Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 275: His Majesty Ren

After changing their dresses at the post house, Ren and Canossa took a steam locomotive through the crowded streets and arrived at the private estate of Grand Duke Valentine, the top lord of Machinery City.

Tonight's auction is organized by the Rosas family. General goods will be auctioned in the auction house, while bulk goods will be traded in the banquet hall of the Duke's Mansion.

When Rennes and his steam locomotive came, there was already a long line of locomotives lined up at the gate of the manor.

A long red carpet was laid at the gate of the manor surrounded by iron fences. Rich businessmen and nobles in gorgeous dresses got off the locomotive one after another, signed in and entered the manor.

The specification of this auction is the largest since the founding of the "Glorious City". It was also because the publicity campaign started two months in advance, so too many celebrities and rich people gathered here. Tonight, almost all the famous business houses in the two empires came, and there were also many rich and nobles who wanted to come to shop for treasures.

After all, tonight's lot is also dazzling.

After the [Black Tide] broke out, hunters found too many rare treasures in the ruins of the wasteland. And in the brochure of the auction, there were also many rare treasures. Ancient weapons, armors, high-level potions, and barbarian slaves were all rare treasures in the world.

Night has fallen.

Light rain fell in the sky, and the clouds were low.

When you look up, you can see the flickering Thunder Snake in the dark clouds, as if you can reach it from a height.

The rainwater splashed on the glass of the car, crystal clear one by one, and slipped into the gaps, leaving a long water mark.

On the steam locomotive, Ren and Canossa sat on the back seat of the soft leather cover, looking through the glass at the brightly lit luxury manor outside the window.

On the car seat, the two sat very close, and Canossa's hand was also very affectionately holding Ren's arm. The light black gauze dress on her body did not block the extreme touch at all, which made Lei feel that My arm seemed to be immersed in a piece of warm and fragrant nephrite.

However, although the atmosphere was ambiguous, the two of them didn't have much charming thoughts in their hearts.

There's going to be a tough fight tonight.

"Our people are already in place. After entering, first confirm the location of Coleman's captured fighters, and then lead out the hidden top transcendents. People outside will act immediately when they hear the movement."


"Also. Tonight is your first official appearance as the 'Black Dragon City Lord'. You have to behave better."

"How do I behave?"

"Aren't you shamelessly invincible? Anyway, our Black Dragon City is already invincible, so you can just replace yourself as the emperor of the two empires."


The two were talking without saying a word.

Knowing that this manor was a "Hongmen Banquet", Ren didn't panic at all.

Not to mention Bazel, who was already lurking in the darkness, there was Kanossa beside him. No matter how bad it is, there is still the "pickup card" in the thunder cloud that can fly down in an instant as soon as the belief arrives.

With this luxurious lineup of bodyguards, unless the "Ten Legends" shot at the same time, the possibility of killing him in seconds was extremely low.

Although the action plan had been made long ago, in Ren's mind, he was still rapidly deriving everything to guard against accidents.

Not long after, the steam locomotive drove to the gate of the manor.

"Let's go, let's go down too."


Ren nodded, and a domineering sternness flashed across his eyes.

The driver opened the car door, he got out of the car first, and then helped Kanosha down in a gentlemanly manner.

Both of them didn't wear masks, and when they got out of the car, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone around them.

The locomotive could not enter the manor, and the guards and servants stayed outside the manor.

After the two got out of the car, they handed over the invitation letter at the door, and then walked along the red carpet towards the manor.

Canossa's little bird is holding Ren's arm like a human being, and it is obvious at a glance that the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

Kanosha's temperament is refined and outstanding, and the reputation of beauty has long spread throughout the two empires. Tonight, her long black gauze dress surprised everyone's eyes.

The red carpet was originally full of blooming flowers, all kinds of ladies and ladies dressed up beautifully. But her appearance immediately overshadowed all the female guests present.

Kanossa's glamorous aura is like a bright moon pressing down on a sky full of stars.

