Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2451 Overlook

"Restore your memory." Luo Fan said calmly as he looked at the innate Tao body in front of him that looked extremely perfect and belonged completely to this world.

As he spoke, the tentacles covering the creature's head trembled slightly, and all kinds of mysterious and mysterious power was poured into the creature's body, directly integrated into the consciousness of the god, and began to move towards the infinity hidden deep in the consciousness of the creature. The memory is being mined.

As these powers continued to be tapped, the creature only felt waves of information swarming out from the depths of his soul. In the blink of an eye, his will had been completely submerged, making his eyes blurry and his body The form became even more powerless, as if all the power had been taken away.

After a while, Luo Fan let go of the creature, and all his power was restrained again. He took a step back and quietly watched the next move of the most perfect innate Taoist body in front of him.

This creature was suspended there quietly, its eyes gradually lost their confusion, and the light in them began to gradually condense.

"You are no longer who you were before." After the creature's eyes condensed, its first words were beyond Luo Fan's expectation.

The look in Luo Fan's eyes felt like a supreme god looking down at the crawling crawlers in the mud!

"Having the consciousness of the will of heaven and earth, and the thinking of the will of living beings, it is really a wonderful combination. Unfortunately, after all, it is just a combination of high and low..." Luo Fan looked at it, but he sighed, his expression There was an inexplicable look of disappointment in it.

The creature in front of him has been excavated by his power, and most of his memories that were originally hidden in the depths of his memory have been restored.

These memories have obviously allowed him to recognize his own essence and know that he is part of the will of heaven and earth. He has even seen more things. He may even have seen some of Luo Fan's essence.

"You are the enemy of heaven and earth." The creature said to Luo Fan.

As he spoke, there was a muffled sound in the sky.

Amidst this muffled sound, Luo Fan vaguely felt as if the whole world was rejecting him and oppressing him.

If he had not gained the overall consciousness, he would have been unable to withstand this kind of oppression and rejection, and his body might even collapse and be destroyed in the process.

But, obviously, this scenario did not happen! Now, not only does he have the overall consciousness stationed in this fragment, but his Taoist realm has been greatly improved beyond imagination due to the arrival of the overall consciousness.

Reached the level of the Three Tribulations Strong Man!

Under such circumstances, these rejections and oppressions were a little uncomfortable for him, but they were only a little uncomfortable, and they were not even qualified to cause him injury!

"As expected, I can't hide it from you..." Luo Fan just smiled.

At this time, the creature frowned, obviously feeling something was wrong with the situation in front of him.

You must know that he has now recovered most of his memory as the will of heaven and earth. He clearly knows how many times he has improved compared to before. He also understands that all the creatures in this world are in front of him. Powerless. However, under such circumstances, the enemy of heaven and earth in front of him was actually able to look at him with such eyes and treat him with such an attitude!

How could this not surprise him?

However, although he has recovered the memory brought by the will of heaven and earth, it is just a memory after all.

As a memory, although it can let him know many things and even allow him to easily mobilize a lot of power, it is nothing more than a memory after all. Strength, after all, still needs time to accumulate before you can keep up.

Therefore, he is not much of a threat to Luo Fan today.

At this time, after Luo Fan said those words, his body swayed, and many tentacles were already unfolding, and they were fiercely covering the creature!

The creature's eyes flashed at this moment, and he said: "Presumptuous!"

With these words, the void twisted, endless rules and laws condensed, turned into endless chains and appeared around Luo Fan out of thin air, thrusting towards Luo Fan's body, trying to nail him to the chains!

At the same moment, the void shook, endless power, and infinite power were born out of thin air, directly covering the surrounding void within an unknown number of thousands of miles, making this area feel like it was in the end of the world in just the blink of an eye. …

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan smiled faintly, and the void behind him shook, and a ball of light like a living creature emerged out of thin air.

With the appearance of this living creature-like light, everything seemed to be paused, completely stagnant.

Including the chains formed by rules and laws, including the power, power and everything else that emerge out of thin air!

The creatures reincarnated by the will of heaven and earth showed panic in their eyes at this moment. The look that looked down at Luo Fan before as if he were looking at a reptile in the dust has completely collapsed.

At this moment, he clearly knew what kind of existence he was facing! What unimaginable abilities the opponent in front of him possesses!

However, it is obviously too late for him to think of this now...

At this time, Luo Fan's many tentacles had directly wrapped around him, and with a slight tremor, his body collapsed and turned into endless powder flying everywhere.

Only a ball of light that could not be described in words appeared where the creature was.

At this moment, the whole world shook violently.

In the void above Luo Fan's head, a huge vortex began to emerge from nothing.

An aura of incomparable majesty, incomparable terror, and infinite pressure was released from the vortex, directly pressing downwards, directly causing the entire world to fall into a state of desolation.

At this time, Luo Fan just raised his head and glanced at the vortex above.

As his gaze swept over, he threw back the ball of will of heaven and earth wrapped in his tentacles, directly into the light that seemed to be a living thing. That is, thrown into the light of heaven and earth!

The moment this ball of will of heaven and earth was thrown into the light of heaven and earth, the vortex in the sky began to vibrate more violently! In this shock, there seemed to be some strong emotion similar to anger coming from the whirlpool, making the entire world seem to be plunged into anger.

At this time, behind Luo Fan, the light of heaven and earth carried by this fragment began to evolve rapidly, and in an instant it turned into a vortex, and began to crush the will of heaven and earth in the way of this vortex. Devour!

