Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2940 Division

Immediately afterwards, the invisible palm emerged from the void and pressed down on him slowly but quickly.

At the moment when the invisible palm appeared, the sense of crisis increased a thousand times, and it even felt as if this sense of crisis alone was enough to make most monks lose control of themselves.

This is the palm that wiped away the dragon before!

At this moment, Luo Fan had a clear understanding in his heart.

And why this palm appeared, he instantly understood the reason. This palm, however, was completely based on the connection between the divine dragon and Luo Fan, directly traced back to the source, directly broke through time and space, and found the origin of Luo Fan's body from the end!

At this time, he was directly planning to attack Luo Fan's body.

At this moment, Luo Fan just shook the mirror in his hand slightly, and countless phantoms appeared on the mirror, each rising into the sky and rushing straight towards the invisible palm. In the blink of an eye, he had already collided with the palm. One place.

These phantoms are naturally the product of the combination of dimensions and levels that the mirror can control.

Different shadows are different combination methods.

Normally speaking, even if a hostile force can resist a certain number of phantoms, that is, it can resist a certain combination of dimensions and levels, it is impossible to resist all phantoms.

However, at this time, these many phantoms hit the invisible palm above, just like the breeze hitting the wall. Even ripples were not stirred out, and they were already hardened by the invisible palm. It was crushed so hard that it didn't even have the ability to slow down the invisible palm even a little bit. The palm was still the same as before, pressing down slowly and quickly, constantly closing the distance between Luo Fan and Luo Fan. distance!

"Good guy." Luo Fan couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

However, it was obviously impossible for him to give up just now. His heart moved slightly, and his own way of combining dimensions and levels continued to emerge in his heart. Various wisdom auras were constantly born in his heart. The mirror of perception in his hand was During this process, corresponding changes occurred at the same time, and various inexplicable images continued to appear inside the mirror.

As the image on the mirror changes, the surrounding dimensions are continuously divided. The level of reality that originally had no dimensions has been divided into thousands of dimensions in the blink of an eye.

With the help of layers, dividing dimensions no longer requires the help of the power of the light of heaven and earth.

At each level,

Itself is an existence corresponding to the level of reality.

Although there are so many levels, in fact, each level itself is as vast and as powerful as the reality level!

Under such circumstances, the potential possessed by any level is obviously not comparable to the light of heaven and earth.

Therefore, what the light of heaven and earth can do, as long as the right method is used, other levels can also do it!

The same is true for this method of dividing reality into dimensions.

Moreover, compared to what the light of heaven and earth can do, it is actually easier to use other levels to divide the reality level.

After all, dividing dimensions itself is somewhat similar to layer structure.

In other words, the two naturally have some indescribable connection.

This connection makes the communication of power and power between the two naturally extremely smooth.

In this way, if you want to use the power of other levels to enhance the ability to divide dimensions, it is obviously many times easier than calling the power of that level to do other things.

At this time, Luo Fan's role was nothing more than an introduction.

He is just equivalent to strengthening and expanding the naturally existing connections between other levels and dimensions.

After that, how to strengthen the ability of dimensional division at that level and how to improve the effect of dimensional division are just the results of the release of the power of those levels.

Thousands of dimensions were divided, and Luo Fan seemed to be in thousands of dimensions at the same time at this moment. Among them, in each dimension, there were only thousands of people facing his enemies. Just one in ten thousand.

Under his division, everything around him seemed to become much thinner.

Even the whole body composed of a large number of derivatives around it has been divided into thousands of completely different parts at this time, some of which even directly expose their most vulnerable weaknesses. Blooming in front of Luo Fan, as long as he is willing, with a little force in that dimension, he can easily destroy the fragile weakness, and then completely destroy the entire derivative!

This method seems to be much rougher than before when he directly used multiple constructions of dimensions and levels to swallow up and destroy the entire malice. In terms of technique, it seems to have gone backwards.

But, in fact, compared to the original, the effect of this method on the enemy is countless times stronger now!

If this crude method is just a simple combination of one or two levels and dimensions, then naturally it is completely impossible to explain. However, when the number increases to tens of thousands, the situation is obviously completely different.

Once it reaches a large scale, this kind of attack method, which was originally rough or even crude, instantly turns into a powerful flow and becomes irresistible!

At this time, Luo Fan was even confident. If he had understood this method before, the will of heaven and earth would never have been able to find a way to solve his method so easily.

After all, the will of heaven and earth cannot truly communicate with other levels. For him, if he wants to intercept Luo Fan's various magical methods with the help of other levels, he can only achieve his goal through indirect methods. Otherwise, why would Luo Fan do it every time? Only after using it once can you think of a way to prevent this method?

Since indirect methods are used, the reaction cannot be very fast.

Thousands of attack methods appear at the same time, each of which requires a huge amount of effort to intercept. Even the will of heaven and earth cannot resist it so easily.

What's more, what Luo Fan is doing now is just the beginning.

That level is endless!

