Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2454 Behind the scenes

The will of heaven and earth is constantly being consumed by the great road, and Luo Fan naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

Originally, he planned to first devour the will of heaven and earth, spend a period of time to control this area of ​​heaven and earth, and then transform this area of ​​world, and then affect the avenue, and finally make the avenue open to him. At this point, go and devour the avenue, and then devour the entire world.

But now, this avenue has taken active action, and it is obvious that there is no longer enough time for him to adjust and transform step by step.

Under such circumstances, Luo Fan obviously had only one choice.

That is, immediately start the process that originally took some time to start, and directly devour this avenue!

After making up his mind, he no longer hesitated, and his heart moved slightly. The network of silk threads that had been converging toward the light of heaven and earth suddenly reversed its direction, turning from inward to outward, directly toward the heaven and earth. The avenue beyond will spreads away!


The weird sound stagnated slightly at this time, and instead of acting on the will of heaven and earth, it turned into acting on the network of silk threads that continued to spread outward!

However, in contrast to this, the countless smoke emitted from the contact surface between the will of heaven and earth and the avenue began to decrease at this time. Although it was still being generated continuously, the scale was obviously many times smaller. .

Obviously, the great avenue's consumption of the will of the world has been greatly reduced.

In order to achieve this goal, Luo Fan also paid a huge price.

That is, at this moment, his light of heaven and earth is bearing the erosion of the great road on behalf of the will of heaven and earth, enduring the wear and tear of reaching!

And this kind of erosion and consumption brought pain that was several times greater than before, making Luo Fan feel that his heart was completely overwhelmed by the endless pain at this time.

If it weren't for the light of heaven and earth, he might have completely lost his mind at this time.

"Sure enough, without the control of the will of heaven and earth, the light of heaven and earth will not be recognized by this avenue after all..." Feeling the pain transmitted from the light of heaven and earth, Luo Fan couldn't help but think like this.

However, it is obvious that even so, he has no idea of ​​giving up at all. Instead, he tries his best to guide the light of heaven and earth to assimilate the part of the avenue wrapped by the silk network.

Be prepared to swallow up that avenue...

Such efforts were not enough for him to directly eliminate the pain transmitted by the light of heaven and earth, but it was enough to weaken the degree of erosion and assimilation of those silk screens!

Although the sizzling sound still continued, the range it covered began to become smaller and smaller, at least in terms of the ratio of the amount of wire mesh.

However, within the scope of the silk screen, as the surrounding avenues are gradually assimilated, the conflict with this silk screen is also constantly decreasing. Nowadays, it is still eroding. What corrodes this silk screen has become the periphery. The avenue...

An inexplicable depression emerged in the hearts of all living beings at this time.

At this time, all the creatures in the world felt an unspeakable anger and hostility welling up from the depths of their hearts.

In a daze, they all turned their gazes to the strange, layered network in the sky at this moment!

Each of them clearly understands that their biggest mission in life is to destroy this network! Kill that monster that exists in the center of the network!

If they cannot complete this mission, if they cannot complete this mission, what awaits them will be an irreversible ending!

Suddenly, countless creatures rose into the sky and rushed towards the network.

When these creatures made up their minds to respond to this call of the soul, they found that they seemed to have received some incredible blessing, and their realm of Taoism began to rise at an unimaginable speed.

Originally, there were not even false saints in this world, but now, with that strange blessing, almost all living beings have achieved breakthroughs in their realms! Fake saints emerged one after another.

Waves of huge and unparalleled aura were continuously released from those creatures, sweeping across the entire world!

Under normal circumstances, if any false saint, or even a false saint, breaks through the realm, the movement produced would be enough to cause the entire sky to quake three times, and make all sentient beings marvel for hundreds or even thousands of years.

However, now, so many false saints have emerged at the same time, and their aura is enough to change the entire aura of the entire world, enough to cause some subtle deviation in the essence of this world, but there is not a single living being. Pay attention to them, no living being will have the same shock as before under normal circumstances!

All living beings, whether they are the false saints themselves or other living beings, are now focusing their eyes on the center of the network above the sky!

Look, that figure that makes their hearts throb and makes them feel hostile!

For them, now, only that figure needs attention, and everything except that figure is secondary and not worth mentioning!

As they rush upward and get closer to the silk network above, their feelings for each other become clearer. It seems that there is some kind of strange power that connects them to each other, allowing them to communicate with each other mentally and transfer strength to each other.

With such changes, the impact posture of these creatures naturally changed.

All kinds of offensives that were launched without any scruples, or were prepared to launch, all changed at this time. They began to cooperate with other living beings, began to work hard to adapt to the offensives of other living beings, and strengthened the overall offensive as much as possible!

With such a small adjustment, their pressure on Luo Fan above them skyrocketed.

From a state that was not even enough for Luo Fan to glance at it, it became a state that made him turn his eyes involuntarily.

As Luo Fan's eyes turned around, all these countless creatures felt an unspeakable fear emerging from their hearts, making their eyes become extremely solemn at this moment!

"Danger!" This warning thought emerged from the hearts of countless creatures at the same time.

At this moment, they felt that huge pressure suddenly surged towards them from all directions.

Under this pressure, their bodies suddenly stagnated, and their own strength began to dissipate rapidly...

