Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2439 Progress soars!

"It turns out that the will of heaven and earth controls the world in this way..." In an extremely mysterious place in this side of the world, Luo Fan slowly opened his closed eyes, his eyes filled with emotion.

The many changes within the giant tower can be said to be the result of his control, or they can be said to be the changes caused by the autonomous operation of the great avenues of heaven and earth.

Because, whether they were humans, monsters, wild beasts, Duanshi, Demon Ancestor, or many other monks, he just attached ideas that represented some kind of luck to them. Although, when he added his thoughts, he had a tendency in his heart, hoping that this kind of luck would eventually develop into a sustainable development state, and he would not need to waste much energy to maintain this state. The result of the stability of heaven and earth.

However, he only added a little tendency.

As for how things will evolve, as for the position of those creatures who have been given enough luck by him, their fate, their consciousness, their thoughts, and even their actions, everything is... The result of the natural evolution of heaven and earth!

It is precisely because of this that we can say that the many changes in the world, or in other words, the many changes in the giant tower, are both the result of his control and the changes caused by the autonomous operation of the great avenues of the world!

Seeing that Duanshi, the Demon Ancestor, the Wild Beasts, the Demon Clan, and the humans all developed almost exactly according to the most perfect situation as he had envisioned, and finally formed the most ideal state, one can imagine the shock in Luo Fan's heart.

You know, in order to achieve this result, he just loaded them with a tendency...

At this moment, his understanding of the world and the will of the world were greatly improved.

Many things that were originally hazy suddenly became so clear.

In fact, many difficult things that he originally thought would take countless trillions of years to accomplish, now seem to him to have become simple things that can be accomplished with just a thought...

One of the most obvious difficulties is to completely control this world!

Originally, he thought that if he wanted to completely control this area of ​​heaven and earth, he needed to use the light of heaven and earth to completely activate all the light and shadow in the residence of the will of heaven and earth, and then completely refine it!

And with the amount of light and shadow, if he wants to achieve his goal, he may need an unknown number of trillions of years to achieve his final goal.

But now, after understanding the magical effect of luck, he already knows that what he used before was the stupidest and stupidest method!

In fact, as long as he understands it from the perspective of luck, if he wants to activate those countless lights and shadows and then completely refine them, even if he calculates it in the slowest case, it will not take more than a hundred years!

After understanding this, Luo Fan's heart moved, and the light of heaven and earth, which had been completely integrated into the countless lights and shadows around him, began to break away again, condensed on top of his head, and turned into a mass as bright as a mirror, which felt like a living thing. General, but there are absolutely no words to describe what kind of wonderful light it is!

As the light of heaven and earth broke away from those lights and shadows again, those lights and shadows began to disappear piece by piece. The residence of the will of heaven and earth, which was already quite bright, began to gradually fall into darkness again.

In just a few breaths, the entire abode of the will of heaven and earth has turned into what it was when Luo Fan first appeared - into a state where even Luo Fan could only see blurry lights and shadows. A dull appearance with blurred outlines!

At this moment, all the creatures in this world felt an inexplicable emptiness emerging from the depths of their hearts.

Whether it's in the giant tower or outside the giant tower.

Even, faintly, the fortunes of many living beings began to tremble slightly, causing all kinds of distracting thoughts to appear in the hearts of all living beings that they could not have had before...

Amidst such distracting thoughts, the goal they had worked hard for all their lives seemed to have lost its sacred aura in the blink of an eye.

Even if there is mental inertia affecting them, they actually feel faintly that their previous thoughts are not worth it...

If this state lasts long enough, it is almost inevitable that the entire world will fall into a more serious chaos than falling into disaster.

But, obviously, Luo Fan wanted to see a stable world, so how could he sit back and watch this situation continue?

At this time, he let out a soft drink, and his extremely powerful thoughts poured into the light of heaven and earth above.

As his thoughts poured in, the light of heaven and earth began to undergo unimaginable changes in response to his thoughts.

During this change, various mysterious fluctuations began to arise from the light of heaven and earth above his head, rushing out in all directions!

Under this kind of fluctuation, the originally extremely dim patches of light and shadow around them seemed to be activated instantly, and their brightness began to increase rapidly. The speed of increase is even dozens of times faster than the speed of dimming before!

In the end, when the fluctuations swept across, the brightness of these lights and shadows had increased to more than ten times brighter than before it was dark!

As the fluctuations continue to spread, more and more lights and shadows are lit up around it.

And among the many lights and shadows, a large number of lights and shadows that did not appear before continued to emerge, and then quickly brightened, catching up with the originally lit lights and shadows, and finally became the same as those previously lit lights and shadows, and finally became the same as the original lights and shadows. Together, the entire abode of the will of heaven and earth becomes brighter and brighter...

With this change, the emptiness deep in the hearts of all living beings in this world was instantly filled.

Immediately afterwards, the original disapproval of their own goals and pursuits in their hearts was subverted again, and their minds returned to their original state. Not only did they completely recover from their original pursuit of goals, they even became More determined than before!

And in that giant tower, whether it was Duanshi or Demon Ancestor, they all experienced similar changes.

However, compared to the illusions of other creatures, because their realm is high enough and their control over their own minds is strong enough, they are clearly aware of the changes in their own bodies and minds, even if they have recovered from the changes in their minds at this time. , their emotions have not completely returned to the state before the change, but instead all of them look inexplicably ugly...

