Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2437 Connection

Although it is just a thought, the body of the nine-headed lion now in the world is already powerful enough to surpass the imaginable limits of almost all wild beasts. Even if it is just this thought, it is enough to suppress the heavens and make all the desperate people feel as if they have turned into ants facing a giant...

In those time and space where powerful wild beasts resisted him, this thought shook slightly, and an overwhelming terrifying aura swept across the entire time and space in an instant, wrapping up those wild beasts with a heart of resistance!

With the release and envelopment of this momentum, all the wild beasts came to a complete standstill.

Whether it was a desolate beast that was as weak as a newly born beast or a desolate beast that was so powerful that it was already at the level of a despairer, they all stagnated there at the same moment...

Even though the gap between the weak wild beasts and those desperate people is countless trillions of times, before this vast momentum, there seems to be no difference at all between the two...

The war that spread across all the worlds was completely over before it broke out.

The final result is obvious, but it is that the idea of ​​ending the world has won the final victory, and all the wild beasts in the heavens and worlds have been defeated...

After relying on his own momentum to easily subdue all the wild beasts in the world, Duanshi finally appeared, with the appearance of a nine-headed lion directly imprinted on all the wild beasts in the world. The beast's eyes are carved into their hearts!

When they saw the appearance of these nine lions, most wild beasts were extremely shocked, and a feeling of reverence and obedience naturally arose from the bottom of their hearts. However, those who are truly powerful, or in other words, monks who truly have a strong mentality, are different. However, they felt unspeakable despair, and it felt as if their hope of survival had been completely extinguished.

The reason for this difference is actually quite simple.

Because those weak creatures just felt that the supreme existence in ancient legends that supported the heavens and all the worlds suddenly came out of the myth, making them convinced of their beliefs since their birth, and letting them know what they had always believed in. It's not false. This will naturally make them happy.

But those strong men are different. For them, the existence of the nine lions is no longer a legend or a myth, but a fact that they have confirmed long ago! They even had various pessimistic simulations in their minds about what would happen after the nine lions woke up. Under such circumstances, these nine lions appeared in their time and space with such an irresistible attitude, directly crushing all their creatures with their unrivaled momentum. This was almost their most pessimistic guess. How could they not feel despair with what was happening before their eyes? !

Duanshi didn't pay much attention to the changes in the moods of all sentient beings.

Anyway, as long as he makes things clear, everything will no longer be a problem.

At that moment, many of his thoughts spoke at the same time: "Desolate beasts have two enemies, one is humans and the other is monsters. When I wake up, these two enemies will discover our existence."

His words spread throughout the world with an extremely huge pressure, shaking the hearts of all the wild beasts, making all the wild beasts truly feel a kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

He would not ignore what Duanshi said just because he didn't know the two races, humans and monsters.

Seeing their attitude, Duanshi did not hesitate, and then started some encouragement, describing the situation of the Desolate Beasts as extremely dangerous, as if if they didn't take the initiative to deal with it, the Desolate Beast clan would be completely destroyed in the next moment!

Even though they didn't have much idea about the Desolate Beast group as a whole, with Duanshi's description, all the Desolate Beasts finally became nervous.

After all, the existence or non-existence of the Desolate Beast group may not matter to those Desolate Beasts. However, if this desolate beast group is destroyed, there is a great possibility that they will be destroyed as well, which is something they cannot accept.

Therefore, as Duanshi described the situation they were in, many wild beasts began to become nervous one by one. Their desire for survival gradually suppressed their conflicts and hatred between them, and each of them looked at it expectantly. Those nine lions, I hope to get advice from those nine lions!

Seeing that the fighting spirit of almost every wild beast had been aroused, Duanshi nodded and said: "The world is vast and boundless. In addition to the heavens and the worlds, there are countless worlds in the boundless darkness. Among those worlds, There are also wild beasts, and those wild beasts are also our compatriots. Now, they are trying their best to resist the attacks of humans and monsters, but we cannot sit back and watch them be attacked and destroyed once they are all destroyed. , then it’s us. So, the first thing we have to do is to help them!”

Duanshi's speaking skills are naturally quite average, but he is simply too powerful. This kind of power allows him to resonate strongly with all sentient beings even if he farts. Under such circumstances, what he is saying now easily penetrates into the hearts of all wild beasts, making them All the wild beasts involuntarily agreed with his words and thought directly according to the ideas in his words. Unknowingly, they came to the conclusion that they must make every effort to support their compatriots in the infinite world in the boundless darkness. !

"Please tell me what to do!" A desperate person asked at this time. The look on his face showed an extremely strong fighting spirit, and the momentum surged all over his body. It was even faintly stirring the momentum released by the world-ending thoughts that existed in this time and space.

Hearing this, Duanshi just smiled and said: "First of all, of course, we need to find those worlds."

As he spoke, the nine-headed lion's body turned slightly and suddenly accelerated in a certain direction.

Compared to his previous life when he was confined to that mission world and public space, although his reincarnation as a wild beast in this life made him feel quite uncomfortable, he also got quite a lot of benefits. Among them, the biggest advantage is that he no longer has to be restricted to any world, but can freely move around the boundless evil energy and karma around this world at will!

It is natural to be able to travel freely and perceive the various worlds that exist in the boundless evil energy and cause and effect karma.

