Only: In the sea, Luo Fan felt a strong water essence that was almost condensed into substance, and the defense of the Wuji Palace penetrated straight to him.

Unlike the seabed of the earth in later generations, most of the innate gods in the prehistoric world today are muddled, let alone the seabed.

There is silence for thousands of miles around. There is no trace of life, not even seaweed, aquatic plants and other plants condensed by the essence of wood, just like the more than 200 million miles on the road before.

"It's a pity that the innate water essence in the sea is too rich, but the source of chaotic vitality is washed away too quickly, and it is difficult to have enough time to give birth to the innate divine weapon. Luo Fan sensed the scene in the sea again after dozens of days, but he still felt Quite a pity.

In this time period, the water essence on the seabed is still a kind of innate water essence that is the most refined and pure. Its essence is even only slightly inferior to the primordial primordial energy of chaos, and it is not bad at all compared to the innate primordial energy that fills the world.

In the entire sea, the number of innate water spirits is extremely huge, intertwined and fused together. But it is enough to form an impact on all sources of chaotic vitality. The source of chaotic vitality that exists in it cannot exist for too long before it will dissipate. That is to say, the bottom of the sea. How many sources of chaotic vitality can have enough time to breed congenital gods!

Of course, this does not mean that there are no innate gods in this seabed. In fact, if there is a source of chaotic vitality that is large enough, it contains enough chaotic vitality. After withstanding the impact of the congenital water essence for a long enough time to melt, it is still possible to give birth to congenital gods. Moreover, this congenital god who was born has withstood countless tests before it was born, and its aptitude will be excellent! Very beneficial to practice!

It's just that there are almost no such rare things in hundreds of millions of miles, but they are not so easy to come across."

In the previous hundred years, Luo Fan also often entered the sea, but without any goal. He usually just walks a few laps, and after a short distance, he comes out of the sea—after all, the feeling of being surrounded by innate water essence in the sea is not very wonderful to him, it is far worse than being surrounded by innate vitality in the air. pack.

This time he has a clear goal, knowing that he can find vitality just like making a decision.

He didn't care about the dead silence around him, and he drove the Void Promise Palace to sink continuously.

Four years and nine hundred miles underground, that is the depth of the underworld above Lu. Suddenly, a very inexplicable and very familiar feeling came into Luo Fan's heart.

"This is, Gangfeng Leihuo Layer" No. It just brought a little breath," Luo Fan was a little surprised.

Because, what comes out from this surrounding is clearly the breath of wind, thunder and fire. At this moment, it almost made him feel that he was close to the layer of thunder and fire.

And this is obviously unlikely.

You must know that this place is 4,900 miles below the seabed, and it is nearly 100,000 miles away from the layer of wind, thunder and fire above!

With some hesitation in his heart, Luo Fan floated quietly on the bottom of the sea at this depth, his eyes flashed with golden light and silver light, and his mind and thoughts flowed along, carefully comprehending the various breaths contained in the surrounding sea water, wanting to comprehend The truth of this breath.

The golden pupils of the big sun and the silver pupils of the bright moon are extremely powerful, and after a while, he can see through the mystery of them.

"It turns out that the extreme of the world is actually like this." He sighed in his heart.

Through observation and comprehension just now, he did know the source of the wind, thunder and fire aura around him. To hundreds of miles away. But it has become visible to the naked eye, and thousands of miles away, it has become a strong wind, thunder, fire and sea water intertwined!

From this, we can know that when the northwestern sky reaches the extreme, the bottom of the sea will become a layer of wind, thunder and fire with very strange properties!

This layer of hurricane, thunder and fire contains endless hurricane, thunder and fire, as well as endless innate water essence. Compared with the wind, thunder and fire layer above 90,000 li, it has a layer of mystery. "The fusion of the sea and the sky is the reason why," Luo Fan thought to himself, as if he had realized something.

Have a good time. He just came back to his senses. Feeling that my level of Taoism has improved slightly and imperceptibly, I can't help but feel a little happy.

With a change of mind, he controlled the Void Promise Palace and flew towards the northwest instead of going down. The speed was unhurried, and while flying, he turned his pupils to observe the surrounding scene carefully.

As he had perceived before, the further to the northwest. The greater the concentration of this gang wind thunder fire layer.

Hundreds of miles away, with the increase in the concentration of the strong wind, thunder and fire, the surrounding seawater, amidst the cold and gloomy, already has a kind of warmth, and there is also a kind of explosiveness contained in it.

With a slight movement in his mind, a huge fish-shaped strange life that was sneaking towards him suddenly froze, restrained by an invisible force, and came to his county.

This fish-shaped strange life has a length of three feet, and it is formed by the condensed water, Yinlei and Yimu Tianshui. Although there are many mysteries in it, it is only a little stronger than Lin Tiannan, and it can be said to be extremely weak. How can it be compared with Luo Fan? !

