Not long after, the members of the "Mountain Antelope Group" finished packing up the funeral objects in the stone room, and they were all right. They piled up in twos and twos, whispering, with uncontrollable joy on their faces.

"Haha, this time we got rich."

"Yes. With this money, it is enough for me to get a wife and live the rest of my life in peace. I don't have to go hunting and fighting for my life anymore."

"I'm going to buy a better genetic potion to see if I can break through to the second level of extraordinary."

"Don't be too happy, let's talk about it if you can get out alive."


But everyone understands that the one they should be most grateful for is the "Doctor Nicholas" who is doing some strange behavior in the corner at the moment.

But no one dared to ask, and no one dared to disturb.

There is also talk of addictive drugs in this world.

Ryan is like a "junkie", injecting himself with paralytic toxins with a syringe from time to time.

After each injection, it takes less than half an hour for the body's immune system to fully adapt to this dose of toxin.

Then add a little more and give another injection.

Even if he didn't look at the system's data panel, he could clearly feel that the paralysis brought by the [dog head paralytic toxin] was getting weaker and weaker.

After a certain level of toxin resistance is reached, it will almost reach the level of complete immunity. In the end, it will be like drinking water, drink it and drink it.

Probably, it won't be long before that level.

Now that the elusive monster was gone, Ren and everyone in the "Mountain Antelope Group" waited patiently in the stone room.

From time to time in the corridor, the sound of musket guns could be heard in the distance, as if they had been heard after thousands of turns, and they were already faintly heard.

It is conceivable that other wild hunters encountered monsters and were firing fiercely.

However, that has nothing to do with them.

This small stone room gave everyone a temporary safe shelter.

This "safe house" was found by Ryan following the special symbols carved on the wall. It is like solving a Rubik's cube and requires certain skills. You can't find it just by wandering around.

But although the maze is big, it can't hold up too many people.

This time, tens of thousands of wild hunters entered the ground, and no matter how complicated the maze was, there were also some lucky guys who stumbled into it by mistake.

However, other hunting groups were not as lucky as the "Mountain Antelope Group".

The "kobolds" in the maze can emerge from the cracks in the walls at any time and easily take a person's life. Not only monsters, but also organs.

One wrong step can mean fatal danger.

Generally, a small and medium hunting group with dozens of people can't stand a few twists and turns.

Sooner or later, even the most experienced hunters will realize that this is a maze. But no one knew the ancient language of Monkel, and no one could roughly guess the structure of the maze just by reading it once like Ryan.

There may be other "safe houses", but they can't understand the ancient characters on the stone carvings, or they may be ignored.

The more anxious one is, the more the human mind wants to find an "exit". Just like that, they scurry around in the maze like headless chickens, but without realizing it, there are not many living people left.

During the few hours of waiting, several waves of wild hunters entered by mistake, but most of them left in despair.

Those survivors with panic and despair on their faces broke into the "safe house" in a panic, and bumped into the repaired Rennes and his party, no more at ease than bumping into a monster.

In this claustrophobic environment, killing people has no burden at all, and strangers are also "dangerous factors" that must be guarded against.

This is an experience any hunter knows.

Therefore, everyone in the "Mountain Antelope Group" was full of vigilance against any movement.

When someone breaks in, more than a dozen muskets will be aimed at the intruders. After all, they still have "huge money" on them, so no one dares to be careless.

Most of those who entered by mistake were injured, and more or less also brought some treasures found in the maze. Frightened and undecided, he looked at the muzzle of the black musket again. In order not to cause misunderstanding, no one dared to stay and left in a hurry.

The most important thing is that no one thought that the stone room where Ryan and the others were staying was any different from what they had encountered before. There is absolutely no need to take risks and stay together.

of course there are exceptions.

That is the strength of the intruders, who are stronger than the "Mountain Antelope Group", so they are unscrupulous.

Most of the people recruited by the Duke's Mansion to hunt wilderness this time were small and medium-sized hunting groups. There were as few as a dozen people, and as many as dozens of people, and as few as a few hundred people.

A team of this size can't stand the toss at all, wandering around in this underground palace casually, it's not bad if a few survive.

Ren and his party stayed in the stone room for five or six hours, and encountered more than a dozen groups of colleagues, but most of them were incomplete teams of three or five people.

Finally, after using muskets to force a few assassins who opened the way back to the corridor, Renn realized that there might be trouble coming.

Five or six hours have passed since the group entered the mausoleum.

The surviving hunters encountered less and less danger.

In the beginning, "kobolds" could emerge from the crevices of those stones almost at any time; but now, you may not encounter one even if you walk for half an hour.

Everyone understands that the number of those "dog head monsters" is not endless. The 30,000 to 40,000 people who entered the underground palace have probably consumed them all with their lives.

In the dark corridor, a group of people are making marks along the way, trying to find the exit of the maze.

But no matter how they walked, they found that the marks were not regular at all.

This is a medium-sized team called "Iron Feather Hunting Group".

