Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 343 Three people in the same room

Flying dragons cannot be ridden, Ren and the others can only go to the destroyed camp from the ground.

They had to go to the scene to see how destructive the black dragon was.

Ren sat on the snow mastiff that he might not have seen for a long time.

Probably because of his relationship with Udo, this big white dog also treats him very affectionately. When it saw people, it would raise its head up, coquettishly wanting Ren to touch its furry head.

Ren also liked the big white dog very much, so he took out a big piece of meat from the storage ring and fed it.

The Snow Mastiff doesn't know how to eat food from strangers, but it seems very happy with Ren's feeding, and it will make a joyful sound of "woo woo".

"Doctor Ryan, hold me tight"

Wu Duo yelled boldly, then clamped his legs, and the snow mastiff jumped out.

Ren sat behind Udo, and the inertia of the snow mastiff's rapid advance made him lean back slightly.

He put his arms around Udo's slender waist.

Because she was wearing a fur vest and shorts, Udo's waist was completely exposed to the air, and it felt good to the touch. There is no excess fat in the lower abdomen, and the lines of the abdominal muscles can be clearly felt between the fingers, which are soft and firm.

Ren remembers sitting on this Snow Mastiff for the first time in the "Plague Base", and was still taken as a captive and hung around its neck.

Back then Udo was a "Barbarian chick."

And now Udo is already a big girl who exudes maturity and sexiness everywhere.

The wind paves the face, blowing hair fluttering.

She is like a girl chasing the wind.

Not long after, Rennes and his party arrived at the destroyed camp.

This temporary sub-city, which could accommodate tens of thousands of people, was destroyed before it was completed, and the city was in a mess.

Except for some wounded in the ruins, there were almost no survivors.

Whether it was stone walls, steel cannons, locomotives, or battle armors, they were almost completely destroyed.

It seems that this place has experienced a large-scale beast tide.

However, according to the survivors, this city is just a masterpiece of "playing" by the black dragon.

The high-level extraordinary and mechanics in the team quickly completed the survey and came up with the results.

"The black dragon's breath is a dark-type corrosive magic, with Ⅷ-level burns, and its power is about eight times that of the fifth-level arcane magic."

"The power of the dragon's claw can break through the armor enchanted at the seventh level. From this, it can be inferred that at least about tenth level of 'sturdy rune' can withstand the dragon's claw."


The mechanics took out their instruments and made a detailed analysis. They analyzed a lot of useful data from the corroded steel and the wreckage of the destroyed buildings, and deduced the exact combat power of the black dragon.

Then, the mechanics tweaked their armor again.

The ten "legendary" battle armors have added some more targeted equipment.

Although the black dragon was cunning, a monster probably wouldn't understand the power of a top steam machine.

It will take some time to set up the trap, Ren and the others are not in a hurry, but choose to rest in the camp for one night.

Anyway, the location of the black dragon's lair has been ascertained, and the black dragon is now sleeping in the lair after eating, and probably won't leave in a short time.

Of course, it would be better if it could leave.

In that way, Ren and the others would save a fierce battle and go directly to explore the tomb.

At night, by the campfire.

A group of top executives in Black Dragon City are gathering to discuss the "Dragon Hunting Plan".

"My lord, the trap has been set up now. But the black dragon is very cunning, and I guess it won't be so easy to be fooled. I think we can use the 'decoy tactic'. The anti-black dragon is cunning, but also very arrogant. It often targets The prey will chase to death. We can take advantage of this and send people to attract it first, and then lead it into the trap."

"This method is not bad. However, the speed of the flying dragon is very fast. It flies in the air, and its speed is several times faster than the fifth-level assassin of the All-Agility system. If this 'lure the enemy' is a little careless, it may be life-threatening. "

"This is a problem. Our plan must succeed once, otherwise the evil dragon will be prepared, and it will be almost impossible to use the trap in the future."


They checked the camp during the day, which made the group in Black Dragon City more aware of the terrifying combat power of the Black Dragon.

It can be said that, one-on-one, no one here can beat that dragon.

Unless it is a last resort, a direct conflict is definitely not the best choice.

Therefore, the trap is very necessary.

If it's an ordinary monster, it's fine, that kind of existence with a low IQ can lure a trap with a little trick.

But the dragon is very smart, they must treat it as a cunning human being, and they must not be careless.

It is very important to lure the enemy.

When this topic was mentioned, everyone frowned.

