Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2490 4 figures

However, as the blood-red ray of light, representing the greed and anger in the hearts of these two groups of rays of light, was wiped out, the two groups of rays of light fell into a coma...

Seeing that the two monks had fallen into a coma, Luo Fan's heart moved, and the countless roots spread throughout the vast and boundless void trembled slightly, and then they seemed to disappear in an instant, and were completely taken back from heaven and earth. The light is inside.

In the blink of an eye, the weird and terrifying feeling in the void had disappeared...

With a light step, Luo Fan stepped directly onto the road that appeared in the crack in the void.

The moment he set foot on that road, an unspeakable aura enveloped him.

Even the light of heaven and earth had no reaction to this breath at this time, allowing this breath to come into direct contact with him!

With this change, he instantly felt a lightness all over his body. The feeling of restriction that existed before completely disappeared at this moment, as if some invisible shackles were opened at this moment.

Under this change, he felt an inexplicable feeling. His strength is no longer limited to the level of a powerful person who has entered the tribulation, but has completely restored his peak strength! That is, the strength of the six calamity experts!

Then, with a sweep of his senses, he found that the light and shadow around him had completely changed. The original boundless void and the two groups of light had completely disappeared.

The location he was at at this moment was on top of a strange mountain peak.

This mountain peak is extremely huge, and it feels as if it is as huge as millions of square meters of heaven and earth.

Even Luo Fan looks extremely small compared to this mountain...

Looking up, above his head was the boundless chaotic starry sky!

The starry sky is dotted with little bits of light, just like the countless stars in the starry sky. And Luo Fan could see at a glance that those lights seemed to be very ordinary lights at first glance, but in fact, they were pieces of strange space. There may be everything in the world, and there may even be infinite sentient beings in it!

Looking back, behind him, just above the top of the mountain, there were two strange clouds of smoke intertwining and mixing, fighting each other, and supporting each other...

Look at the appearance,

He seemed to have just stepped out of the two fogs.

Seeing this scene, Luo Fan still didn't understand what these two fogs were? Those two mists clearly represent the things formed by the two monks who have been fighting here for countless billions of years and have completely merged with their own light of heaven and earth!

The process of these two fogs fighting each other and supporting each other is obviously the appearance of the two monks who have been attacking each other for countless billions of years and supporting each other to survive...

Luo Fan's current location is also on a strange road above this mountain.

This road was different from any road he had seen before in any part of the world.

Every inch of it seems to contain infinite heaven and earth, billions of worlds.

Standing on this road, I am faintly enduring the oppression of the infinite world and billions of worlds all the time, and feeling the infinite mystery that exists within it!

"What a wonderful mountain." Looking at this scene, even Luo Fan couldn't help but admire it.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that there were infinitely profound truths and mysteries inside this mountain peak. Among them, not only could he find the mysteries of the light of heaven and earth on the fifth level of the Taoist Road, but he could also find the fourth level. The infinite mysteries of the first level, the third level, the second level, and even the first level!

Even beyond that, there are some deeper and more complex mysteries that Luo Fan can't sense or understand, which exist in the deepest places, waiting for him to disintegrate and understand...

With a slight movement in his heart, Luo Fan stepped forward and followed the road towards the bottom of the mountain.

This mountain peak is as huge as thousands of squares of heaven and earth. Although this road is extraordinary, it is only as long as passing through a square of heaven and earth. Compared with this entire mountain peak, it is insignificant.

When Luo Fan finally reached the end of the road despite the boundless oppression and shock emanating from the road, he discovered that a pavilion appeared at this location.

This pavilion looks extremely ordinary and ordinary. It feels like any ordinary pavilion that may appear in a park in the mortal world.

The roof of the entire pavilion is in an octagonal shape, with ventilation on all sides. There is a stone table in the center and four stone benches around the stone table. Behind the stone bench and at the edge of the pavilion, there is a circle of long seats, completely covering the seven boundaries except the entrance.

"What a trick!" Seeing this pavilion, Luo Fan couldn't help but admire it.

This pavilion seems ordinary, but it can exist on this mountain and at the end of such a wonderful road. Naturally, it cannot be as ordinary as it seems on the surface.

In fact, in Luo Fan's eyes, this pavilion can be said to be the center, core, and even the origin of the entire road!

All the mysteries, all the wonders, all the power, all the power, all the magic on this road, and even the infinite heaven and earth and billions of worlds that seem to exist in it, all come from this pavilion!

The entire pavilion, whether it is material, structure, or everything else that can be thought of, contains endless mysteries and endless truths.

If it weren't for Luo Fan's light of heaven and earth being extremely extraordinary and countless times more powerful than the ordinary light of heaven and earth, he might have been struck by the infinite energy contained in this pavilion just by standing in front of it. The power shattered his body.

However, even with the light of heaven and earth guarding him, Luo Fan felt a steady stream of overwhelming pressure spreading from the pavilion, constantly acting on him.

With a slight movement in his heart, Luo Fan slowly stepped onto the pavilion.

The moment his footsteps landed on the pavilion, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the previously empty pavilion changed in an instant.

There seemed to be four figures appearing on the seats in the center of the pavilion, sitting there, talking loudly and talking about everything.

The moment he saw this scene, Luo Fan's light of heaven and earth began to flash crazily. The endless roots that were originally hidden in the invisible space completely emerged at this moment. Inside the light of heaven and earth, An extremely tight and stable network has been formed to support the light of heaven and earth!

