Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 250 Lust Sequence (7000)

Ren pretended to be a wild hunter who had returned from urination, and easily joined this miscellaneous wild hunter team.

After a little inquiring, he really got it right.

The leader of this team is the eldest son of the current family of the Rosas family, Harper Rosas, who is also the cousin of the green-haired youth who led the siege of Ren and the others the night before.

That guy's title now is "Prince," though.

Glorious City was established, and a large number of new nobles appeared. It felt like cats and dogs became princes. Ren didn't think he was noble at all, and only three words came to his mind - nouveau riche.

After listening for a while, he figured out that this team was really going to the area where the pyramids were densely packed.

I heard from the wild hunters of these small hunting groups that the Rosas family had created a very large underground palace there, and there was a shortage of manpower for exploration.

They were recruited to take part in the excavations for a basic payment of three thousand lisos per day. Moreover, all the excavations in the ruins are also their own.

The only requirement is that the treasures they find from the ruins must be sold to the Rosas family first.

That sounds like pie from heaven.

Ren felt that this matter might be tricky.

Because he just came from there yesterday, the ruins there were blocked, and other wild hunters other than those loyal to the Lord's Mansion were not allowed to participate in the excavation.

Now that more than 10,000 people have come, I always feel that something is wrong.

The team marched towards the northwest without haste, and the impromptu group team was full of people, messy like a vegetable market.

Guy was locked in an iron cage with bloody wounds all over his body, as if he had been tortured.

He was sitting in the prison van with his head drooping, his disheveled hair covering his entire face. He didn't look dead, but the situation was not optimistic.

The prison car was in the ranks of the royal knights in front, Ren didn't rush forward, but observed from a long distance.

After all, he had heard that in the "Prince Harper" team, there was a fourth-rank red-robed archmage enshrined in the court. Although it's hard to say whether that kind of guy can win a fight, but if he wants to leave, the opponent will definitely not be able to keep him.

Ren planned to find someone to inquire about the situation, so he wandered around the team.

He didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that he ran into an old friend of the "Mountain Hunting Group".

This was the small hunting group he hired as a guide when he went to Glory City with Kanossa and the others.

It is still called the "Mountain Antelope Group", but the original members are basically gone, only Captain Bart and Sister Pasha are two familiar faces.

For the rest, it looks very raw.

Ren had a good impression of them, so he leaned over.

He greeted directly: "Hey~ Captain Bart, long time no see!"

Bart naturally couldn't recognize Ryan's face after disguise, let alone wearing a gas mask: "You are."

Ren casually said: "I went to Glory City a few years ago, and the chamber of commerce that hired me used you as a guide, and we even drank together. However, it's been too long, and you probably forgot. I'm Nicholas."


Bart obviously had no memory of the name, and a look of trying to remember flashed in his eyes.

However, this kind of old-fashioned wilderness hunter travels all over the world, and is naturally impeccable in dealing with various situations. He pretended to remember, and said with a smile, "Brother Nicholas, long time no see."

Ren didn't care, and asked, "Why did I only see you and Miss Pasha? What about Jack, Klein, and Galen?"


When Bart heard this, his expression turned slightly strange.

Being able to tell the names of these old members, he naturally believed that this was an old friend who really had a relationship with them, and immediately lost his guard.

He shrugged his shoulders, showing a sad but accustomed bitter expression, and said: "They all died in a wild hunting half a year ago. Now, I brought a few new people and reorganized the Wild Hunt"

As he spoke, he picked up the leather armor, revealing a big scar on his abdomen: "Well, I almost died that time too. Thanks to Pasha"

Hearing this, Ren was not surprised, but he also felt a little emotional: "Oh, I'm sorry."

Ninety percent of the hunting team's downsizing was due to this reason. There are very few who can earn enough money to go home for the elderly.

Bart shook his head, not minding being mentioned about his scars.

For wild hunters, life and death have long been bearish.

He skipped the subject and grinned: "Brother Nicholas, where have you made your fortune recently?"

Ren casually uttered a fabricated story, "My regiment encountered sandworms two days ago and had a great battle, and then encountered a sandstorm, and everyone got separated. Because I am a doctor, I brought some detoxification Medicine, this is a lucky escape."

