Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2488 Missing key steps? !

Luo Fan's expression froze slightly when he heard the words coming from the two groups of light.

A monk's memory is not eternal. It will fade little by little over time and eventually disappear completely. However, the more powerful the monk, the slower and slower this forgetting speed will be.

If it is as powerful as Luo Fan's current level, although its memory has not reached the state of eternity, it cannot be completely forgotten in a short billions of years.

The aftermath of the battle between these two groups of light could create such a vast world and spawn so many strong men of three tribulations and four tribulations. It is obvious that their strength is at least no worse than Luo Fan.

They will forget the reason for fighting. The fighting will last much longer than they imagined!

It would be a huge fallacy to measure the duration of their battle based on the history of the outside world.

Based on Luo Fan's observation of the world outside, although that world has gone through countless trillions of years since its birth, it is enough for ordinary monks to think that it has been an eternity. However, for a monk of Luo Fan's level, even if this period of time increases hundreds of millions of times, it is probably not enough to make him forget the memory of the beginning!

Judging from this situation, it is obvious that this world is not the first world born from the aftermath of the battle between these two groups of rays of light!

Perhaps, before this world, there were countless billions of worlds born, but in the endless years, or due to various accidents, or because the battle situation between the two groups of light changed, those worlds were The fragments disappeared, and in the end only the current world was left, inheriting the status of countless previous worlds...

At this time, it became obvious why the two groups of light were still obsessed with justice and injustice, humans and non-humans.

Because they have forgotten the memory before the battle, for them, from the time they were born, they naturally only had each other, this place, and this battle!

Everything else except this has completely disappeared from their memory...

"Since you have forgotten the reason, why don't you turn your hostility into friendship?" Luo Fan sighed and said.

"Absolutely impossible!" Both lights spoke at the same time. Moreover, the words were consistent and full of determination!

"Although I have forgotten the reason,

But unlike him, Dai Tian's emotions have been engraved into my origin. If I can't destroy him, everything I do will be meaningless! "

Then, the blue light said this.

Hearing this, the green light sneered and said, "What a coincidence, I thought so too."

Luo Fan looked at them, shook his head and sighed, and said: "In that case, I don't care about the outcome between you. I just need you to make way for me to pass."

The two groups of light stagnated slightly, and then the green light asked: "What road? Where does it lead?"

"Of course it leads to the depths of this mountain. Don't you know that you are guarding the surface of this mountain?" Luo Fan just said.

"Mountain? What mountain? What mountain are we on now?" Another group of light was even more surprised.

Obviously, they have now completely forgotten the fact that where they are is a mountain. For them at this moment, their world is only the world of endless reincarnation, and they are only hostile to each other...

"This road is right behind you." Luo Fan understood their behavior very well and just reminded them.

The two groups of light stagnated for a while, and each sneered and said: "Forget it, although I have forgotten those memories, I feel that I will never let you get what you want. If you let you get what you want, we will be incomparable in the future. regret."

The two groups of rays of light had been fighting for countless trillions of years, but at this time they actually had an incomparable tacit understanding, and they both rejected Luo Fan's proposals without hesitation.

Looking at their performance, although Luo Fan was disappointed, he was not surprised after all.

It is absolutely impossible for these two powerful beings who are no less powerful than him to fight without any reason. The fact that their fight took place here represents a great possibility, that is, they are most likely fighting over this mountain!

Since it is for this mountain, even if they forget the original reason and the reason for fighting, the instinct to take this mountain as their own will never disappear.

Under such circumstances, when someone wants to bypass them and enter the deeper layers of this mountain to take possession of this mountain as their own, it will inevitably trigger their instincts and will inevitably encounter their opposition!

Even the battle they have continued for so many years may change because of this opportunity...

Of course, even though he knew this would happen, Luo Fan never gave up the idea of ​​going to the depths of the mountain.

After all, he came here this time to explore the true mystery of this chaotic starry sky. Now that he has come to the core of the core, how can he give up his goal because of some obstacles?

This is true even if the obstacle seems to be two strong men no less powerful than him...

At that moment, he said: "Why bother? You two have obviously forgotten the reason for fighting and your own identities. Maybe you exist to lead others into the mountain. Why block it?" Am I in it?"

"I just forgot my memory, but I didn't become a fool." The blue light sneered.

What Luo Fan could guess was that the azure light had a Taoist realm no less than his. How could he not feel anything?

After knowing that there might be a strange mountain behind it, the two groups of light simultaneously guessed that the beginning of their battle with the enemy who had been entangled for countless trillions of years might actually be to compete for this place. A mountain peak…

Even if they couldn't be sure, just such an idea was enough for them to decide to prevent any other living beings from crossing them and entering the mountain.

As for what Luo Fan said, that they may exist to lead others into the mountain, they would never agree with it, whether it is logical speculation or their own wishes...

Looking at their performance, Luo Fan knew that it was impossible to pass through them easily.

At the moment, I could only shake my head helplessly.

His roots of the light of heaven and earth trembled slightly, instantly generating a huge pulling force. Starting from this position, it was transmitted to the surface of the lake and to the main body of the light of heaven and earth!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fan's true body, together with the light of heaven and earth, followed the roots of the light of heaven and earth in a flash, and came directly to the core of the lake, where the two groups of light were fighting. The strange battlefield is directly integrated with his sensory incarnation...

