Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 240 Killing the Enemy (6000 words)

It has to be said that President Catherine's ability to judge the crisis on the battlefield and the ability to respond to changes are absolutely unmatched.

Even with this group of temporary hunters, they displayed an astonishing aura. Her decisiveness and leading the way left those hunters with scruples who had no choice but to rush forward.

If she hadn't chosen to take the lead in a fight to the death with these assassins before, and wouldn't have given Ryan that [ghost] Kilos a one-on-one chance, the chamber of commerce would have been wiped out long ago;

Even now, if she doesn't bring people to hunt down the fleeing assassins, and let those assassins completely free up their hands to support, Renn will definitely not be able to kill Kilos, and will only choose to protect himself and stop chasing him.

It seems that the assassin group who attacked at night fled in a hurry after being beaten, but is it really safe?

The "Black Skeleton Phantom Thieves" is not the only team, even if they survive tonight, they will definitely be hunted down. People from the Chamber of Commerce may not be able to return to the "Black Wind Collar" alive.

Any hesitation in choosing a choice may eventually lead to annihilation.

Catherine's choice gave a satisfactory answer.

The assassins who fled in all directions were nowhere to be found, and Catherine didn't pursue them any more. Instead, she led people to search for the bloodstains on the ground and chased them in the direction of the two of Rennes.

They released flares along the way, illuminating the sky for miles around the trees, and leaving the assassins nowhere to hide; they also fired shots all the way, crackling, not expecting to hit, the most important purpose is to let people know , Such a group of people chased after them.

On the other hand, Renn, who was chasing Kilos, looked up at the flares that had been fired along the way, and exclaimed in his heart: "It's really worry-free to have a smart man as a teammate."

Without Catherine and those people behind him, he would never have dared to chase down Chilos so recklessly.

After all, apart from other things, it would be a big trouble to have a third-tier assassin, and Ren was not sure that he could get any advantage from the two third-tier assassins.

He is now able to run away in embarrassment after Chilos, not because his combat power can beat this "Black Skull" captain, it is all because of the thin needle.

No matter how selfish the monster thieves are, this Kilos is also their captain.

If there is a chance, they will definitely find a chance to save it.

But now, Catherine cut off those assassins' rescue thoughts.

Although the members of the Chamber of Commerce Hunting Group couldn't catch up with Ren and the others, they were not far behind. The third-tier deputy captain was not sure about killing Ren in an instant. Once he was caught in a stalemate, he would be surrounded by a large army.


Think too much, there is no such person in the Phantom Thieves.

The gunshot behind him made Ren no longer worried. He stared at the black figure a few hundred meters away, and chased after it with all his strength.

He knew that this was the best chance to kill [Ghost Shadow] Kilos!

"Damn it, can't that guy's battle energy be exhausted! Is this really a second-order extraordinary?"

[Ghost Shadow] Kilos cursed inwardly as he looked at the figure chasing after him.

He recognized that Renn was using the [Profound Meaning·Shenxing] of the "Qigong Master" lineage.

But Martial Arts has seen the way, but on the contrary, he is even more confused.

The speed of this instantaneous martial skill is indeed very high, but the consumption is also extremely fierce. It is suitable for short-distance assaults, but not suitable for long-distance raids at all. The muscles and fighting spirit can't be loaded!

Under normal circumstances, not to mention the second-level qigong master, even if it is a third-level qigong master, if he intensively uses this consuming profound meaning, he will not be able to raise his battle qi.

But now, what did I see?

After running for several kilometers, that guy has been "cracking", "cracking", "cracking" on the ground, and he is running with this [Shenxing] all the time.

Why is his grudge not exhausted?

Why didn't his muscles break?

(Remarks: [Shen Xing] The difference between the two luck methods of Qigong masters and martial arts masters is the difference between running 100 meters and 400 meters, neither of which lasts long;)

Chilos didn't know that Ren's advanced genetic potions and cultivation techniques were all first-class. Now he has three times the Dou Qi of an advanced gold potion transcendent, and it may be five to ten times that of an ordinary black iron potion transcendent!

