Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 252 The Terror Arrives

Obviously, it wasn't just Ren who discovered the anomaly in the stone chamber.

At this time, Bart also stopped.

This experienced wild hunter found the notch he had left on the wall, and his face changed suddenly.

He stopped everyone: "Wait!"

"What's the matter, Captain?"

Everyone stopped, puzzled.

Ba said solemnly, "I think we may be in trouble."

Hearing what his team leader said, all the team members became nervous and looked sideways at him.

At this time, Bart pointed to the notch on the wall and said, "We have been to this stone room before."

When he first entered the passageway, the old head of the hunting team carved marks on every fork in the road and on the walls of some stone rooms out of a cautious habit.

Although it seems that this is some kind of useless move, because everyone thinks they remember the way. Especially the following section of the road is completely straight, and there is no fork in the road, so there is no need to remember it.

But it was because of this small mark that Bart discovered the anomaly.

Sister Pasha is the group member who has been with Bart the longest, so she naturally noticed his engraving the mark before.

Now looking at the triangular sign with directions in front of her eyes, her expression changed drastically: "Ah? How could it be that we were not walking forward all the time? How could we return to the stone room we walked by?"

Those young team members didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and guessed: "Could it be a maze? We're walking back again?"

"A maze is definitely a maze, but it may not be as simple as we think!"

Bart frowned.

After a pause, he explained in detail: "I marked it before, this should be the twenty-third stone room we walked through! Ever since we walked into the corridor with this kind of stone room, we have never encountered a fork in the road. If this is a maze, then it should be a 'circular maze' connected end to end. We walked back, why not the first room from the beginning, but this one in the middle?"

The wildland hunters in this world have opened up wasteland all year round, and they have already summed up a lot of experience in exploring ruins.

They've all heard of labyrinths, many ancient ruins have that kind of thing.

It is the kind of circular maze connected end to end, like a snake biting its own tail,

Using the environment to deceive people's perception, making them think that they are walking in a straight line, but in fact they are walking in a "circular line", infinite loop, trapped to death.

But the law of that kind of maze is obvious, that is, if you mark the order of 123456 for the things you encounter, then the order of 123456 will always cycle.

The method of cracking that kind of maze has long been summed up.

But obviously, this one is not.

They directly crossed the twenty-two stone chambers in front and encountered the twenty-third one.

That's why Bart said it was strange just now.

Hearing these words, Ren raised his eyebrows and glanced at Bart. The old hunting leader was much more careful than he expected.

This is also the judgment of the brain, and this is the "No. 23" stone chamber.

However, he wasn't panicking at all.

The "Smart Brain" panel shows that there are no fluctuations in mental power, so it should be a purely physical maze in front of him.

If there is only this kind of existence, it will definitely not be infinitely broad.

The big deal is to go a few more times. With the detailed comparative data of the "intelligent brain", you can find some rules quickly without using any brains.

What's more, Ren originally found some clues in the ancient characters and inscribed symbols on the wall.

What he was worried about now was not this, but the occasional sound of guns and guns in his ears.

Apparently, the wild hunters have already dealt with the monsters in this maze.

But those voices are very strange. Intermittent, it doesn't seem to come from the same corridor at all.

He was thinking about what caused it, when Bart spoke again.

"From now on, everyone will make a mark. I'm afraid that my judgment will be wrong, and there will be other references!"

Bart's arrangement is very reasonable.

Before he marked by himself, if there is a mistake in the senses, it is likely to lead everyone to the wrong thinking field.

But if everyone makes a mark, even if Bart is dead, the team members can understand these symbols and can refer to each other for comparison.

"Yes, Captain."

Everyone in the "Mountain Antelope Group" took out their daggers and carved marks on the wall.

After marking, Bart greeted everyone: "Let's go! Let's go to the next stone room!"

Ren was also curious about the principle behind the existence of this maze, so he followed closely.

After walking for more than a hundred meters, they found four consecutively numbered stone chambers of twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, and twenty-seven. Then the marking was broken again, and a brand new stone chamber was discovered again!

After carefully observing that there were no symbols on the wall, Bart's face became a little ugly, "Now... the situation is a bit complicated."

