Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2469 Finally woke up!

"After all, the foundation of practice is still oneself. External objects can be borrowed, but ultimately cannot be relied on. 23US.COM fastest updated. This light of heaven and earth is condensed to the limit. At most, it is just another innate and immortal spiritual light. The focus of practice is Putting it on the light of evolving heaven and earth, after all, it is putting the cart before the horse..."

After a long time, Luo Fan sighed leisurely and looked at the outside world through the light of heaven and earth.

After an unknown number of years of evolution, what is surrounding the light of heaven and earth at this moment is no longer the boundless darkness before, but has turned into pieces of extremely strange light and shadow.

At a glance, it looks like a complete world has been completely broken up and then randomly bonded together.

Weird and fantastical.

Of course, as a result of this change, the originally extremely pure crushing force transformed by the light of heaven and earth has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original simple crushing force has gone through countless billions of changes and changed its nature in countless billions. It is really as if the real world and all things are attacking him! Moreover, this is not an ordinary attack, but an attack based on what Luo Fan has realized before, the various corresponding changes in nature after the light of heaven and earth destroys the balance! All kinds of attacks that are enough to make all living beings without the light of heaven and earth unable to resist!

Faced with all this, Luo Fan's light of heaven and earth evolved naturally, and also derived countless billions of corresponding changes, blocking countless lights and shadows from the outside world, as well as countless offensives!

Of course, compared to the weird and fantastic scenes outside, the changes in the light of heaven and earth are completely different.

The light and shadow born from the corresponding changes derived from the light of heaven and earth form a complete and harmonious world!

At a glance, it looks like a certain part of the world group is directly unfolded and exposed.

Looking at this scene, Luo Fan felt even more curious.

What exactly is this location? What is the surrounding darkness? Why are there all these changes to attack him? Where are the beings who entered this location before?

All these doubts kept revolving in his mind, causing his perception to begin searching purposefully.

The changes around him are so drastic, and there will inevitably be a lot of information revealed, from which he may be able to find some answers he wants to find.

If it was before,

At this time, he must set his goal on the light of heaven and earth, and only rely on the various information obtained from the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth to find the answer.

However, after realizing that he was putting the cart before the horse, he no longer had such plans.

It would indeed be simpler to find the answer directly from the information obtained from the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth, but that would obviously affect his understanding of practice!

The reason for this is very simple. Although the information obtained by the will of heaven and earth is extremely complicated, it even exceeds Luo Fan's understanding. He can only get the information he wants by net by net in the ocean of information. Just salvage. But, after all, it was to refine the answer he needed, and to simplify the problem he originally encountered!

This may make it easier for Luo Fan to be promoted in a short period of time, but in the long run, it will obviously affect his ability to find answers when he has no clue! In other words, it affects his ability to understand practice!

If we use another analogy, the difference between the two is easy to understand.

Searching for the answer you want from the information obtained by the will of heaven and earth is equivalent to answering a multiple-choice question with countless options. But to understand and search for answers by yourself is like building your own model, thinking about your own methods, and then using your own models and thinking methods to substitute all kinds of information you can find to get the answer!

It is naturally not easy to succeed in a multiple-choice question with countless options, but after all, it is already asking the question and writing out the answers. All you need to do is to choose the one you think is right among the countless answers. This is obviously two completely different levels of difficulty than starting from a blank page, asking questions, formulating formulas, creating algorithms, and finally applying all the conditions you can find to answer the question, and finally getting the answer you want. .

Perhaps, in a short period of time, the former method is indeed very convenient. It indeed makes it easier for him to get the answer he wants, and it also makes it easier for him to get the answer he wants with less effort!

But what if one day there are no questions and no options? In other words, the question is simply wrong and the options are also wrong?

At that time, how will people who have been using this convenient method to get answers find answers? !

As for whether Luo Fan will encounter such questions with no questions and no options in the future, there is no need to ask. He will definitely encounter this situation!

You must know that it is the light of heaven and earth that gives him questions and answers now.

But Luo Fan's ultimate pursuit is to become a true saint! Achievement can be derived from the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth until it reaches true perfection, and then reaches the level of perfect heaven and earth!

For his ultimate goal, to what level must the light of heaven and earth grow to be able to give him a solution?

At least, let the will of heaven and earth within this light of heaven and earth grow to the level of the will of heaven and earth of perfect heaven and earth, right? Even reaching this level may not be able to solve this problem.

And obviously, it seems that cultivating the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth to that level is not much easier than directly becoming a true saint...

Don't look at other things, Luo Fan's current light of heaven and earth has swallowed up how many trillions of perfect worlds derived from that great calamity in his sixth great calamity? But has his light of heaven and earth reached that level now?

It is obvious that his light of heaven and earth is still far away from the level where the inner will of heaven and earth grows into the perfect will of heaven and earth!

Now, his light of heaven and earth has only reached a certain small stage of perfection at most.

It is actually very easy to see this. If the inner will of heaven and earth reaches that level, the light of heaven and earth can at least come and go freely in the state of chaos. It should also have the essence of eternity and indestructibility... And Luo Fan's Light of Heaven and Earth obviously hasn't...

Even the perfect world that was copied after swallowing countless trillions of trillions of catastrophes cannot advance the light of heaven and earth to that level. One can imagine how difficult it is.

Even with Luo Fan's self-confidence, he never thought that he would encounter such a good opportunity again in the future, so that the light of heaven and earth could once again have an opportunity of the same level as swallowing up countless trillions of square meters of perfect heaven and earth.

