Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 350 The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference

Flash forward two years.

Although the Sid Empire and Omar, where the princes are fighting for hegemony, both implemented the policy of "closing the country" to prevent the loss of the subjects. But even so, it still didn't slow down the momentum of Black Dragon City's development.

Black Dragon City is like a soaring giant dragon, once it breaks free from its shackles, no one can stop it.

A strong military force has created a stable living environment, and the new population in Black Dragon City has also entered a stage of explosive growth.

Residents are rich and have enough spare money and supplies to support newborns and spend on education and medical care.

Moreover, the policy in the city also encourages childbearing subsidies, and the cost of raising children is very low.

The popularization of modern medical care has also made the survival rate of young children in the homes of ordinary people extremely high.

The most obvious increase in the number is the Coleman tribe. From less than 10,000 people to Black Dragon City at the beginning, there are tens of thousands of them now. At first, the people who migrated to the Calateva Basin were all the strong and strong tribes. Now that the city allows them to have a stable living environment, in addition to fighting, they are creating people, and the population will naturally increase.

Moreover, because Black Dragon City is located west of the Alcoron Mountains where the black mist is thick, and there is a potion of "toxin aftermath" to eliminate the black mist, the physique of the new generation of citizens is obviously better than that of the previous generation.

The number of people who have obtained the right to reside in Black Dragon City has exceeded 50 million. Including temporary personnel, it is hundreds of millions. ,

It is said to be a city, but this is already the population of a large kingdom.

In Black Dragon City, permanent residents will receive a black iron potion for free when they reach the right age.

It also means that here, everyone can advance to the extraordinary.

Even the boiler workers, masons, and plumbers in the city are extraordinary!

Of course, the vast majority of permanent residents have spare money to buy a better "silver" or "gold" potion to improve their quality of life and lay a better foundation for their future promotion to high-level extraordinary.

Unlike those old aristocratic territories, Black Dragon City's own "Black Dragon Potion Guild" has almost completely disclosed all silver and black iron quality potion formulas.

Those formulas that were regarded as forbidden by the nobles in other noble territories were like a "common language dictionary" here, even potions apprentices could recite hundreds of formulas.

In this way, the entire potion market was almost disrupted.

The monopoly of the nobility is completely meaningless.

Those veterans still couldn't figure out why the top management of Black Dragon City would make these "private treasures" public.

Rare things are more expensive, and only the less they are in circulation, the price will be easily overridden. Wealth will always gather in their small nobles who have mastered the resources.

Now that the formula is released, ordinary potion masters can refine all kinds of primary potions at will.

The price of the potion was instantly overwhelmed near the cost line.

The potion monopoly has also become a joke.

This is a disaster for the nobles of the two empires.

Those veteran nobles found that they had not only lost the most important "cash cow" for thousands of years. And not only the loss of money, but also a large number of potion masters in the territory!

There was a frenzy of mechanics "escaping" before, because the top steam machinery inheritance on the Ice Ridge Wasteland of Black Dragon City.

But now, it was the potion master who escaped the frenzy. The reason is also that there are countless free recipes and the most ideal potion learning environment in Black Dragon City, which also gave hope to those potion masters who lacked resources and poured in one after another.

Before Black Dragon City, the potion masters had their own systems, and most of the formulas and refining techniques were unique and secret.

It is not open and transparent, and many potion masters will regard several of their formulas as "unique family heirlooms".

Perhaps it will be passed on to disciples when one is about to die.

This is also the most important reason for the slow development of the entire potion industry, and the loss of formulas, incompleteness, and fallacies are becoming more and more serious.

The nobles also used formulas and resources as conditions to attract potion masters to work for them.

Now, this balance is broken.

The recipes in the hands of veteran nobles are no longer attractive, and there are free ones in Black Dragon City.

Potion talents from various territories are also continuously gathering towards Black Dragon City.

The veteran nobles thought it was a "despicable method" by the Black Dragon City executives to win over the potion master.

But in fact, they don't know that Ren and others are really far-sighted.

Keeping it as it is, monopolizing potions can indeed bring astonishing wealth to Black Dragon City. But this also means that the extraordinary development of human beings on the Ice Ridge Wasteland will continue to be as slow as before, or even regress.

And now they already know the existence of "Outside the Territory", and they also know that those enemies who are staring at them will never let their "Dark Demon Clan" have a good time.

Crisis is imminent.

Getting stronger is the only truth.

Now the "Treasure Map of the Black Emperor" has spread, and the evil gods of the Three-Eyed Clan also know of the existence of the Ice Ridge Wasteland, and a large number of enemies may invade the Ice Ridge Wasteland at any time.