At the same time, even if Luo Fan did not take the initiative to ask for information from the light of heaven and earth, there was endless information pouring into his heart crazily, crazily oppressing his soul and the origin of his life. The worldview that oppresses him!

In a daze, he even had the feeling that he would be overwhelmed by this information in the next moment!

"True Saint!" At this moment, these two words emerged from the boundless information, which shocked Luo Fan so much that he almost lost his mind completely.

After understanding that this endless information came from some kind of existence related to the true saint, how to deal with it was no longer a problem for him.

At this moment, his heart moved slightly. Unknown how many sharp blades of wisdom appeared above his head at this moment, slashing hard into his body. In the blink of an eye, they were already submerged, pouring those things into his heart continuously. Infinite information is constantly being destroyed!

This sharp blade of wisdom destroys information, but it has a special effect on the information he receives that is related to the true saint and that he cannot understand.

The moment the information came into contact with the sharp blade of wisdom, it was completely destroyed and completely disappeared without a trace.

However, at this time, the information was continuously pouring into his mind through his connection with the light of heaven and earth. No matter how much he killed, the same amount of information would flow in again, making those who almost destroyed him The information that completely filled his heart didn't seem to consume much, and it still filled his heart to the brim.

Of course, after all, the sharp blade of wisdom was constantly destroying the information, so the information did not really burst his mind after all. Although it was almost reaching the limit, there was still some room for improvement...

For this change, Luo Fan had naturally expected it. At this time, he did not feel discouraged or despaired. Instead, he quickly controlled the light of the sky and the earth to begin to quickly converge, turning the originally huge The incomparable light of heaven and earth completely disappeared at this time, leaving only a small thin ball in front of him, isolating him from the four figures in the center of the pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts were transmitted into the light of heaven and earth, and he tried his best to limit the information that the light of heaven and earth could transmit into his heart.

With these actions, the information poured into his mind finally began to slowly decrease.

After an unknown amount of time, the information finally disappeared under the sharp edge of wisdom, allowing Luo Fan's mind to regain clarity.

Of course, even at this time, there was still countless information pouring into his mind.

But, after all, it was no longer possible to defeat the killing blow of that wise sharp blade.

Therefore, as long as this sharp blade of wisdom can continuously destroy the newly added information in his mind at all times, then he will naturally be able to continue to maintain his sanity.

At this point, he breathed a sigh of relief, and finally used his own eyes for the first time to really look at the seat in the center of the pavilion in front of him, and at the four suspected true saints sitting around the seat.

The images of these four true saints are quite strange, and none of them looks like the innate Tao body that Luo Fan knows - that is, in human form.

From a human aesthetic point of view, the images of these four beings have nothing to do with beauty.

However, even if an ordinary person comes here and can truly see these four figures, no matter how picky an ordinary person is, he will never think that these four figures that do not conform to their aesthetic standards are related to ugliness. It doesn’t matter at all!

In fact, even if they are not in line with human aesthetics, the images of these four beings themselves represent some kind of perfection!

The moment any being sees them, they will have the feeling that this is the most perfect image in the world!

Looking at the figures of the four of them, Luo Fan confirmed his previous judgment that these four were true saints...

A true saint is a supreme being who can create heaven and earth in a state of chaos.

Such existences, their own image represents a certain perfect world, or even the innate Tao body of the great world!

In other words, although the image of such a being may be completely different from that of human beings, their own image has already become an innate Taoist body! That is, reaching a certain limit of perfection!

It is precisely because of this that the existence of these four figures in front of us, which are completely different from humans and even completely inconsistent with human aesthetics, gives people such a strange feeling.

"What a path to becoming a saint. Being able to cultivate such a monk has merits." At this time, one of the figures said this.

This voice was so mysterious that even after being isolated and extinguished by Luo Fan, after finally reaching Luo Fan's ears, it still brought an overwhelming flow of information, like a world-destroying wave, sweeping the world away. He was completely overwhelmed.

If he hadn't had the experience of talking to the will of heaven and earth early on, and the voice seemed to be spoken to him deliberately, it would be impossible for him to tell what the speaker was actually expressing.

"It seems that after this visit, fellow Taoists have become interested in the road to sainthood." Another figure chuckled.

This voice was more mysterious and terrifying than the previous words spoken by the figure, and the impact on Luo Fan was also more powerful, causing him to almost completely lose the ability to think at this moment.

After that, several other people seemed to say something.

However, all this is completely meaningless to Luo Fan. Because he had temporarily lost his thinking ability, it was impossible to hear these sounds. Moreover, they seemed to have no intention of saying this to Luo Fan anymore. The information contained in it had not been simplified at all. Even if he had the ability to think, it was impossible to understand the meaning clearly.

I don't know how long it took, but when Luo Fan gradually regained his breath, he found that the surroundings had completely returned to normal.

The pavilion in front of him has returned to the empty appearance he saw at the beginning.

The four figures that were completely inconsistent with human aesthetics, but also exuded a sense of incomparable perfection, had completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

At this time, the two sentences he heard before resurfaced and reverberated in his heart, and he began to analyze the subtext contained in them bit by bit.

"I see, no wonder this mountain is so mysterious..." As he analyzed some things, he felt that the fog that originally covered his eyes had almost completely dissipated, and there were all kinds of things that he had never thought of before and could not understand at all. Things suddenly become so natural.

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