What's more, there are two kinds of "Blue Recovering BUFF" that can restore fighting spirit at any time [Thunder Totem] and "Gangxian". The dou qi consumed by the dash was far from exhausting him.

As for the muscles?

Ren himself didn't know why he didn't reach the limit. Since the blood nematode matured last time, the meridians have become stronger, and the muscle toughness has also become many times stronger. Under normal circumstances, if [Shenxing] is used continuously, the accumulation of muscle fatigue will increase exponentially. After using it a few times, you must stop and rest; it is like you can't run a marathon at a speed of 100 meters sprint all the time.

But Ren is doing this now, and apart from being a little bit strenuous, it doesn't feel like a big problem.

On the other hand, Kilos, his state has been extremely bad,

The muscles, meridians, and organs of the body are riddled with holes from being pierced by fine needles.

It's like "delayed soreness" after strenuous exercise. You don't feel pain if you don't move, but you grin your teeth when you move.

At this moment, Kilos finally understood the working principle of the "hidden weapon". The stronger the battle energy was, the stronger the prickling sensation in his body would be.

His intuition told him that he must stop fighting energy, otherwise he may die suddenly at any time.

But now, dare he stop?

In a real fight, the fighting energy will be several times larger.

Escaping is the way to consume the least grudge.

Kilos finally figured out why the guy behind him kept chasing him so that he wouldn't have any chance to breathe.

Fighting Qi is running all the time, being hurt by "hidden weapons" all the time.

Without the opponent's hands, he himself may die suddenly at any time.


Thinking of this, Kilos couldn't hold back the hot smell in his throat and spurted out a mouthful of old blood, but he didn't dare to slow down at all.

"Only use emergency medicine"

Then his eyes flashed fiercely, and he took out two potions from the storage ring, and pierced them towards his neck.

This is a [Speed ​​Fury Potion] and a [Special Healing Potion];

Both are emergency medicines. After injection, one can quickly heal the body; the other can strongly stimulate muscle excitement, which can increase the speed without consuming additional fighting energy.

However, the medicines that stimulate the potential in a short period of time have strong sequelae, which means that as long as the medicine is injected and cannot shake off the opponent, then waiting for the weak period to erupt after the medicine is excited, he will definitely die!

Sure enough, as soon as the medicine entered the body, a warm current swept through the body instantly, and Chillos suddenly felt that the muscles were full of strength.

There was wind under his feet, and his speed soared a lot.

This is the only hope Kilos can think of to get rid of the pursuers. He feels that the last resort is used, and now he should be able to get rid of the pursuers.

However, when he threw away the syringe, he looked back, and the hope in his eyes instantly turned into despair.

"Hehe, I've started taking drugs."

Ren watched Qilos who was not far ahead take out the injection and stuck it on his neck for a moment, and he understood what this guy was going to do.

Instead of worrying, he was overjoyed, the expected reaction!

"Amber injection, the speed increased by 30% in an instant. The one with this effect should be the [KS Ⅱ Type Speed ​​Fury Potion] produced by the 'Parson Medical Association'."

As a professional doctor, how could Ren not know the common high-grade medicines in the world?

Seeing this, without hesitation, he picked out an augmentation potion and injected it into his neck.

Wanting to use medicine to get rid of himself, hehe, it's wishful thinking!

But when it comes to taking drugs, not to mention a wild thief, even if the wealth of the wealthy and nobles can compare with that of Ren?

Not to mention that you monster thief doesn't have top-level potion channels at all. Even if you have, is there any potion in the world that is more effective than the unique potion that the former "President of the Potion Guild" Irubek made for his disciples?

However, this kind of emergency medicine was originally just in case, and now that the other party used it, he naturally used it.

What's more, his non-mass-produced potion is more advanced than Qiros's, and has fewer sequelae!

