Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2492 Reflection and Breakthrough

It took quite a while before Luo Fan's figure appeared in reality. However, the location where it appeared was no longer on the stone bench, but at the entrance of the gazebo.

"It's almost over..." When he came back to his senses, looking at the gazebo, Luo Fan's expression became extremely serious.

You know, if the power just a little bit stronger, then what awaits him will be completely dead, his soul will be scattered, and he will never be reborn!

At that time, all the traces he left in the infinite world will be completely erased, and even all the things he has participated in and changed will be restored. Countless worlds will even be reshuffled because of this...

This kind of result, even if he just thinks about it, he can't help secretly fearing it.

"It seems that I am inflated. I think that I have many levels of connection and communication as my trump card, and I am almost immortal. I have lost the fear that I should have in my heart..." This thought came from the bottom of his heart in the next instant. Coming out, his eyes became solemn unconsciously.

If it hadn't been for what happened today, Luo Fan would still not be aware of this change in his mentality.

Seeing this clearly now, he started to feel uncontrollably afraid.

Thinking about it carefully, since no one knows when, he seems to have no scruples about death anymore. Even, when he absorbed the information on the table before, he used death to heap it up, and finally spent an unknown number of trillions of deaths before he finally obtained a bit of information that can only be called vague... …

At that time, he felt that this was nothing, and he even faintly felt inexplicably satisfied and even proud that he could use so many deaths in exchange for this information—satisfaction and pride for his firm Dao heart and complete heart...

But, thinking about it now, did I really have no way to accept this information at that time? Can it really only be piled up with the number of deaths?

Obviously, the answer is no.

Even now, he can come up with various possible effective ways to safely receive this information just by thinking about it for a while! For example, he can separate and project his avatar, for example, he can refine some magic weapons that specifically bear information, and for example, he can even use the light of the sky and earth to accommodate these information...

This is just the result of his thinking for a while now.

If he thinks about it further,

According to the environment of the gazebo and the nature of the information to deduce, there are more ways to choose.

However, he didn't think about this at all at the time, but after knowing that death can be used to pile up the final result, he didn't care about other possibilities at all, and just went to the dark to pile up with death!

This choice, in his opinion now, is quite a stupid choice.

There are too many unexpected places where there may be accidents...

Among other things, if the information contains some mysteries that he doesn't understand, it can cause damage to his mind that even the barriers between layers can't block, or, even with the help of connections between layers, it can recover. If the damage could not be completely eliminated even in the past, then it would be too late for him to regret it now.

But this kind of possible special damage is actually nothing to worry about. It is a kind of injury that is very likely to exist!

Among other things, it doesn't need to be too magical, as long as there is a bit of mystery in the ray of power that Luo Fan encountered when he sat on the stone bench just now, it will be enough for Luo Fan to walk away.

Reflecting on his various behaviors in his heart, Luo Fan's cold sweat has soaked his clothes unknowingly.

Although it was quickly wiped away by the power on his body, the appearance of these cold sweats was already enough to make him embarrassed.

"I'm really lucky to be able to live till now..." After a long time, he let out a long sigh, and his expression became inexplicably complicated.

At this time, the faint aura coming out of his body has become more condensed and purer, and the traces of emptiness that were originally indiscernible have disappeared without a trace.

And in his heart, he suddenly felt that the realm of Taoism that he hadn't moved for a long time seemed to have loosened a little.

Obviously, although this process of introspection didn't improve him much, it has already made up for some of his previously undetectable weaknesses. Because these weaknesses have been made up for, his realm of Taoism naturally has a feeling of going up...

"It is necessary to seek comprehension and touch from the outside, but at the same time, it is also essential to seek comprehension from the inside." For a moment, an inexplicable understanding emerged in his heart.

With a slight movement in his heart, Luo Fan sat down cross-legged in front of the gazebo, closed his eyes, and began to observe his own mind from the very subtle point, to observe all the thoughts deep in his heart, all thoughts...

This discovery already made him extremely vigilant.

The experience just now made him realize that his mentality towards death has unconsciously become so impetuous and contemptuous. But, who can be sure that his mind has no other weaknesses besides this one unconsciously planted? Who can guarantee that his mind has been completely restored to a perfect state?

Obviously, including Luo Fan himself, no existence dares to make such a guarantee.

That being the case, since Luo Fan has already thought of this possibility now, Luo Fan, who is dedicated to growth and self-improvement, naturally cannot let go of this opportunity. Of course, he must reorganize his heart and tidy up his countless years All kinds of habits that have been planted unconsciously.

As for the traces of the true sage on this mountain, and the perfect opportunity for the light of heaven and earth to exist at its core, everything is nothing compared to his own growth?

Not to mention just delaying for a while, even if he completely gave up this opportunity for the sake of observing himself, he would never hesitate at all!

Luo Fan has experienced an unknown number of billions of billions of trillions of years since he stepped into the practice.

During such a long time, the memories he has accumulated, the traces of countless experiences left on his mind, have already reached a level that almost all living beings can't imagine...

If you want to thoroughly investigate all of this, find out your own truth, and find your own truth, the complexity is many times more complicated than experiencing it all again! Needless to say, it takes a long time.

When Luo Fan observed his own soul like this, time passed year by year.

Before you know it, millions of years have passed.

