Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 311 Revenge is not about reason, but about strength

Toust's "Six-Armed Deer God Battle Armor" was designed for his completely shrunken body. Now that the toxin has been completely cleared, his limbs have returned to normal, and he has more body limbs that can override more complex mechanical systems. There is now a new version of the "Eight-armed Deer God" after modification.

Of course, ten arms can actually be installed.

But it doesn't mean that the more arms you have, the more distracted you can control them.

Manipulating a mech to fight requires high neural response speed, and distracted operations also place a heavy burden on the brain, which is completely different from the usual research load (such as Irubek's biological spider arm).

It is also fortunate that the old man has been physically disabled for many years, so he can use the eight mechanical arms flexibly.

In terms of the number of arms alone, one of him is worth four other mechanics, and the combined combat power increases geometrically.

Although the battle mech only added two arms, it added some very powerful equipment.

The black technology blueprints found in the goblin ruins allowed Toust to come up with a lot of weird weapon systems.

【Heat Energy Observer】, 【Goblin Micro Rocket】, 【Red Hot Melting Steel Ray】, 【Steam Breaker】, 【Spiral Energy Sputter Shield】.

The two free hands can just be used to operate these special weapons that don't need to be activated at any time.

In short, the current old man's battle armor is extremely powerful.

Strong to the extent that Bazel's "Ten Legends" feel very outrageous.

No one expected that the whole group of Black Dragon City would toughen the city guards, nor did they think that the main force of the toughness would be Toust.

Everyone was stunned by the old man's eight-armed battle armor.

Here is the Royal Academy of Sciences in Omar, known as the "sacred place of steam machinery". In the previous thousand years, this place was always at the pinnacle of time technology. The top mechanical armor and various cutting-edge equipment are also produced here.

But now, all the mechanics of the college opened their mouths slightly, and they were beyond shocked.

Carl's "Little Raccoon" mechanical armor did make them feel the pressure, but it was probably only the difference between the second-order and third-order extraordinary.

And the "Eight-armed Deer God" of Toust in front of them felt like the huge insurmountable gap between the low-level extraordinary and the "Ten Legends".

"It turns out that his eight octopus arms are used to manipulate this armor."

Seeing this ten-meter-tall battle armor, everyone understood why Toust had eight mechanical arms on his spine.

However, it was because I understood it that I was even more shocked.

All the mechs are purely physical operating systems, with eight mechanical arms, which means that his brain and nerves can be distracted at the same time to control such a complex mechanical armor.

This alone is absolutely beyond the reach of others.

Moreover, the metamorphosis-like combined battle armor also opened the eyes of the people of Omar Academy.

The cutting-edge technology involved in it, even the mechanical masters and grand masters of the academy are at a loss.

On the other hand, the expressions of Dean Brendan and the city guards changed drastically.

The eight-armed armor put too much pressure on them.

"This is completely different from the battle armor in the intelligence!"

Brendan felt something was wrong in his heart, and he didn't know what went wrong.

The information he got clearly showed that the six-armed battle armor has super strong defense against both physical and demonic objects, the black knife can kill fifth-order monsters, and it is fast, and it also has a powerful cannon

But no matter where you look at it, the description in the information and the mecha in front of you are two different things.

However, the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back when the bow is opened.

Brendan didn't think a "Legendary Mech" could stop him either. After all, when they decided to do it before, they had already considered this link. Already well prepared to deal with any mecha.

At this moment, Mr. Toust also manipulated the mecha and rushed over quickly.

"Shield wall!"

The Imperial City Guard of Omar is the elite of the elite, and the recruitment threshold for non-nobles has always been the best among the second-order extraordinary.

And because they came prepared, nearly half of the teams that came were high-level transcendents above level three. What's more, they also have Omar's top mechanical equipment!

Just before the eight-armed mecha rushed over, they changed formation on the spot, and the well-trained guards pulled out huge mechanical shields, only to hear a burst of "crack" and "crack" intensive locks In an instant, the guards formed a turtle-like shield formation.

Moreover, cannons protruded from the gap between the shields, and when Mr. Toust rushed over, the flames had already sprayed out from the muzzles of the cannons.

Boom! Boom! Boom.

The deafening shelling sounded like muffled thunder, resounding through the entire Omar Academy.

Hundreds of individual soldiers fired salvos, and the power can break through mountains and cities, even if it is a mechanical body, it is impossible to stop it!

Even if the huge impact force from the explosion could not destroy the main armor, it would directly destroy the sensitive parts of the mecha, scrapping the armor in an instant; it even seriously damaged the mechanic in the armor!

This set of tactics is specially arranged to besiege and kill the top powerhouses!

Moreover, even if the first round of artillery fails to destroy the eight-armed armor, there will be a second round, a third round

Hmph, what about the mechanical armor of legendary combat power?

After all, there is only one!

