battles were more able to please and satisfy the upper-class people who watched the battles.

The nobles frantically took pleasure in this feast of blood.

The life of a slave gladiator, probably in their eyes, is no different from a beast that can be slaughtered at will.

Ren watched the corpses being dragged out, and remembered what the squinting-eyed Metternich often said, that certain dark classes should really be destroyed.

Finally, it's the eighth round!

In the finale, they were all third-order high-level extraordinary.

"Next, welcome our gladiators to enter"

At this moment, the host announced the entry of the gladiators, and the entire stands were filled with cheers that were higher than waves.





Except for some guys who wanted to pick up the unpopular bet, almost everyone bet heavily on the "Barbarian Viper".

Accompanied by the cheers, a few strong men with iron hoods and chains came out. A few meters behind them, a tall brown-skinned warrior was locked with seven or eight iron chains. He was naked from the upper body, with a faded snake-shaped totem painted on him. It was like leading a feral tiger and walking out slowly.

Ren saw the pattern of the totem on the Coleman warrior, his pupils shrank, and he murmured in his heart: "Soldier of the Mountain Snake Tribe."

He also guessed the host's malicious intentions.

If the Mafa Grand Witch Festival and the others saw this scene, they would probably know that fate was a trap, and they would definitely choose to rise up to save people. This scene was to stimulate the nerves of those "big fish" who sneaked into the city.

The Coleman soldier was pushed into the octagonal cage, the chain was untied, and he frantically rushed towards the gladiator named [Iron Head Jack] on the opposite side. For the Coleman fighters, these "aggressors" deserve death, so the attack is extremely ruthless!

As soon as the two sides met face to face without any temptation, they directly entered the stage of life and death.

The gladiator was very burly and two meters tall. But compared to Coleman's soldier's height of more than three meters, his height, arm span and leg length are a lot worse.

Although both of them are third-order extraordinary, the physique of Coleman's fighter is obviously too strong.

Boom, boom, boom, boom

The two collided violently, without weapons, punching to the flesh.

In the beginning, [Iron Head Jack] was able to hold a few rounds, but later on, the superior physical strength of the Coleman tribe was revealed.

The Coleman fighters who were captured alive must be the elite of the tribe. Against ordinary people with weak physiques, their combat power is at least half a level higher than that of the extraordinary.

There was almost no suspense in the battle. From the beginning to the end, the Coleman fighter smashed the [Iron Head Jack].

In the end, like a mad bear, he hammered the gladiator into a ball of rotten meat.

The battle was over, and the Coleman fighter's fists were soaked in the opponent's blood, and he scanned everyone in the stands with hatred.

Ren watched with a sigh and survived, but the ending did not bring much joy.




There was another wave of cheers from the stands, because the "savage" helped them win money.

Just when Ren thought that tonight's gladiatorial fight was over, something unexpected happened.

Those people didn't open the box to let the Coleman soldier out, and at this time, the host came on stage again.

Holding the trumpet, he shouted excitedly: "Friends in the audience, the most exciting rematch is coming! There is a talented fighter from the Omar Empire who is ready to challenge the 'barbarian' who has won 37 consecutive victories." Viper'!"

When everyone heard it, they started cheering again!

"Haha, another playoff!"

"I don't know what surprises it will bring us this time. Every extra match, the organizer will always bring in some unexpected masters"

"Isn't it? Besides, the odds for the extra match will be very high. Tsk tsk, I just thought I didn't win much just now, so I have to take a closer look now."


The gamblers also became excited.

The host introduced passionately: "Next, I invite the fighting genius from the capital of Omadi, the distinguished 'Viscount Lionheart' Umm Lopez!"

When Ren heard it, his pupils shrank suddenly: "It's that guy! He's not dead?"

The eldest son of the president of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce", Umm Lopez, who once had a conflict in the "Plague Base"!

His own sister died in his hands!

"It's interesting that those red-robed mages would teleport this guy away."

Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the guy with the cloak covering his head mysteriously walk towards the octagonal cage.

When the host introduced the identity of the cloaked man, the audience was also erupting.

"Yo, the slave master actually participated in the competition!"

"It's actually the young master of the Lopez family"


Except for professional gamblers, almost all of these people in the stands are either rich or expensive.

A lot of people have heard of this "Umm Lopez".

The slave business is the most profitable business except for genetic potions and a few resource monopoly industries.

The chairman of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce" seems to be the Minister of Commerce of Omar, but the largest shareholder is actually the Lopez family where Queen Omar belongs.

