Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 302 Remembering myself as the years go by

The old emperor fell into a coma again, and Ymir stayed in the palace, intending to accompany her brother through the last period of his life.

Ren was full of the royal family's "big melon", so he didn't stay any longer and left the palace.

Metternich is the illegitimate son of Emperor Omar. If this news gets out, it may immediately detonate the entire Omar senior management.

From the very beginning, Metternich joined the queen's camp, and his purpose seemed to be very clear, that is, to come for revenge.

Obviously, the old emperor knew that he was greened by Metternich.

No wonder he was so tolerant, it turned out to be his own son.

However, Ren always felt that it was Metternich who deliberately let the emperor know that he wanted to torture him both physically and mentally.

The queen and the illegitimate child are having trouble, how to deal with it?

No matter who was killed, it was the old emperor himself who was tormented.

Moreover, it seems that the queen doesn't know about it yet, and there is probably a good show to come.

However, Renn just came to listen to it as a lace news, which didn't have much impact on him.

After all, he has nothing to do with how the queen's private life is; and who is the emperor of the Omar Empire has little influence on their Black Dragon City.

In this situation, whoever becomes the emperor seems to be doomed to civil strife.

Metternich seems to be planning to turn the Omar Empire upside down.

Compared with gossip, Renn is more concerned about the threat of Glory City now.

After leaving the palace, Ren led his guards to find Tuster and his grandson.

It is also a serious matter to come to the capital of Omar this time to find justice for the old man.

The old man's current personality is very withdrawn, and Ren is worried that he will suffer a loss if he comes to ask for an explanation. As the city lord, he naturally wanted to accompany him on the trip.

The Omar Royal Academy of Sciences has an independent mechanical city in the capital, which is about the same size as Rennes' university in his previous life.

The area is quite large, with a teaching area, a dormitory area, a garden and an open-air playground. There is even an artificial lake called "Tingyu Lake".

There is a faculty dormitory area by the lake.

According to the information obtained, the girl "Irma Garcia" whom the old man couldn't let go of is now living here.

Of course, this is also the lake where she threw herself into the lake.

The old man planned to go there first, but his wish came true.

Not long after, Ren led the guards and Toust's grandson, and a group of eight strolled on the campus of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Young machinist apprentices can be seen everywhere in the boulevards of the academy. They were all dressed gorgeously, and their faces were full of youthful and lively atmosphere. On the faces of these young men and women, there is more or less arrogance that is different from ordinary people. Because those who can study in the academy must have at least one official nobleman above the baron in their family.

Today's weather is not very good, it has been drizzling.

The wind blowing in the air carries a hint of coolness, pouring into the robe, it will make people feel a little cool on the back.

The arrival of Ryan and his party did not attract anyone's attention.

Little Carl seemed a little excited. His big, weird eyes looked around at everything on the campus, and he was full of interest in everything he saw. As he walked, he said with emotion: "Wow! This is the birthplace of the legendary steam machine. It's so spectacular."

Since he was a child, Karl has been studying with Mr. Toust and has never been to college.

Now that he has come to the holy land known as a mechanic, this makes him feel that everything is novel.

Architecture, sculpture, atmosphere... and those beautiful mechanic girls who are twelve or thirteen years old.

Probably there will be some inexplicable attraction between mechanics.

Little Karl couldn't help but look at those girls with robotic arms.

The little girls in the imperial capital are obviously more bold and unrestrained than other places, and their clothes are also sexier, especially the nobles. They watched Carl look at them, not only did not avoid, but also covered their mouths and chuckled, whispering something in their ears.

On the contrary, Karl, a little boy, was blushed with embarrassment when they saw him, and he didn't dare to look directly at him.

Ren's perception was very strong, and he heard what the girls whispered clearly, and joked: "Carl, they are saying that you are very handsome."

Karl's eyes obviously flashed with joy when he heard it, but he squirmed and said, "It's not."

The rosy color on his face betrayed the excitement in his heart, and the young boy's heart full of spring appeared vividly on his face.

Ren smiled.

Carl felt even more embarrassed.

Simply, I didn't go to see Miss Sister anymore.

There are many sculptures and showcases on the road in the college, all related to steam machinery.

Even a layman like Renn felt his eyes light up when he saw it.

Little Carl was more like a narrator, exclaiming all the way.

"Hey, that sculpture is actually the 'first-generation steam engine' from a thousand years ago!"

"That's the statue of Emperor Spurgelin?! I've seen his portrait in the Chronicle of Steam Machinery."

"And that, the first 'double boiler steam plant'."


I have to admit that this "Omar Royal Academy of Sciences" is much better than their newly built "Black Dragon Academy" in terms of hardware equipment.

Ren thought, and he would give them some "campus culture" for Black Dragon Academy when he went back.

