Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2475 Divine Dragon?

Although this countless information passed through the light of heaven and earth, it was not processed in any way by the light of heaven and earth. Instead, all the information was transferred directly to Luo Fan's heart and analyzed by him bit by bit.

This information is naturally extremely messy, and is filled with countless mysteries that Luo Fan cannot understand at all.

Only the occasional flashes of information that touched him and allowed him to vaguely understand something prevented him from completely being unable to understand the countless information.

Luo Fan had already felt this situation in his heart, but at this time he was not surprised at all.

Instead, he just followed the original method of obtaining this sailing ship and once again gathered this countless information into an ocean of information in his mind. The information that can touch you and make you seem to understand something in the process is turned into islands on the ocean of information and accumulated in one place...

This process is not complicated, but it is not a process that can be completed in a short time.

Time flies, and before you know it, a hundred years have passed.

In the past hundred years, the ocean of information accumulated in Luo Fan's heart has become so vast that it has brought huge spiritual pressure to him, making Luo Fan feel that his thinking seems to be slowing down due to the oppression of this ocean of information. .

But at a certain moment, his heart was shaken, and he suddenly felt that repeated messages began to be transmitted to him through the light of heaven and earth.

This repetition awakened Luo Fan from his original state of addiction, and his thinking gradually recovered: "Is this absorbing all the information? Impossible, right?"

Looking at the vast ocean of information and the endless islands dotted above the ocean, Luo Fan felt a little unbelievable.

Although this information ocean is vast and boundless, the information contained in it is extremely amazing, even beyond the level he can reach. However, it is completely different from its appearance!

You know, the appearance of existence is basically a state of chaos!

As a state of chaos, let alone just a hundred years, even if the time were tens of millions of times longer and turned into billions of years, he would not be able to fully absorb the information contained in it!

How could such a strange existence that looked like a state of chaos in front of us achieve such a result in just a hundred years?

How could he believe this?

His heart moved slightly, and after sensing for a few more days, he found that the information he received had appeared before and was repeated information. Only then did Luo Fan become truly convinced that he had collected all the information contained in this gray existence in the past hundred years. The information is absorbed.

And this also convinced him of one thing, that is, the gap between that gray existence and the true state of chaos cannot even be described by the words of heaven and earth!

In other words, this gray existence's simulation of a chaotic state is much worse than he imagined...

"It's actually like this. Such an extremely poor level of simulation can actually show such obvious characteristics of a chaotic state. Even the light of heaven and earth is somewhat unbearable. Whose method is this?" Luo Fan secretly sighed in his heart. , the look on his face became solemn.

This extremely deviant simulation was actually able to exhibit chaotic characteristics that far exceeded any simulated chaotic state he had encountered before. It must contain extremely profound secrets! This is both a good thing and a bad thing for Luo Fan now.

The good thing is that if he can obtain the secret, it will naturally give him a deeper understanding of the state of chaos and gain more understanding.

The bad thing is that this situation that he obviously cannot understand at all clearly means that the danger behind this existence is more serious and intense for him!

With a slight movement in his heart, he retracted the roots of the light of heaven and earth from the gray existence around him.

As the roots were retracted, the light of heaven and earth that had been continuously transmitted over the previous hundred years,

The extremely messy information was disconnected directly, making Luo Fan feel the relief he had not seen for a long time.

After disconnecting from the information, he focused his attention on the ocean of information and began to sort out the many islands.

Under his arrangement, the many islands gradually moved, and the connections between them gradually connected together. After a few months, countless islands scattered directly formed an extremely broken land!

A vast and broken piece of land that almost occupies a tenth of the entire information ocean!

After this piece of broken land appeared, Luo Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because, he suddenly discovered that the broken land actually outlined the appearance of a strange creature!

This strange creature looks like a dragon, with antlers and a snake body, winding and coiled. It seems to be shuttled in the clouds, and it seems to be traveling in the universe. It is mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful...

"It's actually a living thing..." Looking at this scene, even Luo Fan couldn't help but be a little shocked.

The existence of the divine dragon is an extremely terrifying creature for ordinary creatures or ordinary monks. It even represents holiness and power in itself.

However, to Luo Fan, who can open up the world at will, the dragon is just an ordinary creature. If he wanted to, he could create trillions of trillions with just a flick of his finger.

And now, in front of him, the gray existence that had blocked him for more than a hundred years actually contained information belonging to the image of a divine dragon. How could he not be shocked?

This is simply like a person who has worked hard to play a game and finally finds out that his opponent is nothing but a hair...

"Could it be that the divine dragon became a Taoist? But why didn't it transform into an innate Taoist body?" Luo Fan looked at the dilapidated Divine Dragon Continent and wondered in his mind what the existence that looked like a divine dragon was.

At this moment, his heart moved slightly, and the dragon-like broken continent began to tremble slightly.

The originally empty eyes gradually began to come to life.

Immediately afterwards, the entire divine dragon slowly squirmed, and finally seemed to have broken free from some shackles. It jumped up and directly broke away from the information ocean below, allowing the endless information in the information ocean to surge endlessly at this moment, like It was as if there was a powerful force stirring up this ocean of information just now.

A dragon roar came out of the divine dragon's mouth, and then, it opened its mouth and sucked in. An unimaginable suction force began to come out of the divine dragon's mouth, acting directly on the boundless ocean of information below, allowing this information to The infinite water in the ocean, that is, the infinite messy information that Luo Fan spent hundreds of years extracting from the gray existence, began to converge into a huge current, and was thrown towards the mouth of the dragon!