Infinite electric light was generated out of thin air, rushing towards Luo Fan from all directions, completely filling every inch of the void around him, so that no matter which direction he looked, he could only see the extremely terrifying thunder and lightning, and even It is impossible to see any scene outside through this thunder and lightning...

Those lightning bolts were endless, overwhelming and pressing towards Luo Fan in the center!

Where lightning passes, time and space are distorted, rules and laws collapse, and even the avenue behind naturally gives way to allow it to pass.

If it is taken from other places and used to attack monks, even if it is a false saint, it will probably have to shed a layer of skin to escape from such an attack...

However, at this time, faced with such endless lightnings, Luo Fan did not show any abnormality. He did not even glance at these lightnings. The fluctuations easily dispersed these lightning bolts, making them unable to release much power at the moment they hit his body. They could not even damage his clothes, let alone his body.

I don't know how much time passed, it seemed like just a few breaths, and it seemed like several days had passed.

Suddenly, a huge impact burst out from where Luo Fan was, sweeping in all directions.

The endless lightning generated out of thin air around them, which was enough to distort time and space, twist the rules and laws, and repel the avenue, was completely shattered in an instant, and was cleared away in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Luo Fan's place became clear.

But at this time, Luo Fan's figure had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original octopus-like body has turned into something he is more familiar with, or in other words, it has become an innate Tao body that is completely his own, that is, a human form...

But behind his head, the light of heaven and earth had completely turned into a whirlpool.

Its form is also quite different from when it was originally crushed and devoured by the will of heaven and earth. Although it is also a whirlpool, the previous whirlpool is extremely violent, and it seems to be releasing terrifying power into the interior at all times, which is enough to obliterate and destroy everything! But the current vortex is completely different. This vortex is more stable and more mysterious. It doesn't look like a ball of light, but more like an eye. An extremely strange eye that seems to grow directly in the depths of time and space, on the avenue!

This vortex that looks like an eye is quite similar to the vortex formed in the void above.

The only difference is that the vortex above is larger and more illusory.

At this time, waves of mysterious and mysterious fluctuations came from the vortex behind Luo Fan. These fluctuations penetrated into the surrounding time and space, the surrounding rules and regulations, and even the mysterious avenue. This The fluctuations were not let go at all, and they also penetrated into it bit by bit.

The area penetrated by this wave is self-contained, forming a clear gap from the wider world outside.

In this interval, nothing in the outside world can affect everything in this area!

It is precisely because of this that Luo Fan was able to change himself into what he is now and restore his most familiar body structure at this time.

If there were no such fluctuations to isolate the inside and outside, he would change into this form, or he would collapse and be destroyed because he would not be able to control such a powerful power because this form was not recognized by the world. Or, because he controls such a powerful power but does not look like the innate Taoist body of this world, he will be rejected by the will and the great road of this world, and eventually he will suffer endless calamities to wipe him out!

The reason why this is the case is actually quite simple.

After all, the light of heaven and earth carried by his fragment has already swallowed up a bit of the will of heaven and earth at this time!

This is equivalent to the fact that from a certain perspective, the light of heaven and earth has become part of the will of heaven and earth.

Since it is the will of heaven and earth, even if it is only a part, it is enough to isolate the oppression of the whole will of heaven and earth, enough to make the whole will of heaven and earth ignore some abnormalities that appear in the scope covered by this small part of the will of heaven and earth.

At this time, the huge eye-like whirlpool in the sky was slightly twisted, and there seemed to be a vague charm conveying it.

Obviously, because it is incomplete, the will of heaven and earth cannot clearly judge the nature of the light of heaven and earth after encountering the light of heaven and earth that swallowed a small part of itself. I don't know whether to deal with this light of heaven and earth. Should we deal with Luo Fan, who is shrouded in the light of heaven and earth?

"It seems it was successful." Feeling this scene, Luo Fan smiled lightly.

He originally imagined that the light of heaven and earth swallowed up part of the reincarnated will of heaven and earth, which could become the focus of his further plan. However, he did not expect that this focus would be so easy to use, that it could completely blind the senses of the will of heaven and earth, and the hostility of the will of heaven and earth towards him!

This is infinitely better than what I originally thought.

With a slight movement in his heart, he stepped forward lightly, his figure flashing upwards, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the huge whirlpool.

At this time, almost all living beings in the entire world involuntarily looked at this whirlpool from everywhere.

When they saw Luo Fan, the countless creatures were stunned.

"What kind of creature is this?! Why is it so ugly?!" This kind of surprise appeared in the hearts of most living creatures at this time, leaving them stunned and sighing like this.

For a creature that uses the image of an octopus as its standard of beauty, it is obviously impossible for a creature like Luo Fan, who doesn't even have tentacles and has such weird facial features, to find it good-looking. In their eyes, Luo Fan now looks like just a monster...

The vortex began to stir violently at this time, and a great repulsion appeared on the vortex, rushing towards Luo Fan fiercely! If it weren't for the light of heaven and earth guarding Luo Fan behind him, which was like the will of heaven and earth, what might have come over him would not have been rejection, but endless attacks.

Obviously, the will of heaven and earth behind it already felt something was wrong and was unwilling to let Luo Fan get close to it.

"Open." When Luo Fan came here, it was natural that he could no longer be polite to the will of heaven and earth, and he let out a soft drink. The extremely powerful force penetrated into the whirlpool in front of him at this moment, and he tore it apart fiercely. A passage appeared behind the whirlpool, which was torn open by his power. In that crack!


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