Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2936 Perception Mirror

Everything in this time and space seems to be in a semi-finished state at this time. Everything seems to have a complete template, but everything has not been truly built according to that template.

Instead, it was as if various things were taken out from the template and placed in the positions specified by the template. They seemed extremely scattered, but vaguely seemed to follow a certain rule very strictly.

Although Luo Fan has entered this time and space at this time, there is still some indescribable gap between him and this time and space.

Although everything in this time and space is seen by him.

However, it is almost impossible for him to get involved.

Just like at this time, where he was standing, space and time completely ignored him, and continued to gather, condense, and stabilize according to the state when he did not exist.

Except for time and space, rules, energy, matter, etc., almost everything else treats him as if he does not exist...

In this case, how can we not see that this time and space and him are almost independent of each other? !

Luo Fan's heart moved slightly, he stepped forward lightly, and his figure had already arrived at the core of this time and space.

Any piece of time and space, a world, a world, must have a core existence.

It's just that in different time and space, different worlds, different worlds, the attitude towards the core will be different. Some time and space, worlds or worlds regard the core as the most important point, and place the most important things and existence in the core. Others just treat it as the most ordinary position and do not place anything special in it. And some are somewhere in between...

But this piece of time and space is the first type.

That is, a time and space that places the most important things at its core!

At this time, Luo Fan came directly to the core and saw at a glance a strange ethnic group brewing in it.

That's right, it's not a strong person or a magic weapon, but a group of people!

The number of this ethnic group is quite astonishing. Just the number of people it has derived now would need to be calculated in hundreds of billions.

At this time, the creatures in this ethnic group are densely sleeping in this core.

It looks like a dead thing.

However, Luo Fan could clearly feel the terrifying energy contained in these creatures, as well as the wonderful qualities that resonated with the outside world.

Looking at these creatures, Luo Fan had a clear understanding in his heart.

If this great world has an innate Tao body, its appearance may be the same as the images of these creatures in front of him at this time.

This kind of creature that resonates with the outside world and seems to be able to mobilize the infinite power contained in the outside world with every breath, can only be possessed by the innate Tao body that is extremely in tune with the world. Moreover, it is not the kind of ordinary innate Tao body that does not have power, but the kind of trait that has been stimulated to the limit and can only be obtained after using it to its peak.

Luo Fan looked at the group in front of him at this time, with an inexplicable look on his face.

This piece of time and space is just one of the countless hundreds of billions of time and space that is brewing now.

The ethnic group here is obviously just one of the countless hundreds of billions of ethnic groups - at this time, he can naturally only regard other time and space as being similar to the time and space in front of him...

Therefore, solving this time and space and this group alone does not actually make much sense.

The most important thing should be to understand the characteristics of these groups, the characteristics of these time and space, and finally summarize the means that can easily solve them.

Only by summarizing the means, can he use a short enough time to deal with all these time and space before they are fully brewed, and eliminate the will of heaven and earth that will develop to what extent in the future!

With a conclusion in mind, Luo Fan naturally no longer hesitated.

His heart moved slightly, and his perception began to cover the core of the time and space in front of him, and he began to go deeper and deeper, constantly digging into the inside of the core, and even deeper into the inside of the group, to understand their essence.

First of all, it is natural to find out why the will of heaven and earth wants to derive them. What threats can these ethnic groups pose to themselves?

Secondly, it is to find its weaknesses and find out what kind of method can be used to completely eliminate this group of people, as well as this time and space...

His perception continued to deepen, and endless information began to flow towards him through his perception.

After all, these creatures are just being derived. Since they are being derived, they must have various stages. Some have derived to 10%, some have derived to 30%, some have derived to 70% to 80%, some have derived to 90%...

In this way, as long as you are willing, you can naturally know clearly what the entire derivation process of these ethnic groups is like.

And knowing this is naturally equivalent to knowing a lot.

Regarding the power of this ethnic group, the nature of this ethnic group, etc., of course, we have already grasped the thread.

At this time, Luo Fan used this method to continuously dig deeper into the secrets and essence of the creatures in this ethnic group.

As he learned more and more about the creatures in this group, he gradually discovered the secrets that bypassed this group's original protection of time and space. In other words, the secret guarded by the will of heaven and earth.

"I see..." At a certain moment, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

Then, the perception suddenly rose to an indescribable height, vaguely matching some extremely fundamental fluctuation frequency in the level of reality.

In an instant, the time and space in front of us, which seemed to be separated by a layer, and the ethnic group became extremely clear in an instant.

A subtle breeze swept through this time and space following his perception.

Just in the blink of an eye, the originally smooth derivation process of this piece of time and space began to have many twists and turns.

Many things that were originally supposed to be perfectly formed lost their original positions after this breeze passed, making the final things become crooked.

Even the rules and regulations caused unspeakable chaos after this breeze swept away.

Rules and laws have an extremely profound impact on time and space, the world, and heaven and earth. Just a little chaos is enough to cause earth-shaking changes in time, space, the world, and heaven and earth.

At this time, under the rules and regulations disturbed by the breeze, the entire space and time began to make rattling sounds, as if it was already overwhelmed, as if it would completely collapse in the next moment.