Because it was an old acquaintance, Ren's words did not arouse suspicion, and no one cared.

There were quite a few scattered hunting groups that I joined along the way, not many more.


When Bart heard that Ryan was a doctor, he also came to attract people's interest.

The regiment leaders all have this professional habit. He suggested, "Brother Nicholas, are you alone now, or should you stay with our 'Mountain Antelope' temporarily? When the time comes to enter the ruins, how about taking care of each other?"

Doctors don't have to worry about "teaming" anywhere.


When Ren heard this, he naturally readily agreed.

He originally wanted to have an identity that would not be suspected by others, and this was just right.

After the two got to know each other well, Ren also asked his doubts, and said, "Hey, Captain Bart, don't you think there is something wrong with this excavation mission? Such a good thing will be our turn." These little groups?"

Bart smiled and shook his head and said, "What's the problem? It's just that there is danger. Those nobles dare not risk their lives to investigate, so let's go to mine."

Obviously, the hunters are used to this kind of thing.

When it was still called Glory City, everyone was a wild hunter. No one was high or low when they encountered the ruins, and everyone went there by themselves. But the Big Five are already beginning to show signs of that privilege.

Now the kingdom in the city, all this is just publicized.

Those aristocratic gentlemen only planted flags to claim occupation, and this ruins belonged to them.

Then find some people to explore, no need to take risks by yourself, but the treasure is still theirs.

Although part of the commission and revenge will be paid to the hunters. But most of the wealth will turn into various taxes for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and return to the hands of the nobles.

[Kuroshio] gave those nobles the best convenience for exploitation.

The wild hunters are not stupid, they all naturally saw that this recruitment operation must be very dangerous.

Speaking of this, Bart was very indifferent, and said: "It is worth those noble gentlemen to make such a big noise, the scale of the ruins must not be small. After all, there are more than 10,000 people who don't do anything, and it takes a few days. A commission of tens of millions of lisos."

At this time, a member of the mountain antelope group also interjected: "Hey, anyway, the life of our wilderness hunters is cheap, where is it not a risk to take risks? There must be high-quality relics for a prince from the Rosas family to come in person. The risk It’s definitely not small, but as long as you can survive, you will definitely gain a lot.”

Looking at it again, the expressions of all the hunters are full of careless optimism, and there is also the expectation of "getting rich".

For the low-level hunters, many people are willing to risk their lives for "getting rich overnight".


Hearing these words, Ren didn't say anything more.

Low-level Transcendents have never even heard of such high-end treasures as "divine power crystallization", and they can't use them at all. Anyway, they are all sold at a good price, who is not selling?

While chatting, Ren brought the topic to Guy again.

He asked curiously: "Captain Bart, who is locked in the iron cage in front? Why did Wilderness Hunt bring such a person here?"

"You don't know yet?"

Bart said, with a little emotion in his eyes: "That is a big man, a big man in the Sid Empire."

Ren had an expression of interest: "Oh?"

Bart said, "That's Sid SSS wanted man, Guy Villas."

When he said this, several other members of the "Mountain Antelope Group" also discussed it enthusiastically.

"That was a big shot more than twenty years ago."

"I saw that guy when Heifeng led the gambling stall. I knew that the 'Gambling Guy' who couldn't even stand still was the [Sword of Justice] Guy. Let others earn it. Hey, I missed two billion!"

"That's not true. I heard that when he was arrested, this guy couldn't even hold a knife, and he didn't resist at all. Is there any SSS wanted criminal who is easier to catch than this? It's like free money."

"But... I don't think Guy's guy looks like a villain except for being a bad bet."

"That's because the villain is old! Haven't you heard that he slaughtered tens of thousands of people in the whole city by himself? Back then, I heard that even the babies were not spared, and the real blood flowed like a river. Looking at the hundreds of years before and after, I'm afraid there is no such a mad murderer."


Everyone's perception of Guy is either the "bad gambler" or the legendary wanted criminal.

But only Renn heard about the story told by Guy himself, the killing caused by a magic sword.

However, he didn't say much.

After thinking about it, it was expected that this guy would be recognized and captured for a bounty.

But now that Guy looks like a ghost, can anyone recognize him?