The sea water continuously poured into the mouth of the dragon, and poured into its body through its mouth.

With this change, the dragon's body seemed to be suddenly activated and began to slowly squirm, and the countless broken parts began to slowly shrink in the process.

There is some kind of extremely strange divine light that is constantly leaking out from the whole body of this dragon, making this dragon appear more sacred, more mysterious, and more incredible!

The dragon devoured the information ocean very quickly. In just a few days, the water in the information ocean was completely swallowed up.

And all the wounds on the dragon's body were completely healed because of this. The whole dragon seemed to be intact, and there was an aura of perfection and flawlessness all over his body.

And the dragon's eyes revealed a strange divine light.

It seems to have wisdom, but also seems to have no wisdom, which seems extremely weird.

Looking at this scene, Luo Fan's heart moved slightly, and the dragon composed of information rushed out of his mind, came directly to him, and landed on the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the boundless void around him began to be stirred, and it seemed that wisps of clouds were forming and began to wrap around the information dragon.

Even the black river water below seemed to have been touched at this time, and began to produce ripples in circles and spread in all directions. Even the light curtain in front seemed to be stirred at this time, with circles of ripples...

"It seems that the being who created the gray starry sky has some very strange connection with this dragon." At this moment, this thought flashed through Luo Fan's mind.

Although this dragon-like information is mysterious and incredible, it is still just information after all. For Luo Fan, it is still under his complete control. Even though it seemed to have some autonomy at this time, it could not escape Luo Fan's control.

It is precisely because of this absolute control that Luo Fan didn't care about the changing appearance of the dragon at this time, and just focused on studying the nature of the information dragon and its magical uses.

With a slight movement in his heart, the dragon escaped from his hand and rushed towards the light curtain in front.

At this moment, the light curtain seemed to be afraid of the divine dragon, and it actively opened a small hole, allowing the divine dragon to pass directly through.

In the process of passing through the light curtain, the dragon did not pass through the light space and time at all, and did not even feel the thin barrier. It directly entered the gray starry sky and entered, that The location where a sailing ship is now!

The dragon entered it, opened its mouth wide and began to suck in the gray existence around it.

In just the blink of an eye, he swallowed a large amount of gray existence into his belly, enriching his original information body, making this dragon look like a real dragon of flesh and blood!

However, the surrounding gray beings still did not reject the divine dragon even after such a change. The divine dragon did not receive any obstruction or pressure at all, but felt like a fish in water, feeling extremely comfortable. Extremely easy.

"In this case, we should be able to reach the source easily." Luo Fan sensed all this, and this thought flashed in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the divine dragon twisted its body slightly, and rushed back to the light screen, and came back to Luo Fan.

At this time, this divine dragon was no longer the compact figure that could be held in the palm of the hand, but had turned into a behemoth hundreds of feet long!

Luo Fan's heart moved slightly, he stepped forward lightly, and came directly to the top of the dragon's head, standing directly between the two dragon horns.

Immediately afterwards, he urged the divine dragon, and the divine dragon took his body and rushed directly into the light curtain, arriving at the gray starry sky in a blink of an eye.

The moment he stepped here, Luo Fan felt that there was some kind of strange protective blessing on him, completely separating himself from the gray starry sky around him.

This kind of protection is none other than the protection released by the dragon at his feet at this moment.

Under this kind of protection, the gray starry sky around him could no longer exert any pressure on him, but it made him feel as relaxed and comfortable as if he were in ordinary void, without feeling any discomfort.

With a slight movement in his heart, he raised his hand, and the sailboat had shrunk back along with the roots of the light of heaven and earth. In one contraction, it turned into a small pocket shape, and Luo Fan took it back into his sleeve. .

And the roots sent out by the Light of Heaven and Earth have been taken back into the Light of Heaven and Earth.

After taking back the sailboat, Luo Fan no longer hesitated and directly urged the dragon under his feet to head towards the deepest part of the chaotic starry sky.

This divine dragon is formed by the information contained in the surrounding gray existence combined with the gray existence itself. It seems to be very different from the gray existence around it, but in essence it is the same gray existence around it!

Because the essence of the two is so similar, the gray beings around them completely regard this dragon as the same kind, and also regard Luo Fan, who is guarded by the dragon, as the same kind! In this way, naturally he will not oppress this dragon, nor will he oppress Luo Fan...

Luo Fan had actually expected this. Otherwise, he would not have followed the dragon into this chaotic starry sky so easily...

After all, under normal circumstances, he would have to conduct more experiments before he could step into it personally. Just like before, we used the light of heaven and earth and the sailboat to explore the path first.

This divine dragon was at home in the chaotic starry sky, and its flying speed was unimaginable.

In just a few days, they had already leapt across a distance of countless billions of light-years, and gradually approached the depths of the starry sky where Luo Fan had discovered the secret during his previous exploration.

The closer to this location, the richer the gray existence becomes, and the more intense the changes are.

The forward speed of your divine dragon will naturally be affected by the stronger and stronger influence, and the speed will become slower and slower.

This situation is actually normal. Although it is of the same nature, it does not mean that progress will not be affected. Just like the diffusion of smoke from a thicker area to a lighter area, if the dragon wants to move from a lighter gray area to a thicker area, it obviously needs to overcome the concentration difference between the two...

As he got closer and closer to the core, Luo Fan gradually saw the situation where the core was.

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