Brendan himself was a top-level mechanic. He analyzed all the information on the "Plague Base" in detail, and he was sure that the tactics he arranged could definitely kill the so-called legendary armor easily.

But in the next second, something unexpected happened to everyone.

Toust charged away with the eight-armed mecha. He looked at the dense muzzles, so he naturally wouldn't resist. Instead, he blocked the huge shield with a ferocious black dragon pattern drawn in his hand in front of him, covering most of the vital points of the mechanical body.

In the next moment, countless shells bombarded the giant shield in the hands of the eight-armed armor.

Crack, crack, crack, crack

The sound did not have that ear-shattering sound, but a strange muffled sound.

If it was replaced with other ordinary metal shields, even if it was a high-level enchanted alloy, so many shells would definitely shatter the shield.

Forces are reciprocal. No matter how strong it is, it will have to withstand the huge impact of a hundred artillery pieces in a head-on confrontation.

Even if it wasn't shattered by luck, the huge impact of the shell's instant burst could definitely overturn the mecha on the spot.


The strange thing is that the bowl-sized black bullets hit the shield, and were inlaid on the shield for a moment before falling to the ground one by one.

It feels like raindrops falling on the lake, causing slight waves. When the shell hit the shield, the force dissipated strangely, but it failed to shake the shield at all.

In the shield formation in the distance, with a sneer on his face just now, Dean Bredan, who was waiting to see the eight-armed battle armor destroyed, exclaimed like a ghost: "Angela Black Iron!"

As a top mechanic, he immediately understood what was happening when he saw the strange phenomenon of the shell hitting the shield.

However, at the same time, he was also extremely shocked: "How is it possible! Such a large shield is actually made of that kind of divine blood alloy?"

That shield probably weighed hundreds of kilograms. But only when the content of "Anzera Black Iron" exceeds 80%, it is possible for the shield surface to make that strange "wave" under the impact of the shell.

However, even if the entire treasury of Emperor Omar's capital is collected, it may not be possible to find so many of this kind of divine iron!

Where on earth did that fellow Toust find so many divine irons, and make it into a huge shield extravagantly?

The value of this shield alone will definitely drive all the alchemists in the world crazy.

This is pure equipment crushing.

No one expected that the shield of Tuster's mecha would be such a treasure.

This black shield alone offset more than 95% of the impact of the artillery. It also instantly dispelled Brendan's siege tactics.

During the artillery fire, Toust continued to rush forward with his shield against the fierce artillery fire.

And at this moment, colorful six-pointed star magic circles lit up on the ground and in the void where he was walking.

The opponent obviously knew that this mecha had super magic resistance, and offensive spells had almost no effect, so they directly used control spells.

swamp, web, vines, slow

"The magic scroll is released!"

The city guards at the foot of the imperial capital showed their super strength. To deal with difficult enemies, the commander did not hesitate at all, and directly ordered the scroll to be torn.

The magic scrolls of the fourth and fifth ranks were torn apart batch by batch.

Because it is a magic scroll, all spells are instant.

In just a split second, a sea of ​​high-level spells covered the sky.

This "spending money" tactic instantly created a terrifying magic control field. In it, even if the top ten legends like Bazel come, they have to avoid their edge.

And Toust's target was Brendan who was hiding in the shield formation. Instead of retreating, he rushed straight ahead!

Just when everyone thought that the eight-armed mecha would fall into heavy control magic, they suddenly saw a "steam ball" on the back waist of the mecha ejecting a burst of high-pressure white gas.

Suddenly, as if pushed by a huge force, the nearly ten-meter-high eight-armed battle armor actually "jumped" into the sky!

At this moment, it seems that time has slowed down.

Everyone looked up at the giant leaping in the sky at the same time, and gasped in unison.

Ordinary people would be shocked at most when they saw this scene.

But these mechanics saw it, no less than the first time people in Ryan's previous life saw an alien spaceship.

"This heavy mechanical armor can actually leap? How much pressure is accumulated in that steam ball?"

"Oh my god, this is unbelievable. This pressure is at least as strong as the main power boiler of a 'ghoul-level' mechanical city, but its volume is only one percent? What structures and materials can support such a large pressure?"

"Even if we give our academy another fifty years, we will never be able to forge such a super-pressure 'steam ball'. The technology of this Black Dragon City is too terrifying. Who is that Tust?"


Shocked again and again.

One after another, the black technology machinery that crushed the times.

Mr. Toust's battle armor is like a top machinery exposition, allowing people to see what is called a technological level beyond the times.

With the power of one person, like a giant, he crushed everyone in the entire Omar Royal Academy to the ground in humility.

Those mechanics who were a little jealous of Black Dragon City's technology at first now also showed panic on their faces.

The gap is not big, and I will compare myself.

If the gap is too large, it is not jealousy, or looking up, or fear.

When they got used to "No. 1 in the world", they never thought that there would be another existence in this era whose technology was decades more advanced than theirs at Omar Academy.