Only when all the people are extraordinary, can more extraordinary people with amazing talents stand out. When the disaster of the Ice Ridge Wasteland comes one day in the future, they will have more chances of winning.

However, it is naturally impossible for Ryan and the others to tell everyone about these plans.

For the time being, only the upper echelons know about matters outside the domain.

Otherwise, if the news is completely released, it will not do anything except bring riots and panic to the people at the bottom.

And although the citizens of Black Dragon City don't know what "outside the territory" is, they only know that life is getting better day by day visible to the naked eye. They have somehow changed from slavery to a well-off life of affluence.

People also praise from the bottom of their hearts the great and selfless city lord "Ren Hermes".

Because of Ren, there is Black Dragon City.

With the Black Dragon City, there is everything for the people.

In the major squares of the city, there is never a shortage of fresh bouquets under the statue of Rennes. Every morning and evening, there are almost occasional large numbers of people worshiping and praying spontaneously.

They hope that the city lord will always be in good health, and hope that this good day like a dream will never be shattered.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

And on this day, a piece of information spread through the channels of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce, through the underground black market, and through intelligence merchants throughout all the territories of the Ice Ridge Wasteland.

In the Sid Empire, more than a dozen unusually pale-faced guys in black tuxedos gathered in the main hall of the palace.

This is a group of high-level vampires above the prince level.

Sitting on the throne is not Emperor Dracula XIX, but a beautiful woman, that is [Blood Ancestor] Lilith Dracula.

Everyone was holding an emergency meeting with serious expressions.

"I didn't expect Omar to be destroyed, and now there is another big problem that is more difficult than Omar"

"Yes. In the past few years, Black Dragon City has been like a moth, sucking up the blood of our empire. If this continues, we may return to the poor and backward days of 10,000 years ago."

"The guy named Ren in Black Dragon City didn't know where he thought of the 'constitutional monarchy', and he made so many strange policies. He gave up his aristocratic status and made everyone equal. It seems to be self-defeating. I didn't expect it collapsed, but became stronger and stronger.”

"Yeah. I suddenly feel that the staff of our empire are a bunch of idiots! They keep asserting that the bullshit system in Black Dragon City will collapse in three or two years. How is it now? Hehe, they are living a good life, but we old guys are not in a good position." Stable. Anyway, there have been slave uprisings in my territory in the past six months, if this continues, sooner or later everyone will be finished."


As soon as these vampire princes met, they complained and vomited bitterness to each other.

The situation in everyone's territory is similar.

The current policy of "closing the country behind closed doors" did allow them to slow down the population loss, but it also led to a sharp recession in the economy.

Moreover, the news of Black Dragon City cannot be suppressed. Everyone knows that there is a "City of Hope" west of the Alcoron Mountains.

If you press hard, it becomes a slave uprising and a civil uprising.

The situation is getting worse.

Hearing everyone's bitterness, Emperor Rogier also had a gloomy face.

But at this time, the alluring woman on the throne beside him spoke.

"I'm not calling you today to talk about those old issues."

Lilith swept her group of blood descendants in the hall indifferently, and scolded in an unceremonious tone: "Anyway, you idiots can't solve any problems except complaining!"


The youngest blood princes who had lived for a hundred years were scolded, and they had no temper at all, and they lowered their heads and dared not refute.

At this time, Lilith threw out a newspaper and said, "This is the information that [Nightingale] found recently, please take a good look."

After a pause, she continued: "In a maximum of two days, this information will spread in any territory of the empire."

A group of blood princes looked at the information and looked at each other in blank dismay.

They all thumped in their hearts at the same time, and thought to themselves: Could it be that there is something wrong with Black Dragon City?

After reading the contents of the newspaper, they were all shocked!

"The world's number one martial arts conference? Hey, how is this prize possible!"

"How did those guys in Black Dragon City get the secret 'Blood Demon Sequence Inheritance' from our Dracula family? Not only the potion formula, but also the inherited exercises!"

"Did someone leak the secret?"


The princes looked at the contents of the intelligence and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Although there were only some incomplete pieces of information, they immediately recognized that it was the exclusive Transcendent Sequence of their Dracula family!

Suddenly thought, could it be that there is an inner ghost among them?

Impossible! No one can violate the bloodline restrictions of the bloodlines and betray the great [Blood Ancestor] Lord Lilith.

"No, you see, not only our Dracula family, but also the "Golden Victory Sequence" of the Hamerson Family, the "Death Carol Sequence" of the Kadar Family, and the "Storm Sequence" of the Primo Family. What's the matter?"

"How on earth do those guys in Black Dragon City know so many extraordinary inheritances?"