Even a legendary werewolf like Bazel, who is good at running at speed, is not at all sure that he can keep himself safe before leading the dragon into the trap.

But at this time, the taciturn Master Kavo spoke.

He said: "Leave the task of luring that black dragon to me. Within a range of twenty kilometers, I am somewhat sure that I can be faster than that black dragon."

Hearing this, Ren and the others also frowned.

This is also the only one who said "sure" among so many legends.

No one has seen how strong Master Kavo is with all his strength, but everyone knows that Master Kavo is good at space magic.

Since he said he was sure, he was sure.

At this time, Master Kavo said: "The black dragon is immune to almost all offensive magic below the sixth ring, so our magic traps will be mainly based on 'physical control'. After I lure it over, how to deal with it is up to you. I see you all"

This black dragon exists like a bug.

Originally, under the "law restriction" of the Ice Ridge Wasteland, the legendary combat power should be the limit of power that the world can bear.

The existence of Master Kavo should be "invincible".

But because the black dragon is a special race of "giant dragon", this guy's physical body already has a super defense of a higher level, and it is completely immune to spells below the sixth level.

With just this defense, it is invincible.

And hearing this, someone said again: "We have now confirmed that the dragon is immune to all types of magic, and the upper limit of its scale armor's defense power is still unknown. If I say that we can't hurt it by then It, what to do?"

The Great Witch Ji of Mafa said: "If conventional methods can't break the dragon's scales, my spear should be able to. If I can't cause fatal injuries to the black dragon, you should choose to evacuate first."

The [Morogos' Godhunting Spear] in his hand is a genuine artifact. Although most of its divinity has been lost over the years, it is made of top-grade materials and is indestructible.

After warming it up for several years, Mafa can also control part of the power of this sharp gun.

At this time, Guy on the side also caressed the big black knife in his hand, and said: "I also have a sword skill, which must be able to hurt it. But I'm not sure how much damage it can cause. If I use [Daqian Qiye] Unlocking the seal of his body, he is sure to cut out the sword energy of the sixth level power. But regardless of whether he can kill the dragon, it will definitely cause a space crack, and everyone may be in danger at that time, and the gain outweighs the loss."

This evil sword is also the matching sword of the god "Eight-armed Jizo", who ranked forty-seventh among the "Seventy-two God Generals" back then.

It is also a magic weapon.

Moreover, unlike Mafa's spear, this evil soldier has been sucking innocent souls and human blood for tens of thousands of years, and its power is not much weaker than it was back then.

Unlocking part of the power of the evil sword has a high probability of severely injuring the black dragon. However, the restrictions imposed by the laws of the Ice Ridge Wasteland did not allow Guy to fully use the power of the sword.

Kavo, Marfa, Guy.

These three can be said to be the three who have the most thorough comprehension of extraordinary power in the Ice Ridge Wasteland today, and they are half a rank higher than the legends.

Even if the three of them teamed up to deal with this black dragon, let alone the others.

But at this time, unexpectedly, Kanosha, who had been silent all along, spoke.

Her crystal eyes flashed sharply, and she said calmly: "If the defense of that black dragon is the same as that of us humans, or other ordinary monsters, I think I may be able to break through its defense."


When Ren heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up.


How could I forget her!

As a newly promoted legend, Kanosha's original combat effectiveness was a bit worse than that of old legends like Bazel.

However, that was before the secret repair with Rennes!

And in the past few years of penance, Kanosha's realm has improved by leaps and bounds. She also mastered many of Ren's secret techniques.

For example, the gang line stimulates the muscles quickly and increases the strength;

Another example is [Condensation Qi Transformation Gang]!

This secret method has one of the biggest effects, that is to break the enemy's body-protecting vindictiveness by leapfrogging!

This secret method of combat energy compression is still within the fifth-order limit, but she can deal super-order damage.

If the black dragon had the defensive power of a sixth-order monster, if anyone could break its defense with a fifth-order power, it would be Kanosha.

Her current strength, golden body, and condensed fighting spirit have all reached an appalling level.

Since the secret repair, Renn has no idea of ​​Canossa's specific combat power.

Even if it is a sparring, she will definitely stop.

Because if she used all her strength, she might pierce through the fighting spirit of "Legendary Superman" with a single punch!

Although Kanosha's current extraordinary state is inferior to the three back-to-basics veteran powerhouses of Mafa, the lethality of her fists is definitely not inferior to anyone else!

If the crisis outside the territory hadn't come, Rennes and the others might not have paid the black dragon's attention until they were fully prepared.

