Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2472 Light Curtain

In Luo Fan's feeling, a hundred years have passed unknowingly.

During the past hundred years, the ship continued to accelerate under the influence of his conceptual powers. Later, its speed had reached an incredible level, leaving a trail invisible to the naked eye on the dark sea below. The scratches at the end. The smell of riding the wind and waves is so strong!

After such a voyage to celebrate the New Year, the originally unchanged scenery ahead gradually changed.

An extremely broad light curtain stretched across the front, blocking out the sky and the sun!

"Is that the goal of this ship taking people through? Is it also the ultimate secret of this darkness?" Looking at that scene, Luo Fan showed a look of anticipation on his face.

However, despite his expectations, he did not lose his composure.

After all, he knew very well that although the screen of light seemed to be extremely vast here, covering the sky and the sun, and seemed to be extremely close, it was just an illusion of sight.

In fact, the distance between the light curtain and his current location was still extremely far!

Such a long distance is not worth it for him to lose his composure at this time...

Sure enough, things developed just as he thought. Even though he saw the existence of the light curtain early, it still took him nearly a hundred years to finally come to the light curtain!

You know, in the past hundred years, this ship has been accelerating. Although the time seems not much different from the previous hundred years, due to the difference in speed, the distance traveled by the ship in these hundred years is several times longer than the first hundred years!

When he arrived here, his vision in front was completely filled by this huge light curtain.

The infinitely dark liquid below is illuminated by the light emitted by this light curtain, but it reveals an inexplicable beauty. The darkness that was originally so penetrating has unknowingly turned into an extremely attractive one. The scenery...

The screen of light in front of him was so wonderful that Luo Fan could only see it with his eyes, but could not sense it with other senses...

His naked eyes could clearly see the light curtain, but his perception did not see the existence of the light curtain at all.

In his perception, the place where the light curtain was was empty, it was simply nothingness.

My heart moved slightly, and the conceptual supernatural power that was constantly urging the sailboat to accelerate suddenly stopped at this moment, and then turned its direction. From the original continuous urge to accelerate the sailboat, it turned to another direction and began to release its power. In turn, it pushes the canvas, creating a resistance that continuously slows down the forward speed of the sailboat.

Although this light curtain was his target, he was too cautious to rush directly into it without any understanding. But you must use some means to study the nature of the light curtain, and guess what you may encounter when entering the light curtain before deciding whether to rush into the light curtain...

Even if he may not be able to find any secrets in it, he will never miss this process to get the truth of this light curtain!

Slowing this ship down isn't hard. After all, when the ship accelerates, it will encounter resistance from the sea water below, and this resistance slows down the ship's progress all the time. If there is no power, this ship will gradually stop as time goes by. Now that there is resistance from the concept of supernatural power, the speed of the ship will naturally become more obvious...

However, even so, after two hundred years of acceleration, such a small distance is not enough for the ship to stop completely when it reaches the light curtain.

Therefore, Luo Fan's heart moved slightly during the process, and he directly twisted the sail of the ship and began to change the direction of the ship, causing it to rush straight towards the light curtain instead of rushing towards it. Follow the light curtain and move towards the direction where the light curtain extends.

His plan went very smoothly. In the end, just before the ship was about to hit the light curtain,

Its direction was finally completely reversed to a direction parallel to the light curtain, and it began to move rapidly toward Luo Fan's original left direction against the light curtain. Looking at its forward posture, it is also riding the wind and waves...

It took several more years before the ship truly stopped.

However, even so, Luo Fan was still unwilling to stop the conceptual magical power acting on the canvas, but still used the conceptual magical power to form an obstacle to the canvas.

After all, the water in this river flows. If there was no resistance acting on the canvas, it would be impossible for the ship to be fixed in one position, but would inevitably be gradually brought into the light curtain by the current.

In that case, the results of his previous years of hard work will naturally become in vain.

The ship stopped next to the huge light curtain. Luo Fan's heart moved slightly, and he came to the edge of the ship, raising his hand to explore the light curtain.

For him now, the light curtain in front of him is already extremely attractive to him.

In particular, the reaction force caused by not coming into contact with this light screen for several years has made him unable to suppress the urge to come into contact with this light screen at this time.

The moment his palm touched the light curtain, he suddenly felt a strange feeling of warmth coming from his hand.

This kind of warmth was so strange that even if he had already made preparations and arranged all his defenses, this kind of warmth was still directly transmitted into his heart, making all his defenses turn into clouds. , it has no effect at all!

Obviously, this kind of warmth was not just a feeling of his, but some extremely deep concept. The moment he came into contact with the light curtain, it directly eroded Luo Fan's mind and made him feel like this. The feeling of warmth!

This kind of erosion was so absolute and so strong, it felt like a world was pressing down on him, making him not know where to put his force if he wanted to resist.

Fortunately, this kind of erosion is just a warm feeling, but it does not contain anything else. It does not trigger his own sense of danger, nor does it affect his clarity of will.

"It's really strange. Although I can't feel it, it can erode my perception." Feeling this change, this thought flashed in Luo Fan's mind.

At first glance, the light curtain in front of me is an extremely pure light. There seems to be no more details or more complex structures in it. But, obviously, how could an existence with such weird characteristics come from pure light?

Feeling the harmless erosion of the light curtain on his soul, Luo Fan's heart moved, and he gradually inserted his arm into the light curtain, wanting to break through the light curtain and sense what was behind the light curtain.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...