"What the hell are they going to do?"


Don't wait for everyone to guess where, at this moment, the Blood Ancestor spoke.

"In addition to this information. Black Dragon City Lord Renn also sent an invitation letter to our Dracula royal family separately, asking me to go to Black Dragon City to discuss matters related to 'extraterritorial'."

Upon hearing this, all the princes began to discuss again.

"Invite us to discuss? Are you trying to plot something wrong?"

"Extraterritorial? How can there be any extraterritorial? I think it's probably the conspiracy of those guys in Black Dragon City. We have been exploring for so many years, but we haven't found any way to the extraterritorial. As for the will of the three-eyed evil god descending from Glory City, I don't know yet. I think those guys from Black Dragon City are scaremongering."

"Yes! Master Lilith, I think this matter is strange."


This said, almost everyone opposed to any meeting.

Where do they not know the current strength of Black Dragon City?

Not to mention the invincible Dragon Legion, the Mechanic Legion is simply unrivaled.

Even the high-end combat power, the two empires combined may not necessarily be comparable.

Kavo, Mafa, Habu, Ymir, Kanosha, Bazel, Guy. There are more than a dozen legendary combat powers alone.

The current Black Dragon City is the "Dragon Pool and Tiger Den", anyone who goes there will die!

What's more, they assassinated Ren in Uxembar in the battle of Omar's collapse. Although it was not successful, the hatred was forged.

No matter how you look at it, this invitation has "bad intentions"!

Lilith frowned when she heard that, she was also puzzled by the purpose of Black Dragon City's invitation.

After pondering for a moment, she continued: "The guy from Black Dragon City sent an invitation, so it is naturally expected that we will definitely go back."


Everyone is puzzled.

At this time, Lilith took out the invitation letter again, and said: "This invitation letter also has the exclusive inheritance of our 'Bloodfiend Sequence'. Moreover, the inheritance above is not the incomplete legend and golden formula we inherited. It is The original 'epic formula' that the Seventy-Two Gods advanced back then! Of course, some key information is missing."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed greatly: "What!"

Original formula? !

This is something that their Dracula family does not have. How did those people in Black Dragon City get it?

In an instant, they thought that it should be that Black Dragon City discovered a certain ancient relic and found the inheritance of the seventy-two generals.

That's why Lilith said just now that the other party expected them to go.

No one can refuse this temptation.

If you get the original epic extraordinary sequence, maybe you can peep into the ultimate secret of the way the powerful men of the Monkel civilization became gods?

At this time, Lilith said with a solemn expression: "Moreover, not only our Dracula family, but also families with top-level inheritance in the empire, folk masters, and Omar will get news within a few days. That is to say , Black Dragon City's 'World Martial Arts Conference' will attract almost all the experts on the Ice Ridge Wasteland."

After a pause, she said solemnly again: "This is what I didn't figure out."

Gather the world's extraordinary experts to go to Black Dragon City?

And then catch them all?

No matter how rampant Black Dragon City is, it wouldn't dare to do this.

Also, they are not necessary at all.

If it is to weaken the two great empires, if they continue to develop like this, sooner or later their two old empires will be "sucked dry", and there is no need to use this method of provoking public anger.

At this moment, Lilith sighed slightly, and said, "Except for the crisis from 'outside', I can't think of why they would do this."

Obviously, she has already decided to go, squinting her eyes, "So, I must go. Go and see what Anxi guy is up to. What's more, if there is an accident, if I want to go, they won't be able to keep me."

Hearing what the Blood Ancestor had said, all the princes had nothing to say.

Within a few days, information spread throughout all the territories on the Ice Ridge Wasteland in various ways.

In the Aradin province in the south of Sid, a certain great knight lord looked at the newspaper in his hand and murmured: "The world's number one martial arts conference? Hey, there is actually a lost exclusive magical skill of my lineage of 'Storm Sequence' among the prizes. Those guys from Black Dragon City actually found it."

Somewhere in the wilderness, a lone hunter in animal skins got a newspaper from a caravan passing by. After reading it, he turned his gaze to the west: "The epic potion of 'Brutal War Order Inheritance'? Black Dragon City. Looks like I have to check it out."

In a black witchcraft guild, in a certain five-story magic tower, an old witch read a newspaper, and she was radiant: "The 'famine magic' has actually appeared in the world."

A troubadour in a tavern looked at the newspaper in the tavern, "Exclusive to the 'Law of Poetry'"

All of a sudden, because of a "World's No. 1 Martial Dao Conference" with generous rewards, all the high-ranking transcendents on the Ice Ridge Wasteland all set off towards Black Dragon City.

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