As for the thing that obviously looked like a "healing potion", Rennes didn't care too much.

After all, as long as Qiros' grudge is still running, the injuries caused by the "slim needle" will not stop. No matter how powerful the healing potion is, the speed of repairing the body cannot compare with the speed of destruction.

Then, after the two took drugs, instead of being separated, the distance became smaller and smaller.

But Ren was not in a hurry to make a move, he just stuck behind, planning to run away to kill this guy.

Apparently, Kilos also discovered this.

Now that the emergency medicine has been injected, there is no escape route at all. If you can't escape, you can only fight decisively before the sequelae break out.

Only by killing the pursuers will he have a chance of survival!

Then near a large sand dune, [Ghost Shadow] Kilos stopped.

He stared at Ren coldly, with the viciousness of a fight to the death.

From the first day of being a strange thief, he has already made up his mind, either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy.

For so many years, he has experienced desperation many times, and he has survived by the ruthlessness of putting him to death. This time, it should be like this!

This kind of gaze is like a poisonous snake hunting. For ordinary people, just looking at it will feel like the prey in the eyes of a poisonous snake, and the heart trembles.

But Ren was not afraid at all, and a sinister smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he murmured in his heart: "Are you going to fight to the death?"

The incident happened suddenly, but it was also expected.

He was full of purple fighting spirit, put on a fighting frame, and stared closely at the opponent's gaze.

Bazel once taught him some tricks to challenge the high-level transcendent. To predict the opponent's movements, in addition to sensing the change of the opponent's aura, he also needs to stare at the opponent's eyes. No matter how advanced the opponent is, as long as they use visual perception to capture the opponent's movements, their attacks must be locked after their eyes are locked.

If it were Ren before, he would probably choose to avoid his edge at this time.

Anyway, the other party can't catch up with him, and slowly consume the other party to death, this is the safest way. But if you change from chasing to running, you can't keep your eyes on the target at any time.

Kilos's name of "Ghost Shadow" is not just for nothing, if you give him any chance, he may disappear before your eyes at any time like a magic trick.

Spare a viper-like enemy?

Ryan wasn't that kind.

Moreover, he felt that the "Thunder Tiger's Power" he had comprehended had missed the mark. He just needed a battle where he could feel the crisis to help him advance.

The second-level transcendence can no longer give him that sense of crisis, and the third-level one happens to have one in front of him.

Qilos, who is in full bloom, can't beat the enemy. Now that he is seriously injured, it's just right.

The "strength system" is extraordinary, and in the end it is the masculine way of facing the challenge head-on. A transcendent who takes this path must be domineering, and always face the crisis head-on.

Thinking of this, Renn also became full of fighting spirit.

The domineering "tiger momentum" in my heart has quietly gathered its embryonic form.

After all, this battle is about life and death.

As soon as the two stopped, neither of them said a word, and they fought fiercely together.


The movement of the Assassin's dashing movement is far less violent than that of the Fighter. It looks light and light, but its speed is extremely fast.

This [ghost image] Kilos used it more like a ghost, leaving a string of phantoms in the reflection of Ren's pupils, which struck like lightning.

The third-order extraordinary grudge was already able to stay away from the body, and Kilos held two daggers in his backhand, like the two fangs of a poisonous snake, and attacked Rennes aggressively. As soon as he raised his hand, the two wind blades had already slashed across his face.

At this moment, Ren's perception has been extended to the extreme. Just by his eyes, he knows that it is impossible for him to keep up with this elite third-tier assassin. In that instant, his ears twitched slightly, and the hair on the back of his neck felt a faint pressure of breath.


Ren's pupils shrank suddenly, he didn't care about the two wind blades in front of him, and turned around to block with his backhand.

If not, his judgment was correct.


There was a crisp sound of gold and stone touching, and the gloved fist just touched the sharp dagger blade.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a moment, and the huge force from the dagger made him not feel his waist sinking, and he took half a step back before stopping. Can you imagine the consequences if the knife is stabbed in the back of the head?