"What is controlling my mind?!" This thought appeared in the minds of Duan Shi and Yao Ancestor almost at the same time.

As this idea emerged, they all suddenly felt that the goals they had previously pursued seemed to become boring.

What monsters, what wild beasts, what three pillars, what protagonists in the world, what giant towers, what evil spirits and karma, everything seems to have become insignificant...

Although they have a sense of responsibility and dedication, everything is based on their own will. If all these decisions, even the decision to sacrifice themselves, truly come from their own will, then no matter how high the price is, they will have no hesitation. However, if all these decisions do not come from their own will, but there is some kind of existence controlling and influencing them behind the scenes, then even if such a decision can bring them great benefits, they will reject it!

A seed of doubt appeared in the hearts of both of them unconsciously.

This kind of seed will gradually germinate as time goes by, as things develop, and finally blossom and bear fruit...

Luo Fan is not aware of all this now.

Of course, even if he noticed it, he wouldn't care. After all, to him, this world is just a test derived from his sixth great calamity.

In the end, he will have to transcend this world and reunite his fragments in this world with countless other fragments in the world!

Under such circumstances, no matter what the process is, in the end, he will eventually become the enemy of this world...

In other words, the seeds of doubt that appear in Duanshi and Yaozu now, even if he does everything to perfection and tries his best to eliminate the soil from which the seeds of doubt appear, such seeds will inevitably appear at some point in the future. Even if it is not in the form of seeds of doubt, it must be in other similar forms!

In this way, if this kind of thing appears now, it is only a little earlier at best.

When he was already confident enough to completely control this side of the world and truly replace the will of this side of the world, the presence or absence of such seeds of doubt obviously had little impact on him.

In the residence of the will of heaven and earth, the mysterious fluctuations released from the light of heaven and earth have swept across an area at least ten thousand times wider than the light and shadow he activated before.

And the light emitted by these lights and shadows activated and controlled by him at this time made the area that was originally only bright in the center become as bright as day.

Even through the light emitted by those lights and shadows, you can see the outlines of countless blurry lights and shadows around...

At the same time, Luo Fan felt like he had become a part of this whole world. That is to say, it feels like a certain area of ​​this world has become his body.

Moreover, this part of his body continues to expand as the fluctuations continue to spread, constantly replacing the boundless and vast world outside, making larger and larger areas become part of his body!

This feeling was so mysterious and wonderful that he felt that his spirit was being sublimated indescribably, and he had a faint feeling that he could gradually understand the way of thinking of the will of heaven and earth contained in the light of heaven and earth... …

This situation seems extremely wonderful, but there is an unimaginable danger in it!

Because this situation means that he is being assimilated by this world!

In other words, if he cannot break away from this extremely wonderful feeling, in the end, he will completely lose the consciousness of living beings and completely become the will of this world!

By that time, the current Luo Fan will be equivalent to death, and his soul will be scattered...

And once things develop to that point, at least in this part of the world, Luo Fan's sixth catastrophe has already failed...

Fortunately, Luo Fan had already condensed the light of heaven and earth that belonged to him long before entering this catastrophe.

Because of the existence of the light of heaven and earth, even if his countless fragments are separated by this catastrophe and thrown into countless heavens and earth, they can still be closely connected to each other through the light of heaven and earth.

This close connection makes each of his fragments in a certain world seem independent, but in fact they are completely controlled by Luo Fan as a whole.

In this way, the real Luo Fan, that is, the overall Luo Fan, can naturally discover the crisis that his fragments in this world are encountering!

At this moment, the light of heaven and earth trembled slightly, and a subtle push acted on the will of this fragment. Luo Fan, who was originally obsessed with his own continuous sublimation and constantly approaching the level of the will of heaven and earth, only felt physical and mental As soon as it cooled down, my whole mind suddenly sobered up.

"It's almost over..." After waking up, Luo Fan broke into a cold sweat, with an indescribable fear in his eyes.

Just thinking back to that state just now, he knew how dangerous it was.

Although he is now a powerful person who has entered the tribulation, countless times stronger than other supreme emperors and even monks below him, but compared to the true saint, he is still far away from the reach!

Under such circumstances, the will level of the Will of Heaven and Earth is obviously still an inaccessible forbidden area for him.

With his control ability, if he really comes close to that level, his mind will definitely be defeated instantly! His self will inevitably be erased in an instant!

By then, his body may still exist, and his strength may even have drastically improved, but it will no longer be him. And will become a completely strange existence, becoming the will of this world!

At that time, his thoughts will be completely in line with the will of heaven and earth, and his actions will completely eliminate all traces of him... Then, it is obvious that he is no longer Luo Fan...

Recalling this danger, Luo Fan was extremely grateful that he had already condensed the complete light of heaven and earth before.

However, now that he knew the danger, what to do was no longer a problem for him.

At this moment, he quickly contracted his mind, allowing the light of heaven and earth to take over the control of heaven and earth, and letting the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth bear the sublimation of will brought about by the increase in the scope of control. !

For Luo Fan, this sublimation is a fatal change. If he truly accepts it, it will erase his self. But for the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth, this sublimation is just a strengthening of the will of heaven and earth.

Throughout the process of change, the feeling of being like a living thing on the light of heaven and earth becomes more and more intense, and the light of light of heaven and earth becomes more and more brilliant, as if its internal structure becomes more and more complex. The more complicated it becomes, the more mysterious it becomes.

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