"Master Kavo, who are you coming to 'Black Wind Collar'?"

With a relaxed smile on Ren's face, he asked this curious question from the beginning.

Kavo looked at Ren with those wise eyes that seemed to see through everything in the world, and asked, "What do you think?"

Ren tentatively asked, "Come here for the auction?"

Kavor didn't admit it, nor denied it.

He took another sip of wine from his glass, and then he said unhurriedly: "Didn't you say that you sensed that some old friends have entered the city?"


Ren immediately wondered who this "old friend" would be.

Could it be someone from Glory City?

Unexpectedly, Kavo said directly: "Bazel, Guy... and Miss Canossa from the 'Black Crystal Chamber of Commerce'. It seems that she should also have advanced to the 'Legendary Realm'."

When Ren heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

The color flashes and disappears.

What made him more curious was another thing.

After Kanosha advanced to the Legendary Stage, there was no flaw in her battle qi control, and no one in this world should be able to see through her cultivation. But he didn't want the fact that Kawo would wear it in one bite.

However, the title of "old friend" in Kawo's mouth is somewhat intriguing.

Either they are really close friends, or they are respect for the strong at the same level.

His whereabouts seem to be under the control of this legend.

Ren didn't pretend to be stupid, and asked directly: "How do you know that Miss Canossa is a transcendent?"

Kavo shook his head: "Miss Canossa today has reached the peak of the extraordinary in the world's perception, and her breath is impeccable. Any extraordinary in the perception system will not be able to detect that she is an extraordinary. I am the same."

Hearing this, Ren's eyes flickered for a moment.

Kawo didn't make people appetite either, and explained: "Just a few years ago, when she was still at the fourth level of the extraordinary, she came to the City of Glory once. At that time, her breathing technique was not as proficient as it is now. It happened that I was I saw some clues."

I see

It was only then that Ren realized that it wasn't that Kanosha had been seen through now, but had been seen through before.

He tentatively asked again: "You also know Mr. Guy?"

If Canossa is showing her face, what about Guy? That person's ability to restrain his breath is not weaker than Canossa's. If he hadn't revealed it himself, others probably wouldn't be able to perceive it.

"Of course I do. Mr. Guy is an old friend of mine."

Kawo said: "I also know that he came for that evil sword. After all...I told him the whereabouts of the sword."

Ren finally understood.

When I met Guy for the first time, that guy said he came to "Black Wind Collar" to find Xiejian. Said it was an old friend's information, it turned out to be Kavo.

In this way, Ren became more and more unable to understand the purpose of Kavo's trip.

If he was helping Guanghui City, why did he tell himself these things?

But if it wasn't for helping Guanghui City and showing up to meet him, then why?

But at this moment, just as the two wanted to continue their conversation, the sound of conversation at the table next to them entered their ears.

Hearing the topic with a little interest, the two of them tacitly fell silent at the same time.

A new guest came to the wine table next door.

Judging by their attire, they seem to be the top executives of several small hunting groups.

The voices of the few people talking were very low, but they still did not escape Ren's high-level and extraordinary perception.

"Heifeng's tax is getting higher and higher. If this continues, if we hunt wildlands and the harvest is not good, it will all be for nothing for the lords."

"That's right. I thought that there were living corpses west of the Alcoron Mountains, and they could make a fortune. I didn't expect that the tax rate of the Glorious Nation is even more ruthless than that of the two empires. There is not much to earn from this deduction!"

"I really miss the old 'City of Glory'. At that time, Master Kavo was still there, and everyone worked together to open up wasteland. Although it seems that there are not as many opportunities as there are now, everything is fair, and more work pays more. Now, the five major families After taking power and establishing a country and becoming an aristocrat, I spend my whole day thinking about how to squeeze us, commoner wild hunters, and all kinds of taxes are deducted, so it’s not as good as the original harvest.”

"Now the two empires are lowering taxes everywhere to prevent the loss of their subjects, and the guys from 'Glory City' are even worse."

"Who told them to be confident. There are living corpses here, and so many ancient ruins"

"Hey, if only Master Kavo was still here."


As soon as the wild hunters at the table came to the table, they complained about the exorbitant taxes in the territory.

When Ren heard this, he glanced at the "participant" Master Kavo sitting in front of him from the corner of his eye.

I don't know how the founder of Glory City will feel when he hears these words.

Kawo's expression was still calm, and he took a sip of wine from time to time, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, the people at the next table were still talking.

