Extraordinary Noble

Chapter 66: say pro

When the Knights of the Imperial Capital reached the Doroner Mountains, the matter had nothing to do with Colin. However, when Colin returned to Will City, the impact of this incident on the Russell family continued to ferment.

Everyone knows that Colin Russell will benefit greatly from this. Being pardoned by the emperor as a baron is something that is nailed on an iron plate, and it seems that it is not impossible for a viscount.

In the past, the nobles in Will City knew that Colin, Victor Knight, Abel Knight and others founded Nuoyuan Company together. He is a very dazzling existence among the new generation of noble children in Will City.

But they still don't have too many ideas. In their eyes, Colin Russell is nothing more than becoming an extraordinary person, and then being awarded a lifelong imperial knight.

Although some lifetime imperial knights are more prominent than some noble nobles, after all, this thing is only a lifetime title and cannot be passed on to future generations.

But it's different if there is a hereditary title, which can be passed down to the family. Take the title of baron as an example, an empty baron without a fief, if he is shameless, can apply for bankruptcy to the House of Lords and receive a monthly sum of money from the House of Lords.

It's just that generally no nobles would do this. Van Gogh nobles are embarrassed.

All in all, regardless of the shortcomings of hereditary titles, they still have gold content. Seeing that Colin Russell was about to become that kind of existence, how could the nobles in the city not be jealous?

But they are not the encounter of the jealous Colin Russell, but the body of Colin.

Colin has been back in Will City for half a month. During this time, he has never been to school again, and he may never go back.

He has been staying at home in the name of "recuperation". Spend a day with Linda and make a potion of basic strength by the way.

Originally, the plan for the activities of the Knights was two months, and now he came back early. Of course, he would not delay his efforts, and re-contacted with King George 8 and obtained enough materials.

As for Linda, she still hasn't decided what kind of job she's going to do, and she hasn't hired a tutor to study literature, music, and other courses.

But she's pretty good at home too, and she can shelter Colin from the wind and rain.

This morning, a Baroness Cartel came to visit the Russell family, who is said to be a distant cousin of the Russell family. For this reason, Linda also checked the documents left by the family and found that it was true. So I was embarrassed to shut the other party out and went to entertain in person.

Colin didn't go to see the guests in the name of being severely injured and in need of recuperation. He knew what to expect when he went.

On the second floor of Russell's house, in Colin's bedroom. He was wearing a white shirt, neat black straight pants, and blue slippers on his feet. Just standing upright in front of the window, holding an embroidered iron sword to admire, or [artifact: sword in stone].

Colin's bedroom is very large, with an extra-large and super soft bed, and a blue quilt stuffed with velvet is folded on the bed. The decoration in the room is exquisite and luxurious. The maid also inserted a flower of "sea rice" unique to the Marquis of Kent in the vase. This flower has a strong fragrance and is relatively precious. The floral fragrance it releases keeps the room scented all the time.

The sword in the stone is still rusted, but the broken part is the restoration of the divine weapon. This was not done by Colin, and he also believed that there was no blacksmith in Will City who could repair this artifact.

This sword was originally locked in a box by Colin, and he observed it at least once a day. Three days ago, after he woke up with his eyes open, bent over and took out the box from under the bed, the sword miraculously recovered.

It's just that the blade has not returned to its gorgeousness in the mausoleum.

When Colin admired the sword, the sound of the system kept ringing in his ears.

"Ding dong. Found the source of energy. Ding dong. The energy is too huge to be absorbed immediately."

"Ding dong. Found the source of energy. Ding dong. The energy is too huge to be absorbed immediately."

"Ding dong. Found the source of energy. Ding dong. The energy is too huge to be absorbed immediately."

The hurried voice seems to be like a little dog who is eager to cook, but can't open the can.

"The sword of Frederick the Great, [Sword in the Stone], also known as [Frederick's Dragon Sword], what happened to you?" Colin sighed at the sword.

At this moment, Colin heard footsteps and determined that it was Linda's. He bent down and put the sword back into the long wooden box, locked it and tucked it under the bed.

Soon after, Linda walked in from outside. She had fluttering blonde hair, and a sheer, light-colored dress set off her perfect figure.

"Sister, you are getting more and more charming." Colin said with a smile, his eyes full of pride.

What can be more proud of than a rich sister?

"Poor mouth." Linda rolled her eyes at Colin, then couldn't help but smile: "Colin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That Baroness Cartel is gone."

"Oh. How old is her daughter?" Colin snorted and asked casually. Unsurprisingly, this should be it. These days, Colin has met a lot of these messed up relatives, who either sell their daughters or work as matchmakers.

"Thirteen years old, one year older than you." Linda held back her laughter, and immediately said: "It is said that she is very educated, has a dignified appearance, and has a talent for music."

"What do you think?" Colin asked with a smile. His ears were almost out of the cocoon when he heard this. The daughters of nobles basically can't be ugly. As for upbringing and musical talent, only God knows.

"Of course he refused. My younger brother is going to marry the daughter of the Grand Duke in the future." Linda raised her head, showing a domineering expression, and then she couldn't help laughing.

"Sister, your requirements are really getting higher and higher. I used to say that I can marry a noble's daughter. Later, I said that I want to marry the baron's daughter, and now I want to marry the duke's daughter." Colin shook his head and laughed. road.

"Of course, who told you to have a bright future." Linda was also very proud of having such a good brother, and walked around Colin, tilting her head proudly.

The daily painting style of the Russell family has changed abruptly, and it seems that it is about to flatter each other.

At this moment, Butler Hank came in from outside. Colin's vision is right, this housekeeper is extremely capable, and manages the huge Russell family in an orderly manner.

"Miss, Young Master. Ms. Anna is here and said she wants to see Young Master." Butler Hank bowed meticulously to the two of them and said.

Linda looked at Colin, who took her sister's arm and walked towards the door together.

This lady is different. She can't be seen in the name of "cultivation".

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