To go to "Tingyu Lake", you need to pass through the experimental area.

In this area, groups of mechanical apprentices can be seen.

In the School of Mechanical Engineering, monocles, auxiliary power mechanical arms, and external mechanical skeletons are almost all standard configurations.

Several pieces of mechanical equipment can be seen on all the students.

At this time, a group of students happened to pass by not far from Ren and the others.

Karl glanced at the leader, and muttered unconsciously: "Grandpa, look, the mechanical arm on that man just now seems to be an improved version of the 'Esta VI power arm'. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. The technology is too advanced, and the shortcomings of mobility are also obvious. Oh, I think its original 'single circuit' should be designed as a 'double conduction pipeline', which would be better."

Probably because the voice was a bit loud, the group of students happened to hear it.

They turned their heads to see Ren and his party, and when they saw that it was Carl who was talking, a sneer of disbelief immediately appeared on their faces.

The more complex the machine, the richer the knowledge reserve is to support it. The mechanical arm of this level that the students can make is already a very good "graduation work".

If it was a formal mechanic above the intermediate level who said the sentence just now, those apprentices might still be taught with humility.

But a guy who seems to be the same age as them dare to utter such "crazy words"?

The student with the robotic arm stopped, and asked Carl rudely: "Hey, I'm Mark from the advanced class. Kid, which class are you from?"

The "advanced class" is already an advanced mechanical apprentice. They usually graduate and can be assessed as a "junior mechanic".

And this Mark is also a leader in the senior class, so he naturally has the confidence to look down on other students.

As soon as he said this, his seven or eight companions also looked at Karl with disdain, and whispered among themselves.

"It looks very unfamiliar, as if it is not from our academy."

"Huh, the tone is really big enough. 'Esta VI' is a classic mechanical arm style that the professors are full of praise, even if it is only a handful of our advanced class. How dare that guy Talk a lot and talk about technical flaws."

"Tch, it's probably that bumpkin from the countryside who hasn't seen the world."


Listening to others pointing and pointing, Karl was a little at a loss.

He felt that he was clearly right, why those people were so hostile towards him.

He glanced at Ren next to him, like a child who had made a mistake, and murmured weakly: "Brother Ren."

Ren responded with a confident smile, and said lightly: "We, Black Dragon City, are not afraid of anyone."

Although Karl is very smart, but because of the lack of communication with people, especially peers.

In layman's terms, he has a high IQ, a low EQ, and lacks the basic smoothness to communicate with others.

This is also a common problem of many specialized mechanics.

Moreover, Karl did not go to school seriously, so he learned from Toust.

He didn't know that his skills were already ahead of his peers, so he could be considered a "monster". Although what he said just now is true to people like Ren, it sounds a little arrogant to people who don't know him.

Ren's smile gave Carl confidence. He looked at the group of people and introduced himself formally: "I'm Carl Fuernst. I'm from Black Dragon City. Nice to meet you."

When Ren heard this, he frowned dumbfoundingly, and said in his heart: Karl, the other party really wants to ask your name

If not, before the words were finished, the group of people burst into laughter.

"Black Dragon City? It is said that it is a new city built in a barren land."

"Haha, you really are a country bumpkin. I heard that the people in that city are still like barbarians, using stone tools to live. Just this, is it worthy of talking nonsense in the field of great machinery?"

"Let's go, Senior Mark, don't know this kind of person too much."


When the teenagers heard Karl's words, they were not interested in "acquainting" him at all, and left together after a few words of ridicule.

People in the imperial capital are inherently more arrogant than those in other places. In their view, anyone who is not born and bred in the imperial capital can be called a bumpkin.

What's more, the "Omar Royal Academy of Sciences" is the holy land of steam machinery, which represents the most top-level and most complete heritage of the mechanical city.

The students in these colleges naturally have the capital to look down on mechanics from other places.

Therefore, as soon as Karl opened his mouth to declare his family, he was naturally ridiculed as a country bumpkin.

The man left without giving him any chance to explain.

Karl was ridiculed again, and his previous high spirits immediately faded away.

Ren smiled and comforted him and said, "Carl, don't worry too much."

As he said that, he looked at the academy in front of him and said meaningfully: "It won't take long for them to realize how strong our Black Dragon City is."

Even without talking about goblin technology, the current level of technology in Black Dragon City is more than one level higher than that of Omar.

Now the two empires of Omar and Sid have blocked the news of Black Dragon City. Except for the high-level people, few people at the bottom really understand the situation of Black Dragon City. These guys are still living in false prosperity, thinking that their "Omar Royal Academy of Sciences" represents the highest level of mechanics.

I understand the truth, but being ridiculed by others, Kallman's face is still full of displeasure.

He pouted his lips and muttered, "Oh."

