Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 307 Technology Beyond This Era

The most intuitive way to measure the strength of a territory is to look at the technological level of the territory's mechanical city.

And to compare the strength of a mechanic, the most intuitive way is to take out a battle mech to compare and score.

The Battle Mech is the culmination of a mechanic's mechanical knowledge. Under normal circumstances, "senior mechanics" have the ability to independently design battle mechs. But it is very difficult to create a mature mecha that has no shortcomings in all aspects. It requires countless complex knowledge accumulation and practice.

The proud fighting force of the Omar Empire is the "Royal First Mechanical Legion".

In the past hundreds of years, this army has been nearly invincible in war. As we all know, the most important thing that the mechanical knight army relies on is various mechanical equipment. "Battle Mech" is the top priority.

And all the technical support of the Omar Imperial Army comes from the Omar Royal Academy of Sciences. This "sacred place of steam machinery" has the most advanced steam machinery technology in the world, as well as the most advanced battle armor.

Of course, this was before the Black Dragon City was born.

Carl took out his "Little Raccoon Fighter Mech" and put it on.

When the eight-cylinder power boiler started and white smoke burst out from the exhaust pipe, everyone in the venue was stunned.

All of them stared straight at the miniature power boiler on the back of the mech, and immediately became noisy.

"This is an eight-cylinder power boiler?"

"Impossible! The six-cylinder boilers in our college are still in the experimental stage, this"


Carl's design, as always, does not conform to the public's aesthetics.

Compared with the mainstream "dark style" battle mechs on the market, this is obviously more like an iron toy.

But this time, among the more than a thousand people present, no one dared to ridicule even if they were skeptical.

If there hadn't been that firearms exchange competition before, everyone would probably think that it was just a four-cylinder boiler with changed gas pipes when they saw this boiler. In fact, many mechanics in the black market like to do this. It will make the micro-boiler look more valuable, but it does not actually increase the kinetic energy system at all. It is just a sensational modification by half-baked mechanics.

But now, everyone feels that things are developing in a direction beyond their control.

In fact, some well-informed top-level mechanics have already learned from some special channels that there are rumors of selling "six-cylinder boilers" in the world of Black Dragon City.

But after all, it was a rumor, and no one saw the real thing.

Moreover, they don't believe that there will be more advanced technology than their Omar in the world.

Unexpectedly, now I actually saw a boiler that was not a six-cylinder, but an eight-cylinder boiler?

If it is true, then, for their Royal Academy of Sciences, this is probably the biggest crisis in the millennium since its establishment.

This top technology didn't come from their Omar Academy, but from a small Black Dragon City?

"Firearms" is just a branch of the mechanical field. No matter how amazing a firearm is, it is within the scope of everyone's understanding.

But... the technological content of this eight-cylinder boiler is at least ten years ahead of the six-cylinder boiler!

In other words, it is more than ten years ahead of the mechanics of Omar.

That's what's most frightening.

Carl introduced his combat uniform on the stage and said: "This is my 'Little Raccoon'. Although it was designed by me, many of them are based on technologies invented and improved by my grandfather. For example, this eight-cylinder power boiler , and recoilless artillery systems.”

He truthfully introduced his combat uniform.

There was no further objection to this statement.

Battle mechs are no different than firearms. A mechanic can manufacture thousands of firearms by himself, but it is impossible for a single person to manufacture a complete set of mechas.

A complete set of mechs may require tens of thousands of parts, involving thousands of patents, and the technical difficulty is more than a thousand times more difficult than making muskets.

It is impossible for every part to be made by a mechanic himself.

What a mechanic can do is to combine all the knowledge and resources he has mastered to endow the mecha with the strongest functions.

There are too many technical terms and unfamiliar academic vocabulary in Carl's introduction.

Ren, a mechanical layman, has been confused for a long time.

Not only him, but also the apprentices and even the instructors of Omar College were dumbfounded.

This "Little Raccoon" has too many advanced technologies that they can roughly guess the use of, but they have never appeared in textbooks.

What eight-cylinder boiler, energy cycle supply system, magic pattern noise reduction cooling, ancient alchemy enchantment

One by one unfamiliar terms, one by one technology that is completely absent at present.

On this mecha, there are many scientific research problems that even the laboratories of their Omar College have been working hard to overcome.

Now that one side is still researching, the other side has already produced a finished product?

Gradually, the shock in everyone's eyes turned into suspicion: Is what this boy named "Carl" said true?

If the two colleges are a little bit ahead in technology, it can also be understood that the other party's talent is extraordinary, allowing him to do some outstanding research in certain aspects.

But if the all-round technology is too poor, it will make people feel a little unreal.