However, it appeared.

It also appeared so abruptly that there was no room for buffering at all.

A giant broke into the back garden of a group of dwarfs roughly, and smashed the things they were proud of to pieces.

For the first time, Mr. Toust revealed his technology to this era in front of the world.

With an absolutely arrogant attitude, with an extremely violent arrogance that destroyed everyone in Oma College.

Brutally let everyone realize that times have changed.

The researcher who was expelled from Omar College by conspiracy and tricks, the king returns.

With his strength to crush the times, he declared that the era of Toust Fuernster dominating the mechanical field has come!

Not far away, the mechanics watching the battle were all horrified and said to themselves in shock, "This is the 'Legend of Mechanics'!"

Toust's eight-armed mech suddenly jumped into the sky, which was unexpected in all tactics.

It is common sense that a car engine can make the car run, but it cannot make the car fly.

Because, even if it is the most powerful armor in the world, it is not bad to be able to jump a few meters.

With the tonnage of the eight-armed battle armor, the ability to move quickly is already an astonishing technology.

But now, it flies.

Because of the leap, the eight-armed armor easily avoided all the magic traps on the ground, and then curled up in the air. The mecha that was in the air suddenly spewed out another burst of white air, and then it was like a cannonball, spinning non-stop, and hit the shield array with the sound of breaking wind.

The moment of contact, the air hammer mechanical arm that had been charged for a long time shot out.

The goblin technology improved by Mr. Toust——[Steam Battering Hammer]!

Breaking through the city with one hammer, it is perfect for dealing with immovable objects.

This hammer has accumulated a huge force of 10,000 tons, and the punch is not fast, but it seems to make people see the feeling of a giant beast stepping down. The originally interlocking shield array, under this huge force, was like a thin and fragile plank, only a crisp "click" sound was heard, and the mechanical shield exploded.

The arms of the guards directly behind the shield exploded into blood mist, and their eyes were scarlet. And the huge impact caused dozens of guards to be thrown away directly.

The old man punched the shield formation with a punch, and then the six mechanical arms that were free drew out the black gold long knife, and swung it like a windmill, slashing at the crowd.

The six arc-shocking black knives swung airtightly, like a broken bamboo, and the broken limbs and arms with armor flew all over the sky.

A transcendent of the third, fourth, and even fifth ranks. There is no single enemy at all.

High-level transcendents can protect themselves, and there is absolutely no way to deal with this "iron lump". Slashing with a sword may leave some scratches on the armor, but it can't hurt Toust's body at all. The magic of each department is like bathing the mecha, completely immune to it.

There are also [Sixteen-round Vulcan Cannon], [Micro Rocket Launcher], [Red Hot Molten Steel Ray].

Once these hot weapons are activated, they will surely harvest the lives of the guards in patches.

Armor, body protection, fighting spirit, and magic shield cannot give the guards any sense of security.

All of a sudden, howls filled the ground, and the huge open space turned into a scarlet slaughterhouse. The guards with missing arms and legs screamed and wanted to escape from here

Invincible posture!

That eight-armed battle armor is simply unrivaled!

No matter who rushed up, they could only die.

It's a coincidence that even though the eight-armed battle armor controlled by Toust killed seven in and seven out of the city guard's battle formation, the frightened Dean Brian was unscathed.

The corpse surrounded him in a circle, and the muskets and shells seemed to deliberately avoid him, killing all the people around him, but leaving him alone.

The eight-armed battle armor is already invincible, and it cannot be stopped by flesh and blood at all.

Even if it was two fifth-tier commanders, after being hit a few times, they were severely injured and forced to retreat.

But after five or six breaths, the open space was full of corpses for a hundred meters.

The guards did not dare to charge, but quickly gathered together, assembled into a battle formation again, and confronted each other.

There was only one eight-armed Deer God battle armor that had already been killed and blood flowed into rivers, and a shivering Dean Brendan who was dominated by the fear of death.


Toust snorted coldly, and manipulated the mechanical arm to grab Brendan, but did not kill him.

Instead, he took out a special iron ring and locked it around the guy's neck. The iron ring is made of fine steel and cannot be broken by external force. The other end of the long chain is connected to a huge iron ingot.

Brendan put an iron ring around his neck, and couldn't stand up straight under the weight of the heavy iron chain. He could only lie on all fours on the ground like a dog, lying awkwardly in the pile of corpses. He wanted to break free from the chain, but his frail body couldn't get rid of the thick chain at all.

But at this time, Toust glanced at him and said lightly: "Brendan, I won't kill you. Just use whatever else you can."

After a pause, he said again: "You take care, today, I will completely destroy everything you covet before your eyes!"

At this moment, Brendan finally understood that the other side came to seek justice this time, and they didn't intend to reason, rely on evidence, and rely on the law as they did back then.

But with his already invincible mechanical strength!

Make up for yesterday's.

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