Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2449 Missing

"The reaction is so strong, how fragile is it?" Looking at the changes in the void above, Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh.

He just glanced at the will of heaven and earth, and the will of heaven and earth reacted so fiercely that it almost appeared and attacked him directly...

This situation was something he had never encountered before. Of course, he had never directly used such a method to peek into the will of heaven and earth before. Perhaps, this is the normal reaction of the will of heaven and earth?

At this time, a vague vortex appeared in the void.

This whirlpool does not exist in the eyes of ordinary creatures, but in Luo Fan's eyes, this whirlpool is so real and so obvious. At a glance, you can even feel an indescribable gaze coming from the whirlpool. It shot out from the center and enveloped him.

Feeling this change, Luo Fan's expression moved slightly, and with a faint smile, many tentacles moved upward at the same time.

As these tentacles stretched out, endless concepts and magical powers rushed out from his many tentacles, rushing straight towards the vortex above.

These concepts and magical powers have transcended time and rules. As soon as they were released, they had already hit the vortex above.

The vortex began to tremble slightly at this moment, and most of those concepts and magical powers were completely erased and disappeared without a trace. There is only a very small part of the concept and magical power that meets some conditions. It crosses the barrier of the vortex and rushes directly into the center of the vortex. Through the center of the vortex, it is actually transmitted to the residence of the will of heaven and earth. Wherever he is, he slams into the will of heaven and earth!

There was no sound or even any movement during this collision. As for the light and shadow, there was no trace at all.

Luo Fan could only feel that after his conceptual magical power hit the will of heaven and earth, there was no reaction at all. It was directly eliminated by the will of heaven and earth, without any effect at all.

It feels as if the existence of the conceptual magical power has been directly erased.

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan, who had experience in dealing with the will of heaven and earth, already had a clear understanding in his heart. I am afraid that the will of heaven and earth in this world is lacking...

In other words, part of the will of heaven and earth in this world has already separated from the will of heaven and earth at this time, leaving the residence of the will of heaven and earth!

"No wonder the reaction was so intense, it turns out he has no confidence..." This thought flashed through Luo Fan's mind, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The nature of conceptual supernatural powers is extremely mysterious. It is the sublimation of concepts. Its essence actually has some similarities with the will of heaven and earth. Of course, this similarity is like diamonds and graphite. Perhaps they are the same essence. But due to various differences, there is a huge gap between the two.

Under such circumstances, if the will of heaven and earth is complete and there are no gaps in itself, these concepts and magical powers will never be erased when they hit the will of heaven and earth. Instead, they will directly bounce away or even backfire. When he came back, he was forced by the will of heaven and earth to attack Luo Fan!

However, the situation at this time is different. At this time, these concepts and supernatural powers were erased by the will of heaven and earth without reservation. This is clearly the power of the will of heaven and earth itself is not stable. Once stimulated, it will naturally release some power and the result of some power... …

Upon discovering this, Luo Fan had many thoughts in his mind.

If a part of the will of heaven and earth is missing, where is that part?

This point is actually nonsense. The will of heaven and earth is the will of this side of heaven and earth, and this side of heaven and earth is equivalent to its body. The missing parts of this world can naturally only be in this world, and cannot be outside this world.

Since it is in this world, there is no need to say more about where it is.

The missing will of heaven and earth in this world must have been reincarnated into this world and become a living being in this world!

Or it is the innate Tao body of this world, that is, this kind of creature that looks like an octopus, or maybe it is something else.

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, but Luo Fan had already made up his mind about what to do next.

While various thoughts were flashing through Luo Fan's mind, the vortex above had already begun to react to Luo Fan's behavior.

At this moment, countless bolts of lightning rushed down from the whirlpool, slamming towards Luo Fan fiercely!

These lightning bolts were so terrifying that wherever they passed, the surrounding seawater evaporated crazily, forming areas one after another that seemed to be vacuum-like, forming countless bubbles that gurgled and gurgled in all directions. The scene was It looks extremely enthusiastic...

These lightnings almost transcended time, falling hard and straight on Luo Fan's head, seeping crazily into his body, causing crazy destruction!


With a crisp sound, Luo Fan's body collapsed at this moment. In the blink of an eye, it had turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

As he disappeared, the vortex in the void seemed to have lost its target. While squirming slightly, it slowly faded and finally disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

After a while, all the turbulence caused by the whirlpool completely subsided.

Those countless bubbles and countless vacuum areas seemed to have never appeared before.

When all this subsided, the void was slightly distorted where Luo Fan was. Immediately afterwards, Luo Fan's innate Tao body in this world, the octopus-like body, had recovered and looked completely different from before. There is no difference at all. He is still at the level of a strong man in the Three Tribulations, and he is still as leisurely as before...

However, in the previous attacks imposed by the will of heaven and earth, he did not resist at all. Instead, he obeyed the will of heaven and earth and directly gave this body to the will of heaven and earth, allowing the will of heaven and earth to directly transfer his body to it. , so that all his existence in this level of reality is completely erased!

Because the will of heaven and earth has completed its goal and completely erased his existence, the will of heaven and earth in this side of the world will naturally disappear again and return to its residence.

Although Luo Fan's body and all other existences in this level of reality have been completely erased. But there are many other layers to him!