Apparently, the enemy already knew about his super strong "gang thread suturing" ability, even if the heart is pierced, he may not die, so if the head is blown off, he will definitely die. Even the so-called "undead" vampire, the head is also the Achilles' heel!

Professional thieves don't give people a chance to fight. Kilos had already tried once before being pulled by the chain knife, and he was no longer interested in the "stupid behavior" of exchanging injuries with Rennes for the second time.

When the plan failed, the ghostly figure flashed out of sight again.

And after this blow, the two previous wind blades hit Ren's back, drawing two painless bloodstains.

When Ren saw the ghost disappear from his field of vision, he immediately became alert. His perception has captured the guy who appeared beside him again.

Ren looked at Kilos's bowing posture and knew what that guy wanted to do.

This is also an assassin's compulsory martial skill [Tuanjin].

This knife was aimed at his right ankle!

However, the opponent's speed was so fast that when he sensed the crisis, the blade had already cut through the skin.

If it were someone else, if he broke his hamstring with the knife, whether he was dodging or getting hit, his body's center of gravity would definitely be tilted. In that way, the enemy will continue the combo and stab the vital point again.


Ren's pupils shrank, anticipating the opponent's movements, but he didn't intend to dodge at all, allowing the dagger to cut off his hamstring. But he took the opportunity to turn around and slammed on the ground, accurately grasping the ghost's neck, and then slammed on the ground.

Under the blessing of this strange force, the figure was pressed heavily on the sand with a "bang".

Then he received a cannon punch, a second-stage attack, and a punch hit his head, like a shell hitting the ground, instantly sinking into a huge hole!

Although it can't break Kilos' body-protecting grudge, but in terms of strength alone, Renn is not inferior!


But after this punch, Ren immediately noticed that the texture was wrong. This punch didn't look like it was hammered on a human body, but on a lump of wood.

"Assassin Profound Martial Skill [Phantom Substitute]!"

Ren instantly understood what he had been fooled just now.

Although he played 12 points to deal with Qilos cautiously, he was still caught off guard by his super high battle.

And just as Renn punched the stand-in puppet on the ground, those two tricky daggers greeted his neck again!

This set of clever assassin combos, not to mention the second-level Rennes, even the third-level masters, will definitely be hit. After being recruited, life and death are on the line.

But Ren's current situation is different from others!

He didn't have to protect the many vital points of his body like other people. Without any hesitation, he directly raised his hand and used the sharp dagger of flesh and blood.


With a slight sound of blood rushing, the dagger easily pierced the upper arm muscle of the left arm. Also taking advantage of the gap between being stabbed, Ren reacted, his right arm struck out like lightning, and grabbed the wrist holding the dagger.

"Catch it!"

Ren's expression froze, and he was about to exert force, intending to use force to restrain Qilos first.

But almost at the moment when he pinched the enemy's wrist, he heard a "crack" joint sound, as if he had pinched a slippery loach in his hand, he let go instantly.

One wrong joint, already out of control.

Then the ghost retreated tens of meters and opened a safe distance.

"Such a brilliant joint unloading technique."

Ren stood up straight, squinting at the retreating figure in the distance.

At this moment, the hooded coat on Kilos had been taken off and used on the "stand-in" just now, revealing a strong upper body with drawn muscles.

However, because of the "fine needle", at this moment, the pores of his body are seeping blood beads, and the blood red steam is coming out of his skin, which looks very scary.

And Ren's condition was not good either. One face to face, he was stabbed twice on the back, his right ankle was cut off, and a green poison dagger was pierced on his left arm.

He pulled out the dagger expressionlessly, a stream of black blood splashed on the sand, and white corroded smoke of "嗤啦" came out, and the wound healed instantly.

If it wasn't for his extraordinary healing ability, even if he didn't lose his life in the round just now, he would have no chance to fight back at this moment.

But now, it's as good as ever!