And Ren, who is dressed in a domineering city lord outfit, is also eye-catching.

His high-level and extraordinary domineering aura allowed him to crush more than 90% of the people present; coupled with that top-notch luxury cloak and dress, he exuded the domineering aura of a superior from beginning to end.

As Kanosha said, "Black Dragon City" is invincible in the world, and as the lord of the city, Renn's status will not be inferior to anyone!

Ren's eyes were shining brightly, and his steps were steady.

He stepped on the red carpet like a domineering lion, and every step he took, his aura increased. In his eyes, others seem to be rabbits, deer, and roe deer.

The sudden appearance of the "focus" also surprised the onlookers and started whispering.

"Hey, who is that man? He looks a little unfamiliar."

"Since he is the male companion brought by President Canossa, his identity is definitely not simple. It's strange, among the high-ranking nobles of the two empires, I don't have the impression that there is such a number one person, and he is still so young."

"Look at the clothing specifications of that person, it seems to be a high-ranking lord?"


Kanosha has a wide network of contacts, and the presidents of the large chambers of commerce in the two empires of Sid Omar are almost familiar with each other.

No, not long after getting out of the car, several familiar big businessmen greeted him.

"Oh, President Canossa, long time no see, you look more and more beautiful."

"Master President, don't come here unharmed."


Several chubby presidents walked over with their bejeweled wives, and greeted each of them respectfully.

The "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" has a high status among merchants in this world.

Black Gold is a "first-rate chamber of commerce", and all other chambers of commerce combined can barely be regarded as "second-rate".

Regardless of wealth or power, the few wealthy businessmen in front of them are no match for Kanossa's finger. Therefore, the presidents of these chambers of commerce naturally have enough humility in front of her.

Kanosha didn't have any pretensions either, and nodded to a few people.

Then, surprisingly, she didn't say much, but first introduced the people in front of Ren to Ren, and said: "This is the boss Chapman of the 'Black Flag Chamber of Commerce', and that is the 'Shark Chamber of Commerce' 'The Anthony Boss'

After introducing the past one by one, Ren nodded lightly.

Seeing Kanosha's attitude, everyone was immediately puzzled.

Although businessmen don't pay attention to red tape like the noble class, the basic etiquette is not bad.

Kanosha's introduction order is obviously that people with low status introduce others to people with high status.

This shocked the presidents of this group of chambers of commerce.

What is the origin of the person who can be introduced so solemnly by the president of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce?

The leading fat man with a mustache vaguely guessed something, used honorifics, and asked, "President Canossa, do you dare to ask who this lord is?"

Kanosha introduced: "This is His Majesty Ren Hermes, the lord of 'Black Dragon City'."

Finally, Renn was pushed out as the city lord for the first time, and the name "Black Dragon City" was revealed to the world for the first time.

"Your Majesty?"

This appellation is subtle.

Ordinary high-ranking nobles are not qualified to use this title at all, even if they are princes!

Except for the emperors of the two empires of Sid Omar, who can use this title, then only the honorific title when referring to a certain god

Oh, and now there is one more king of the Kingdom of Glory.

Could it be that this "Rain Hermes" is also a king?

However, what is the "Black Dragon City", why have I never heard of it?

Could it be that some remote corners of the local emperors who made themselves kings?

It would be fine if it was introduced by ordinary people like this, but it is a bit intriguing if it comes from the mouth of the vice president of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce", Canossa J. Cloefeller.

The merchants are all ghosts, and they naturally know that it would be impolite to ask the bottom line at this time. They felt that it was probably because of their lack of information that this "Black Dragon City" was a "new territory" somewhere in the two empires.

But no matter what, they all understood that this handsome young man in front of him was a top nobleman.

Upon hearing Canossa's introduction, a group of merchants hurried forward to salute Rennes warmly and respectfully, and said, "Lord Rennes, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ren nodded, without losing courtesy, and without showing too much enthusiasm.

A group of people surrounded the two of Ren and entered the banquet hall of the manor.