No matter what, they refused to believe that there were more than ten years of existence in the world that could crush their Omar Academy in the field of combat mechs!

What's more, for the "advanced technologies" he mentioned, even the Machinist's Union has no record of these patents at all. Could it be just talk?

However, since it was a competition and exchange, their side, Omar, would naturally come up with a work on stage.

This represents the face of Omar Academy.

But the current communication is completely out of the reach of the students. Even the instructors of the academy have to be cautious if they want to "win" this competition.

In the end, after discussion between Omar and his side, a high-level apprentice brought the top individual mecha in the academy to the ring.

They knew very well that whether what Carl said was true or not, they had to give it their all.

Otherwise, if this "communication" loses again, their Omar Royal Academy of Sciences will be completely disgraced.

And the mecha that the apprentice brought up was a laboratory version of the Omar military mecha, and it was far ahead of the top mechas in the world in terms of technology and materials.

The six-cylinder steam boiler, equipped with individual artillery, materials, enchantments and other technologies, almost all represent the highest level of Omar's current actual combat.

"This is the 'Dark God of War'."

The apprentice of Omar who came on stage also introduced the five-meter-tall mech beside him.

But obviously some lack of confidence.

After all, it is impossible for an apprentice to participate in any design of this level of mecha.

He was sent as a mechanic apprentice, but in fact, what Karl was facing was the top technical crystallization of the entire academy.

This is where the significance and charm of "mechanical" lies.

Mechanics' combat power is almost entirely on the mecha, they don't need to be like other extraordinary professions, their own ranks are high, and their combat power is powerful. As long as they know how to operate mechs, they can display great combat effectiveness.

Ren looked at the Omar College, which was obviously a "cheating", and did not raise any objections, drinking coffee leisurely.

No one can convince anyone of the combat effectiveness of the mechanical battle armor just by talking about it, and it doesn't mean that top-level technology must be very powerful.

In the end, it takes a fight to be clear at a glance.

Because of the battle, a magic light curtain lit up on the arena in the communication hall to prevent accidental injuries from explosions.

On the ring, Carl wearing the "little raccoon" and the student wearing the "Zhanshen" were separated on both sides, and there was a huge difference in size between the two.

One is less than two meters, and the other is five meters.

Volume tonnage is also one of the most important advantages of a battle mech.

Generally speaking, the bigger, the stronger.

Although the "Zhanshen" used a six-cylinder boiler, the larger boiler can provide more energy. Thick mechanical bones allow it to carry stronger loads, more stable mechanisms, and stronger armor

Everyone in the audience watched the fierce battle that was about to break out on the stage, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Even the students, most of them have never seen how powerful the "Zhanshen" is in the laboratory.

This is the only time in the countless exchange meetings over the years, other colleges can force them to show the most advanced mechs of Omar College.

"Who do you think will win?"

"That must be our academy. Since the instructors have taken out the 'Zhanshen', they must not lose."

"I also think that we will definitely win. After all, the tonnage difference between the two mechas is more than double, not to mention the weapon system, once they wrestle, even if the 'Little Raccoon' is really an eight-cylinder boiler, it can't compare."

"I don't think so. Didn't you hear the guy from Black Dragon City introduce that this is an 'agile' mecha? Do you think he would foolishly wrestle with the 'Zhanshen'?"

"Hehe, the agility type? Agility is the shortcoming of a battle mech. How agile can it be? What's more, this is in the arena, and the moving distance is so short, it's not enough for him to pull. Don't worry, once it sticks, the battle will be no suspense gone."


The students whispered to each other, guessing the outcome of this competition.

From the one-sided support of their academy at the beginning, to now, some people think that Black Dragon City can win.

Almost everyone has strong expectations for this competition.

But in the audience, that Grandmaster Oliver's eyes gleamed coldly, as if he had predicted the ending.

Looking at the battle armor on Karl, he murmured in a voice he could only hear clearly: "Sure enough, as in the information, that fellow Toust has mastered mechanical technology beyond this era."

"The competition begins!"

The host gave an order.

The two mechs on the ring suddenly moved.

Because of its huge size, the "Zhanshen" was designed with two shoulder-resistant individual artillery. The moment the competition started, the muzzles of the two cannons lit up with flames.

"Boom" and "Boom", two shells were fired at an extremely fast speed.

The distance between the two mechas was less than 200 meters. Even if they missed at this distance, the shock wave from the explosion would be enough to knock the opponent's mechas to the ground. At that time, the "Zhanshen" can sprint forward, and then subdue the opponent's mech before it can stand still.

It has to be said that the operator of the "Zhanshen" side is very skilled, and there is nothing wrong with their tactics.

