Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2524 Drastic changes

\u003c"readability-styled" style=":inline;"xmlns=""\u003eThe defensive formations of the cave collapsed layer by layer under the impact of the strong monk, allowing him to quickly rush into the depths of the cave.

As a cave opened by a Five Tribulations strongman, even if it is a Five Tribulations strongman whose strength is extremely suppressed, it is by no means a matter of simply opening a hole or building a few buildings.

In this cave, the layers of time and space are like a maze. If this strong monk and this attractive woman were not good friends, and they were both very familiar with their own caves, maybe these layers of time and space alone would be enough to intercept him. Out.

"It's much deeper..." As he continued to go deeper into the cave, a bad premonition flashed through the heart of the strong monk.

Because, he suddenly felt that the time and space in this cave was many times greater than what he knew last time.

The reason why discovering this gave him a bad feeling was simple. Because based on his understanding of the attractive woman, she was not so bored that she made her cave more complicated during her practice...

This is especially true when there are companions like them around the cave.

Since the Kankan woman did not change on her own, it is obvious that there were some changes that the Kankan woman could not control! It is these changes that have caused the changes in this cave and caused the time and space in this person to become more complicated!

And this is obviously a taboo in practice! It almost meant that there was something wrong with her practice. How could he not have such a bad feeling? !

Fortunately, although it is much more complicated, the style remains the same.

Based on the strong monk's understanding of the woman, he did not delay for too long because of this, he had already bypassed these new time and space, directly came to the deepest part of the cave, and directly saw the woman who had been there for a million years. I haven’t seen that attractive woman for a long time.

The moment he saw the attractive woman, the sturdy monk was stunned.

Because, although the woman who appeared in front of him at this moment was still the woman, her essence had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At first glance, it seems to be the same as before, but if you take a closer look, you will find that his body seems to have become made of light. Occasionally, the light fluctuates, making his figure become blurred, and it seems that he will suddenly... It will spread out and lose its normal shape.

"You're here..." At this time, the woman opened her eyes and smiled.

"You've finished it?" the sturdy monk said dryly.

"It's done. The situation is pretty much what I thought." The woman said with a smile.

At this time, she stood up with difficulty. As she made the action of standing up, countless streams of light flashed across his body, and little dots of light scattered in all directions.

These light points touched the surrounding space and time, and began to penetrate into it quickly, causing the time and space to undergo various subtle changes in the process. It seemed that various subtle and peculiar existences were derived, slowly melting into the surroundings, and along this process The rules and regulations of the cave flow and merge into the layers of time and space outside.

Obviously, those previous layers of time and space that were new to the strong monks were born because of this.

The sturdy monk felt disappointed and said: "That's it, that's good, that's good..."

At this time, the good-looking woman's body trembled slightly, and suddenly her figure instantly disappeared, turning into a ball of light that began to expand.

The surrounding caves suffered strong oppression at this moment, and the entire cave began to shake continuously. I don't know how many cracks appeared in the cave at this time, making the cave feel like a fragile thing. It fell everywhere, hitting the ground hard!

At this moment, the sturdy monk couldn't help but protect himself with his prototype of the light of heaven and earth.

In an instant, his prototype of the light of heaven and earth suffered an unimaginable impact. He had countless magical powers.

How much power and how much change burst out at this moment on the surface of his prototype of light of heaven and earth.

Obviously, there was something similar to the light of heaven and earth that impacted hard on his prototype of light of heaven and earth!

"What's wrong?!" At this moment, the strong monk asked anxiously regardless of the impact on his body.

At this time, the light ball transformed by the good-looking woman suddenly began to converge with difficulty. After a while, it converged into a human form again, a normal figure of the good-looking woman!

"It's really difficult to control... Fortunately, I am only the prototype of the Light of Heaven and Earth. If it were the complete Light of Heaven and Earth, I might not be able to control much of my body now." The attractive woman sighed and said.

"..." The sturdy monk was speechless for a moment.

He had already expected that things would not be so smooth and simple, but he did not expect that things would be so troublesome, that a being who was already a strong man in the Five Tribulations could not control his body. This change is obviously a change that he deeply hates.

But, now that things have come to this, what can he do?

"So, what are you going to do now?" After a while, the sturdy monk asked.

At this time, he no longer needed to tell the attractive woman that there were monks who were constantly wreaking havoc on the Tianhu Lake. Judging from the changes in this woman just now, it is clear that the monk was no longer able to control his body after merging with the prototype of the light of heaven and earth. He allowed the instinct of the body to suppress his own reason, and then he began to follow the light of heaven and earth. Instinct continues to rage in this sky lake.

"Of course we will continue to create! The last place of opportunity is good for the perfection of the light of heaven and earth, and it is also good for me. This may be our chance to transcend this embarrassing situation!" The eye-catching woman's eyes brightened.

At the same time, because of her emotional fluctuations, her body fluctuated, which put a strong pressure on the strong monk, so that he had to activate the prototype of the light of heaven and earth again to stabilize it.

"Maybe." After that, he could only sigh helplessly.

Although the attractive woman spoke very confidently, it seemed that she had already seen through all the intentions of the master. However, he always felt that maybe that was not the case...

However, it is obviously useless to say anything at this time.

The Naikan woman has completely merged with the light of heaven and earth at this time. Even if she finds that something is wrong, she cannot look back. Therefore, now it is obvious that we can only expect it according to the thoughts of that attractive woman.