The originally seemingly discrete but actually orderly derivation process became completely chaotic at this time.

At a glance, there is almost nothing that can be dealt with in the entire time and space.

Whether it is time and space or energy, whether it is rules or laws, or creatures, doubts are among the many dead things that are becoming more and more distorted at this time.

"Boom..." Thunder suddenly came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable oppression suddenly enveloped this area of ​​time and space.

In this oppression, Luo Fan could feel the familiar smell, the familiar smell that belonged to the will of heaven and earth!

When he looked outside, he found a huge vortex enveloping this piece of time and space.

In it, streams of indescribable power are constantly being born, injecting into this space and time, constantly smoothing out the chaos that was originally disturbed by the sensory breeze.

That is obviously the will of heaven and earth of the great world, and it is also suspected to be the incarnation of the will of the calamity level, and even the existence of the incarnation of the will that simulates the state of chaos...

At the same time, Luo Fan felt a feeling of being locked from the bottom of his heart.

"Still haven't learned the lesson." At this time, Luo Fan sighed.

With this sigh, he raised his hand and pointed forward.

In just an instant, the unknown hundreds of billions of creatures sleeping in the core of space and time ahead completely collapsed in an instant. In just a blink of an eye, they were transformed from their original dense state into nothingness.

A piece of nothingness where even the slightest bit of smoke or powder cannot be found!

If someone knew about the existence of many creatures in this group before, he would find that his memory of that group is gradually becoming blurry.

Obviously, that ethnic group's own entity was not just erased.

Even the concept of the ethnic group and the essence of the ethnic group itself have been completely erased!

As changes occurred in the core of space and time, the entire space and time began to vibrate violently.

The integrity of time and space that was originally maintained by the will of heaven and earth completely disappeared at this moment. The entire space and time was full of cracks, fragments, and chaos.

Everything that was originally born from nothingness was destroyed again at this time and returned to nothingness.

Seeing this scene, the will of heaven and earth finally gave up its efforts to maintain this time and space.

However, even if he gave up this time and space, he did not let Luo Fan go. If he condensed further and directly destroyed this time and space with himself, he would have shrunk to Luo Fan's surroundings in the blink of an eye, that is, he would become Zuo is just a state that surrounds Luo Fan!

This vortex itself is the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth. It itself represents this great world and its power represents the power of heaven and earth.

Judging from the size of this world, even if this world's will is just an incarnation, it is tens of millions of times stronger than any of the world's pioneers.

At this time, although Luo Fan's incarnation was much more powerful than the ordinary pioneers of heaven and earth, after all, it only belonged to the category of pioneers of heaven and earth. Facing the whirlpool that enveloped him in front of him, in terms of pure strength, he seemed extremely insignificant.

At this time, the pressure that originally acted on the entire space and time has been condensed around Luo Fan's body, and its intensity has increased by countless times.

The rattling sound that was originally emitted by space and time itself now came from Luo Fan's body.

This kind of sound is a sign that the time and space in his body, his body structure, and even his will are overwhelmed under this kind of oppression and are about to gradually collapse!

Faced with such a situation, the original Luo Fan could only rely on the three-legged round tripod condensed with the power related to the true saint to release the suppressive power to fight.

However, he obviously had more choices at this time.

His heart moved slightly, and his perceptions quickly gathered in front of him, turning into a mirror in the blink of an eye.

After this mirror appeared, it emitted countless rays of light.

This light pierced through everything around him. Under this kind of light, the terrifying oppression melted completely like ice and snow encountering the sun.

As the pressure melted away, Luo Fan felt relaxed all over his body. The rattling sound that was constantly coming from inside his body disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, the will of heaven and earth flickered slightly, and unspeakable rays of light shot towards him from all directions, like countless sharp arrows.

Facing these rays of light, the light emitted by the sensory mirror was unable to gain the slightest advantage. Under that light, the constant collapse and explosion filled his body with endless shock waves. This endless shock wave gathered in one place, making the surroundings seem to be transformed into chaos.

"If it were before, this method would have left me helpless. But now..." Luo Fan sneered at this time.

His perception mirror is a change derived from his perception matching a certain fundamental wave frequency of this level of reality. Although it is just a mirror made of condensed perceptions, in fact, it already contains its own experience of the characteristics of this level of reality.

It can be said that this is already one of the pinnacle achievements of his previous use of dimensions.

Such an achievement, at the beginning, before he launched the move against the residence of the will of heaven and earth, would definitely have a very strong effect on the will of heaven and earth.

However, ever since he made that move that freed the area surrounding his heaven and earth for countless trillions of light-years from the shackles of the will of heaven and earth, it is obvious that it is no longer too strong for the will of heaven and earth. The effect is gone. After all, this perception mirror seems to have no similarity with that move, but the essence of the two is similar. They both simply rely on some basic characteristics of some levels to act...

However, the level used by the move that freed that area from the shackles of the will of heaven and earth was from other levels, levels that did not belong to the reality level. But the mirror of perception in front of us relies on this level of reality...

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