However, it is one thing to meet acquaintances to say hello, and what is more important is to be driven by interests.

The presidents of this group of chamber of commerce came to say hello to Canossa, and they naturally came with a purpose.

The current situation of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" is very clear to everyone. Both the two empires and the Kingdom of Glory are frantically suppressing it. It is not a good choice to make friends with Heijin at this juncture.

However, who told the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" to hold another important "wealth code" in its hands.

After reminiscing about old times.

Chairman Anthony of the previous "Shark Chamber of Commerce" spoke directly, and went straight to the topic: "That. A part of the 'Shark Chamber of Commerce' distribution? If we can give us the agency rights in the seven southern provinces of Sid, the price can be negotiated."

"Our "Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce" is also willing to cooperate with you"

"The 'Gold Chamber of Commerce' is also willing to cooperate"


At the beginning, everyone rushed to speak.

The scene was lively for a while.

People used to not know, thinking that this "black mist" was poisonous gas.

Now the [Kuroshio] broke out in the west of the Alcoron Mountains, and the soaring speed of cultivation made everyone understand that this "black mist" is a "special element" that can speed up cultivation.

Moreover, the most important hard currency now, that is, the [magic crystal] obtained after killing living corpses, can directly absorb and improve extraordinary cultivation like a magic core, which is also a recognized fact.

The only side effect is the berserk energy, which cannot be fully digested by the human body.

If you absorb it rashly, you will accumulate hidden injuries and cause physical damage.

And now, the group of scientists of the "Society of Pharmacists" is still working hard on how to solve this hidden danger.

But even though the research equipment is getting more and more advanced now, according to the research progress of a new drug, it may take three to five years as early as ten years or eight years later to develop a drug that can solve the side effects of the black mist.

But at this time, to the surprise of no one, a finished potion appeared in the product catalog of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce"—【Black Mist Detoxification Potion】!

Who knows where the black gold formula came from, but that potion has been proven to have a miraculous effect on the side effects of inhaling black mist!

This is a huge business opportunity.

It can be said that whoever obtains the right to sell this medicine will be able to obtain massive wealth in a short period of time!

Moreover, this formula is currently unique to Hei Jin, which means that it is an exclusive potion.

"Exclusive" means "monopolizable" and "customizable price", and it is also a medicine that will definitely become a necessity for extraordinary people in the future.

Even if you are not a businessman, you can understand the meaning of this!

"President Canossa, what do you think? As long as we can get distribution rights, you can ask for all the conditions."

"Yes, President Canossa, if you open your mouth, we will never bargain."


Originally, the presidents of these small chambers of commerce just came to test it out.

In their minds, the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" would never let others know of such a profitable business.

But I didn't want to, but at this time Kanosha responded immediately, saying: "Don't worry, everyone, as long as they are partners of my 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce', they will have enough shares."


Is it that easy to agree?

For a moment, the presidents of the chamber of commerce thought they had heard wrong, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, someone asked: "What about the price of the medicine? What about the distribution commission?"

Canossa: "The price is also three times the normal cost price. The ratio is still in accordance with the previous cooperation ratio"

"Huh? Really?"

At this moment, everyone showed expressions of disbelief.

This condition is simply a free gift.

If you really want them to get low-priced medicine, you can get ten times or a hundred times the profit in an instant.

This is a huge benefit!

After being excited, everyone became suspicious again.

Why is this "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" willing to give up the opportunity to enjoy the exclusive cake?

At this time, someone asked impatiently: "President Kanosha, do you have any other conditions for this cooperation?"

Canossa: "Not bad!"

Hearing this, the merchants all listened attentively.

Conditionally, they breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a "reasonable" business.

At this time, Kanosha didn't whet everyone's appetites, and said, "I'll tell you guys... Actually, the formula of [Black Mist Detoxification Potion] is not owned by me, it's the private property of His Majesty Ren." .So, if you want to cooperate, you have to get the formalities from the Ministry of Commerce of 'Black Dragon City'."