In this case, one can only imagine how much chance he has of cultivating the will of heaven and earth within the light of heaven and earth to the level of the will of heaven and earth of perfect heaven and earth.

But unable to reach that level, the light of heaven and earth naturally cannot give questions, let alone answers, about how he will become a true saint and how he will take the final step.

Luo Fan had never thought through this before. It wasn't until he realized that focusing on the light of heaven and earth that he was putting the cart before the horse that he thought clearly about it.

After he thought about this clearly, he sighed secretly in his heart.

He thought that he had a firm will and a perfect mind, but in the end he was still blinded by power...

It was precisely because of this that he would completely bypass the light of heaven and earth at this time, experience the changes around him, and find the secret of this place.

Because he had been getting answers from the light of heaven and earth for a long time, when he first realized it on his own, he felt at a loss and didn't know where to start.

This obviously means that his ability to comprehend has been weakened.

This made him even more secretly afraid. This is already the case. If it continues, won't he eventually become a waste with no ability other than the light of heaven and earth?

Then why should we pursue eternity and permanence? !

After realizing that he had really been affected by the light of heaven and earth, his focus shifted from the secret of this strange place to another direction, to how to regain the ability to comprehend that he should have had. .

The secret of this place may allow him to get some benefits and gain some improvements, but these benefits and improvements are insignificant compared to regaining his abilities.

With such thoughts, he began to calm down, spread his thoughts and perceptions, sense everything around him aimlessly, and understand the subtle mysteries contained in the countless changes in light and shadow around him, and the changes in power.

At first, he was naturally at a loss. When he sensed it, he was like a headless fly. It seemed that everything was useful and allowed him to understand some mysteries that he had never understood before. It also seemed that everything was familiar and everything he had experienced before. It is just a recombination of many mysteries that have been mastered.

However, with the passage of time, as the dependence on the will of heaven and earth gradually dissipated from his heart, this confusion gradually faded away, and the various strange lights and shadows that were originally chaotic and disorderly gradually faded away from their chaotic appearance. The momentum, which was originally hidden in it, began to reveal more and more clearly in his senses.

More and more subtle realizations began to gradually flow into his perception and into his soul, causing his slightly dazed eyes to gradually condense, and an increasingly dazzling aura of wisdom began to shine in the depths of his eyes.

"The feeling is finally back..." Luo Fan couldn't help but let out a long breath as he felt that almost every abnormality could comprehend some mystery, get some kind of gain, and let Ze Zhi's world view be faintly touched. tone.

His heart moved slightly, and the question he wanted to figure out before resurfaced in his heart.

As this question emerged, the method to find the answer emerged from his heart at this moment.

An inexplicable confidence emerged in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his heart moved slightly, and a thought was transmitted into the light of heaven and earth.

With the introduction of this idea, the light of heaven and earth began to slowly converge, and the various corresponding changes that originally appeared on the light of heaven and earth began to gradually calm down.

In the end, the light of heaven and earth completely turned into a cool, water-like brilliance, forming a disk-like shape and hanging on the back of his head. Only the slight squirming like a living creature could tell that it was the light of heaven and earth. , rather than some kind of fairy light or divine light!

During this process, the offensive derived from the countless boundless darkness that originally enveloped the surroundings also began to gradually converge.

As the light of heaven and earth finally turned into a disk-like shape and hung behind his head, the endless offensives around him also converged to a rather gentle state, only forming a faint crushing effect on Luo Fan. On the body, it also acts on the disc that turns into the light of heaven and earth!

"Sure enough, as I thought, the stronger the resistance, the stronger the attack will be!" Luo Fan smiled slightly and thought in his mind.

As he thought this, the light of heaven and earth in the back of his head once again converged, and finally only a faint, vague, like candle-like brilliance remained behind his head, slowly expanding and contracting. That’s all.

And with this change, the crushing power that still existed originally has been reduced to almost nothing.

The light crushing just now can also make Luo Fan feel strong pressure, so that he must mobilize his strong will to support his body in order to defend himself. But now, this crushing force has made him no longer feel any pressure.

He is suspended here, and the almost non-existent crushing force is only equivalent to tens of thousands of times the gravity of the earth, and it is not even enough to make him feel pressure...

"How can we find the essence without direct contact?" Luo Fan raised his hand and grasped it, and a ball of darkness fell into his hands.

This kind of darkness was incomparably wonderful, as smooth as silk in his hands. With a slight pinch, a huge backlash force surged out from it and acted on his hands.

His heart moved slightly, and his perception poured directly into the darkness in his hands.

The moment his perception was poured into it, he felt a similar perception pouring into his body. As he examined the darkness, this perception was also examining his body at the same time...

"Completely relative feedback? It's really not an ordinary place." Feeling this unusual feeling, Luo Fan couldn't help but praise.

He didn't care about the situation inside his body being sensed.

Because, to him, the secret of his body is completely worth mentioning! He doesn't need to worry about any existence that might cause him trouble by peeking into his physical condition...

After all, for Luo Fan today, what is really important has become the completely inseparable world view of Zizhi.

Everything else can be destroyed and reborn for him... Even his body in reality at this moment is the same!

With such confidence, even if there were other beings who sensed him like this, he would at most feel that it was rude and a little offensive to him. What's more, it was this strange place that sensed him, so how could he possibly be more... care?

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