The battle was indeed as everyone expected, and it ended quickly.

The host had just announced that the battle had started, and after the explosion sounded, the next moment it was over.

However, it was Carl's "Little Raccoon" who won!

The moment the cannon was lit, the mecha operated by Karl dived like an agile assassin. He precisely avoided the trajectory of the artillery fire, and then appeared in front of the "Zhanshen" in a flash!

Just when the opponent's mech gear was still "clicking" and "clicking", and he wanted to grab him with the mechanical arm, Karl made a flexible side step to avoid it, and then appeared behind the "Zhanshen" Back, directly used the two black short knives to insert into the gap of the opponent's mecha power boiler, and the boiler exploded instantly!

The whole process was completely like a high-level assassin assassinating a bulky grizzly bear without giving the opponent any room to fight back.

The battle ended so quickly that it exceeded everyone's expectations.

Offstage, it was as if time stood still.

The spectators were still wondering who would win in their minds just now, and the fire of the artillery flashed in their eyes. Didn't expect the battle to be over?

Recalling the sound of the boiler explosion, the powerless "Zhanshen" knelt down on the field, and everyone recovered from the shock.

we lose?

Students, you look at me and I look at you, as if in a dream.

"That's...impossible, how can a battle mech be so sensitive!"

"This reaction speed is probably not inferior to high-level extraordinary. Can the machine really achieve such sensitivity? How powerful is its kinetic energy transmission system?"

"Also, what is the material of the black knife, and it actually cut into the alloy-wrapped power boiler of the 'Zhanshen'?"


Seeing this result, everyone realized that the sky had changed.

The victory at the crushing level also means that there is a big gap in the technological level between the two sides.

The entire venue was silent.

Even the host doesn't know how to smooth things over at this moment.

This is a blatant slap in the face.

The kind that makes people unable to regain their face.

However, for most mechanics, "science and technology" is the only truth.

Advanced technology deserves to be humbled.

"good very good!"

At this moment, a cloaked man sitting in the last row stood up.

When he lifted the cloak, he saw an old man with a white beard.

He was not stingy about his awe of science, nor did he hide his praise for Karl, saying: "The various technologies in the armor of Karl's friend can definitely be called the pinnacle of mechanical technology in the world. The old man is also ashamed of himself." !"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Those students recognized the old man and blurted out: "Master Jurgen!"

It turned out that this was Jurgen Evelyn, one of the three "Machine Masters" of the time. That is, the teacher of Pierre, the "Machine Master" that Ymir brought to the "Kalateva Basin" to transform the Mechanic City!

In fact, there are factions within the academy.

Where there are factions, there are fights.

Not everyone is satisfied with Dean Brendan's actions.

Brendan was able to use that kind of despicable means to frame Toust, no matter what his academic level is, his character is really not very good. There are also many people who have offended in the academy over the years. Nepotism, headstrong and conceited, oppression and exclusion of political opponents.

And this Grandmaster Jurgen is the one to be squeezed out!

Although the Royal Academy of Sciences is loyal to the Omar Empire, the three Grand Masters actually have their own political positions. Dean Brendan is loyal to the queen, but Jurgen is loyal to the old emperor!

He can make his master disciples "distribute" with Ymir to establish a new territory, which is enough to illustrate his position.

For Black Dragon City, even if it is not a "friend", it is also a "neutral".

Renn did not expect that Grand Master Jurgen would stand up and speak for Karl at this time.

However, seeing him, a relaxed smile overflowed on Ren's face.

In fact, it is one thing for Ren to come to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar this time to find justice for Mr. Toust. On the other hand, he also planned to bring a group of mechanical talents back to Black Dragon City.

This Grandmaster Jurgen is one of the key candidates.

Before the Black Dragon City was opened to the public, in fact, Grandmaster Pierre had secretly contacted him, the teacher, and wanted him to help with the construction of the territory. But Grandmaster Jurgen has never promised anything.

Because he is loyal to the Omar royal family.

As long as Omar is still alive, he will not leave.

But now, it's different.

Because Ren knew that Omar's political situation was already a mess.

Once the old emperor dies, it will probably split up, and the Omar Empire may cease to exist.

Now, although Black Dragon City has Mr. Tuster as a top mechanic, the ones below are a little out of touch.

The explosive development of the territory has gradually exposed some shortcomings. Whether it is the construction of the Mechanical City or the Black Dragon City Academy, there is a need for too many mechanical talents, especially senior talents.

And this great master of machinery in front of him, if he takes him away, he can take away nearly one-third of the foundation of the Royal Academy of Omar!

The state is very poor, this one feels slightly watery, sorry.

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