But now, there is not much time left for them.

"Dragon hunting" is imperative.

There must be risks in this operation, but all those present are high-level transcendents of at least Tier 4 and above, and they all came from China after life and death.

The fear of death does not hold them back.

Everyone brainstormed and considered almost any possible emergencies.

Ren, as the "fifth-level combat power" and the main doctor, is also on the list of front-line combatants.

"Okay, that's it for the dragon hunting plan. Starting tomorrow, extraordinary people below the fifth level will retreat to the second line. Once there is any problem with our hunting, we will immediately start the evacuation plan."

"The investigation team is led by Captain Rhine. Once the black dragon leaves the lair, you will be responsible for sneaking into the investigation. If you find any situation, report it in time."

"The logistics team is careful that the black dragon will summon nearby monsters and launch a wave of beasts. When the time comes, you will cooperate with Priest Coleman to drive away the monsters, and we must not let them affect our hunting operations."

"The mechanic team, if the situation is critical, save your life first"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

After discussing the dragon hunting plan, it was already midnight.

The buildings in the camp were destroyed by the dragon, and everyone could only build tents for the night.

Wu Duo was still the same as before, like a qualified little daughter-in-law, who made the bed and prepared the barbecue.

Although I haven't seen him for more than half a year, Ren has long been used to living together with Udo, a little secretary.

"Dr. Wren, the bed is made"

Everyone in the camp took it for granted when they heard Udo say hello.

Everyone knows the relationship between Udo and Ren, just as everyone in the city knows that Ren is Ymir's man.

Ren glanced at Canossa, and she didn't seem to mind at all, and gave him a meaningful and ambiguous smile.

Ren and Udo's "cohabitation" did not take place for a day or two, it had already been like this long before Black Dragon City was built.

No one will be surprised.

What's more, Kanosha and Udo have a very good relationship, and the three of them used to share a room together.

She felt that Ren and Udo hadn't seen each other for more than half a year, and she wanted to leave some private space for them to be alone.

I don't want to, at this time, I heard Udo warmly invite again: "Miss Canossa, you also want to come together."

The invitation from the Coleman tribe must be the most sincere, and Kanosha couldn't refuse it, and said with a smile, "Okay."

In this way, the three of Ryan were divided into a tent.

They ate a barbecue in the tent and chatted.

It's like they used to chat under the same roof.

"There are a lot of sub-dragon monsters here, I really want to tame them all into combat partners,"

"We also found a black and white giant bear, which has a beautiful coat color and is very powerful."


Wu Duo talked about his hunting days in the wilderness in the past six months, and he was very excited.

Of course, while chatting, she only had words of concern for Ren.

"Doctor Lane, how about you?"

"For the past six months, I have been practicing."

"Oh, Dr. Ryan has become so powerful. Is it with Miss Canossa? I feel that your aura is a bit similar."

"Udo, can you feel my grudge?"

"Doctor Ren, I have also become stronger... [Totem of the Beast] is very magical, it allows me to feel the 'voice of all things'."


There is only a big bed made of animal skins in the tent.

Once in the apartment in Black Dragon City, there were three...no, occasionally four people, and Ymir.

They will share a room.

I didn't mind it before, and I don't mind it now.

Ren lay in the middle, Kanosha and Udo lay on both sides.

Kanosha also discovered at this time that Udo had grown a lot longer than both of them.

She smiled and said, "Wow Udo, you are so tall."

Wu Duo frowned, looking a little worried, and said bluntly: "The clansmen said that I might grow taller. I am also confused. I will be much taller than Dr. Ryan in the future. Will he dislike me for being too tall? gone?"

The Colemans are very straightforward and simple when expressing their inner thoughts.

Hearing this, Ren responded with a smile: "How could it be. It would be better if our Wuduo grows taller."


After hearing this, Udo immediately became happy.

In her concept, Ren said she would like it, but she really liked it.

The three of them chatted without saying a word, and after a while, the magic lamp turned off.

It was dark in the tent.

Ren looked at the dark ceiling and felt strange.

There are two warm and delicate bodies beside them, a large area of ​​skin touches, intimate.

The current Wu Duo, with protruding front and back, is a beautiful girl who can no longer be regarded as a "little girl".

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly Udo's small murmur came from the darkness, "Doctor Ren, your elbow hit me."

On the side, hearing that Canossa couldn't hold back, she let out an ambiguous laugh.

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