"Huh? That's it?"

"Forgive my ignorance, where is the Black Dragon City? The procedures."

"After tomorrow, everyone will know. At that time, I will send someone to distribute the invitation letters of the 'Black Dragon Leader' to the presidents. I can guarantee that you only need to go to the territory to complete a procedure, and there are no harsh conditions."


With that said, the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce became even more excited.

Everyone knows that the president of Canossa promises a lot, and what she said is more useful than a contract.

Many of them came to the auction today with the main purpose of coming for the pharmaceutical distribution rights. They did not expect to get the promise so easily.

Hearing Kanosha's words, several people even turned around and left the manor directly. They couldn't wait to inquire about the news of the "Black Dragon City" and made arrangements in advance.

Canossa and Renn's journey along the way has attracted everyone's attention.

The content of their conversation was not deliberately hidden, so it was naturally overheard by others.

But those who are qualified to surround them are more or less "friends" who have friendship with Kanossa.

Upon hearing that the [Black Mist Detoxification Potion] distribution right was so easy to obtain, those "hostile" chambers of commerce not far away who made trouble when the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce was suppressed felt regretful.

"How is this possible? How could Hei Jin take out the right to distribute medicine so easily?"

"Hey, we have missed this opportunity to make a fortune. Omar suppressed black gold before, and our "Iron Head Chamber of Commerce" even robbed the black gold market. This distribution right is probably out of reach."

"Hmph! The 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' may not be able to take advantage of this benefit. Do you really think that with the formula in her hands, you can sell medicine to make money? Don't look at it, now except for the remote territories of Sid, their Chamber of Commerce Where is there a place to stand? I haven't seen the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Glory, are they eager to eat this piece of fat now?"


Some people are remorseful, some are jealous, and some are eccentric.

Especially those from the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce".

They are the protagonists of this auction, but they don't want to, before the start, the limelight will be stolen by one person.

Sure enough, the good times didn't last long.

Not long after, an arrogant old man led a few servants out and walked straight towards Ren and Kanossa.

The old man did not speak, but the servant who looked like a butler introduced: "This is the Minister of Commerce of the Kingdom of Glory, Marquis of Xiangshan, Lord Rafael Rosas."

"Yo, Lord Marquis?"

Canossa and Renn looked at each other, with a look of watching a show on their faces.

And the old man was not polite, and said directly: "Isn't the president of the 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' Canossa? I know you. I don't beat around the bush. I want to buy the [Black Mist Detox Potion] formula in your hand."

When he opened his mouth, it was not a cooperation, but buying a formula, and the other party didn't even have the slightest intention to hide his greed.

The tone is very arrogant, from nostrils to toes, it reveals that they are determined to eat "black gold" and domineering.

"Buy the formula?"

Although both Ren and Ren guessed the other's intention, they still found it a bit ridiculous to see the other party coming to the door so arrogantly.

There was a teasing chuckle on Kanosha's face, and she asked, "Oh? What price are you willing to pay?"

The old man raised his head slightly, "100 million."

Canossa: "Golden Crown?"

The old man sneered and shook his head, proudly said: "No, Li Suo."

For 100 million lisuo, even a low-level potion formula is not easy to buy, let alone this exclusive [Black Mist Detox Potion] formula?

He feels that the current state of the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" is like a wolf's mouth, and it has no qualifications to bargain with their Glorious Kingdom. I can only hand over the formula obediently, in order to protect myself, and perhaps have a foothold.

But I never thought that as soon as these words came out, I immediately heard a cold shout.


Turning around, it wasn't Kanosha who spoke, but Ren.

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge' 6000, 'Colinnnn' 2000, 'Water Mist and Moonlight' 1500, 'Huang Junming' 666, 'Haixia Mingyue' 500, 'Secondary Yuan Yifeng Yeyu', 'Ginger toothache Yuge Sotos', '20210222104324659', 'Very Dazai', 'Secondary Boys', 'Merry Lonely'. Thank you for your support, thank you very much.

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