Ren dragged his chin, and immediately understood what trouble he was talking about.

If they encountered a circular labyrinth, then after the "stone room No. 27" just now, it should be "No. 28".

But the stone room in front of him was something he had never seen before.

Then everyone went to two more stone chambers, still unfamiliar stone chambers they had never seen before.

This discovery feels very abrupt.

It was like a complete corridor, and then only one section in the middle was replaced by someone, and replaced with a passage that had been walked before.

Seeing this, Bart's wild hunters haven't figured it out yet, but Ren's eyes are shining when he contacts the words carved on the wall, and he has already vaguely guessed the solution to this maze.

However, the problem in front of them is not just a maze, but something else!

Just when everyone in the "Mountain Antelope Group" stopped to study the maze problem.

Suddenly, the thief who was in charge of opening the road in front of the guard found something and exclaimed: "Head, a corpse was found in the corridor!"

Everyone hurried over and saw that there were several corpses on the ground, and there was blood all over the ground.

Two human corpses, two "kobold" monster corpses.

The corpse was dressed like an ordinary wild hunter, wearing chain mail and light armor. It looked like a two-handed swordsman and a heavy armored shield fighter.

Their weapons and supplies have been taken away, probably by their companions.

The corpse also wore the emblem of the Hunting Regiment on the chest.

One person recognized it and exclaimed, "Head, this is a member of the 'Black Bird Group'!"

Bart nodded solemnly: "Yes."

The "Black Bird Hunting Group" is a medium-sized group with two to three hundred members. Their squad is similar to the "Mountain Antelope Regiment", and they all have Tier 2 combat captains.

This is also the reason why Bart's face is serious. If the other party can reduce the number of staff, it will definitely threaten their "Mountain Antelope Group"!

At this time, Ren squatted down, put on his gloves, and looked carefully at the wounds on the two corpses.

The fatal wound was on the neck, an obvious canine bite.

But the strange thing is that the skin of the corpses is dry, and it seems that the loss of bodily fluids is the reason for their rapid death.

At this time, after Ren inspected the two human corpses, he looked at the corpses of the two "monsters".

The two monsters have the heads of jackals and dogs, and they look a bit like beastized werewolves, but apart from their heads, their bodies are like human bodies, and they are smooth and hairless. Their lower limbs are a bit like kangaroos, and they look extremely strong. The skin is also shriveled and gray-brown, like a mummy in a cemetery.

I have seen sculptures of this kind of creatures before on both sides of the Shinto at the entrance of the temple. Ren is not surprised by their appearance for a long time, but he just hesitated in his heart: "This is what is written on the passage, the messenger of the god of death [ Osiris]?"

The fatal injuries were from ordinary guns, and the bullets punched holes in the bodies of these two monsters.

After pinching the muscle tissue, the touch is not particularly tough.

Ren took out the bullet with tweezers and checked it. It was a very common lead-iron bullet without any special enchantment runes.

He immediately judged that the physical toughness of this monster was about the same as that of a normal first-order transcendent, and he could be killed with a gun casually.

However, he was immediately puzzled.

Since the monster is so easy to kill, why did the hunting group die two people?

Ryan was the only surgeon on the team, and he was the only one who was proficient in anatomy.

Although Bart had roughly determined the cause of death of the corpse, he still asked, "Brother Nicholas, from the perspective of a professional doctor, do you see how these two people died?"

Ren directly stated his judgment: "There is only one wound, and the carotid artery was bitten off. But in theory, if an injury of this level is rescued in time, there is still a chance of survival. But the corpse has another The characteristic is that there is a large loss of body fluids. I suspect that these two monsters quickly sucked away their blood while biting people."

After a pause, he pointed to the kobold's body again, and continued: "And the wounds of the two monsters are very common gunshot wounds. It stands to reason that in such a narrow passage, it is impossible for a monster of this level to appear in the crowd." The one who killed two hunters."

"That's right, that's where I'm confused."

Bart nodded, frowned and thought deeply, "But since the kobolds can be killed with a musket, the threat is not too great. But, how did they succeed?"