Before entering the underground palace, there were three to five hundred of them. But now the only survivors are the thirty or so people at present, and nearly 90% of them have been lost.

Then, by mistake, the assassin who opened the way found Ren and his party in the "safe house".

This situation was also reported.

"Captain, there is a hunting group in the stone room in front! It seems to be members of the 'Mountain Antelope Group'."

"Hey, that small group hasn't been wiped out yet? How many of them are there?"


"It's so possible! They didn't reduce their staff much?"


Coincidentally, this wilderness hunting group knew the "Mountain Antelope Group".

They also know that this small group usually has more than ten people.

Now that they encountered this hellish labyrinth, the wild hunters who were much stronger than them were wiped out countless times, and they survived?

And with almost no attrition? !

This is surprising.

The leader [Elephant Foot] Becky is a veteran powerhouse of the third rank, and is quite famous among the scattered hunters.

He frowned when he heard the assassin's report from his subordinates, and immediately realized something, "Go! Let's go and have a look!"

The movement of dozens of people walking in the corridor was not small, and everyone in the "Mountain Antelope Group" naturally discovered them.

The team members were also tense for a while.

The number of opponents is several times that of them. If there is a conflict, they will be at an absolute disadvantage.

"Head, someone is here, at least dozens of people."

"What are we going to do now?"

"If they really want to be malicious, we will fight them! Anyway, I would rather die than give up the treasure I bought with my life."

"Me too!"


Captain Bart also listened with a dignified expression.

If you don't have so many valuable treasures on your body, you will hit it if you hit it. People with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Everyone is a wild hunter. Even if they have malicious intentions, it is impossible to kill for the sake of killing.

But now with huge sums of money, the situation is different.

It's really about to be ransacked. The thing that was exchanged for life this time is made into a wedding dress for no reason, and no one can bear it.

But it is obvious that the opponent has a large number of people, and they cannot be beaten by force.

Bart didn't pin the safety of his regiment on the kindness of those unknown guys.

Now I can only prepare for the worst, either fight or leave.

But it is not a good choice to leave this stone room now.

Thinking of this, he turned his gaze away, looked at Ren who was still calm and meditating with his eyes closed, and asked, "Mr. Nicholas, look at us"

Ren didn't even lift his eyelids, and said lightly, "Wait and see."


Hearing the indifferent tone in these words, Bart was overjoyed, and the uneasiness suddenly settled down.

Knowing that the other party has a lot of people, but still being so indifferent, it shows that the "big man" in front of him is completely sure of dealing with it.

But Bart also tried to recall many times, when exactly did he make friends with such a big man.

But still not the slightest impression.

Soon, everyone from the "Iron Feather Hunting Group" had already walked over from the corridor.

The firelight reflected a few faces with gas masks on, looking a little bit chilly.

These guys are fully armed, and most of them wear equipment that exceeds the amount they carry by several times. It looks like trophies, or things taken away from their dead companions.

click, click, click

The two groups met one by one, and the sound of gunfire rang out in unison.

More than a dozen muskets met dozens of guns.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

But at this time, a path was separated from the other party's crowd, and a person came out.

He didn't care about the guns at all, and said with a half-smile: "Yo Bart, what do you mean? You and your brothers are going to greet me with guns?"

Bart looked at the other party's attire and recognized the person coming, slightly surprised: "Captain Becky?"

Although his expression was calm, he secretly said something bad in his heart.

He never expected that the one who came was a third-order extraordinary!

Most of the high-level extraordinary are concentrated under the subordinates of the great nobles, or in the large hunting groups. For ordinary wild hunters, the third-order extraordinary is the top powerhouse they can come into contact with.

This is a big man.

Seeing the person coming, Bart's peripheral vision unconsciously fell on Ren in the distance.

He felt a little apprehensive, although he knew that this "Doctor Nicholas" was definitely not simple, but he might not be the opponent of this top-notch expert among the scattered hunters.

What's more, there are so many people on the other side!

"Everyone put away your guns."

Recognizing the person coming, the strange color on Bart's face disappeared, and he signaled his team members to put away their muskets.

Because this kind of weapon is useless against high-level extraordinary, and it will irritate the opponent.

If people really want to find an excuse to do something, they must be the ones who suffer.

The "Mountain Antelope Group" put down their guns, and everyone in the "Iron Feather Group" also put down their guns. In the eyes of those people, one could see a trace of malicious intentions, as if a carnivorous lion looked at a herbivorous antelope.

Becky took a look at the environment in the stone room, and his eyes stayed on several golden coffins inlaid with precious stones for a moment, then shifted to other places.

What surprised him was that there was neither the corpse of the dog-headed monster nor the corpses of personnel in the stone room.

And looking at the stitched wounds on the necks of the wounded members of the "Mountain Antelope Group", Becky was even more surprised.

Such a horrible wound was obviously caused by the dog head monster's bite.

But being bitten by that kind of monster, can he still survive?