"The nobles all over the world are like fucking birds, they are nothing! Shit, 'City of Glory', 'City of Darkness' is about the same."

"Hey, if this continues, it will become more and more difficult for us small hunting groups to survive in the future. I really don't know how long we can persist."

"Can I still go there? I can still make some money here. If I find a ruin, I will get rich. The group of people who survived the 'Tergesen Desert' last time have all become rich. It's really enviable. .”

"Envy? I heard that tens of thousands of people went there, and only a few hundred people came back alive. How dare you earn that kind of money?"

"I've heard that there was a 'shady scene' in the last exploration of the ruins. Those hunters could have survived more, but they were tricked by the nobles."

"Shh, 'spreading rumors' is now prohibited, otherwise you will be sent to the gallows."


Several people whispered and talked about hunting in the desert ruins before.

If all those tens of thousands of people died, it is estimated that the news would not come out; but unfortunately, hundreds of people survived. The news quickly fermented among the civilian hunters and spread farther and farther.

But hearing this, Ren felt that it was time to add fire to Master Kavo.

After all, he personally experienced the previous desert hunting operation, "Master Kavo, have you heard about the 'Tehesen Desert' last time?"

Kawo glanced at him, and said lightly, "I've heard a little bit about it."

Ren said: "It just so happened that I was also exploring the ruins at the time, and I ran into that scene. The people of the Rosas family really did not do it kindly. Not to mention the lives of tens of thousands of people, and in the end they forced people to die. That's why Mr Gay killed the 'Prince Harper'."

He briefly told the story of some things.

Kawo listened, his expression unchanged, but he might not have spoken for a long time.

In the former Glory City, even if someone close to him did such a thing, it would be an unforgivable "death crime".

When the two talked about it, many things became clear.

Ren didn't beat around the bush anymore, and planned to test it out, so he said, "Master Kavo, do you think that Prince Harper, who cares nothing about human life, should be killed?"

"It should be killed."

Kawo responded crisply. There was no hesitation at all because the Rosas family was once one of his personal disciples.

Instead, he looked at Ren and asked, "It seems that little friend Ren has guessed why I came here?"

Ren said, "Are you trying to persuade us to leave Heifengling?"

Kavo smiled slightly, noncommittal.

He said: "Before you invited me to drink, I originally planned to persuade you to leave. Because I know that there are many top experts ambushing in this territory, even if Bazel, Guy and Miss Canossa teamed up You can't even deal with a strong enemy. But now...it seems that my worries are unnecessary. You seem to be more aware of the current situation than me."

Ren frowned, neither admitted nor denied, and waited for the next article.

It is a good thing that Kavo came here with the intention of "friend rather than enemy".

He was also curious about how much this wise old man could guess.

Kawo continued: "Although I still can't think of the current situation, what chances do you have for winning. But since you are here, you must have your own grasp."

After a pause, his cloudy eyes flickered, he glanced at Ren, and suddenly smiled: "Besides, seeing the calm demeanor of my little friend, I also understand that no matter which side of my old bones to help, Nothing will affect your plans."

Ren's expression was a little strange.

But even if Kawo guessed this point now, it doesn't have much impact.

Now both sides are ready to go, no matter what, this battle will be fought. No one will let it go without a head-on confrontation.

What's more, he didn't feel that Kavo knew the true strength of their "Black Dragon City".

After the conversation was spread out, Ren said bluntly: "We will definitely save the captured Coleman soldiers, and we will definitely get back those stolen divine power totems. Master Kavo, do you think we are doing the right thing?" Is it?"

"I don't have any position, so I don't talk about right or wrong."

Kawo said something very meaningful.

He naturally understood what Ren said, and wanted to test his "position", so he said with a smile: "But as I said, the current Kingdom of Glory has nothing to do with me. What they want to do is their own choice. What you want to do is your choice."


When Ren heard this, his brows raised with joy.

Kawo's two non-helpful statements meant that he would not intervene in the battle.

There is no need for a master of this level to lie.

Of course, even if there is fraud, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

This is "icing on the cake" good news for tonight's battle.

Most of the wine in the glass has gone down. Master Kavo seems to like the taste of alcohol, like a little old man who is greedy for drinking, and said to Ren with a smile: "Little friend Ren, can I have another glass of wine? This'Supreme Jack ' tastes so good~"


Ren naturally greeted the bartender to order new wine, then raised the glass, "Cheers~"

The two clinked glasses and drank what was left at the bottom of the glass.


Master Kavo let out a soothing sound from his throat.