In a blink of an eye, Ren looked at Guy, who was covered in injuries, and said in confusion: "But... since it is a reward offerer, it would be fine to kill him and get his head in exchange for the reward. Why are you still locked up and tortured?"

Hearing this, a strange look flashed across Bart's eyes, and he whispered, "This... has something to do with the person who arrested him."

Ren waited for the serious expression below: "Oh?"

Bart lowered his voice, and said, "The person who recognized Guy was none other than the fiancée of 'Prince Harper', the goddaughter of 'Viscount Uk' [Moon Beauty] Maritis!"

When Ren heard this, he asked in confusion, "Huh?"

As soon as he heard about "big beauty", he guessed in his heart, could it be some kind of love debt?

When that guy was young, he was known as "the most beautiful man in the world", and he provoked quite a few women. There is also a lot of hatred due to love, and the poisoning is planted on the belly of the woman in the end.

However, it is obviously not a debt of love, but a blood feud.

Bart's tone was also somewhat disdainful, and he said: "The 'Viscount Yuk' is a well-known leader of phantom thieves in Sid, because he led tens of thousands of people to join him in the first time of the glorious founding of the country, and was named a viscount. Suddenly, became a nobleman"

After a pause, he continued: "It's also because his goddaughter Maritith, who is so beautiful and beautiful, was favored by 'Prince Harper', and now there are faint signs of becoming a hot nobleman in the Glorious Nation. "

When Ren heard this, he understood.

It turned out that this "Viscount Uk" was one of the nine leaders of Sid's first phantom thief group "Nine-headed Owl Phantom Thieves" more than 20 years ago.

Back then, this phantom thief group was a top-level group larger than Bazel's "White Wolf Phantom Thief Group".

This notorious gang of phantom thieves commits all sorts of crimes including rape, robbery, and robbery. There are more than 100,000 phantom thieves under them, causing harm to one side.

At that time, [Sword of Justice] Guy was in the limelight, and he was Sid's number one bounty hunter, specializing in hunting all kinds of top phantom thieves.

Relying on his superb swordsmanship, he set his sights on this "Nine-headed Owl Monster Bandit", and singled out the "Nine Owls" who were alone.

Then, in less than a year, he killed eight of the nine high-level transcendents.

He will continue to kill whoever becomes the leader.

In the end, the "Number One Phantom Thieves of Sid" was broken up alive by the method of "beheading".

That "Viscount Yuk" is the only remaining leader, and that [Moon Beauty] Maritis is the daughter of a leader who was killed in the current "Nine-headed Owl Phantom Thieves".

Naturally, there is blood feud.

Ren also understood.

Bart made no secret of his disdain for the strange thief turned into a nobleman, but he was helpless.

He slowly told some of his experiences, and said, "Although this [Moon Beauty] Maritith is beautiful, she is not a good person. After all, she came out of the den of strange thieves. I heard that she is a femme fatale."

This extraordinary world is very cruel. The more beautiful a woman is, the more capable she is, she will only be a plaything for men, let alone in a place like the Phantom Thieves, where human nature is inherently evil.

Ren asked curiously, "Does she have any extraordinary abilities?"

Bart frowned: "Extraordinary ability. I haven't heard of anyone who she fought with. But it is rumored that she is extraordinary in the spiritual department and practices charm. No, that 'Prince Harper' is fascinated, this They're all talking about marriage."


Ren listened thoughtfully.

Ren and everyone in the "Mountain Antelope Group" chatted without saying a word, and they also figured out the general ins and outs.

The speed of the large army is a little slow, and it will probably be tomorrow before they can reach the ruins area.

As night fell, the procession began to build fires and set up camp.

Except for a few waves of small-scale zombie attacks, everything is normal.

While eating, Ren suddenly heard a "pop" sound like a gunshot.

Listen carefully, it is the sound of whips.

If you ask other people, you will know if you are tired, like the after-dinner entertainment program - "Guy's Whipping".

Only at this time every day, those noble knights did not stop the wild hunters from going to watch, just to humiliate the former number one bounty hunter.

Ren also mixed in the crowd and walked over.

For this purpose, a temporary trial platform was set up in the camp, and Guy was chained to the cross and remained motionless.

The fiery bonfire reflected the faces watching the excitement.

The executioners were not those noble knights, but ordinary hunters.

