Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 57 The Function of the Oil Bottle

In the steel city, there are cobweb-like complex dark alleys between the tall buildings.

Ren pulled the "oil bottle" covered with only a black cloak and rushed into a narrow alley, and then turned countless times, until he was far away from the previous magic shop before rushing to the street again, mixed with the crowds like Weaving pedestrians.

Ren didn't dare to stay in the first city for a long time, so he took the intercity rail train and ran directly from the first city to the third city, which was more than ten kilometers away.

He originally decided that as long as this little barbarian girl struggled and resisted in the slightest, he would let her go and abandon her without hesitation!

Unexpectedly, since entering the magic goods store, this energetic little girl who looks like a leopard has never been tossing around again. Even if Ren took off her clothes and used magic to disperse, she didn't resist at all, but just let it happen with a face of humiliation.

Even without the rope restraint, the barbarian girl didn't choose to escape, and was dragged around obediently by Ren.

She knew very well that the only result of escaping in the "City of Demons" was to be caught by herself, who did not understand the language.

But she knew that she must not be caught by the invaders who stole the sacred objects of the clan!

In this way, the two crossed two large urban areas, and then stopped.

After several times of careful observation, Renn confirmed that he was not being followed, and then quietly entered a hunter's hotel called "Bearded Hotel".

This is a luxuriously decorated hotel with a single room of 3,000 liso per night.

But Ren is not like a countess who pays attention to enjoyment. He actually doesn't have such delicate needs for the accommodation environment.

But the more upmarket the hotel, the less likely it is to be tracked down. The lower the hostel is, the more it is dominated by three religions and nine streams, and no secrets can be hidden.

Living here will reduce many potential hidden dangers.

He had to be careful enough not to be targeted by those professional guys again.

Ren first took the barbarian chick to open a room.

Then after entering the room, he jumped out of the window and left. After changing his disguise, he once again registered as a solo traveler alone, and registered for the room directly above the building just now.

Then he moved the barbarian chick to the room upstairs.

In this way, the first room downstairs was vacated.

This is not superfluous, but a trick to confuse people.

"Glorious City" was originally the capital of wilderness hunters. Recently, the news of the discovery of large coal mines and relics spread, attracting dozens of times the usual flow of outsiders, and the hotels in the city were full.

Those "mysterious people" want to track down one by one, it is very difficult.

But Ren didn't underestimate the determination of the group who followed them before.

If someone came to investigate, they would first pay attention to the tenants who were a man and a woman.

If the front desk gave out their check-in information, those people might be able to find the room downstairs. Seeing an empty room, those "mysterious people" will subjectively think that the prey has escaped for the first time.

And if someone breaks in, some small tricks left by Ren can also let him know immediately that someone breaks in downstairs, and immediately try to escape.

It wasn't for Ryan for himself, though, but for that barbarian chick.

That's right, he paid ten days' fee and planned to leave this "oil bottle" here alone.

If she is not lucky enough to be caught, she will come back in ten days to lead her.

In case of being caught, he also has a reasonable explanation to hand over to the lady. Facing that kind of mysterious organization with a strong background at first glance, this is the best he can do while ensuring his own safety.

This savage chick was obviously extremely intelligent. She watched Renn flipping the room twice, and she understood what was going on.

"This is a magic bell. When you hear it, someone has broken in from downstairs. You must run away immediately."

Ren also knew that she didn't understand, so he even said and gestured, rang the bell, and opened the door to escape. He looks like a funny father who teaches children to babble.

Before leaving, he untied the enchanted collar around her neck.

This is the last bondage, and now the barbarian chick is really free.

"There's only so much I can help you with. If you choose to escape, you can do whatever you want, but I guess you won't be able to escape from this city. If you're still here in ten days, I'll come find you again."

Ren babbled and said a lot, and didn't care if she could understand.

Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, she has only two choices, either escape or stay in the room, she can definitely figure out the ending.

After speaking, he left enough food in the house, and then he was about to open the door and leave.

It's better not to get involved in this kind of trouble.


But just as he was stepping out, Ryan found that his clothes were being pulled.

Looking back, the savage chick stared at her with big watery black eyes, and then said a series of incomprehensible: "\u0026*%ф%¥ё¥"

I don't know if it's because of feeding these past few days, or being able to exchange a few words occasionally, so that this chick's hostility towards him is not so strong. At this moment, in her eyes, apart from helplessness and longing, there is no hatred at all.

Thinking about it, he probably wanted me to help her.

Ren shrugged, and he, who had already made up his mind, said, "I don't understand, and I can't help you. That's it!"

As he spoke, he insisted on leaving, but the hand holding his clothes did not intend to let go at all.

"Hey, hey, even if you pull me, I won't stay."

With that said, Ren planned to tear off his clothes.

But at this moment, the savage girl suddenly changed her way of expression, dipped her fingers into the water glass, and wrote a string of words on the wall beside her.


Ren looked at the crooked writing, and he probably figured it out. It seemed to be like the writing of those barbarians.

Anyway, I can't understand it. What's the difference between writing and speaking?

But after skipping a line, the font of the barbarian girl suddenly changed. She wrote another line of words under the line of words just now.

But it's not the previous barbarian script, but another ancient script!

The handwriting is very standardized, and it is not difficult to see that she is very familiar with this kind of ancient characters!

"Monkle Guwen?!"

Ren looked at the system's comparison prompt, with a look of extreme shock on his face.

Although some "intelligent brains" in this typesetting are not included, several words are exactly the same as those that have been recorded.

This barbarian chick not only knows the barbarian language, but also proficient in ancient Monkel?

Considering that the "Forest of Ashes" has produced so many ancient relics of the Monkel civilization, it is reasonable for those primitive people who lived on the ruins to know something.

This time, Ren couldn't move at all.

He thought to himself: "It is estimated that when I was shopping before, I stopped a little longer at the stalls with 'Munkel's ancient script', which made her realize that I am interested in this kind of writing...or understand this kind of writing."

The ruins of the Monkel civilization in the "Forest of Ashes" have been discovered. Recently, many cultural relics unearthed from the ruins have been discovered by wild hunters and brought back to the city. Now in those squares and shops on the street, there are many utensils such as pottery pots, wall bricks, and stone slabs with some scattered ancient characters recorded.

Before Renn took this chick on the street to identify the stalker, he discovered the ancient cultural relics for sale, and by the way, scanned the ancient texts with his "intelligent brain".

Therefore, it was obviously delayed for a moment longer than watching other things.

This chick keenly grasped this point, and tried to use this kind of words to convey the meaning she wanted to convey to herself.

"Please write a few more words."

Ren pointed to the dried-up "Munkel ancient script" writing on the wall, and made another gesture.

The barbarian girl's dark eyes suddenly lit up strangely. She thought that Ren understood what she wrote, and then dipped in water and wrote a long row.

Unfortunately, Ren didn't understand.

However, this did not affect his certainty that the barbarian girl in front of him was really proficient in this ancient script.

Now, it's a bit difficult to choose.

In the folding space of Rennes, there is also a secret volume written in "Munkel's ancient script", which is the most important thing in "Molin's relics".

He himself was also very curious about what kind of amazing content an unknown civilization with airship technology would leave on the secret volume.

In front of him, he suddenly encountered an excellent opportunity.

A human who is proficient in this ancient script!

Thanks to 'Chi Yu Fei' 1000 coins, 'Chenyu G' 300, '[Nine Zero]', 'Qiangu, Moli', 'Liufeng Like the Moon' for their big rewards and support, thank you.

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