The attractive woman didn't take his uncertainty seriously. With a flick of her hand, the entire cave collapsed instantly and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

The countless things, countless powers, and countless time and space that existed in it did not leave any residue at all under her gentle brush.

The two of them also appeared directly in the lake that day.

Following this change, other monks noticed them instantly, and their eyes changed instantly.

Or surprised, or happy, or excited, or disappointed, or helpless, or indifferent, just to name a few.

At this time, the group of light that was raging in the sky lake seemed to sense something, and its infinite power began to condense towards the beautiful woman quickly, like an overwhelming wave, it crazily flooded her!

Facing these powers, the look of the attractive woman changed.

His figure swelled and instantly expanded a thousand times, turning into a giant. He raised his hand and swatted at the light group.

Under this shot, endless power, infinite time and space, infinite power, and even countless concepts and magical powers emerged crazily, and hundreds of millions of corresponding changes occurred all the time as the existence they faced changed. With the terrifying power of destroying the world, he quickly passed through the barrier of Tianhu, penetrated deeply into the power, strength, and magical power emitted by the light group, and instantly exploded with an earth-shattering reaction, directly blowing the entire world. Bantian Lake was completely annihilated.

"No, he is controlled by instinct, I am no match!" Soon, the attractive woman's expression changed drastically and she shouted.

At this time, the light group had reacted again, and an unknown amount of power had already come around the woman, blasting towards her fiercely.

If it were an ordinary creature, relying on instinct, it would definitely not be able to do anything to a monk of the same level.

After all, although instinct is much stronger than monks of the same level in exerting its own potential. However, instinct is just instinct after all. Without the control of wisdom, the timing of stimulating its own potential is far inferior to that of monks of the same level! In this way, even if the monks of the same level are not as capable as the monks who rely on instinct in stimulating their potential, they can still easily manipulate the monks who rely on instinct through wisdom.

However, it is obvious that the monks who have merged with the prototype of the light of heaven and earth are no longer ordinary monks.

The instinct of the prototype of the light of heaven and earth is the will of heaven and earth!

The instinct of a creature after merging with the prototype of the light of heaven and earth is naturally the will of heaven and earth.

Although the will of heaven and earth is completely different from the will of living beings, and the two cannot even communicate with each other at all, it is still a kind of will and has wisdom.

Such a being's use of power is not even comparable to that of ordinary creatures!

How could there be disadvantages like the instinct of ordinary creatures? !

In this way, the living beings controlled by this instinct will be far stronger than ordinary monks in terms of the effect of the same strength and the control of timing. In addition, its stimulation of one's own potential is stronger than that of ordinary monks. When the two are superimposed, the effect is even more obvious.

For example, at this moment, this attractive woman felt that this monk, who was similar to herself, was already above her, making her unable to resist at all.

At this moment, the woman made a decisive decision, directly rolled up several of her companions, shrunk, and rushed into the void at the core of the sky lake in the blink of an eye!

At this time, the power released by the light had completely destroyed the entire sky lake...

The collapse of the Sky Lake caused violent turbulence in the entire world outside. The void cracked, time was chaotic, and the rules and regulations became a mess. Everything looked like the entire world. In the blink of an eye, it seems like it has fallen into the end of the world!

At this time, the many monks who were originally in the Tianhu Lake were like ants caught in a storm, unable to control themselves at all, and could only float around with the impact.

The scene seemed extremely chaotic.

Of course, although the many monks looked miserable, they were not the focus of the light ball after all. They were just the aftermath of the aftermath. Therefore, the most seriously injured were only seriously injured, and no one died.

However, those caves left in the Tianhu Lake suffered a bad fate.

I don’t know how many monks who were practicing had to wake up from their practice because their caves were destroyed.

There were even a few who were almost obsessed with the disturbance and almost swallowed up by the prototype of the light of the world.

"Don't run..." At this time, a hoarse voice full of boundless murderous intent came from the light.

With this voice, the light began to quickly converge towards a void in the center of the core of the Tianhu Lake, and in a blink of an eye it had rushed into it and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, it was chasing the good-looking woman!

As the light disappeared, the terrifying oppression it originally released disappeared without a trace.

The Sky Lake that had collapsed and dissipated due to his methods began to condense rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it had already returned to its normal state and was suspended again at the most special point at the junction of the two areas of heaven and earth.

As the Sky Lake returned to its position, the world that had originally seemed to be in the end of the world began to stabilize again. The chaotic time was smoothed out again, the broken space was mended again, and the tangled rules and laws were reorganized. In just a few short breaths, everything was restored as if nothing had happened.

Only those creatures who died in the drastic changes just now could not be resurrected.

Many cultivators looked at each other. After a long while, a cultivator suddenly remembered something and began to rush quickly towards the core of the center of the Sky Lake and rushed directly into the void.

With the actions of these cultivators, other cultivators also woke up from a dream and began to realize what they should do now. They began to rush towards the void from all directions at the same speed and rushed into it in the blink of an eye.

In just a dozen breaths, this Heavenly Lake had become empty again, with no cultivators left.

Only the ruined caves were left floating in the Heavenly Lake, waiting for later generations to discover these relics, to ponder how these relics came into being, and to ponder what incredible and unimaginable war had happened in this Heavenly Lake long ago...

And because of the movement coming from this Heavenly Lake, many creatures in this world unconsciously focused their attention from all over to the location of this Heavenly Lake.

There are many cultivators in this world, and there will eventually be some with strong deduction and perception abilities who can discover the source of the apocalyptic change just now...

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