The strength is not enough, the potion comes to make up, and after another [Secret Healing Potion] is injected into the body, Ren feels that he is in good condition.

And, he thinks it feels great now,

"Comprehension" is a mysterious thing. No one can express in words what the "potential" of the third-order extraordinary is. Ten thousand people can comprehend ten thousand different "potentials".

Even though Bazel and those bigwigs demonstrated and pointed out many times, Ren felt that it was like looking at flowers in a fog and looking at the moon in the water, illusory, and he could never become his own.

That feeling is very strange, like the breeze blowing on the face, the Lingtai is clear, but you can't catch it if you want to.

But now, that feeling is getting clearer and more materialized, and he feels that he has gradually realized the feeling of "breeze in the palm of his hand".

Ryan is enjoying the moment.

On the other hand, 【Ghost Shadow】Qilos, the great thief whose name alone can change people's face, is getting more and more ugly at this moment.

The punctured lungs were riddled with holes, and air leaked everywhere, making his breathing efficiency extremely low. He was like a fish out of water, he had to gasp heavily to ensure his body's oxygen supply.

But he also knew that if he dragged on, his chances of survival would become increasingly slim.

After opening the distance, without any hesitation, the light blue wind element fighting spirit in his body suddenly surged, and the phantom of the poisonous snake behind him became more and more ferocious and solid, and he suddenly entered the state of full violence.

He knew very well that if he was full of anger, he might be poked to death on the spot by the "hidden weapon"; but if he didn't do so, he would also be consumed alive by the frog boiled in warm water!

The great thief chose the former without hesitation.

Fighting for life, it's not like I haven't blogged before!

After his fighting spirit soared, the dagger in his hand was also radiant, and a three-finger-wide aura suddenly condensed on the edge. He slammed on the ground, and with a "whoosh", he rushed towards his opponent again.

"I'm going to fight for my life"

Ren looked at the aura on the dagger, his eyes were full of solemnity, but he had no fear, and he punched forward.

He knew that it was time to decide the outcome.

The two were fighting fiercely again in a blink of an eye, their figures intertwined, the sky filled with yellow sand, and blood spattered all over the ground.

Both sides are playing life-for-life, the bet is who will die first and who will be afraid of death.

It's also fortunate that Ren has a pair of famous gloves, which are not afraid of being cut. Otherwise, if you really want to block this dagger so sharp that it can easily cut stones and gold, your fingers will be chopped off countless times.

There were more and more wounds on Ren's body. Even if he tried his best to dodge, in the end, except for fatal injuries, he almost had no extra "gang thread" to suture.

But that Kilos was even worse, the longer the time dragged on, the lower and lower his chance of survival.

Rennes dealt with it impeccably, and did not give the enemy a chance to stand up.

After all, the "thin needle" wandering in the body still caused bad results because of the full force of the arrogance. After fighting hard for a long time without being unable to take down Ren, Chilos already knew that if he dragged on, he would die, and then when he was anxious, he tried to use some secret method to get angry. But he didn't want the battle energy to pour down like a pillar, even the body guard's battle energy collapsed, and then he was hit by Ren's heavy fist, vomiting blood and died.

In this way, the notorious captain of the sixteenth division of the "Black Skull Phantom Thieves" [Ghost Shadow] Kilos died in this desert, at the hands of a second-order extraordinary.

Although Ren had the advantage of the "Slim Needle" soldier, but he was a second-level extraordinary, and he killed this [ghost] Kilos, which made even high-level extraordinary fearful. This record is definitely beyond anyone's imagination.

Calculations, equipment, and luck are also part of strength.

Catherine and her party were delayed for a while because they were attacked by an assassin on the road.

When everyone from the Chamber of Commerce rushed over, the battle was over.

They were looking at Ren, who was covered in blood, sitting on the sand and panting heavily, and he was still stitching up his wounds with surgical needles and threads.

At that scene, everyone was dumbfounded and shocked, and they were speechless for a long time.

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