Passing through the experimental teaching area is the residential area of ​​faculty and staff with lush vegetation.

Walking through a corridor full of pink brambles, a beautiful man-made lake came into view.

The area is about a few hundred square meters. Although it is not big, it is the first time that even Renn has seen such a luxury as a "lake" in the Mechanic City.

It is like a emerald gemstone, inlaid on this steel city. It has added a bit of vitality to the cold mechanical capital.

There are all kinds of carefully cultivated flowers and plants around the lakeshore, and garden craftsmen are carefully watering, fertilizing, and pruning flower branches.

Probably because of the rain, on the clear lake, you can see a tail of beautiful small fish, with their mouths opening and closing, swimming leisurely

Carl looked at the beautiful scenery of the garden in front of him, and the depression just now was swept away. He lay on the fence and looked at the small fish on the lake, and exclaimed again and again: "Wow, Grandpa, look quickly! There are so many small fish in the water!"

Ren also turned his head to look, and saw a pair of cloudy eyes full of melancholy.

Toust was shining brightly, and the light and shadow of the ripples of the raindrops falling on the surface of the lake were reflected in his eyes.

Along the way, the old man didn't say a word.

Now that he came to the lake, he pointed in a direction and said, "Where, that's where I used to live."

His words seemed to bring his thoughts back thirty years ago, where the memories of his first half of his life were left here.

Once, his laboratory was at the corner of the lake.

Thirty years have passed, and the building has been renovated a lot, so the old man feels a little strange.

But the hut is still the same as before.

The iron roof with brown paint, the mottled blue peeling, and even the rainy weather doll hanging at the door are exactly the same.

And on the wall next to the lake, there are violets hanging from iron bars

The girl in that memory once planted it with her own hands.

He remembered her saying that the laboratory full of steel would be less angry, and it would be better if some flowers were embellished.

The flowers are blooming brightly, just like the situation thirty years ago, it has not changed.

In fact, Renn was also a little surprised when he heard the news that Alma Garcia was still living in the academy.

He thought it was the scheme of the "scheming girl", who knew from some special channels that Toust was coming, and wanted to play some tricks.

But after inquiring, Mrs. Garcia has lived here for many years.

This made Ren a little confused.

That woman must have played a disgraceful role when Tuster was stolen. She probably couldn't get away with the poisoning later.

It was also because of Toust's ruin, that woman's family had become prosperous and rich, and now the family has also squeezed into the upper class of Omar.

But what does it mean for her to live in this broken house for so many years?

Ren didn't think about it, this is Mr. Toust's private matter.

The guards stayed by the lake, and Ren and Karl accompanied Toust along the covered bridge by the lake to the hut.

At the door of the house, the old man stopped.

Facing the iron door, he raised his hand, but he didn't knock on it, and put it down again.

Ren and Carl didn't speak, and stood quietly behind him. Although I didn't see Toust's expression at the moment, his trembling hands showed that he was not calm at the moment.

I don't know how long I stood there, but at this moment, the rain stopped.

The aroma of violets floats into the nose, and the faint floral fragrance makes people feel very fresh.

In the puddle in front of the house, there are several pink water lilies in full bloom. The raindrops fall on the lotus leaves, merging into crystal clear water drops.

I don't know if it's because they stood at the door, blocking the light from the glass watching the lake. At this time, the people in the house also noticed someone visiting.

Before the old man knocked on the door, he heard footsteps in the room, getting closer.

With a "click", the door was pulled open from the inside.

What came into view was a middle-aged woman in a purple dress.

Her hair is meticulous and her makeup is spot on. The facial features are very beautiful, and the bearing is also graceful and luxurious. But when she was young, she must have looked pretty good.

"You are"

The middle-aged woman looked at the three of Ryan.

For a moment, it seemed that time was frozen.

Both sides looked at each other.

Ryan guessed her identity the first time he saw her.

After all, this lady is 70% similar in appearance to Phoebe, the vice president of the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce".

That Mrs. Garcia was already younger than Toust, and she should be in her early fifties this year. Nobles are not badly maintained, and her appearance at the moment can also see the shadow of her youth.

But Toust has changed a lot. Toxins and the ravages of the years have left too many marks on his face, as if he has been reborn, and he can no longer see the slightest trace of the heroic genius mechanic back then.

I don't know how the purple-clothed lady in front of me recognized it, but when she looked at the three people at the door, she instantly set her eyes on Toust.

When she first met her, doubts flickered in her eyes.

But for a moment, his expression froze there.

In a blink of an eye, a relieved smile appeared on her face again.

But laughing and laughing, tears flowed down my face in the next year.

She remembered the old people in front of her in the passing of time, as if she also saw herself in those years.

The foreshadowing in the early stage is all ending in this broken plot, the writing is a bit slow, if the plot is not well written, it will be an idiot

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