A guy with his shirt open, showing a lot of chest hair, was yelling hard.

"Come on, anyone can do it, one whip is worth a thousand lisuo!"

"As long as you hear the sound, you can immediately receive ten silver coins~"

"Next. Who else wants to try? Haha, this is a big murderer who offers a reward of two billion. Don't you want to give a whip to the souls of his sword?"

"Haha, Mag, you only heard ten of the fifteen whips, but you picked up ten thousand lisuo in vain! Next."


There were a few whips soaking in the medicine tank, and from time to time a wild hunter came up to the stage, picked up the whip and slammed it on Guy's body, leaving a bloody welt.

With one sound, you can get ten silver coins.

Everyone smoked with great joy.

Ren sniffed his nose. The potion had a corrosive smell. It smelled a bit like sand salt and crocus juice. He whispered in his heart, "Potion of pain?"

Now that he is proficient in pharmacy, he naturally identified the potion.

This is a potion configured by alchemists for interrogation, which can multiply pain.

The whip is soaked in this potion, and the wound will be like a burn, and the pain will continue. This is a severe pain that normal people will not insist on.

However, Guy, who was tied to the cross, didn't say a word, letting the whip beat on his body, as if he was completely unconscious.

One whip, another whip, until the skin was ripped apart and the flesh was bloody.

Although there is money to be taken, not everyone has the hobby of torture.

Although the wild hunters thought Guy deserved to die, after all, only a small number of them took the stage.

But dozens of people came on stage, and hundreds of thousands of whips were played, and Guy seemed to be dying.

The flogging lasted nearly an hour.

Guy on the cross has become very weak, and blood is flowing all over the floor. Probably a few more whips, and he may die suddenly at any time.

After a certain knight passed the order from above announcing that "today's scene" is over, the crowd dispersed.

The hunters around him all went back to the tent to rest, but Ren didn't leave.

He found that Guy's gaze, hidden behind the blood-stained hair, fell on himself.

Although I don't know how the other party recognized him, but at that glance, the other party must have recognized him.

Ren probably guessed why Guy had to take this whip. This guy is like a self-torturing ascetic, and he has been using this way of abusing himself to atone for his sins.

The burly man with chest hair on the stage saw that Renn hadn't left, and asked, "Hey, do you guys want to have two whips too? Unfortunately, today's event is over."

Ryan shrugged, pointed to Guy on the stage and said, "Man, I'm a doctor. I think...you should give me some silver coins, and I'll help you cure him. Otherwise, he might not survive tonight, tomorrow There is no need to play."

Hearing this statement, the hairy-chested man laughed, "You doctor has found a good idea to make money."

Ren also sneered, noncommittal.

But at this time, his cochlea moved slightly, and long before the gold coin fell under his feet, he found someone walking behind him.

He didn't move, but at this moment a charming voice came from behind: "There is no need to cure him, just let him not die."

Ren turned his head and saw a very coquettish woman.

She was wearing a long black gauze dress, a pair of slender white legs looming in the black gauze dress. The upper body is even cooler, with a bikini-like thin cloth covering some private parts the size of a palm, exposing the entire beautiful back and slender waist. The skin glows like moonlight.

She walked over gracefully, her whole body exudes an extreme temptation that makes people seem to be able to see the spring scenery with fixed eyes, which makes people's hearts irritated.

This is a beautiful woman who looks very coquettish and makes people think that she is not a good person, but she can't help but want to rub against the ground.

But at this time, Ren heard a clear sound from the system.

【Ding! Your mental power fluctuates abnormally, you have been eroded by the ‘charm’]

"Mesmery, it really is the transcendence of the spiritual system"

This was the first time Ren encountered this extraordinary ability.

The charm was not deliberately released for him, probably this woman created such a "spiritual halo" that was released all the time in order to increase her charm.

Don't think that this ability is a bit unappealing, but the orthodox "seventy-two generals" belong to the "Law of Lust", one of the seven sins!

Seeing this woman who suddenly appeared, Renn naturally guessed her identity, probably the [Moon Beauty] Maritis.

He looked like a normal man, and he didn't hide his straight gaze, moving around her body unceremoniously.

The woman seemed to be accustomed to the greedy eyes of men towards her, she didn't even look at Ren, she walked up to Guy, and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Guy, this is just the beginning, don't die too fast."