Although the will of heaven and earth has completely erased all his existence on the level of reality, it is ultimately impossible to penetrate into all other levels, and it is impossible to completely erase his corresponding existence on all other levels. Because of the different characteristics of different levels, there will eventually be some levels that cannot do anything about the existence that Luo Fan corresponds to...

Luo Fan relied on these surviving existences to completely restore his body, mind, strength, power, and even all other existences in this reality through communication at many levels. come over.

The whole process went smoothly beyond imagination.

The development of the matter was just as he thought. The will of heaven and earth disappeared after attacking once. Even if he appeared again now, the will of heaven and earth would no longer pay attention to him.

"It seems the problem is not small..." Upon discovering this scene, Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh again.

Although he had already guessed that the will of heaven and earth would not attack him after he recovered, he was still prepared for the will of heaven and earth to destroy him several times. But he didn't expect that everything was going in the most perfect state as he had guessed. This made him understand that the missing part of the will of heaven and earth was much more than what he had imagined.

After all, if so much had not been missing, the will of heaven and earth would never have yielded so easily.

"It seems that the will of heaven and earth may reincarnate just one living being. Maybe the number will be more than imagined... But, is it because it wants to be reincarnated, or is it because of some change?" This idea is in Luo Fan's heart flashed.

This side of the world has not experienced any great catastrophe.

According to Luo Fan's calculations, it will take at least tens of billions of years for the birth of this great catastrophe.

This situation is almost completely opposite to the previous situation of the three-eyes-four-cubit world. In the three eyes and four cubits of heaven and earth, the heaven and earth encountered a catastrophe just a short time after their birth. Later, after the catastrophe of heaven and earth, there were continuous catastrophes that appeared again and again. After that, countless calamities combined to form the second great calamity of heaven and earth...

This situation, compared to the situation in this world, is simply two extremes.

If any creature from the previous world came here, they would be moved to tears...

"Perhaps, the delay in the catastrophe of heaven and earth has something to do with the lack of will of heaven and earth." Thinking like this, Luo Fan immediately left the peak of the seabed and came to the mid-air, to the previous place. The place where the whirlpool formed by the will of heaven and earth is located!

After arriving here, he took a quick look, and the endless vastness of the world came directly into his eyes.

The earth was undulating, and strange rivers appeared in mid-air one after another. These rivers were different from other rivers in the world.

In other heavens and earth, what is in rivers is water, all kinds of water, and water of various properties.

But, at this time, in this world, what exists in the many rivers is gas! Various gases, gases of various properties!

These gases merge into river-like shapes, constantly flowing in the sea. In the river, you can even see various bird-like creatures soaring in it.

It looks like these bird-like creatures are the "fish" in this world...

In addition to this weird river, various coral-like existences are scattered all over the world, especially in the area where he was originally located. This kind of colorful coral appears to be more dense than in other areas. , more gorgeous and bigger.

In that boundless sea water, there is infinite vitality of heaven and earth. These heaven and earth energy are integrated into the sea water, or in other words, they are an important part of the sea water. In this sea water, it flows and ripples along with the flow of the sea water, constantly integrating into the bodies of the infinite creatures in this ocean.

But the monks in this world are present everywhere in this world at this time.

They either flew into the sky and escaped to the earth, or soared in the sea, or went directly into the ground, making the world seem lively.

Directly below him, on the edge of where he was before, there were a huge number of creatures.

These creatures gathered around it, forming city-like existences, guarding the central peak in a three-dimensional manner, that is, guarding Luo Fan himself.

In those cities, almost all monks live, and they are not ordinary monks, but extremely powerful monks!

At least, in this world, they are the monks who occupy the top position!

Among these cities, the worst monks all have innate Daluo levels.

The strongest one has even reached the Pseudo-Saint level!

If it were in the previous world, monks of this level would naturally be nothing. They would not even be of much use in that giant tower. If you want to complete any task, you need to use various means to rely on the power of other strong men. . However, in this world where even the first great catastrophe will take tens of billions of years to come, the level of such a monk is already quite high, and he can definitely be regarded as a master.

Obviously, these monks are Luo Fan's confidence to rule the entire world.

From these cities, there are radiation circles one after another.

In that radiation circle, there are a large number of cities, or in other words, countries. These cities and countries are in order. Each city and country has a channel to connect to the central city, and even to the central mountain peak, and to Luo Fan on the mountain peak.

These various passages form an extremely tight and perfect network, completely enveloping a very large area in the world, making the connections between them appear to be unimaginably close.

From this structure, we can already see how successful Luo Fan has been in managing this world over the years.

"If the will of heaven and earth is reincarnated, it must be special. Maybe it's time to use luck again." This thought flashed in Luo Fan's mind, the light in his eyes began to change slightly, and the perspective in his eyes began to transform into a kind of... An extremely familiar perspective.

The perspective of luck...

With a change of perspective, the world he saw instantly changed.

The boundless sea water disappeared, the endless cities, and the infinite creatures disappeared. All that was seen in the eyes were streams of luck, oceans of luck, and the condensed of all kinds of luck. It’s just a variety of strange images...

Such prosperous luck is indeed quite extraordinary...

Looking at the luck in his eyes, Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh again.


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