The Lopez family also owns the largest slave firm in Omar, and they are also the largest "slave owners"!

Watching the "slave master" fight in person made everyone even more excited.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the dignified Viscount Omar to end. This gladiatorial match is starting to be interesting."

"I've heard of that guy, the rare fighting genius in Omar's capital, who is rumored to have never lost a single battle in the third-order extraordinary."

"Hehe, it's just a little trick for the nobles to compete with each other, and they haven't lost yet? It's ridiculous that those young people haven't seen blood yet!"

"Hey, the odds are very close. It seems that the organizers think that Wumu has a good chance of winning."

"Fuck, there is still a need to choose? When have you ever seen that the odds of 'Viper' are more than three times? It is probably because the noble young masters feel invincible in the noble circle, and arrogantly want to try their true skills. Just watch, in a few rounds, that guy will be defeated by the barbarians, and there will be high-level transcendents to save the field."

"I also think that Gouzhuang is trying to induce us to buy an unpopular one! Anyway, I bet all on 'Viper', three million, and I will definitely make a profit!"

"Hey, such high odds are obviously trying to lure us to bet. Although I think Gouzhuang is tricky, I still put all-in on 'Viper'!"


The gamblers started betting again, but almost everyone still bet on the Coleman fighter.

This odds is the highest ever for "Viper".

After all, that Umm Lopez is a fighting genius, but he is also an extraordinary third-order. Invincible at the same level? Hehe, it's just a fig leaf for the nobles' fighting games.

"Viper" has already proved with strength, who is truly invincible at the same level!

Listening to the conversations of the gamblers in his ear, Ren also felt that Coleman's fighters had a better chance of winning.

Probably, as the gamblers said, this guy is just here to test his strength.

The young master Wumu he had seen before was indeed very strong, but he was only very strong among ordinary humans.

If you really want to face Coleman warrior, even if that guy is proficient in many esoteric martial arts, he won't be cheap at all. There are too many differences in absolute strength, fighting spirit, height and arm length. Soldiers Coleman's combat experience accumulated in Warcraft battles since he was a child is definitely not comparable to that of a noble young master in a greenhouse.

One second before this young master Wumu unbuttoned his cloak, Ren still believed in his own ideas.

But when he took off the cloak, Ren's face changed suddenly.

"Next, let us, Viscount Wumu, come on stage!"

The host gave an enthusiastic introduction, and after raising enough bets, he announced the start of the wrestling.

At this moment, the guy with the cloak covering his face slowly removed the cloak covering his head, revealing an indifferent face. What is surprising is that there are some mysterious totem lines on his face!

Seeing this, Ren was shocked and almost blurted out: "Elder Habu's [Totem of Strength]! How could it be on this guy!"

All the Colemans would draw totems on their skin, but only the elders were qualified to refine those totems of divine power.

[Totem of Fire] was taken away by Kipling Winster, the patriarch of the Winster family of the five major families of Glory City;

[Wood Totem] fell into the hands of [Black Witch] Dia Banella of the "Ten Legends";

More than a month later, Coleman's number one soldier, Habu, was auctioned off, and his [Totem of Power] actually appeared here!

"Those guys actually played with this idea"

Ren saw the gleaming totemic luster on Wumu's face, and his eyes became extremely gloomy.

This "bait" really makes people want to kill that guy!

"Hey, why does Young Master Wumu also have a barbarian's totem painted on his face?"

"I don't know. Is it possible that that thing can also enhance the combat effectiveness?"

"Hehe, pretending to be a ghost"


Those gamblers also saw this scene, but few of them knew 【Totem of Strength】.

And the Coleman soldier in the net cage, seeing the totem on Young Master Wumu's body, looked like a red-eyed bull, jumping on the net cage, roaring crazily towards the outside of the net cage.

Ren understood the hysterical Coleman's curse: I'm going to kill you, you damned invader!

At this moment, Ren's heart was also cold.

Seeing the totem on Wumu's face and that indifferent expression, he knew that this battle was going to be difficult.

"Tonight's ninth gladiatorial competition begins now!"

The host gave an order, and the staff of the fighting arena carefully opened a door to the cage.

But at this moment, the Coleman soldier rushed over frantically, looking like he wanted to rush out of the cage and kill the cloaked young master Umm.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "pop" in the air!

Ren's pupils shrank, and he shouted in his heart: "Not good!"

He was too familiar with this move, but the speed far exceeded expectations, even beyond the scope of visual capture.

He quickly shifted his gaze to the door of the net cage.