After appreciating Guy's wounds, she left with satisfaction.

It wasn't until the woman walked into the tent in the distance that the burly man with chest hair took his gaze back.

He looked at Ren who picked up the gold coin, with a flushed smile: "Hey, buddy, you're lucky. That's the gold coin that Miss Maritith rewarded you."

"Oh, yes. It smells like a body, too."

Ren picked up the gold coins on the ground with a half-smile.

When the hairy-chested man heard this, he put on a superior expression and said, "I can't hold it back anymore. You take care of it, I'm going to find a woman to vent my anger."

As soon as that guy left, there was no one on the platform, and there were a few listless guards separated by tens of meters.

Ren walked up to Guy and took out the surgical instruments.

Sure enough, Guy recognized him and said with a smile, "Mr. Doctor, we meet again."

Although Ren didn't know how he could laugh with such a serious injury, the guy in front of him was just smiling.

It was a very calm smile, and no one could see any pessimism.

"Yes. We meet again."

Ren pursed his lips and said, "But I didn't expect to see you in this situation."

As he spoke, he checked Guy's injuries, and said to himself: "The toxin has been removed, but the recovery is not very good. Your body is very bad, and you need to supplement nutrition."

Muscle atrophy, in order to recover, a lot of energy must be replenished. But now Guy's body is no different from before. But it's normal to think about it, they are all prisoners, and it's strange to be able to eat well.

When Guy heard this, there were some strange mood swings in his eyes again, "Thank you, Mr. Doctor."

Ren frowned slightly, and said, "I'll give you the antidote, but I don't want to see you hurt like this."

They were all superficial wounds, and apart from being tormenting, they were not difficult to deal with.

In order not to let others see what he did, he only used some conventional surgical techniques, such as debridement and suture.

After a pause, he continued: "I think, even if you are like this, the fourth-order red robe method should not be able to keep you."

Ren heard about it, and the guy was arrested without even resisting.

Guy said calmly: "It's a pity, Mr. Doctor, to let you see me in such a bad state. However, they are right. I should atone for the sins of my subordinates, and I deserve this whip." "

Ren was dealing with the injury and had no intention of persuading him.

The psychological hurdle can only be overcome by himself.

He asked, "Where's Naletta?"

Guy was still very calm: "They were taken away by those people."

Ren asked curiously, "Oh, does anyone else dare to catch her?"

Guy: "The blood of the Cursed people has a strong curse power, but it is also a top-level psychic, and can use it to break the curse. I heard that those guys found an underground palace with a strong curse, and there is a 'curse sequence' The archmage heard about Naletta and arrested him. His extraordinary rank and ability can suppress the negative effects of blood. After all, Naleta is just an ordinary person."

Ren was also surprised when he heard it.

Thinking about it, he asked again: "Then what are you going to do? Get caught and let a strange thief who became a nobleman kill you?"

"I don't think Naletta can die. But I don't feel relieved if it falls into the hands of the cursed mage. So, I plan to go and have a look."

When talking about this, Guy showed his morbid optimism about life again: "No, someone is going to give me a free ride, so I can save myself from going."


Ren chuckled. There is probably no one else in the world who can treat the "prison car" as a free car.

But when he heard this, he knew that the other party didn't need to save himself.

And this recovery, Guy rarely asked: "What about you?"

Ren: "My friend was captured or killed by someone who might be from the Rosas family. I plan to go and see. Maybe, a few people will be killed."

Guy said calmly, "Oh."

When the two of them said this, they didn't speak again.

Ryan cleaned up the wound for him, but it didn't heal completely, but left some crappy-looking stitched scars.

After dealing with all this, he took out another milky potion and said, "This is [Strong Nutrient Potion], which can help you recover part of your muscles. But you need to run your battle energy to absorb it."

Ren thought about it, and felt that he should give this suggestion that he would never stop thinking about "self-mutilation".

He then said: "[Frost Moon Swordsman] Carlo Gracie should appear in the 'Black Wind Collar' recently. I don't think you can persuade him in your current state."

Guy was silent when he heard the name, but his eyes trembled for a moment.

Done, done.

Ren left the prison car without looking back.

It looks like a greedy doctor who only wants rough money and rough sutures.

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