Instantly, a strange soft sound came from his hand.

With this soft sound, his palms were instantly twisted apart by various indescribable powers, and his feeling on the palms completely disappeared at this moment...

"Chaos!" The term appeared in Luo Fan's mind at this moment.

His heart moved slightly, and he retracted his arm directly, only to see that it was empty from his elbow down.

The forearms and palms that originally existed in this position have disappeared without a trace.

The fracture was extremely weird, not smooth, but not too jagged either. It felt like it had been corroded by some kind of existence.

Even no blood could be seen flowing out of the fracture, as if the fracture had been completely blocked by some extremely strange mechanism!

"Sure enough, it is a state of chaos! Behind this light curtain, there is a state of chaos!" Looking at this scene, Luo Fan's eyes narrowed.

From the fracture of this arm, he could clearly feel the traces of chaos left in it!

Although this trace is not clear, ordinary monks would probably ignore it completely. But for Luo Fan, with his familiarity with the state of chaos, he can clearly sense the charm of the state of chaos!

Even through the analysis of the wound, he could roughly analyze how the state of chaos eroded, assimilated, and then completely swallowed up his forearm and palm...

"How could it be like this? It shouldn't be?" Looking at this scene, Luo Fan couldn't help but feel inexplicable doubts.

You know, even in this road of Taoism, it is not difficult for a being of Luo Fan's level to enter a state of chaos.

He only needs to use means to collapse a certain layer of void in the Taoist Road, until it collapses to a point where it cannot be broken, and he will naturally be able to connect to the chaotic state. At that time, whether he wants to enter it or do any experiments, he can do it. Can do it easily.

In this case, where is the need for such a long river to connect the chaotic state? !

"Am I wrong? This is not the goal, but the starting point?" This idea resurfaced in Luo Fan's mind at this time.

He guessed that this direction was the target of the river, and the reason was none other than the direction of the river's flow.

After all, the river flows towards the light curtain from another direction, and the water in the river has the transcendent nature of this sailing ship. It is obvious that the purpose of this river's existence is to bring some kind of existence into existence. Bring it to where this light curtain is, or in other words, to the existence behind this light curtain!

However, if what is behind this light curtain is a state of chaos, then something is obviously wrong.

If we were to enter a state of chaos, where would we need this river? Where not?

After thinking for a long time, Luo Fan took a long breath. The light of heaven and earth that had been looming behind his head began to gradually solidify, and once again turned into a clear, water-like disk that squirmed slightly behind his head, as if it was a living thing. It seems that the thing is thinking about something.

Then, a root stretched out from the light of heaven and earth, inserted into the light curtain, and got into it in the blink of an eye.

As the root entered the light curtain, the light curtain shook slightly, and there seemed to be circles of ripples starting from the place where it was inserted and spreading in all directions...

However, Luo Fan obviously had no intention of paying attention to these ripples at this time. At this time, he was already shocked by what was projected in the disk and what the roots touched.

That root had already entered a world of light at this time, a world covered by endless light, with only light!

Through the perspective of this root, he can see that the inside of this light curtain is like an extremely vast world. The root extends for countless trillions of light years without ever touching the end of the light curtain. It is out of reach. The existence behind the light curtain!

This performance is fundamentally different from when he stretched his arm into it before.

You know, his previous arm stretched into it, but it only extended a few inches, and it had already come into contact with the existence behind it, which was most likely in a state of chaos...

"I don't believe it." With a thought in his heart, Luo Fan continued to activate the light of heaven and earth, letting the roots extended by the light of heaven and earth continue to accelerate and spread towards the depths of the light of heaven and earth, and he would not give up until it reached the end. !

In this way, in Luo Fan's perception, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In ten years, if the roots were extended at this speed, even a vast area as vast as trillions of light-years would have been penetrated dozens of times.

However, at this time, this root was still in the endless light, unable to penetrate the world of light at all, unable to contact what was behind the light curtain, which he suspected was the state of chaos!

And the scene that appeared in the disk told him that the extension of the roots was not just an illusion. That root has indeed stretched for ten years, and its extending distance has reached the point of countless trillions of light years...

It can be said that at this moment, at a glance, you can only see the endless roots appearing in the disk, which looks like a line traversing the light of heaven and earth.

"It seems that this method is not feasible..." Looking at this scene, Luo Fan could only sigh and stopped this futile behavior.

Although he was determined not to give up until the end, but now that he has made no progress at all after ten years, it is obvious that there is some mechanism that prevents his approach from succeeding. If he continues, it is obvious that It's just a waste of time.

My heart moved slightly, and the light of heaven and earth was slightly withdrawn. The roots that were as long as countless trillions of light years were completely withdrawn in a flash, and they easily returned to the light of heaven and earth. among.

The whole process was countless times easier than the previous hardship and suffering.

And through the changes in light and shadow reflected on the light of heaven and earth during the process of retracting the root, Luo Fan was even more certain that the root had indeed spread for countless trillions of light years...

After taking it back, Luo Fan sighed and stepped out of the sailboat.

The moment he stepped out of the sailboat, powerful crushing force came from all directions and pressed directly on him.

The sound of rattling came continuously from his body, making his body feel an indescribable pain at this moment, as if his body would completely turn into powder and disappear completely in the next moment.

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