One can also be called a coincidence, there are actually three wounded who were bitten on the neck?

Several second-tier deputy captains in my regiment were killed instantly. How did these guys survive?

At this moment, countless doubts appeared in Becky's mind. He looked at Bart, and instead of asking about other situations in a hurry, he asked directly: "Bart, have you also encountered those dog-headed monsters?"

Bart didn't talk to these people very much, but he had to respond: "Yes. Our team also lost several brothers because of this."

How many?

Hundreds of people in my group died because of that monster!

Hearing that, Becky's face was a little ugly, and he asked tentatively: "I see that the wounds of your brothers were bitten by that dog-headed monster?"

Hearing this, Bart guessed what the other party was curious about, and said badly in his heart.

But such a big wound cannot be concealed, and people may believe it if they tell lies. But to expose Dr. Nicholas' superb medical methods, he would naturally not.

But at this time, Sister Pasha said, "Yes. They are very lucky. They didn't die after being bitten."


Becky looked at Pasha's attire, half-believing, and asked, "Are you a high-ranking doctor?"

Hundreds of people died in his team. How could he not know that this monster not only bites, but also poisons and sucks blood in an instant, so there is no way to save him.

This is the result of the conclusion made by the only senior doctor in their team.

Now he was in a small group and saw something alive?

Pasha didn't intend to explain further, didn't admit it, didn't deny it, she just said, "I'm a priesthood superhuman."


When Becky heard this, her expression was cloudy and uncertain.

Witnessing hundreds of people being bitten to death with his own eyes, he naturally wouldn't believe that a low-level transcendent could do that kind of injury well, but the facts were right in front of him. Perhaps, it so happens that some priesthood heals this wound?

If there really is such an extraordinary medical department, then it must be under control!

The other party obviously asked questions one after another to find out their secrets, and Bart also saw the careful thinking of everyone in the "Iron Feather Group".

He didn't intend to get entangled with these people, and said to the members of the group beside him: "Brothers, give the brothers of the 'Iron Feather Group' a way to talk."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the stone room immediately leaned against the wall, making a path through the middle.

This is a euphemistic expression of driving people away.

The stone room with only a few tens of square meters can't hold so many people. Only when they get out of the way can those uninvited guests pass through.

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the stone room immediately leaned against the wall, making a path through the middle.

If you were hunting in other places, you would say hello when you met them and leave.

But Becky was not stupid, he looked at the dried blood on the ground and the burnt torches, and guessed that Bart and the others had stayed in the stone room for a long time.

He was also even more curious. His team escaped death, but the "Mountain Antelope Regiment" didn't have much loss. Why?

He didn't leave in a hurry, and turned his eyes, and asked again: "Commander Bart, you should have noticed that we are now trapped in a maze. It just so happens that my regiment is short of personnel and doctors, so you just follow us." Let's go together. Everyone has a mutual support."

Under normal circumstances, a small group like Bart would not dare to disobey a third-order supernatural being able to talk in such a polite tone, but in the current situation, Bart also knows what the other party is aiming at.

It is said that there is a lack of people, and it is probably a lack of cannon fodder to find the way.

It is said that there is a shortage of doctors, it must be the ability to heal the bite of the dog-headed monster. But that's not Sister Pasha's ability at all, and they don't have the right to decide anything for that gentleman.

No matter how you look at it, teaming up with these guys is not a good choice.

Bart glanced at Ren who was speechless from the corner of his eye, and directly refused: "Thank you, Captain Becky, for your kindness. But no need, now we have wounded, and we plan to repair it."


Rejected so directly, Becky thought she had heard wrong.

His face became a little gloomy, and he said, "Oh? Is that so?"

How dare these guys reject me?

No matter how stupid he is, he has guessed what "secret" these people might have.

All responses have been avoiding him.

In the current situation, their "Iron Feather Tuan" has the advantage of crushing, and it is not smart to care about that little shame.

Now that I have encountered it, the doctor must take it away, and the secret must be asked out.

Since the other party is shameless, then just tear up your face!

But even if you do it, you have to find a reason.

Becky set her sights on the three golden coffins in the stone room again, and said directly: "Hey, Captain Bart, you seem to have gained a lot this time?"

Although there is Ren's storage ring, those extra treasures still occupy the package of the "Mountain Brigade", which is bulging, and it is not difficult to see that they have gained a lot.

Hearing this, Bart took the initiative to open a bag, revealing golden gold coins, and said, "I found some gold objects that are not very valuable."

Hearing this, Becky always felt like hitting the cotton with his fist, and this Bart didn't give him a chance to attack at all.

At this moment, Becky's eyes fell on the coffins in the stone room, and asked, "Are there any treasures in those coffins? These pure gold coffins inlaid with precious stones are priceless, and you haven't opened them yet." take away?"

These coffins are also the biggest "suspicious point" in the whole room!

Thanks for the 5,000 coin reward from 'Where is the performance', 'LEB', 'Huanjixin', thank you for the big reward.

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