At this time, he felt that there was a mission world not far away from him in a certain direction!

The mission world is quietly suspended in the boundless evil spirit and causal karma, slowly absorbing the evil spirit and causal karma. From a distance, it looks like a dim star in the void of the universe.

The speed of the nine-headed lion is not too fast, but because of its unimaginable huge size, even if it is not too big, it only takes an instant to cross this distance and reach the mission world.

When the nine lions appeared in front of that world, many wild beasts in the heavens and worlds had not even digested the contents of the many thoughts that had just ended the world.

"What is this?!" A huge world appeared at this moment in the senses of those powerful wild beasts that could sense out of time and space.

The size of that world is naturally insignificant compared to the nine-headed lions, but compared to the heavens and worlds attached to these nine-headed lions, it is extremely huge!

Even if there are those nine heads, the nine largest spaces together are not even half the size of that world!

"What a big world! Is this the world in the darkness?! How can it be so huge?! How many such worlds are there in the darkness?! Ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand?" Those strong men My heart was filled with shock, and everyone couldn't help themselves.

"There are countless such worlds in the darkness! Some are even billions of times larger than this world..." At this time, the nine lions in the heavens and worlds began to explain at the same time.

Hearing this, those wild beasts that could sense the world were even more shocked. Although those wild beasts that cannot sense scenes outside time and space cannot see the situation in the outside world with their own eyes, just listening to Duanshi's description has already given them a huge shock...

However, in this shock, they were even more curious, curious about how huge and shocking that world was!

In the past, if Duanshi wanted to connect the two mission worlds, he had to rely on the rules of the giant tower itself and the rewards he received from the giant tower after completing the mission.

However, the situation today is obviously completely different.

Now, he is outside the world and can see the appearance of those mission worlds with his own eyes! In this way, if he wants to connect to the mission world, he can just do it directly, but there is no difficulty anymore...

At this moment, as soon as his heart moved, a hair made a sound that shook the boundless evil energy and karma around him, and was abruptly disconnected from his body.

And after this hair was broken, it slowly floated up, and one end penetrated directly into the time and space above one of his heads. The other end spread quickly, and directly came to the extremely narrow place in front of him that wanted to treat him. In front of the world, he violently penetrated into that world!

Click, click, click...

At this time, the sound of breaking and shattering continued to come from the time and space above his head and the world in front of him.

With this shattering sound, both time and space were broken open at the same time, allowing the two ends of the hair to rush into it respectively!

At this time, the creatures in this time and space and that world were horrified.

In the eyes of Duanshi, this hair is just a hair on his own body, but in the eyes of the creatures in time, space and another world, it is as huge as a terrifying mountain range!

The hair penetrated into the world and time and space, and it felt like a towering mountain range came across from the sky and slammed into the barrier of its own world, and smashed the barrier into a huge cave, allowing that The mountains smashed in hard!

When such a huge thing rushes in with such momentum, it is self-evident that the movement is huge.

At this moment, the time and space of the two worlds began to oscillate violently.

The chaos of rules and regulations has reached a certain peak, making people wonder whether the two worlds will collapse just by being poked in by this hair...

"What is this?!" Such hysterical and frightened shouts could be heard from both worlds.

In the midst of this roar, powerful creatures rose into the sky one by one, rushing towards the mountain range that broke through the world barrier from outside, hoping to push the mountain range back.

"Follow this passage, we can enter that world, and we can help our compatriots in that world." At this time, Duanshi's voice reverberated in the countless heavens and worlds attached to him, allowing any wild beast in them to hear his voice clearly and fully understand what the passage referred to in his voice was.

Although the hair only penetrated the time and space attached to his head, it only established a passage between that time and space and another world. However, because of the close connection between the countless time and space attached to him, passages also appeared in other time and space at the same time!

These passages are essentially the projection of this hair. When entering those passages, they will all follow the connection between the many time and space in the heavens and worlds to come to the real hair first, and then go to the world ahead through the hair!

"Invasion?! My mission did not say that this mission world would be invaded!" In that world, a cultivator with a quasi-saint level stared at the mountain range that suddenly smashed through the world above in amazement, with disbelief in his eyes.

This monk is none other than the human who is carrying out the mission issued by the giant tower in this mission world!

In another place in this world, in the territory of the demon clan, dozens of demon clans also looked up at the huge mountains above in amazement.

They are the demon clans who set out from the demon clan’s public space, or in other words, from the demon clan’s fairyland, to come to this world to help their fellow countrymen in this world!

The battle between the demon clan and the humans in this world has lasted for tens of millions of years. In this battle, the winning rate of both sides is about half. Neither of them can suppress the other, but neither of them is willing to give up.

It can be said that at this moment, the humans and demon clans in this mission world are already in a state of confrontation.

In this world, in addition to humans and demon clans, there are many other strange races.

If these races are strictly divided, they also belong to wild beasts. However, it seems that both the appearance and the strength are somewhat different from the real wild beasts.

And these are the goals that Duanshi wants to save at this time.

"For our compatriots! Kill!" At this time, a huge roar suddenly came from the center of the mountain range, shaking the void around the mountain range, causing circles of ripples there.

"Here they come!" Both humans and demons said in unison at this time.

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