If not, I just watched the phantom of the cloak stay in place, but the next moment, I heard a muffled sound like a shelling.

Out of the door of the octagonal cage, the Coleman soldier who was about to rush out was caught off guard and kicked in the chest.

A wave of air visibly vibrated with the naked eye.


The tall figure flew upside down and landed on the ground of the arena with a bang.

Seeing this scene, the gamblers in the stands were all shocked.

The invincible "Poisonous Snake" who won thirty-seven games in a row was actually kicked away?

"How can this be!"

"The strength of Mr. Wumu's kick can actually kick away a barbarian who is good at strength? No way, could it be that the 'poisonous snake' was careless?"

"It doesn't seem to be careless. Listen to the strength of that kick, it's definitely not small."

"Didn't you see the speed at which Young Master Wumu charged forward? Without the support of absolute explosive power, even [Profound Truth·Shenxing] would not be able to reach such a terrifying speed."

"What the hell, Gouzhuang tricked me again! There must be something weird about that noble boy from Omar, otherwise, even a third-order extraordinary of the pure power system would not be able to kick that kick, or even a fourth-order step!"

"No wonder there are such similar odds, it turns out Umm is so strong"


A battle that was originally without suspense suddenly turned into a stalemate.

No one expected that an ordinary human being could compete in strength with a "barbarian" without losing the slightest bit!

The Coleman fighters frantically attacked Umm with the intention of killing.

Wumu was not afraid at all. Instead, he had a sneer on his face, his gestures were calm and fierce, and the wind of howling fists had already formed his own style.

That was his own punch!

Ren squinted his eyes and looked at the ferocious flaming lion slowly condensed from the vindictiveness overflowing from the body of Young Master Wumu. The threshold of ‘transformation’ is over.”

After staying with Bazel and the others for a long time these days, his vision has naturally increased. He couldn't see that the "momentum" condensed by Wumu is not simple, it is ferocious and violent.

When Ren saw this, his expression suddenly revealed: that guy also wanted to use this to gather his 'fist'!

Wumu fought more and more bravely, but relying on the blessing of the [Divine Power Totem], he made up for the gap in strength and even had a slight advantage. The two sides came and went, and they fought to the flesh, which was very tragic.

Boom! Boom! Boom.

They are all head-to-head fighting styles, and various high-level fighting skills come and go, making people dazzled.

【Shen Xing】flexible and changeable, 【Pao Fist】astonishing damage, 【Lan Qie】skills with smooth legs, 【Ten Hands】, 【King Kong】.

There is no conspiracy, just head-to-head!

The Coleman soldier vomited blood repeatedly after being beaten, and Wumu didn't feel much better. His face was also covered in blood, but he became more fierce. The faces of both sides showed the ferocity of killing each other!

"I see."

Ren also saw it, and finally realized what the "soul of martial arts" is!

This Wumu, his martial arts seemed to be integrated with himself, and his fists and feet were full of the "flame lion's kingly momentum".

Ren looked at it and faintly felt that he had realized something, but it was not very real and he couldn't grasp it.

He stared coldly at the two fiercely fighting in the arena, and his thoughts raced: "It's also fortunate that the guy got the [Divine Power Totem] not long ago, otherwise he was about to advance to another level, and his strength would grow to a terrifying level "

Ren is confident that he can advance to the third level, and he will definitely not be worse than this guy, and even a lot stronger.

But now he was worried about something else.

[Divine Power Totem] not only increases strength, but also restores vindictiveness. The longer the battle, the more advantageous it will be.

That Coleman soldier is in danger tonight!

While the gladiatorial competition in the "Oak Tree Tavern" was in full swing, the sky outside the tavern had already darkened.

When night falls, the "living corpses" are most active.

At this time, the guards on the city wall were all looking forward to it with muskets.

With this high wall and sharp cannon, the corpse tide every night is a welfare activity for them to give money.

But today, it was very strange, it was almost midnight, but it was eerily quiet outside the city, not even a single living corpse was seen.

"Eh, that's strange. Why isn't there a wave of corpses today? Hey, I finally got naturalized, and I spent money to get a job as a city defense patrol, so I hope to earn some extra money by taking turns defending at night. What's going on?"

"Who knows. Maybe it's because I stayed here for too long in the Mechanical City, and the living corpses nearby have been almost cleaned up?"

"No, it's almost cleaned up. There should be three or two little skeletons."

"Hey, look, isn't that coming? No! It seems... a little too much?"

"Not good! There are super-large living corpses, it's a wave of S-class corpses, call the police!"

Reward owed X1;

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