After a pause, he turned his eyes and said to everyone: "From now on, everyone pay attention to the movement in the corridor. Don't be careless about any abnormal noises!"

"And, there's one more thing."

At this time, Ren suddenly thought of something, and analyzed: "There are no redundant wounds on the bodies of the two 'Black Birds'. They should have been bitten to death without any struggle and resistance. I suspect, This monster can be like a high-level assassin, approaching and attacking in a way that can completely avoid human perception, bite their necks, and kill them with one blow."

Bart nodded: "I also think this is the most likely. These monsters should have an ability similar to 'stealth'. Perhaps, they are hiding beside us at this moment."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt their hairs stand on end, and they couldn't help but glanced at both ends of the corridor from the corner of their eyes.

Except for this corner illuminated by the torch, in the distance, there is still endless darkness that cannot be seen.

No one spoke for a while, and this brief silence caused a terrifying atmosphere to spread rapidly.

It was as if some monster was hiding in the darkness, it would suddenly pounce out in an unexpected way, and then bite someone's neck off.

It seems that what you are afraid of will come.

And at this moment, terror suddenly descended.

A slightly frightened voice sounded from behind, saying, "Doctor Nicholas, it's okay if you don't say it, but I always feel chills when I say it."

Everyone took a closer look, but it was a new member with a forced smile, as if trying to ease the terrifying atmosphere with a joking tone.

Ryan remembered that this young hunter was called Donnie.

At first, everyone glanced at him casually, and wanted to say something in response to ease the atmosphere. But in the next moment, everyone's eyes were fixed there, and all of them turned into horrified faces.

Because at this moment, they watched wisps of black veil-like smoke emanating from the cracks in the corridor's masonry, and then quickly condensed into a grinning dog's head behind Downey's neck!

Everyone pointed behind Downey, but they didn't dare to speak, as if they were afraid of provoking something, "You"

When Downey saw everyone's expressions, he immediately understood what was going on, and his face turned pale!

He didn't dare to look back, and in the momentary eye contact, two words were revealed: Help me!

No wonder he felt chilly, because the dog-headed monster was crawling on his back, with its paws on his shoulders.

No one dared to act rashly, and they didn't know how to deal with this weird scene.

But the dog's head, which was filled with black air, did not give people much to think about. It was not polite, and as soon as it took shape, it opened its mouth to bite Downey's neck.


And at this moment, a gunshot rang out suddenly.

Captain Bart had sharp eyes and quick hands, quickly drew his gun and pulled the trigger, hitting the dog-headed monster between the eyebrows.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that.

This shot has no effect at all!

The bullet passed through, as if hitting the reflection in the water, and made a small hole between the eyebrows of the black smoked dog's head, causing ripples in circles, but it returned to normal in an instant.

Ren watched this scene and was startled, "Immune to physical damage?! How could this happen!"

The two monster corpses on the ground obviously died of gunshot wounds, why did Bart's gun hit it, but it was useless?

And after this shot, the "kobold" had already bit Downey's body fiercely, bursting out a mass of blood.


A scream sounded.

Not only Downey, but also screams from another direction!

Only then did everyone realize that there were more than one monster in the tunnel!

Seeing that the physical attack was ineffective, Ren gave up drawing his gun and was just about to take out the "Scroll of Holy Light" to tear it up, but at this moment, there were intensive gunshots in the corridor.

But this time, they heard the sound of bullets piercing through flesh and blood.

Ren took a closer look and saw that the two dog-headed monsters had been beaten into blood sieves and fell into a pool of blood.

Ren looked at the kobold who was easily killed by a musket, and froze there: "Not physically immune anymore?"

Looking at the four monster corpses on the ground with the same cause of death, he suddenly felt that he understood some of the monster's abilities.

Thanks to 'leo627' for the great reward, I owe more X1; 'Qinglian Daoge' 3000, '161204223106784' 3000, 'Jin Taiji's Daguo' 500, 'tonycainong', 'Secondary Yuan Yifeng Yeyu', 'Dust I want to return to my heart', 'God and Demon Double Body', 'Brother Han' 200 Thanks for the big rewards.

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