Extraordinary Player

Chapter 159: Climbing (31/50)

Extraordinary player 159 author Qingshan get drunk full text number 2436 words

This advanced dungeon 2 is similar to the fruit-cutting routine. It is to give you tools first, so you can use it in the trial, but only after the trial can be brought to reality.

Qin Guan puts the hook on his left hand. This thing looks like a large arm guard, covering the entire left forearm. On the outside of the forearm, there are folded transmitters and hooks. Tighten it up and put it on the transmitter.

The spirit can be poured into the hook cord to complete the process of launching and contracting the hook cord.

The launcher can eject the hook rope and open it in the air, hook the high position by hooking or winding, and then use the winch to retract the rope to pull the player towards the hook.

Of course, the hook has other uses, such as using it to hook a lighter object and then pull it towards you.

In addition, Advanced Dungeon 2 also comes with a special skill, which is [Climbing].

This climbing is not an ordinary climbing, but a special skill.

If it is said that ordinary climbing, Qin Guan can also do it now, such as climbing a mountain with a rock through a seam, which is not difficult in the state of an extraordinary player.

But this [climbing] skill gives players more maneuverable space.

On the one hand, it makes it easier for players to climb and improves the speed and efficiency of the original climbing. On the other hand, it introduces a new attribute that is

"Energy Value"


Qin Guan tried it and found this so-called

"Energy Value"

It is a green circle on the ui, and this energy value will be consumed when doing some special operations.

To give a simple example, Qin Guan could have climbed the mountain with the seams of stones, but if there is no seam between stones on this mountain, and there is no place to start or step down, what should I do? Originally there was no way to climb, but now it can be forced to climb by consuming energy.

This energy value can even allow the player to make some completely illogical Sao operations, such as a double jump in the air, or something like

"Gecko Touring the Wall"

Similarly, stick to the wall on the back and climb the wall only with the elbows and heels.

In short, any part of the body can be sucked and climbed by sticking to the wall, and even when any part is not sticking to the wall, it can be forced to make some actions to save.

Of course, the more difficult the operation, the more energy it consumes, and the operation like the double jump in the air directly consumes about a quarter of the energy value.

The energy value will recover slowly, but when doing strenuous exercise (such as fast running or regular climbing), the energy value recovery speed will be slower, and normal walking and other actions will not affect the energy recovery speed.

In other words, some of the original terrain is difficult to climb even if Qin Guan uses the body of an extraordinary player, such as some very smooth glass curtain walls.

But now, as long as the energy value is used reasonably, these terrains can be easily climbed up.

The goal of the trial has been very clear, which is to reach the spire of the tall tower on the top of the mountain through hooks and climbing skills.

"It feels fun, I will try it myself first."

Qin Guan didn't immediately look at the historical records, but decided to climb it by himself first to see how difficult it was.

First tried the hook cable.

The use of hooks will consume energy, but it does not consume too much, only one-tenth more. Compared with the double jump in the air, the operation that directly consumes a quarter of the energy is very conscientious. .

However, the hooks were not used casually. Qin Guan tried it and found that in many places, the hooks of the hooks simply couldn't hang.

It is best to hang some protrusions, such as obtrusive stones, tree trunks, etc., followed by large gaps in mountains or buildings.

If it's a smooth rock wall, the claws can't catch it when flying over, it's just a waste of energy.

Moreover, when shooting the claw, the angle and strength are all controlled by oneself. If the shot is missed, it can only be retracted and shot again.

However, there are many things that the hook can do. For example, you can reach places that you couldn't jump through by swinging, or you can hook a tree and bend it to eject yourself like a slingshot.

Qin Guan used his brain to try out so many Sao operations, and he had no doubt that there should be more Sao operations shown by the big brothers in the historical records.

The entire climbing process is not short. It is more than 1,000 meters in terms of height. The actual climbing distance may be more than 2,000 or even more than 3,000 meters, because this process is not straight up and down, but a spiral. .

The whole process is divided into two parts. Different climbing skills should be used when climbing a cliff and climbing a tower.

After climbing a certain distance, Qin Guan suddenly felt that this trial was not as difficult as he imagined. He had climbed more than a hundred meters with his own efforts, still without looking at the historical records of the boss.

But he has basically never used the hooks, mainly relying on climbing.

After a series of trials before, Qin Guan's control of this body has reached a high level. The general climbing movements are completely unstoppable. Even if there are some seemingly difficult places, you can use it.

"Forced climbing"

The skills to pass.

So Qin Guan was a little fluttering~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The only place where the hook cable was used was when there was a crooked neck tree on the cliff. Qin Guan raised the height of seven or eight meters with the hook cable. It feels true. very high.

However, in some places that are not so sure, Qin Guan would not dare to use the hook. If the operation is improper and falls, wouldn't it be worth the loss? Qin Guan is also considering a question, that is, is there any point in this trial? Jumping has a save point. After failure, you just return to the previous platform and start again, instead of starting from the beginning.

What about this copy? It should be there too, right? Qin Guan was still climbing up cautiously, suddenly feeling as if something was wrong.

He looked up:

"Fuck, why is it cloudy?"

Qin Guan vaguely felt something bad, and after another five minutes of crawling, he heard a thunder.

"...It's going to rain!"

Qin Guan said that it's too bad, how come there is a weather system in the trial copy? ! Qin Guan was still thinking about finding a place to avoid the rain first, he heard another thunder in the sky, and then the torrential rain fell directly from the sky and slapped him indiscriminately.

The current situation can only be described as extremely embarrassing.

Qin Guan sticks to the cliff, not to mention shelter from the rain nearby, there is no place to go.

It's okay to keep the current state, but... when will the rain stop? Qin Guan didn't dare to move forward rashly, so he hung on the rock wall for five minutes, but the rain showed no signs of abating at all, or even no change at all.

"It seems that the rain will never stop..."

Qin Guan made a very reasonable speculation.

Obviously, the rain event does not appear randomly, because the random appearance will make the difficulty of each trial different.

In order to prevent the player from taking advantage of the loopholes, or relying on luck to pass the level, the rain event is obviously triggered 100% when the player climbs to a certain stage.

Want to wait until it rains and the sky clears before continuing to climb? Sorry, it does not exist.

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