At this time, he said again: "When I met you, the initial thought was that I didn't want to see you and a few old friends in danger. Since you already know it now, I won't say much."

Ren said sincerely: "Thank you, Master Kavo."

In any case, the other party's intentions are good.

Kawo shook his head indifferently, and said, "Of course, this is not the reason why I came to Heifengling."


Hearing this, Ren expressed doubts and looked over.

At this time, Kawo's gaze became a little deep. Like an "ancient well", people seem to see the deep water bottom through the mouth of the well. There was so much light and shadow, I didn't know what was there.

He sighed slightly, and slowly said something that seemed to have something to say.

"'Right' and 'desire' are the most terrifying monsters, they can twist people's minds and fall into the abyss of evil."

At this time, Kawo talked about his real purpose of coming to "Black Wind Collar" this time, and his tone became a little serious: "I came to see if those guys were really dazzled by power; I also want to See how ruthless they will be for their rights."

Then, Kavo said a "purpose" that made Ren's face more and more serious.

Only then did he realize that the members of the five major families actually had such insane backers.

After more than an hour.

The wine table was already full of more than a dozen empty glasses with white foam at the bottom.

It was rare to meet such generous drinkers in this kind of tavern, and the tavern girl refilled them drinks again and again very enthusiastically.

Master Kavo drank it as if he was very happy, like a drunken red-nosed wandering mage.

"Oh, is this little bird on your head [Immortal Thundercrow]? Oh my god, where did you find this rare elemental creature in mythology? It's really lucky that little friend Renn found it."

"I really didn't expect that in just over a year, you, who had just advanced to [Awakened] in the 'Plague Base', have now stepped into the high-level extraordinary realm."

"In the past hundred years, I have seen too many people with outstanding talents. But my friend Ren, your physical body is the strongest third-order extraordinary I have ever seen."


Ren and Kavo chatted and became more and more acquainted.

In fact, after getting acquainted with him, he also found that the old man was actually quite amiable, and he didn't have any airs of an "invincible" expert at all.

Like the teachers of the college, like the administrators of the library, they are wise, calm, and knowledgeable, and they can chat a few words about any topic.

Ren didn't have to be so rigid when speaking, and he could joke around from time to time.

"Master Kavo, how good are you now?"

"Me? I haven't shot with all my strength for many years."

"Is it because your extraordinary power has touched that limit and will cause a 'space crack'?"

"Oh, you even know that?"

"Master Kavo, you are a senior I respect very much. I would like to ask, do you desire power above the fifth level?"

"Do you understand the way to awaken power above the fifth level?"

"Actually, have you ever thought that this misty world is actually restricted by some kind of 'restriction', and all creatures will not exceed the fifth level, but the road to transcendence is far from the end."

"Have you even observed this? In fact, I have indeed discovered this fact through research in various ancient books over the years, but there will never be more than a handful of people in the world who have access to this level of cognition. Are you How did you find out?"

"What if I say... I've confirmed that there are extraordinary sixth-level or even seventh-level existences outside this fog?"


Hearing this, Kawo Gujing's calm face was finally moved.

In fact, when Ren knew that Kavo was "a friend rather than an enemy", he couldn't bear a thought in his heart.

At the beginning, Kavo was the lord of Glory City, but now the "No. 1 in the world" master is a wandering mage with no family.

Since it is not an enemy, wouldn't it be better to be an "ally"?

Not to mention asking him to deal with Glory City, at least in the Calateva Basin where Black Dragon City is located, the kind of dangerous place where giant dragons really exist, with such a big master, it will be more secure in the future.

What's more, Master Kavo doesn't represent a single person.

He represents the highest "spiritual leader" of the free mage lineage. If you get this person, you can get the support of the entire "Magician Union".

Black Dragon City also needs a complete magician training system.

Wren started his own lobbying.

Kawo had already been shocked by what he heard.

"Master Kavo, if there is a city built according to my original ideas, but it still needs to be developed, would you like to give me some pointers?"

"In today's situation, it is not easy to build a new city."

"If so?"

"If there is such a city, I think, I will definitely be willing to visit it. It would be nice to be a magic teacher or a librarian."


Although Ren didn't explain it, Kavo also guessed something, and the two smiled knowingly.

A few hours later, "Black Dragon City" will be born out of nowhere, shocking the world.

This is something that no one can stop. It is the general trend!

Thank you for the 5,000 coins from 'Xiaoyao Thirty-six Heroes', and the 5,000 coins from 'leo627', thank you both for your rewards.

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