In other words, if he wanted it, the thousands of dimensions now available would definitely be able to increase it hundreds of times, or even billions of times!

For Luo Fan, all he needs to do to double the number of dimensions is to strengthen and expand the connections between more layers and dimensions. The power and energy required does not really require much. After that, how that level supports the dimension, how to help the dimension vent its power, etc., are all matters between that level and the dimension.

However, compared to the existence that resists this kind of dimensional division, if you want to eliminate these offensives, each additional type will require the energy required to be doubled.

If this evolution continues, it is obvious that Luo Fan can only win in the end...

At this time, the thousands of dimensions directly divided the space-time where Luo Fan was located, causing the space-time within an unknown number of light-years around him to be divided into thousands of layers.

The whole created by the surrounding derivatives is nothing to Luo Fan.

After completely destroying its malicious intent before, this whole group no longer poses a threat to him.

At this time, his focus was on the invisible palm above him that was pressing down on him!

The sense of danger brought to him by that palm was too strong!

In fact, this sense of danger was so strong that he suspected that if his incarnation here was destroyed, his own body might be implicated and severely damaged.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly impossible for his focus to shift from the palm in front of him to other beings.

Facing this method of dimensional division, ripples flashed round and round on the invisible palm.

These ripples started from various positions and covered every inch of the skin of the huge palm. After intertwining together, they made it look so chaotic and ugly...

However, this palm blocked this method of dimensional division!

The dimensional division method that was originally able to divide almost anything was unable to really work on the palm at this time, unable to truly cut into the palm, unable to truly divide the palm into countless dimensions!

Facing this situation, Luo Fan's eyes froze.

The change in front of him made him feel a little shocked.

You know, even if it is the will of heaven and earth, it is just because its size is too large, far beyond the scope of his dimensional division, so he cannot solve it at once.

However, the method in front of him was obviously a creation of the will of heaven and earth. Faced with this method of dimensional division, it actually had such defensive capabilities. How could he not be shocked? !

At this moment, he had countless associations with the nature of the palm in front of him.

This process may not be short, but in fact, the entire process takes less than a moment. If it is an ordinary living being, its reaction ability cannot even distinguish this moment.

Of course, it is obvious that for Luo Fan, who can equate trillions of years with a moment, this moment is enough for him to make countless reactions, even enough for him to have an inspiration, and then use this inspiration Push it to the extreme, and finally turn it into your own magical means to use against the enemy...

At this time, even though the protective ability and attack power displayed by the invisible palm were both unimaginably powerful and terrifying, for Luo Fan, he did not wait desperately for the palm to press down and wipe him out. go.

"There are ripples, which means that the attack is actually effective. It's just that the power is too weak, so it has no effect." At this time, he was very clear in his heart.

The ripples caused by the dimensional division are clearly the result of the interaction between the dimensional division and the invisible palm. The emergence of this result also represents the fact that that elemental division has actually caused some damage to the invisible palm. It's just that the damage is nothing compared to the protective ability of the invisible palm itself, which makes this attack only manifested in such a ripple manner.

Now that this is confirmed, it is obvious that the next thing to do is to strengthen this attack...

As long as this attack continues to increase to a certain level, then these ripples will inevitably be strong enough to completely separate the invisible palm, completely separate the palm!

Coincidentally, at this time, it was not difficult for Luo Fan to strengthen the means of that yuan division.

At this moment, his heart moved slightly. The perception mirror in his hand suddenly trembled and suddenly increased a thousand times. From the original appearance of an ordinary bronze mirror, it directly turned into a huge copper surface that covered the sky and the sun.

With this change, all kinds of inexplicable shadows suddenly burst out from Luo Fan.

The number of these phantoms was extremely large. After they exploded, they dissipated directly into the invisible space, as if they had never appeared before.

At the same time as this change occurred, those dimensions that were originally only tens of thousands of dimensions suddenly increased hundreds of times. From the original number of less than 10,000, they grew to nearly 100 million in the blink of an eye!

At this time, Luo Fan couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Even if it is not difficult to expand the connection between a certain level and the dimension, when the number increases to a certain level, directly reaching the order of nearly 100 million, the accumulation of subtle pressure is extremely considerable.

At this time, Luo Fan clearly felt how strong the terrifying pressure that invisible pressure was released towards him from many dimensions was.

Under this kind of pressure, it can be said that he was able to block this pressure entirely by relying on the material of the incarnation itself. If it weren't for the fact that the material of his incarnation itself is a kind of power that is almost related to the true saint, this pressure alone may be enough to completely crush his incarnation...

After paying such a high price and enduring such strong pressure, the effect of this attack method is quite impressive.

At this time, the many ripples on the invisible palm were so dense that the invisible palm gradually lost its shape.

Under such terrifying ripples, the invisible palms looked like countless palms trying their best to overlap each other, but due to some restrictions, they were unable to overlap perfectly, and there were some subtle deviations between them. Form the first overall image!

Luo Fan knows very well what this image represents...


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