During these million years, Luo Fan remained motionless, only an inexplicable brilliance gradually emerged from his body, enveloping the time and space within a few feet around his body, making the area several feet away The space-time within the scope is separated from the space-time of the outside world, becoming two completely independent parts.

The brilliance emanating from his body is so mysterious, its essence is the most refined and pure, the highest and the highest, the strongest and the most holy, the most mysterious and wonderful.

Although it may be far inferior to the light of heaven and earth in essence, even the looming light of heaven and earth shows a tendency to give in when facing a kind of light, as if even the light of heaven and earth is unwilling It's normal to match this kind of mysterious brilliance.

Such a mysterious light, even in this place, on this incomparably weird road, in front of this incomparably magical gazebo, has a place.

No matter how oppressive the roads and gazebos are, the light remains unwavering, and even expands outward as time goes by, bringing more and more areas into the range of the light, making the area covered by the light Expanding in all directions in an orderly manner...

Faintly, it even makes people feel that there seems to be endless mysteries of infinite heaven and earth, infinite world, and infinite time and space hidden in this light!

Even if it is the most refined and pure, the most supreme, the most powerful and holy, the most mysterious and wonderful, the feeling of hiding endless existence is still not affected in the slightest. On the contrary, it is because of these mysterious feelings that let the The feeling of hidden endless existence became more and more mysterious.

Time goes on and on.

By the time the brilliance released from Luo Fan's body had reached a radius of tens of thousands of feet, thirty million years had passed!

On this day, the brilliance that expanded to a radius of ten thousand zhang began to quickly converge.

Although this brilliance has expanded to such a wide range, because of the obstruction of the pavilion, the direction of its expansion can only turn to another direction opposite to the pavilion after reaching a certain level, that is, The road that leads to the gazebo expands past!

In this way, the contraction of the brilliance at this moment gives people the feeling that there is a huge suction force suddenly generated in the gazebo, and it begins to frantically swallow those things that have spread to the road and stretched ten thousand feet wide. The mystical brilliance of those people is average!

The scene looks quite weird...

For all of this, Luo Fan, who released these brilliance, completely ignored it.

At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

When his eyes were fully opened, the brilliance that had expanded to a radius of ten thousand zhang just happened to be completely submerged in his body, making him look like a very ordinary, very ordinary creature standing in the gazebo Before!

However, compared with more than 30 million years ago, Luo Fan's gaze has undergone tremendous changes now.

At this moment, his eyes are clear and bright, and the profound wisdom that originally existed in his eyes has been completely hidden. This makes him look like a creature who has just been born and used his own eyes to observe the world for the first time.

It seems that everything outside of himself is infinitely attractive to him, and he can find the fun he wants from it.

"It turns out that this is the consummation..." Looking around, feeling the ubiquitous Dao rhyme around him, and observing the beauty and touch that he had ignored before, this thought flashed in Luo Fan's mind.

For more than 30 million years, he thoroughly re-understood everything he had experienced since he stepped into the practice, and he carried out the most thorough analysis of all the traces left on his mind.

Through this kind of re-perception and thorough analysis, he discovered one weakness after another that his mind had developed in the process of practicing for billions of trillions of years, and eliminated and made up for them one by one.

Before he had this kind of re-realization and thorough analysis, he never knew that his mind had so many weaknesses, that he had developed so many habits that would cause serious consequences once they broke out, and left so many hidden dangers!

However, when he discovered these weaknesses and these new loves, he was shocked and ashamed, but at the same time, the benefits brought to him after making up for and repairing these weaknesses and hidden dangers were quite amazing.

After all kinds of repairs and compensations, Luo Fan at this moment has already felt the feeling of spiritual perfection again.

At this moment, he only felt that his mind was extremely lively. The originally invisible mind seemed to have turned into a ball of mysterious brilliance, as if it was receiving all kinds of mysteries from nowhere at all times. The truth, the mysterious perception.

Under this unspeakable perfection, his perspective of looking at everything around him has completely recovered a perspective that is the purest and most suitable for himself.

This kind of perspective allows him to obtain countless information and mysteries that suit him from the surroundings at all times.

Although during these more than 30 million years, he has not practiced any practice of Taoism or power, but, at some point, his realm of Taoism has already broken through the original block, and at the level of the powerhouse of the Six Tribulations, he has crossed A big step forward.

Faintly, he could even feel the existence of his seventh catastrophe.

With all his efforts and calculations, it has only been more than 30 million years since he survived the sixth catastrophe.

This period of time may be very long for ordinary monks, but for existences at Luo Fan's level, even without his level, even for those who have been robbed, it is not much longer than the blink of an eye for a while.

You must know that each level of Daoist Road represents the realm of a strong man in a certain catastrophe, and the time experienced by monks in each level of Daoist Road has to be calculated in trillions of years or even billions of years. In this way, we can know how much time it will take for a normal monk to cross a realm after being at the level of a strong man.

In this way, in such a period of time, he has pushed his own realm of Taoism one step forward, and even reached the level of being able to touch the seventh catastrophe. This speed of progress can almost be called inverse. God...

If it turned out, Luo Fan at this time would feel that this kind of progress is just the accumulation of the past, and he will be disappointed that it will be difficult to find such a fast progress in the future.

However, after more than 30 million years of re-enlightenment experience and a thorough analysis of the traces of the soul, this kind of emotion did not appear in his heart, but at this time he just showed a satisfied smile.

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