"Boom, boom, boom..." A huge explosion suddenly came from inside the body of that being. Amidst the sound of this explosion, those creatures seemed to be freed from all shackles in an instant, and they rushed towards Luo Fan even faster!

However, in contrast to this, the eyes of these creatures that originally had some clarity were now completely filled with emptiness and mania. Apparently, they had completely lost their clarity.

"Completely controlled?" Looking at these creatures, Luo Fan couldn't help but frown.

He is now becoming more and more curious about the avenue of this world.

It is natural that the Great Dao can influence living beings. Not to mention just affecting living beings, but also completely controlling living beings, that is not a strange thing.

The reason why Luo Fan feels that the avenue in front of him is extremely strange is that the way this avenue controls the creatures in this world is not like a normal avenue, but like some kind of strange will. It seems like someone is controlling all this behind the scenes!

"Is there some kind of existence that controls this world?" This idea emerged in Luo Fan's heart at this time.

With this thought, the expression on his face couldn't help but become more solemn.

When his fragment entered this side of the world, the construction of this side of the world had just been completed, and the number of living creatures in the entire world was not even that many.

It can be said that he has completely seen everything that the entire world has experienced from its birth to the present!

If under such circumstances, there is still some kind of existence that can escape his control and carry out large-scale operations on this side of the world, or even control the entire world, how can he feel embarrassed?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and all the major processes that this world has experienced from the beginning to the present went through his heart.

"Indeed, it is very likely that there is some kind of will of life behind the scenes that controls this world!" Thinking this in his heart, his eyes condensed, and sharp light came out from his eyes.

If there is really a will of some kind of creature that controls everything in this world, including the will of heaven and earth, then all the previous doubts can obviously be explained.

If the will of heaven and earth is independent, it is difficult for him to imagine that the will of heaven and earth would divide itself into heaven and earth to delay the arrival of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. It is even more difficult to imagine that at this time, the great avenue of this world will take the initiative to wipe out the will of heaven and earth, so as to eliminate all dangers that may threaten this world. As for now, the changes in the many creatures in this world are very strange, as if the creatures are manipulating the changes behind the scenes, which cannot be explained...

"Who is it?!" he thought in his heart, the light of heaven and earth trembled slightly, and his conceptual powers began to swarm out in all directions along the silk network, penetrating fiercely into the avenue outside. At this time, those who were affected by this concept and magical power were in inexplicable chaos.

A turbid color began to appear in those chaotic areas, and even normal time and space, normal rules and regulations were disrupted at this time.

The direction in which those creatures pounced was obviously Luo Fan's focus.

At this time, most of the concepts and magical powers pounced on those creatures!

For the avenue itself, these concepts and magical powers may only have a confusing effect, and at most they will only make the color of those avenues muddy.

However, for the creatures in this world, the effects of these concepts and magical powers are obviously not that small.

At this time, the moment they encountered the magical power of concept, they themselves did not even have the ability to resist, and they were completely wiped out by the magical power of concept!

Even, he doesn't even have the ability to scream...

The magical power of concepts is so mysterious that after wiping out those creatures, it did not calm down immediately. Instead, it traced back to the source, with the help of various subtle connections on those creatures, towards the existence behind those creatures that urged these creatures to rush towards Luo Fan. Spread in the direction!

Under this guidance, most of the conceptual supernatural powers directly crashed into the surrounding avenues, reacting strangely with the avenues, causing some kind of chaos again, and then disappeared without a trace.

However, there is also a small part of the conceptual magical power that directly penetrated into the avenue at this time, spreading in a certain direction of the avenue, seeming to be pulled by a certain source, and constantly condensing towards that source...

Seeing this scene, Luo Fan had an inexplicable smile on his face.

"It seems that I have found it." His eyes followed the direction of the spread of those concepts and magical powers.

If it were just a living being, this kind of tracing would naturally not have much meaning. After all, the chance of the spread of a small amount of conceptual magical powers is too high. Who can be sure that the direction of the spread of conceptual magical powers is not due to various accidents or coincidence?

However, there are so many living beings existing today, almost counting them in the billions!

There are so many creatures, but only one ten thousandth of them have magical powers that can be traced back to the target. The number must be calculated in hundreds of millions.

With so many conceptual powers infiltrating from all directions towards a certain location, there is no need to wait for these conceptual powers to advance for a long distance. You only need to see the direction in which these conceptual powers are heading, and with a little combination, you can already determine them. Where is the existence that pulls these many concepts and magical powers!

At this time, Luo Fan had already used the guidance of countless concepts and magical powers to focus his gaze on a very distant location. That place was very deep in the avenue, and it felt like it had even reached the end of the avenue. A place where...

There, it seems very normal at first glance. It is still like a normal avenue, with endless mysteries of the avenue, the mystery of infinite rules and laws, and countless combinations of matter, energy, time, and space...

However, if you look closely, you will find that the various mysterious combinations seem a bit weird. Faintly, there seems to be some kind of characteristic that turns imaginary into reality. Among the countless mysteries and truths, there is something real and incompatible with the Dao...

"Right there!" Seeing this scene, Luo Fan didn't understand why he had found the target he was looking for? !

If Luo Fan alone wanted to reach that strange target across the entire road barrier, it would naturally be very difficult, even almost impossible.

However, Luo Fan is not alone now.

He has the light of heaven and earth! Moreover, it has almost completely assimilated the will of heaven and earth, leaving only the light of heaven and earth to swallow!


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