This location seems very small from the outside, only a few hundred feet in diameter. But in fact, the internal time and space, rules and regulations, and everything else have been distorted by the terrifying power.

It looks small from the outside, but when you really step inside, you will find that the inside is enough to fill hundreds of millions of square meters of the vast world outside this core!

Those two groups of light appear to be nothing more than that from the outside. After stepping inside, you will find that those two groups of light are even more huge than you can imagine. They can only be measured with the volume of hundreds of millions of square meters of heaven and earth... …

This can actually be seen from the comparison between the size of the light group and the volume of the core area.

It can be said that as soon as you step into this core area, you will immediately find that the seemingly vast world before is actually just like a thin film on the outer layer of this core area...

This contrast in size is extremely consistent with the fact that the world is formed by the aftermath of the battle between these two groups of rays of light.

At this time, Luo Fan had already stepped into this area under the protection of the light of heaven and earth.

"Although I have no memory, I always feel that your practice seems to be missing a key step." The blue light said at this time.

Following these words, two huge auras emitted from the two groups of light, pressing hard towards Luo Fan!

Quack, quack, quack…

At this time, various strange sounds continued to come from the surface of the light of heaven and earth around Luo Fan's body. Faintly, there are even traces of cracks appearing on the surface of the light of heaven and earth, as if the light of heaven and earth is beginning to crack under the pressure of this momentum, and will eventually break!

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan was slightly startled at first, and then he showed an inexplicable smile.

Because, he has discovered that this kind of crack seems very serious and incredible, but in fact, it is just a thin layer on the surface of the light of heaven and earth!

If compared with the human body, I am afraid that even the surface layer of skin has not penetrated...

Such an influence was nothing to the light of heaven and earth, and he didn't have any strange feeling at all. In this way, it is self-evident how much impact this pressure of momentum has on him.

"Sure enough, if there is a certain key step, how could you be so fragile?" The light group sighed.

At this time, the strange structures in the depths of the two groups of light began to condense, and eventually, two figures emerged from each.

One of them is the figure of a huge ape. The other one is a humanoid, an innate Taoist body that looks like Luo Fan!

The ape's appearance is somewhat similar to that of the strange beast king. But the appearance of the humanoid creature is somewhat similar to that of the young city lord!

Of course, they are just similar. No matter what aspect they look like, they are many times more superior than the two beast kings and the young city lord who are similar to them! Just standing there, the two of them gave people a feeling that among the infinite world and infinite creatures, only they were truly perfect and absolutely noble!

Even though he has no longer released his huge momentum like before, it still gives people a great pressure...

"Is this my true body? Something feels wrong..." The humanoid creature murmured at this time, with a look that seemed confused and confused.

At this time, the ape-like creature was also carefully examining its own body, and seemed to be confused and puzzled.

At this time, Luo Fan could clearly feel that these two groups of light had undergone various subtle changes after they condensed into the form of the living beings. A feeling of light belonging to heaven and earth emerged from scratch and appeared here. Above the two groups of light, the two groups of light look more and more like the light of heaven and earth...

"No way..." Looking at this scene, Luo Fan's eyes flashed with a hint of disbelief.

Looking at the changes in the two groups of light, looking at the images of the creatures inside the two groups of light, he had a bold guess in his heart. Even if he thought about it, he felt that the possibility of this guess was too low. guess!

"No, this may have been my true body before, but now, it is no longer..." the ape-like creature said at this time.

Following these words, his body shook slightly, and then violently disintegrated, turning into endless fragments, completely integrated into the surrounding green light.

As the fragments of his body merged, the aura of light from heaven and earth that emerged from the green light group began to diminish rapidly. In the blink of an eye, what Luo Fan had first seen was restored. The appearance that arrived once again revealed the feeling from the beginning!

At this time, the humanoid creature seemed to have made the same judgment, and its body also collapsed and merged into the surrounding light group, causing the light group to undergo similar changes at this moment. The aura of light from heaven and earth began to dissipate, and the aura that belonged to Luo Fan when he first saw it began to reappear.

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan confirmed his previous guess, and his eyes turned pitiful when looking at the two groups of light.

"He actually completely integrated himself with the light of heaven and earth... No wonder he forgot the past so completely... This is obviously that he has been completely assimilated by the will of heaven and earth..."

Thinking like this, he no longer asked these two groups of rays of light what the key step he was missing was.

According to their thoughts, the key step they are missing may be the step of completely integrating their own design with the light of heaven and earth...

But, obviously, for Luo Fan, who has reorganized the relationship between the light of heaven and earth and himself, he is absolutely insensitive to the complete integration with the light of heaven and earth.

After all, although the light of heaven and earth was condensed by him, its essence is much higher than him. Not to mention other things, the will of heaven and earth within it is no longer something that his will as a living being can completely subdue!

If he is completely integrated with it, what awaits him will be assimilation by the will of heaven and earth!

By then, he may think that he still has his own consciousness, but it has become some kind of projection of the will of heaven and earth...

With this kind of outcome, unless he gave up on himself, how could he choose?

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