"How dare you dare to provoke me when you are so weak? It seems that the spiritual knowledge is too simple," he said. Luo Fan thought to himself, raised his hand and pressed lightly, and the fish-shaped strange life burst into pieces, turning it into a ball of energy condensed by Yinlei and Yimu Tianshui.

Wang wanted to take it back into his sleeve, but he felt wrong.

Suddenly, there were countless small strands of malice intertwined... Probably, it was a huge one, and it was overwhelming towards him. Luo Fan was slightly startled. We have seen where this malice comes from.

However, about ten miles away from below, a group of dense fish-shaped strange life groups with a total number of hundreds of thousands are rushing towards him! The smallest of these strange fish-shaped life forms has the same size and appearance as the previous strange fish-shaped life form, and its strength is no less than that of the previous one!

These strange life auras are restrained, completely covered by the aura of the surrounding wind, thunder and fire, and the aura of the innate water essence, and their actions in the water are extremely flexible, hardly causing any ripples in the water.

If it weren't for that maliciousness, they would have been like the strange fish before, and they would not be able to be discovered until they were less than a thousand meters away from Luo Fan's side!

In the flash of his eyes, Luo Fan has already discovered that these strange fish swim in a very organized manner, which seems to contain some kind of strange formation, which makes their already restrained aura even more obscure and hard to find! It even organically combined the power of all the weird creatures to produce an effect like a chemical reaction.

Although the speed of these strange fish is fast, it does not take time to cross a distance of ten miles.

And with this extremely short time, Luo Fan can get along with countless ways to subdue him.

With a flash in his eyes, he raised his hand and pressed lightly. A huge palm suddenly extended from the mask formed by the Void Promise Palace, and then rushed downward at an incomparably fast speed.

The palm originally had a radius of less than one zhang when it first stretched out, but when it extended several miles away, it had already expanded to a radius of several miles. Suddenly, it wrapped all the strange fish in it.


At this moment, there was a soft sound among the strange fish.

Then, in the center of the school of fish, at the position like a formation of eyes, suddenly there was a strange fish that was ten times larger than the other strange fish, with more vivid eyes and more powerful strength. With a hundred times of strength, he loosened the giant hand slightly, and wanted to take this opportunity to get out.

How sharp is Luo Fan's reaction? As soon as the strange fish struggled, he had already realized its movements. If he wanted to, he could swallow the strange fish again with more force.

But he didn't do that.

When the strange fish was struggling, his heart was suddenly touched, and he controlled the giant hand to turn slightly, and then spit out the strange fish.

The strange fish was about three hundred feet long, with a big head and a round body, sharp mouth and fangs, and strange lines on its body, which seemed to have formed the prototype of some kind of rune.


This strange fish looked around, shaking its head, showing its own doubts vividly


Obviously, he was very puzzled by the sudden disappearance of his companions, or his subordinates.

"It's almost so strong that it has condensed into a rune core like water and fire. It seems that the life of the wind, thunder and fire on the bottom of the sea is much stronger than the life in the sky." Luo Fan's eyes flickered, and the essence of this strange fish had been captured. See through, thinking to myself.

The strange fish had already reacted at this time, and it didn't dare to be presumptuous towards Luo Fan anymore. It swung its tail, turned its body and swam down.

How could Luo Fan let this strange fish go?

The tens of thousands of strange fish swimming just now contained some kind of very strange formation, which obviously came from this most powerful strange fish. If this strange fish is lost, the power he received in the small thousand world But it is a big reduction, how can you let it go?

He raised his hand and slapped it lightly, and that giant earth-yellow hand swung forward, reaching around the strange fish at an extremely fast speed, and with a sudden grip, he brought the strange fish into the small thousand world , put together with the tens of thousands of strange fish before, forming an formation instinctively again.

After careful observation, Luo Fan couldn't help admiring.

Although this formation does not contain much mystery, it is the most suitable for these strange fish. It completely regards each strange fish as an energy conversion point. Once the cells inside the body are normal, it produces a tongue-in-cheek effect.

But with the strongest monster fish, the whole formation is like a dead body suddenly revived.

With a slight movement of Luo Fan's mind, he threw this group of tens of thousands of strange fish into the depths of the starry sky of Xiaoqian World, and let them move around in a place like this underwater environment.

But it is intended to let it reproduce and evolve in this small thousand world.

He didn't have any specific thoughts at this time. I just feel that doing so seems to have some benefits,

In fact, this is not the first time he has done this,

After bringing this strange fish into this small thousand world. However, Luo Fan became interested, and moved around in the Void Promise Palace. During the process, he made a lot of noise and shone with light, appearing extremely arrogant.

Under his actions like this, there really are quite a few life forms gathering towards him.

It only took less than half a year, and he collected more than three hundred kinds of life forms in it.

Different from the life in the Gangfengleihuo layer, the Gangfengleihuo life forms on the bottom of the sea generally appear in groups, and most of them live in groups.

Also, perhaps because the increase in quantity leads to an increase in quality.

Among these Gangfeng Leihuo beings, one or more of them are stronger than other beings. Many have even evolved rune cores and become beings with relatively complete spiritual consciousness!

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